Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 . REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Martin J. Drell, M.D. President Coverage Period: October 1 – December 31, 2012 Heidi Büttner Fordi, CAE Executive Director This report is divided into the following sections Major Accomplishments & Priorities AACAP Council and EC Council Annual Meeting Activities Decisions Department Updates Staff Listing MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS & PRIORITIES Newtown Tragedy – AACAP Efforts & Call to Action AACAP was quick to act. We updated our homepage, informed the membership and alerted the media in hopes of helping communities, families and patients cope with such tragic and traumatic events. AACAP Resources: Children and Firearms Children and Grief PTSD Understanding Violent Behavior in Children and Adolescents Disaster and Trauma Resource Center Tips for Talking to Children about the Connecticut School Shooting Caring for Kids After a School Shooting Restoring a Sense of Safety in the Aftermath of a Mass Shooting: Tips for Parents and Professionals Children and Guns (2008) Upon hearing the first news reports of the tragedy at Newtown, AACAP staff immediately got to work drafting and distributing a series of press releases to roughly 3,800 news outlets (world -wide) with links to AACAP’s website – updated with related resources on violence, grief, PTSD and firearms. The press releases were supplemented by pushing the information across social media, reaching roughly 4,300 Twitter followers and 2,800 Facebook followers who then shared and retweeted our information. Additionally, all related AACAP materials were included in multiple member emails - including a tips sheet by David Fassler, M.D. and a fact sheet from Stephen Cozza, M.D. In the span of four hours, the Communications department fielded over 40+ media calls and set up 20+ media interviews. In addition, AACAP media experts gave over a dozen live interviews. Based on the volume of media calls, we instructed journalists to contact our media experts directly. As we follow up with each and every request, we will post all articles in the AACAP News Clips. Media outlets included: New York Times USA Today New York Post Huffington Post National Public Radio (both local and national) Discovery News Document1 2/8/2016 1 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 Reuters The Associated Press Connecticut Post Boston Globe Psych Times Dr. Oz ABC CNN Fox Business We sent emails updating the membership to our materials and website as they became available. We reached out the Assembly & Regional Organization Presidents and Delegates and made a special effort to reach out to Brian Keyes, M.D., President of the Connecticut Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, to help craft an email to the all Connecticut members. A special “kudos” to Steve Cozza, M.D., Disaster & Trauma Committee Chair, for his quick response, leadership and flexibility, faced with feeling under the weather, was able to craft language and handle press calls from his house! As we continue to work together with leadership, committees and members alike, we’ll keep making resources available to the membership and the public at large. As President Obama stated in his speech to the Newtown community, caring for our children is our nation’s first task. It is time to work together to make this a reality. In the aftermath of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, AACAP has called for a White Summit on children’s mental health. Members are encouraged to send letters to members of Congress supporting AACAP’s call for a summit. AACAP created a sample op-ed article for members to use to send to their local papers, as well as, a list of talking points for speaking with the media. We also worked with Dr. Drell to craft a letter to the editor and an opinion piece. This goal of the summit is to develop a comprehensive national strategy for the prevention, identification, treatment and r esearch of mental illness. AACAP has been and will continue to meet with Congressional leaders regarding this summit. In addition to this AACAP has also submitted policy recommendations to Vice President Biden’s task force on gun control. 2013 AACAP Priorities The Executive Committee met with AACAP Directors to review projects for the coming year and discussed which staff members and AACAP Committees were involved in each project. Projects include (in alphabetical order): Back to Project Future Recommendations Approved and Presented to AACAP Membership Education of Members about DSM-5 Education of Members about Healthcare Reform, including Electronic Medical/Health Records Education of Members on New CPT Codes (going into effect in January 2013) Evaluation of new AACAP Practice Parameters Process Implementation of 501(c)(6) Implementation of Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Guidelines Implementation of Pharmaceutical Task Force K12 Renewal Document1 2/8/2016 2 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 Planning for 60th Anniversary Meeting Psychotropic Monitoring and Foster Care Developments Review and revision AACAP Bylaws, where necessary Review of JAACAP Contract Workforce Recruitment Back to Project Future (BPF) Chaired by James MacIntyre, II, M.D. On October 22, the Steering