World History_11_Hinish: Marking Period 1 COURSE: World History GRADE: 11 BIG IDEA: How has world history impacted who we are and what we are becoming as a global society? Timeline (By Marking Period and Week) Essential Questions:EQ (What concepts should students remember and WHY?) Content/Concept (What do your students need to KNOW?) Assessment (How will you assess what your students ALREADY KNOW, and assess WHAT THEY’VE LEARNED?) Skills (What discrete subject matter competencies do students need to DEMONSTRATE?) Resources (What MATERIALS will teachers need?) MP-1 Weeks 1-2 EQ: What moral and ethical principles influence societies and why? -Democracy -Religion (e.g., monotheism, polytheism, Judaism, Christianity) Quizzes, Chapter Tests Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning SWBAT: Identify/analyze key concepts relating to moral/ethical principles that influence societies by reading/writing/liste ning/ speaking World History: The Human Experience Chapter 10-14 Weeks 3-4 EQ: How did the ideas of the Renaissance lead to exploration, reformation and democracy? -Natural Rights -Magna Carta -Divine Right/Absolutism -English Bill of Rights -Enlightenment philosophers (e.g., Locke, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Bolivar) -Adam Smith (laissez-faire) -Declaration of Independence Quizzes, Chapter Tests Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning SWBAT: Identify/ analyze key concepts relating to the ideas of Enlightenment and how those ideas lead to the emergence of democracy by reading/writing/liste ning and speaking. World History: The Human Experience Chapters 16-18 -U.S. Bill of Rights -Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen -Constitution -The Three Estates -Tennis Court Oath -Fall of Bastille -French Revolution -Reign of Terror/Robespierre Quizzes, Chapter Tests Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning SWBAT: identify/analyze key concepts relating to ways people throughout history have struggled to gain political power by reading/writing/liste ning/speaking World History:The Human Experience Chapters 20-22 Weeks 5-6 EQ: How have people throughout history struggled to gain political power? Week 7-9 EQ: How did governments/society struggle to maintain political power? -Napoleon -Napoleonic Code -Concert of Europe -Congress of Vienna Quizzes, Chapter Tests Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning SWBAT: Identify/ analyze key concepts relating to how governments/societi es struggle to maintain political power by reading/writing/liste ning/speaking World History: The Human Experience Chapter 23- 24 Industrial Revolution -Why Britain first? -Agriculture Revolution -Key inventors & inventions (James Watt) -Charles Darwin -Charles Dickens -Urbanization -Changing class structures -Development of economic ideas (e.g. the “isms”) Quizzes, Chapter Tests Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning SWBAT: Identify/analyze key concepts relating to how science and technology drive “revolutionary” change in the way people live and work by reading/writing/listeni ng/ speaking World History: The Human Experience Chapters 25-26 Marking Period 2 Weeks1-2 Weeks 3 EQ: How do science and technology drive “revolutionary” change in the way people live and work? EQ: What patterns of global changes caused nations to compete for natural resources and strategic advantage over other nations? -Social Darwinism -Berlin Conference -British Empire (e.g. Gandhi, Sepoy Rebellion) -Civil Disobedience -Western influence in China and Japan ( Boxer Rebellion) Quizzes,Chapter Test Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning SWBAT: Identify/ analyze key concepts relating to how nations compete for natural resources and strategic advantages over other nations by reading/writing/listenin g/ speaking World History: The Human Experience Chapters 27 Weeks 4-6 Weeks 7-9 EQ: What were the causes and effects of WW1? EQ1: How did WW1 and its peace treaties contribute to the rise of dictators and set the stage for WW2? Short-term: (assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand) Long-term Alliances and the “isms” -New technology’s strategic effect on war-propaganda Quizzes, Chapter Tests Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning SWBAT: Identify/ analyze key concepts relating to the causes and course of WW1 by reading/writing/listenin g/ speaking World History : The Human Experience Chapter 28 -The Big Four -Paris Peace Conference/Treaty of Versailles -Fourteen Points -International economic depression Quizzes, Chapter Tests Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning SWBAT: Identify/analyze key concepts relating to how WWI and it’s peace treaties contributed to the rise of dictators and set the stage for WW2 by reading/writing/listening/ speaking World History: The Human Experience Chapter 29 -Russian Revolution (Lenin, Stalin) -Rise of dictators (e.g. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Hirohito, Franco) -Fascism & Totalitarianism -Anti-Semitism (e.g. Nuremberg laws,Kristallnacht) Quizzes, Chapter Tests Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning SWBAT: Identify/analyze key concepts relating to how a totalitarian system can violate human rights and still sustain power by reading/ writing/listening/speaking World History: The Human Experience Chapter 30 i Marking od 3 3 Weeks 1-3 EQ1: How can a totalitarian system violate human rights and still sustain power? Weeks: 4-6 Weeks 7-9 EQ1: What were the causes and consequences of WWII? EQ1: How has international rivalry between superpowers and growing nationalism in developing countries led to major conflicts in the Cold War? -Munich Conference (Appeasement) -Drive for Empire (Europe and Asia) -Alliances -Isolationism -Blitzkrieg -Human costs of the war -Pacific and European theaters -Total War -Cold War -Arms Race -Containment -Iron Curtain -NATO -Truman Doctrine -Korean and Vietnam Wars - Key communist leaders -Collapse of Communism Berlin Wall, Gorbachev Quizzes, Chapter Tests Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning Quizzes, Chapter Tests Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning SWBAT: Identify/analyze key concepts relating to the causes and consequences of WWII by reading/writing/listening and speaking SWBAT: Identify/analyze key concepts relating to how international rivalry between superpowers and grouping nationalism in developing countries led to major conflicts in the Cold War by reading/writing/ listening/speaking World History: The Human Experience Chapter 31 World History: The Human Experience Chapters 32 Curriculum Map: Marking Period 4 Weeks 1-3 EQ1: Why is the quest for national self-determination so universal? -China -Tiananmen Square -Middle East -Bosnia -Croatia -Africa Quizzes, Chapter Tests Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning SWBAT: Identify/ analyze key concepts relating to the quest for national and selfdetermination and why it is universal through reading/writing/ listening/speaking World History: The Human Experience Chapters 33-34 Weeks 4-5 EQ1: How has religious and ethnic identity led to conflict in the Middle East? -Yasir Arafat -Palestine -Israel -Arab Spring -Syria -Iraq -Iran -Saudi Arabia -Egypt - Yom Kippur War -Libya -al Qaida -Osama bin Laden -ISIS/ISIL Quizzes, Chapter Tests Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning SWBAT: Identify/ analyze key concepts relating to the lack of development of a national identity in middle eastern nations and the rise of a desire for the establishment of a religious caliphate by religious extremists through reading/writing/ listening/speaking World History: The Human Experience Chapters 35 Weeks 6-7 EQ1: How has democracy advanced in Latin America since 1980 and what role does economic development play in the politics of the western hemisphere? -the Caribbean -Mexico -Cuba -Brazil -Central America -Argentina -South America -Fidel Castro -Cuban Missile Crisis -Nicaragua -Sandinistas -Cartels Quizzes, Chapter Tests Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning SWBAT: Identify/ analyze key concepts relating to the advancement of democracy amidst the chaos of conflicts in Central and South America through reading/writing/ listening/speaking World History: The Human Experience Chapters 36 Weeks 8-9 EQ1: How have recent advances in technology affected world cultures and led to global interdependence? -Computers -Internet -Mikail Gorbachev -Boris Yeltsin -Nonproliferation -Lech Walesa -Yugoslavia -European Union -NATO -International Space Station -Steve Jobs -Bill Gates -Nelson Mandela Quizzes, Chapter Tests Notebooks Binders Assignments Class Discussion Oral Questioning SWBAT: Identify/ analyze key concepts relating to the increasing importance of globalization in dealing with world problems through reading/writing/ listening/speaking World History: The Human Experience Chapters 37