EDCI 526: Advanced Educational Psychology Spring 2013 3 credits Instructor: Office Location: Moscow Campus, COE Phone: (208) 885Email: @uidaho.edu Office Hours: Reasonable accommodations are available for students who have documented temporary or permanent disabilities. All accommodations must be approved through Disability Support Services located in the Idaho Commons Building, Room 306 in order to notify your instructor(s) as soon as possible regarding accommodation(s) needed for the course. 885-6307 email at dss@uidaho.edu website at www.access.uidaho.edu College Vision The College of Education envisions being a leading, diverse, nationally recognized educational community. Our caring faculty members and innovative curriculum are: Preparing professionals through integrated programs grounded in research Generating and evaluating knowledge through disciplinary and interdisciplinary scholarship Informing professional practice and community life through the exchange and utilization of knowledge Together, our college community is achieving this vision through a culture of openness, innovation, and collaboration. College Mission The College of Education enriches lives by advancing excellence in research and practice in education, leadership, and applied human arts and sciences (adopted January 27, 2005). Conceptual Framework University of Idaho educators CARE. Together we develop as scholar practitioners who value and professionally apply and advance: Cultural Proficiency; Assessment, Teaching, and Learning; Reflective Scholarship & Practice; and, Engagement in Community Building & Partnerships. Course Description EDCI 526 Examination of selected psychological theories as applied to classroom management, values education, instructional and motivational strategies, learning and cognitive styles, gender differences, and related educational research. 1 Hardware, Software, and Student Expertise with Technology: Given that this is an online course and that students know when they enroll that this is an online course, the instructor and the University of Idaho assume that each student in the course has sufficient technical expertise and adequate access to appropriate hardware and software to be successful in the course. Neither the course instructor nor UI assumes or accepts responsibility for any student’s inability to use the technology this course requires for success. Students who have technical difficulties of any type or questions regarding hardware or software should contact the UI Help Desk www.helpdesk.uidaho.edu 208-885 help (4357). Goals for Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Students and Course Objectives: Philosophy and Educational Organizations – CI Masters degree graduates have a comprehensive understanding of the philosophical, historical, social, political and cultural understanding of schools and society. o Course Objective – Examine major psychological theories and how they have influenced contemporary educational thought and practice Curriculum – CI Masters degree graduates understand that curriculum should be relevant, engaging, challenging, and integrative for the learner. They know how to select, adapt and reflect on theories and engage in reflective practices in light of curriculum standards, theories, models and learners. o Course Objective – Implement, theory based strategies that are relevant, engaging, challenging and integrative Instruction – CI Masters degree graduates understand the principles of instruction know a wide variety of teaching strategies and learning theories and incorporate relevant technologies while teaching core concepts, skills of inquiry, problem posing/solving, collaboration, and communication to facilitate student learning. o Course Objectives – Examine and summarize the psychological research related to instruction Assessment and Evaluation – CI Masters degree graduates analyze and understand the various roles of multiple types of assessments for monitoring, evaluating and responding to student learning; they understand, develop, use and critique formal, informal, and performance assessment techniques, including local, state, and national assessment systems to improve student learning. o Course Objective – Examine the current psychological research on assessment Research – CI Masters degree graduates, as critical consumers of educational research, appreciate the role of educational research for informing practice. M.Ed. graduates develop the skills to conduct classroom research. M.S. graduates, as producers of educational research, collect and analyze data, and formally share their research findings. o Course Objective – Review, summarize and present current psychological research Diversity – CI Masters degree graduates understand human diversity as a valued component of educational systems; understand how to appropriately engage with diverse population; effectively structure learning experiences with diverse population; and effectively engage with diverse populations of students, parents, and colleagues. o Course Objective – Examine psychological aspects of student diversity Subject Knowledge – CI Masters degree students demonstrate their knowledge of the content that they teach through the admissions requirements and/or through content coursework that is included in the degree. o Course Objective – Understand, comprehend and apply the current psychological research Course Learning Outcomes: At the end of the semester students will be able to: Identify theories of cognitive development and apply one to a student. Identify and implement memory strategy and measure the effectiveness of its use. Identify