Committee met in San Francisco to further discuss and gather ideas to be used for Back to Project Future and its final report. Dr. MacIntyre and subgroup leaders were able to obtain useful feedback from members during "member to member" sessi ons in the Exhibit Hall, at committee meetings, and at the Town Meeting that took place on Thursday, October 27. Members were pleased to have the opportunity to talk with the leadership group directly and provide feedback as well as express their concerns. Dr. MacIntyre gave brief presentations about the project during the Council meeting, the Assembly meeting, and at the Committee Chairs meeting. Additional emails were sent out to these groups in December to remind them to provide input before the end of January. A set of the project's overarching core values and principles was drafted and published with an article with updates on BPF in the first 2013 issue of AACAP News. In December, Dr. Drell appointed child and adolescent psychiatry residents and early career child and adolescent psychiatrists to each of the BPF subgroups to ensure that younger members are well represented. 60th Anniversary Committee Chaired by Robert L. Hendren, D.O. and Marilyn Benoit, M.D. The 60th Anniversary Committee met in San Francisco and to begin brainstorming about how best to celebrate in Orlando and reflect on AACAP’s past, present, and future. After the meeting it was determined that additional members were needed to fulfill all of the tasks required for the anniversary and the traditional Local Arrangements functions, so the Committee now includes 19 members. Committee members are in the process of contacting all of the Committee Chairs as well as regional organizations to gather ideas for what these groups would be able to contribute to the anniversary. The Committee will meet on January 31 to narrow the ideas and assign roles to the Committee members. 60th Anniversary History Project Robin Cautin, Ph.D. continues to write a monograph of AACAP’s first 60 years, c onduct oral histories, review archive materials, and interview various AACAP members for the project. Component System The Review of the Committee System (ROCS) Committee’s decision to cancel fall cluster calls with committee chairs was affirmed in San Francisco at the Committee Chairs Meeting. As part of the annual process, the first half of the Committee Chairs meeting is dedicated to updates/reminders and reports and hearing feedback from chairs. During the second half, chairs met with their Cluster Facilitator to report on the past year and upcoming years’ activities. Dr. Drell stressed to chairs to evaluate their committee’s charge and the level of member activity when recommending appointments and reappointments. PAC Update AACAP is moving forward with the creation of the 501(c)(6). In October 2012, Council decided that the Executive Director will work with AACAP’s attorney and internal staff to de velop the bylaws for the 501(c)(6) by July 2013. Staff members involved in the process include: Larry Document1 2/8/2016 3 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 Burner, Maureen DuBois, and Kristin Kroeger Ptakowski. In addition, AACAP Secretary David DeMaso, M.D. will aid in the development of the Bylaws. 2013 International Trip Dr. Drell is planning an international trip to Florence and Venice from July 30 to A ugust 8, 2013. Trip participants will sightsee as well as visit with fellow child and adolescent psychiatrists on a day trip to Padova (Padua) University. Other sights of note will include the Guggenheim Collection, the island of Murano, a day trip to Pisa, the Academia, and the Palazzo Medici. Registration for the trip opened in early January. AACAP-AAP Leadership AACAP is working with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to set up a meeting of their leaders to discuss ongoing issues such as outcomes from the Affordable Care Act, Psychotropic Monitoring and Foster Care Developments, Back to Project Future, etc. President's Activities Dr. Drell will speak to the Central California Regional Council members in January on t he importance of membership, his Presidential Initiative, and AACAP’s 60 th Anniversary celebration. He has agreed to speak to the memberships of the Big Sky Regional Council in January and the Arkansas Council in April. Presentations in Illinois and Kansas City are being considered. ANNUAL MEETING AACAP’s 59th Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting held October 23-28, 2012 at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square and the Hotel Nikko San Francisco had a total of 4,411 registered attendees, making this meeting the second largest to date after the 2010 New York meeting. Attendee make-up includes 2,468 members representing 29% of AACAP’s total membership. This includes 917 international attendees from 49 countries, which is the second largest international attendance if you exclude the Canadians from the Canadian meetings. Seventy-six percent of the registrants registered online and received a $25 discount for doing so. 326 registrants (7%) purchased the Scientific Proceedings Book for an additional $20. Ticket sales reached 2,002 tickets for the eight Institutes, the second highest Institute sales to date. Attendee response to the Annual Meeting Mobile App was extremely