ATCAA Early Head Start/Head Start/State Preschool/General Child Care Child’s Name: ___________________________ Behavior Guidance Early Head Start, Head Start, State Preschool and General Child Care programs promote positive, respectful and considerate behavior in children. When a child behaves in a way that poses a threat to themselves, other children or staff, the parent or designee may be required to spend time with the child at the site or take the child home for the remainder of the day. In addition a Student Study Team, consisting of the parent or designee, pertinent Early Childhood Services (ECS) staff, and a mental health consultant, will be established to develop a behavior plan to ensure success for the child and overall safety within the program. This may include “modifying” or limiting the days and hours a child attends the program. The Student Study Team will continue to convene as necessary to ensure that the child’s needs are being met and the child is a successful participant in the program. Initial: ___________ Mandated Reporting Requirement All ECS staff members are Mandated Reporters and required by the State of California to report any suspected child abuse or neglect. Mandated Reporters must report known or suspected abuse immediately to Child Welfare/Protective Services. A mandated reporter who fails to report an instance of known or suspected child abuse or neglect is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable by jail time of no more than six months, and or a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or both. All reports are confidential. Initial: ___________ Parental Release to Photograph I give permission for my child, ________________________________ to be photographed during program activities. I understand that these photographs may be used for classroom displays, socializations or scrapbooks. Photographs may also be used by ECS in promotional materials to inform the public about Early Head Start, Head Start, State Preschool and General Child Care. You are under no obligation to sign these consents and refusal will not affect services received from ATCAA ECS. Initial: ___________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________ Staff Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________ Review: ____________ Revised 4/5/13 Review: ____________