and implement a motivation strategy and measure the effectiveness of the intervention. Review a chapter on effective instruction in area of expertise, develop and implement a lesson plan that is sensitive to diversity in the classroom and measure the effectiveness of your lesson. Netiquette You may have taken some electronic courses before, and you may also have had experience with some form of electronic communication, but an online course is a new area of social interaction, and as such it has its own rules for interacting with others. Citations and other netiquette sources Leslie Owens Wilsons http://www.uwsp.edu/education/lwilson/Models/MOTindex.htm Netiquette, by Virginia Shea. http://www.albion.com/netiquette/corerules.html. The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette, by Arlene H. Rinaldi http://www.fau.edu/netiquette/net/index.html. 2 Ambiguity Given that EDCI 526 is a graduate level course, I hope each participant is willing to live—at least for the duration of the course—in ambiguity and dilemma. My hope is that you are willing to search for facts and evidence so your beliefs about educational psychology do not exist in isolation and that you are willing to investigate the validity of your beliefs. ACCREDITATION STANDARDS: NCATE Standards Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Professional Dispositions Candidates preparing to work in schools as teachers or other school professionals know and demonstrate the content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and skills, pedagogical and professional knowledge and skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments indicate that candidates meet professional, state, and institutional standards. Standard 2: Assessment System and Unit Evaluation The unit has an assessment system that collects and analyzes data on applicant qualifications, candidate and graduate performance, and unit operations to evaluate and improve the performance of candidates, the unit, and its programs. Standard 4: Diversity The unit designs, implements, and evaluates curriculum and provides experiences for candidates to acquire and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments indicate that candidates can demonstrate and apply proficiencies related to diversity. Experiences provided for candidates include working with diverse populations, including higher education and P–12 school faculty, candidates, and students in P–12 schools. Standard 5: Faculty Qualifications, Performance, and Development Faculty are qualified and model best professional practices in scholarship, service, and teaching, including the assessment of their own effectiveness as related to candidate performance. They also collaborate with colleagues in the disciplines and schools. The unit systematically evaluates faculty performance and facilitates professional development. TEXT / ISBN #: Required: Required Readings and Learning Resources Byrnes, J (2008). Cognitive Development & Learning (3rd Ed). Pearson/Allyn & Bacon ISBN-13: 978-0-205-50771-9 ISBN-10: 0-205-50771-9 Recommended: Optional Readings and Learning Resources Gathercoal & Gathercoal (2007). The Judicious Professor: A Learner-Centered Philosophy for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, San Francisco, CA: CADDO GAP PRESS ISBN-10: 1880192535 ISBN-13: 978-1880192535 Optional: Schunk, D. (2012). Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective (6th ed). Boston, MA: Pearson ISBN-13: 978-0-13-707-195-1 ISBN: 0-13-707-195-7 3 ASSIGNMENTS: Activity #1: Before reading the book please: List at least three statements/beliefs regarding each of the following questions: A. How does learning occur? B. What is the role of memory? C. What is the role of motivation? D. How does transfer of learning occur? E. Which processes are involved in self-regulation? F. What are the implications of Ed Psy for your setting? Judicious Professor Reaction/Critique Write a reaction paper to this lecture and the information presented. Support your thoughts and ideas. Identify what (if anything) you will change as a result of this lecture. Progressive Assignment The following assignments may be used to be small steps that are compiled into your final assignment. If you chose they could be independent also. *** Progressive Assignment Note*** Do not worry if you are not currently teaching. These assignments may be adapted to your specific situation, interests, and needs. Please contact the instruction to get permission to modify the assignment to meet your situation. Pretest Summary: Take/score the CORD Inventory & Student Development Questionnaire (SDQ) Administer/score the Student Development Questionnaire to your students Write a summary of the results and answer the following questions: Does your CORD results accurately describe your teaching goals & methods? Why? Why not? Does your Student Development Questionnaire accurately reflect your perception of being a student? Why? Why not? Does your class Student Development Questionnaire results correlate with what you expected? Your teaching methods? Teaching goals? Why? Why not? Theory Application Identify which theory of Cognitive development do you ascribe to? Why? Apply how this theory applies to one of your students. How does your student (and theory) help themselves to stay on track and adapt to classroom demands (do the 2 correlate why? Why not?).How does this theory explain your student successes and failures? How can you/will you change your instruction to be more effective with this student? How does this theory relate to cognitive neuroscience? How does this knowledge help/affect your teaching? Does