positive—55% of attendees downloaded the app, with 1800 downloading the Apple version, 312 downloaded the Android version, and 295 people used the web application. We are in the process of tabulating feedback data and plan to make improvements to the app for 2013. Fifty-five percent of the scientific sessions and 60% of the New Research Posters included handouts on the Itinerary Builder, which both attendees and members can access until September 2013 as a member benefit. Exhibit Booth sales generated a total of $185,680 in revenue, a 1% decrease compared to Toronto in 2011. A total of 84 booths were sold, which compares to 85 in 2011 and 93 in 2010. The exhibitor responses on the exhibitor evaluations were very positive this year. Ninety-four percent of respondents said their objectives were met at the meeting. Of the respondents, 50% said they would definitely be Document1 2/8/2016 4 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 exhibiting with AACAP next year and 44% were undecided; this is in line with past years results. Only 6% of respondents said that they would not exhibit in 2013. The evaluation results from the meeting are being tabulated and will be available in the next report. AACAP’s 60th Annual Meeting October 22-27, 2013 Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel, Orlando, FL The Call for Papers deadline is February 15, 2013, or June 17, 2013 for (late) New Research Posters. The online Call for Papers went live on the AACAP website on January 4. Bennett Leventhal, M.D. and Meetings Department staff will be traveling to Orlando in February to begin preliminary planning for the meeting. Future Annual Meetings AACAP’s future Annual Meeting schedule is as follows: 61st Annual Meeting: October 21-26, 2014, Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA 62nd Annual Meeting: October 27-November 1, 2015, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center and Grand Hyatt San Antonio rd 63 Annual Meeting: October 25-30, 2016, Hilton New York and Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers, New York, NY th 64 Annual Meeting: October 24-29, 2017, Marriott Wardman Park Hotel and Omni Shoreham, Washington, DC th 65 Annual Meeting: October 23-28, 2018, Washington State Convention Center and Sheraton Seattle, Seattle, WA DEPARTMENT UPDATES EXECUTIVE OFFICE Staffed by Heidi Fordi and Earl Magee Assembly Chaired by Louis Kraus, M.D. At its meeting in San Francisco, the Assembly elected Dr. Mark Borer (DE) as the next Assembly Secretary-Treasurer and Drs. Jenna Saul (WI) and Harsh Trivedi (TN) as the next Assembly Representatives to Council. The Assembly welcomed Jared Ritter, M.D. (HI) as the incoming Assembly Resident Representative and thanked the following for their service: Kathy Kelley, M.D., Assembly Representative to Council Mark Borer, M.D. Assembly Representative to Council Nadia Charguia, M.D., Assembly Resident Representative (2010-2012) The Assembly addressed the proposal submitted by the Northern California Council on Third Party Funding for Events at Professional Meetings: Conflict of Interest. A revised proposal was distributed at the meeting; highlights include: Establishing a task force Proposing the task force have equal members of Ethics Committee and Assembly Document1 2/8/2016 5 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 Working up a resolution and present within 6 months to AACAP Council. President-Elect Paramjit Joshi, M.D. set the framework for the discussion. After wordsmithing the text, the Assembly voted to recommend the revised proposal to Council. Catchers in the Rye Awards Oversight by the Assembly Executive Committee In October, the Assembly presented the following 2012 Catchers awards: Individual: Committee (tie): Regional Organization: Kristin Kroeger Ptakowski Ethics Committee Psychotherapy Committee Big Sky Regional Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Assembly Regional Organization Infrastructure Committee (ROIC) Chaired by Warren Y.K. Ng, M.D. The ROIC met in October and November to review Level 1 regional organization activities. The Big Sky Regional Council and Central Pennsylvania Council have made tremendous progress and have not required administration support for over six months. The ROIC agreed to “graduate” both but communicate to them that AACAP will continue to support them if needed. Other Level 1 regional organizations are well on their way to success, which is the ROIC’s goal for all regionals. Unfortunately, Madison Day resigned due to family and community commitments. In November, we welcomed Lauren Kokernak, former AACAP Meetings Manager, who accepted the Administrative Consultant position as of November 30. Ethics Committee Chaired by Arden Dingle, M.D. The Committee discussed a letter received from Dr. Nardo letter regarding the paroxetine article in JAACAP 10 years ago. Due to the sensitivity, the Committee’s discussion focused on the letter and the content of the Nardo response. It agreed to mention only the Committee’s appreciation of his interest and that the topic is being discussed. Dr. Gail Edelsohn drafted a letter that was reviewed by the chair, Executive Committee, and JAACAP Editor. Dr. Ed Levin, who presented the Northern California Council’s proposal on Third Party Funding to the Assembly, attended the meeting in San