-Water In The Air Water Cycle - continuous process/movement from


-Water In The Air

Water Cycle - continuous process/movement from water sources

Dew Point – when air can’t hold any more water/moisture, cools to saturation

Condensation – process water vapor/gas becomes water droplets/liquid

Evaporation -

Weather – condition in atmosphere particular time/place


Psychrometer - Measures relative humidity

Relative Humidity – amnt of moisture in atmosphere compared to max it can hold

Humidity – water/moisture in air (more water vapor in air = higher % humidity)

-Clouds (collection of millions of water droplets/ice crystals)

Stratus – covers large areas, form in layers, water droplets (lowest)

Cumulous – warm air rises, when large, produce storms, flat bottoms, water droplets and ice crystals (middle)

Sirius – thin/feathery, form in strong wind, ice crystals (high)

Precipitation – when droplets become to heavy, they fall as precip

Hail- usually formed in cumulonimbus clouds

Rain guage- measures precip

-Air Masses and Fronts – large body of air w/ similar temps/moisture

Fronts – boundry between two air masses, leading edge of new air mass

Cold Front – violent storms, warm up, cold air down (followed by cooler weather)

Warm Front – drizzle, become clear warm warm air mass meets and uplifts cold

Occluded Front – cool temps, light precip,

Stationary Front – cold air meets warm air, little movement, continuous rain

Severe Weather

Cause property damage

Thunder Storm - small intense storm, strong winds heavy rain, lightning/thunder

Tornado – small rotating column of air, high wind speeds, touches ground

Hurricane – large rotating tropical storm, <119 Km/h winds, most powerful storms on earth

Forcasting the Weather

Thermometer – measures air temp

Barometer – measures air pressure

Forcast – prediction of weather 3-5 days, effects how you dress, know the forcast!

Wind Vane/Windsock – measures wind direction

Anemometer – measures wind speed

Isobars – lines connecting equal air pressure

Weather Balloon – measures air pressure, temperature, humidity

Climate – ave weather conditions in area long period of time

Seasons – 4 seasons

Latitude – distance North or South of equator, lower latitudes receive more energy, higher latitudes receive less energy

Altitude – Higher altitudes colder. Lower altitudes warmer

Prevailing winds – mainly blow in 1 direction

Elevation – height above sea level

Surface Currents – warm currents start at equator

Ice Age – period ice collects in high latitudes moving towards low latitudes

Earth’s Orbit – 100,000 years changes from circular shape to elliptical

Global Warming -

Greenhouse Effect – earth’s natural heating process

Volcanoes – ash in atmosphere, reflecting radiation back into space

Tectonic Plates – plates move across the world