this theory make a distinction between higher and lower order forms of thought? How do you see this in your students? Paper must be written in APA format. Memory Application 4 Pick a memory strategy and teach it to your students. Identify why you chose to implement this strategy and how you will assess its effectiveness. Assess and report the effectiveness of this strategy with your students. Do you think this was helpful for your student? Why or Why not? Will you use it again? Why or Why not? (or will you make adaptations?) Paper must be written in APA format. Motivation Application What have you learned from the book/course about motivation in learning? How has this affected your personal beliefs about motivation? Identify a student who needs to develop a form of motivation. Develop and implement a plan to facilitate this. Report your findings. Paper must be written in APA format. Discipline Specific Experiment Chose chapter 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 OR 12 (whichever pertains to your teaching area). Summarize the chapter. Implement a strategy to your class or a student in need. Monitor and report on the effectiveness of this strategy. Create a PowerPoint and present it to the class on Collaborate or use Brainshark (or another computer accessible medium) to narrate your presentation and post it to the class on BbLearn. Final Summary Review the belief statements posted at the beginning of the course before you read the book. How have your beliefs changed or been reinforced as a result of your learning in this course. Reference the text or other sources citing research that backs up your statements. Include analysis (compare & contrast) of your pre and post-test results for the Chord Inventory and Student Development Questionnaire. All assignments are due on or before midnight on the date listed on the syllabus. GRADING: *** Progressive Assignment Note*** Do not worry if you are not currently teaching. These assignments may be adapted to your specific situation, interests, and needs. Please contact the instruction to get permission to modify the assignment to meet your situation. Please notify your instructor(s) during the first week of class regarding accommodation(s) needed for the course. All accommodations must be approved through Disability Support Services located in the Idaho Commons Building, Room 306, (208) 885-6307, email at dss@uidaho.edu, website at www.access.uidaho.edu or www.webs.uidaho.edu/aap. Academic Integrity The University of Idaho has as one of its core values the ideal of academic honesty and integrity. University of Idaho students live and work in a collegiate community which emphasizes their responsibility for helping to determine and enforce appropriately high standards of academic conduct. The faculty of the University of Idaho expects all students to adhere to the highest standards of academic honesty, and to refrain from any action which infringes upon academic freedom of other members of the academic community. Please refer to the University of Idaho - Student Code of Conduct Article II-Academic Honesty. Tentative Course Schedule Date Topic Assignment 5 Jan 15 Jan 22 Jan 29 Feb 5 Feb 12 Feb 19 Feb 26 March 5 March 12 March 19 March 26 April 2 April 9 April 16 April 23 April 30 May 7 Spring Break University of Idaho Classroom Learning Civility Clause In any environment in which people gather to learn, it is essential that all members feel as free and safe as possible in their participation. To this end, it is expected that everyone in this course will be treated with mutual respect and civility, with an understanding that all of us (students, instructors, professors, guests, and teaching assistants) will be respectful and civil to one another in discussion, in action, in teaching, and in learning. Should you feel our classroom interactions do not reflect an environment of civility and respect, you are encouraged to meet with your instructor during office hours to discuss your concern. Additional resources for expression of concern or requesting support include the Dean of Students office and staff (5-6757), the UI Counseling & Testing Center’s confidential services (5-6716), or the UI Office of Human Rights, Access, & Inclusion (5-4285). University of Idaho (UI) Nondiscrimination Policy It is UI policy to prohibit and eliminate discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity/expression, age, disability, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran. This policy applies to all programs, services, and facilities, and includes, but is not limited to, applications, admissions, access to programs and services, and employment. Such discrimination is prohibited by titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act Amendments of 1978, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, other federal and state statutes and regulations, and university commitments (see Faculty Staff Handbook (FSH) 3060). Sexual harassment violates state and federal law and policies of the Board of Regents, and is expressly prohibited, as stated in FSH 3220. The University of Idaho also prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, as stated in FSH 3215. The entire FSH can be accessed online at http://www.webs.uidaho.edu/fsh. Questions or concerns about the content and application of these laws, regulations or University policy may be directed to: the Office of Human Rights, Access & Inclusion (208-885-4285); Regional Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education in Seattle (206-220-7900); Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Seattle District Office (206-220-6883); or Pacific Regional Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, U.S. Department of Labor in San Francisco (415-848-6969). Complaints about discrimination or harassment should be brought to the attention of the Office of Human Rights, Access & Inclusion (8854285). Retaliation for bringing forward a complaint is prohibited by FSH 3810. Library Resources 6 The University of Idaho Library (http://www.lib.uidaho.edu) offers a wealth of resources for off-campus students. You can access full-text electronic articles from a variety of journals as well as eBooks on a variety of subjects. It is also possible to have print books mailed to your home or office at no charge. For guidance on how to make the most of library resources from off-campus, visit the Distance Education LibGuide at http://libguides.uidaho.edu/Distance_Education. You can also contact a reference librarian for assistance via phone at 208-885-6584, text at 208-449-0841, email at libref@uidaho.edu, or IM from our homepage. Grading Rubrics Activity 1 Grading Rubric 1 How does learning occur? 0 points Not addressed 2 What is the role of memory? Not addressed 3 What is the role of motivation? Not addressed 4 How does transfer of learning occur? Not addressed 5 Which processes are involved in self-regulation? Not addressed 6 What are the implications of Ed Psy for your setting? Overall Quality Not addressed 8 Ideas not supported, editing issues 0.5 points Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion 1 point Well thought out idea, with support for reasoning Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion Only1-2 ideas are supported, editing issues Well thought out idea, with support for reasoning 2 points Well thought out idea, with support for reasoning Well thought out idea, with support for reasoning Well thought out idea, with support for reasoning Some ideas, w/ some support Multiple ideas, well supported 3-4 ideas are supported, some editing issues All ideas are supported, no editing issues 7 Pretest Summary Grading Rubric Take/score the CORD Inventory & Student Development Questionnaire Administer/score the Student Development Questionnaire to your student(s) Write a summary of the results and answer the following questions: Does your CORD results accurately describe your teaching goals & methods? Why? Why not? Does your Student Development Questionnaire accurately reflect your perception of being a student? Why? Why not? Does your class Student Development Questionnaire results correlate with what you expected? Your teaching methods? Teaching goals? Why? Why not? CORD Results Requirements 1) Concept Representation (# , title, & description) 2) Learning (# , title, & description) 3) Interaction (# , title, & description) 4) Cognitive Processing (# , title, & description) 5) Teaching Goals (quadrant & descriptor) 6) Teaching Methods (quadrant & description) Student Development Questionnaire(SDQ) Results : see information posted on BbLearn: week 2 1.5 points 2 points CORD Results Not addressed 0 points Minimally addressed Identified results & interpretation in most areas Includes examples and application CORD Analysis Not addressed Minimally addressed SDQ Results Not addressed Minimally addressed Includes a few ideas, somewhat supported Identified results & interpretation in most areas SDQ Analysis Not addressed Minimally addressed CORD/SDQ Correlation Not addressed Minimally addressed APA Did not use APA Missing information, editing issues, ideas not supported Many APA errors Incomplete results, Ideas not supported, editing issues Completely identified results in all areas, including interpretation Well thought out and supported opinions/ideas Completely identified results in all areas, including interpretation Well thought out and supported opinions/ideas Well thought out and supported opinions/ideas No APA errors All ideas are supported, no editing issues All ideas are supported, no editing issues, smooth read, good transitions & flow Overall Quality 1 point Includes a few ideas, somewhat supported Includes a few ideas, somewhat supported Some APA errors Some ideas are supported, some editing issues 3 points Includes examples and application Includes examples and application Includes examples and application Includes examples and application 8 Theory Application Grading Rubric 1) Identify which theory of Cognitive development do you ascribe to? Why? o Does this theory make a distinction between higher and lower order forms of thought? o How does this theory relate to cognitive neuroscience? o How do you see this in your students? 2) Apply how this theory applies to one of your students. o How does your student (and theory) help themselves to stay on track and adapt to classroom demands (do the 2 correlate why? Why not?). o How does this theory explain your student successes and failures? 3) Summary o How can you/will you change your instruction to be more effective with this student? o How does this knowledge help/affect your teaching? 