THE GREAT FOSSIL FIND NAME_______________________________ Hr.___ AS YOU TOOK OUT MORE FOSSIL PARTS, WHAT ANIMAL WERE YOU THINKING THIS WAS ? (i.e. interpretations) As the teacher’s narrative progresses, in your notebook or on the worksheet, answer the following questions (A-E.)…. A. After Day 1 (4 bones): The type of animal we suspected was:______________________________________ B. After Day 2 (7 bones): The type of animal we suspected was:_______________________________________ C. After Day 3: (10 bones): The type of animal we suspected was:_____________________________________ D. After Day 4: (collaboration with another team): Type of animal suspected:___________________________ E. After Day 5: (after consulting resource booklet)): Type of animal suspected:__________________________ After the Great Fossil Find narrative portion is over, answer QUESTIONS 1-8 below: 1. Did you make any assumptions or inferences at the beginning of the activity that kept you from assembling the "right" skeleton later { i.e. your first impression (A) vs. a later interpretation (C) }? Y / N Explain:___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Did the discovery of new bones (parts B-C) cause any conflict within your group? Y / N Explain:___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Did any of your group members resist changing in light of the new information from parts B-C? Y / N Explain:___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Did the information from another group (part D) influence your assumptions/interpretation? Y / N If so, what info? ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Did the Resource Manual confirm your group's ideas, or did it cause you to rework your arrangement of the fossil parts? Y / N Explain. ______________________________________________________ 6. From looking at the fossil and the Resource Manual, what could you say about how or where this animal lived? _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. Is it possible for scientists to do studies about things that happened millions of years ago? Y / N Explain. __________________________________________________________________________________ 8. On the bottom or back of this sheet, list what you feel might be 3 goals of this experience.