Study Guide for Chinese III/IV – Classroom terms Bonus: Name in Chinese characters (5 points) 一、 聽寫 listen, choose the phrase and write down the Chinese characters. There will be total 5 phrases chosen from the following. (10 points) ( ) Hello ( ) class begin ( ) Chinese language ( ) class dismiss ( ) teacher ( ) we ( ) good bye ( ) very good ( ) thanks ( ) correct 二、翻譯 Translation - Chinese to English. There are total 5 phrases or sentences chosen from the list of classroom terms.(10 points) For example: 1. 請你跟著我說. 2. 不知道 考試 Comprehension Test for Classroom 中文名字: ( 5 points) Total Points earned: 一、聽寫 Listen, choose the phrase and write down the English meaning. (5 points) ( ) 你好 ( ) 上课 ( ) 中文 ( ) 下课 ( ) 老师 ( ) 我 ( ) 再見 ( ) 很好 ( ) 谢谢 ( ) 对了 二、翻譯 Translation - Chinese to English. (10 points) 1. (__)中文怎麼說? 2. 請你跟著我說. 3. 懂了嗎? 4. 不懂. 5. 現在下課了. 考試 Comprehension Test for Lesson 1 & 2 中文姓名: Total Points: 一、聽寫 listen, choose the phrase and write down English meaning (5 points) ( ) 你好 ( ) 你們 ( ) 老師 ( ) 我們 ( ) 同學 ( ) 他們 ( ) 他是 ( ) 我是 ( ) 再見 ( ) 謝謝 二、翻譯 Translation - Chinese to English/English to Chinese (30 points) 1. 他是林老師。 2. 老師好! 3. 同學們早! 4. 明天見! 5. 他不是李老師。 三、是非題 True or False (20 points) 1. ( ) There is a common element in the characters 你他們, which is 人。 2. ( ) In Chinese, the family name is placed first followed by the given name. 3. ( ) The Chinese consider a woman bearing a child (especially a girl) to be good. 4. ( ) If your Chinese teacher’s surname is 日, you should call your teacher 老師日 5. ( ) The Pronunciation system currently used in China is Pinyin. (Continue on reverse page) 四、填充題, fill in the blanks with Chinese characters base on the given English meanings (20 points) Moon/month Sky Hand Rain Water Fire Big Medium Female Son 考試 Comprehension Test for Lesson 1 & 2 中文姓名: (Chinese name: 5 bonus points) Total Points: 一、聽寫 listen and write down English meaning (30 points) ( ) 你好 ( ) 你们 ( ) 老师 ( ) 我们 ( ) 同学 ( ) 他们 ( ) 明天 ( ) 我是 ( ) 再見 ( ) 谢谢 二、翻譯 Translation - Chinese to English/English to Chinese (30 points) 6. 他是林老师 7. 老师好 8. 同学们早 9. 明天見 10. 他不是李老师 ? 三、是非題 True or False (20 points) 1. ( ) There is a common element in the characters 你他们, which is 人。 2. ( ) In Chinese, the family name is placed first followed by the given name. 3. ( ) The Chinese consider a woman bearing a child (especially a girl) to be good. 4. ( ) Your Chinese teacher’s surname is 日, you should call your teacher 老师日 5. ( ) The Pronunciation system currently used in China is Pinyin. (Continue on reverse page) 四、填充題, fill in the blanks with Chinese characters base on the given English meanings (20 points) Moon/month Sky Hand Rain Water Fire Big Medium Female Son