4) APA format 5) Upload to Taskstream Identify Cog Dev theory Not Met 0 points Not addressed Application of theory Not addressed Influence on teaching/ Summary Not addressed Minimally addressed Identified influence on instruction/te aching APA Did not use APA Missing informati on, editing issues, ideas not supported Many APA errors Ideas not supported, editing issues Some APA errors Some ideas are supported, some editing issues Overall Quality Minimally Met 2 points 3 points Identified a Identified theory & theory, some some specifics & specifics why chose it Addressed Addressed application application in in 1 area both areas Met 4 points Identified theory, gave specifics @ theory & why chose it Addressed application in both areas, w/ supporting information Identified influence on instruction/teaching , gave examples on how can change/improve No APA errors All ideas are supported, no editing issues Met with Excellence 6 points Identified theory, gave specifics @ theory & elaborated on why chose it Addressed application in multiple areas w/supporting information Included multiple ways this knowledge has influenced & how will change Includes title page & abstract All ideas are supported, no editing issues, smooth read, good transitions & flow 9 Grading Rubric: Memory Application 1. Pick a memory strategy and teach it to your students. a. Identify why you chose to implement this strategy 2. Identify how you will assess its effectiveness. 3. Assess and report the effectiveness of this strategy with your students. 4. Summary a. Do you think this was helpful for your student? Why or Why not? b. Will you use it again? Why or Why not? (or will you make adaptations?). c. Use APA format. d. Upload to Taskstream Identify Memory Strategy Not Met 0 points Not addressed Minimally Met 2 points 3 points Identified Identified strategy& strategy, some some specifics & why specifics chose it Applied Applied strategy, strategy, assessment flaws assessment so inconclusive weak results Application of strategy Not addressed Summary Not addressed APA Did not use Many APA APA errors Missing Ideas not information, supported, editing editing issues, ideas issues not supported Overall Quality Minimally addressed Addressed with some support for perspective Some APA errors Some ideas are supported, some editing issues Met 4 points Identified strategy, gave specifics @ strategy & why chose it Applied strategy, assessment clearly identified results (had pre-post or comparison group) Summary includes support for conclusions & reasoning for using/not using No APA errors All ideas are supported, no editing issues Met with Excellence 6 points Identified strategy, gave specifics @ strategy & elaborated on why chose it Applied strategy with results analysis Summary critically analyzes results and includes suggestions for the future Includes title page & abstract All ideas are supported, no editing issues, smooth read, good transitions & flow 10 Grading Rubric: Motivation Application 1. What have you learned from the book/course about motivation in learning? a. How has this affected your personal beliefs about motivation? 2. Identify a student who needs to develop a form of motivation. a. Develop and implement a plan to facilitate this. b. Identify how you will assess its effectiveness. 3. Assess and report the effectiveness of this strategy with your student 4. Summary a. Do you think this was helpful for your student? Why or Why not? b. Will you use it again? Why or Why not? (or will you make adaptations?). c. Suggestions for the future? 5. Report your findings using APA format 6. Upload to Taskstream Motivation statement Motivation Application Not Met Minimally Met 0 points 2 points 3 points Not Identified Identified strategy, addressed strategy& some specifics & some why chose it specifics Not Applied Applied strategy, addressed strategy, assessment flaws assessmen so inconclusive t weak results Motivation Assessment Not Minimally addressed addressed Summary Not Minimally addressed addressed APA Did not use APA Missing informati on, editing issues, ideas not supported Overall Quality APA errors Ideas not supported, editing issues Some APA errors Met 4 points Identified strategy, gave specifics @ strategy & why chose it Applied strategy, assessment clearly identified results (had baseline or pre-post) Well charted results, appropriate assessment Summary includes support for conclusions & reasoning for using/not using No APA errors Some ideas are supported, some editing issues All ideas are supported, no editing issues Results charted, assessment may have issues Addressed with some support for perspective Met with Excellence 5 points Identified strategy, gave specifics @ strategy & elaborated on why chose it Applied strategy with results analysis Well thought out & implemented assessment & documentation Summary critically analyzes results and includes suggestions for the future Includes title page & abstract All ideas are supported, no editing issues, smooth read, good transitions & flow 11 Grading Rubric: Judicious Professor Reaction/Critique Write a reaction paper to the lecture and PowerPoint information presented. Support your thoughts and ideas. Identify what (if anything) you will change as a result of this lecture. 0 points Not addressed 0.5 Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion Only1-2 ideas are supported, editing issues 1 Identified what liked from lecture 2 Identified what liked from PowerPoint Not addressed 3 Identified what disagreed with from lecture Not addressed 4 Identified what disagreed with from PowerPoint Not addressed 5 Identified what aspects could be used in personal setting Overall Quality Not addressed 6 Ideas not supported, editing issues 1 Some ideas, w/ some support 2 Multiple ideas, well supported Multiple ideas, well supported Some ideas, w/ some support Multiple ideas, well supported Multiple ideas, well supported Some ideas, w/ some support Multiple ideas, well supported 3-4 ideas are supported, some editing issues All ideas are supported, no editing issues Discipline Specific Experiment Chose chapter 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 OR 12 (whichever pertains to your teaching area). Summarize the chapter. Identify & Implement a strategy to your class or a student in need. Monitor and report on the effectiveness of this strategy. Identify for what students this works for not For those that it does not work for how will you adapt? Create a PowerPoint and present it to the class Via Collaborate or use Brainshark to narrate your presentation and post it to the class on BbLearn. 12 Not Met Minimally Met Met Met with Excellence 7 points 0 points 1 points 3 points 5 points Chapter Summary Did not summarize the chapter Minimal summary of chapter Summarized the chapter Identify Strategy Not addressed Application of strategy Not addressed Identified strategy& some specifics Applied strategy, assessment weak Summary included supplemental information & application examples Identified strategy, gave specifics @ strategy & elaborated on why chose it Applied strategy with results analysis Assessment Not addressed Minimally addressed Identified strategy, some specifics & why chose it Applied strategy, assessment flaws so inconclusive results Results charted, assessment may have issues Chapter summary included supplemental information Identified strategy, gave specifics @ strategy & why chose it Applied strategy, assessment clearly identified results (had pre-post or comparison group) Well charted results, appropriate assessment Summary Not addressed Minimally addressed Well thought out & implemented assessment & documentation Summary critically analyzes results and includes suggestions for the future Presentation Choppy, did not know information, missing information Read slides, minimal information & analysis Overall Quality Missing information, editing issues, ideas not supported Ideas not supported, editing issues Addressed with Summary includes some support for support for perspective conclusions & reasoning for using/not using Summarized Showed chapter & understanding of implemented information, strategy, some appropriate design/impleme intervention and ntation/reporting analysis, engaging issues presentation Some ideas are All ideas are supported, some supported, no editing editing issues issues Good understanding of information, interactive presentation, appropriate intervention & analysis All ideas are supported, no editing issues, smooth read, good transitions & flow Final Activity Grading Rubric APA style please How have your beliefs changed or been reinforced as a result of your learning in this course. Reference the text or other sources citing research that backs up your statements. A. How does learning occur? B. What is the role of memory? C. What is the role of motivation? 13 D. How does transfer of learning occur? E. Which processes are involved in self-regulation? F. What are the implications of Ed Psy for your setting Include analysis (compare & contrast) of your pre and post-test results for the Chord Inventory and Student Development Questionnaire. Does your Chord results accurately describe your teaching goals & methods? Why? Why not? o Has this changed since you last administered it? Why? Why not? Does your Student Development Questionnaire accurately reflect your perception of being a student? Why? Why not? o Has this changed since you last administered it? Why? Why not? Does your class Student Development Questionnaire results correlate with what you expected? Your teaching methods? Teaching goals? Why? Why not? o Has this changed since you last administered it? Why? Why not? 1 How does learning occur? 0 points Not addressed 0.5 points Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion 2 What is the role of memory? Not addressed Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion 3 What is the role of motivation? Not addressed Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion 4 How does transfer of learning occur? Not addressed Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion 5 Which processes are involved in self-regulation? Not addressed Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion 6 What are the implications of Ed Psy for your setting? Not addressed Minimally addressed, lacks support for idea/opinion 1 point Well thought out idea, with support for reasoning, includes compare/contrast Well thought out idea, with support for reasoning; includes compare/contrast Well thought out idea, with support for reasoning; includes compare/contrast Well thought out idea, with support for reasoning; includes compare/contrast Well thought out idea, with support for reasoning; includes compare/contrast Some ideas, w/ some support 2 points Multiple ideas, well supported; includes compare/contrast of pre-post 14 0 points Not addressed 1 point Minimally addressed CORD Analysis Not addressed Minimally addressed SDQ Results Not addressed Minimally addressed SDQ Analysis Not addressed Minimally addressed CORD/SDQ Correlation Not addressed Minimally addressed APA Did not use APA CORD Results Overall Quality Many APA errors Missing Incomplete information, results, editing Ideas not issues, ideas supported, not editing supported issues 1.5 points Completely identified results in all areas, including interpretation Well thought out and supported opinions/ideas 2 points Includes pre-post compare/contrast w/ support Includes pre-post compare/contrast w/ support Completely identified Includes pre-post results in all areas, compare/contrast w/ including interpretation support Well thought out and Includes pre-post supported opinions/ideas compare/contrast w/ support Well thought out and Includes pre-post supported opinions/ideas compare/contrast w/ support No APA errors All ideas are supported, no editing issues All ideas are supported, no editing issues, smooth read, good transitions & flow 15 16