Francisco to ask that the Ethics Committee review AACAP’s Code of Ethics. The Committee agreed to review the Code and discussed how best to proceed. Document1 2/8/2016 6 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 COMMUNICATIONS AND MEMBER SERVICES DEPARTMENT Staffed by Rob Grant, Caitlyn Camacho, Nicole Creek, Jared Hoke, and Nelson Tejada MEMBER SERVICES 2012 Membership Numbers – Year End Totals (Oct. 2011 – Dec. 31 2012) Member Type General $400 Affiliate $345 Corresponding $255 Distinguished Fellow $400 *Honorary *Honorary Ex-Officio * Distinguished Life General *Distinguished Life Corresponding *Distinguished Life Fellow *Distinguished Life Affiliate *Medical Student General Psych Resident $70 Pediatric Resident $70 **CAP Trainee $70 TOTAL 2012 Paid 4973 156 382 317 7 62 492 26 525 17 573 251 9 819 2012 Unpaid 346 12 24 8 48 0 41 479 8609 Total 5319 168 406 325 7 62 492 26 525 17 573 299 9 805 9088 2011 Total 4889 149 341 292 7 62 485 28 519 20 439 224 6 732 8103 2012 marks the end of a GREAT membership year for AACAP! AACAP saw the largest increase of members in AACAP history in 2012. Additionally, we suspended/dropped fewer members and experienced an “explosion” in growth with our 100% Club! Also, more members took advantage of our online applications – paying both membership application fees and dues online. WE’RE UP IN (almost) EVERY PAID MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY! 2012 Highlights! • We’re up +506 members from 2011. • 62 100% Club! An increase of +20 from 2011. • More than 76% of members paid online • 809 members opted for auto-dues renewal for 2013. • 24 members took advantage of the Dues Installment Payment option for 2012. • 525 Distinguished Life Members subscribe to JAACAP - paying $60 for an annual subscription. An increase of +148 new subscriptions over last year’s total of 377. 2013 Membership Numbers (Oct. 2012 – Jan. 1 2013) Document1 2/8/2016 7 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 Member Type General $400 Affiliate $345 Corresponding $255 Distinguished Fellow $400 *Honorary *Honorary Ex-Officio * Distinguished Life General *Distinguished Life Corresponding *Distinguished Life Fellow *Distinguished Life Affiliate *Medical Student General Psych Resident $70 Pediatric Resident $70 **CAP Trainee $70 TOTAL 2013 Paid 2529 83 233 192 7 62 492 26 525 17 269 92 4 208 4739 2013 Unpaid 2789 80 171 124 415 5 316 3900 Total 5318 163 404 316 7 62 492 26 525 17 269 507 9 524 8639 2012 Total 4973 156 382 317 7 62 492 26 525 17 573 251 9 819 8609 2013 Dues Billing The 2013 Dues Renewal Notices “dropped” the first week of October 2012. Medical Students (573) received a $0 balance invoice to remind them of the benefit of AACAP membership & to promote upcoming events. Life Members (1,060) received a 2013 dues notice promoting Life Members Fund & discounted ($60) JAACAP annual subscription rate. Our early numbers look strong compared to last year’s totals. We continue to closely monitor the numbers to ensure we are not letting ANY membership category fall through the cracks. Starting January, the membership team is running weekly dues reports to manage, maintain and track our dues collection efforts. COMMUNICATION 3,981 Academy members, reporters and summit partners receive AACAP News Clips 4306 Twitter followers 2395 Facebook followers We continue to Tweet/Post (daily) AACAP products, programs and events (Facts for Families, Resource Centers, etc.) via News Clips, Twitter & Facebook. With News Clips, Twitter followers, and Facebook Followers, our message is getting out to the public. Through Twitter, we added health writers from top tier media outlets like The Atlantic, USA Today, CNN, Washington Post, Boston Globe & TIME to our media list. Document1 2/8/2016 8 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 The Communications department’s been incredibly busy and productive over the last three months. We responded quickly to the Newtown Tragedy – addressing members, consumers and the media. Additionally, we helped craft two new Facts for Families and provided mainstream media outlets with experts (not related to the Newtown tragedy). AACAP Members & the News – Newtown Tragedy Discovery News for, “How To Talk To Your Kids About Killings.” Connecticut Post for, “Experts urge caution in linking shooter with mental illness.” AP article, “How To Talk To Your Kids About Conn. Mass Shooting.” Psychology Today, “Coping With the Recent School Shooting.” Reuters, “How to talk to your children about a school shooting.” ABC7 News in Chicago, “Chicago-area schools reach out to parents as students head to class after Connecticut school shooting” and “Talking to Kids about the Connecticut Shooting.” Fox 32 News in Chicago, “Get Kids Back to Routine, Answer Their Questions about Conn. Tragedy.” CBS News in Chicago, “Debate Renewed Over The Culture Of Violent Entertainment.” NBC News Today article, “Parents struggle to explain shooting deaths: 'They look like my children'.” New York Times, “How Not to Talk With Children About the Newtown Shooting.” NPR Boston, “Harvard Psychiatrist: Don’t Draft Children To Fight School Shooters.” New Jersey Herald, “Local schools reflect, react to Newtown shootings.” Oxford University Press, “How many more children have to die.” New York Times, “Children Can Usually Recover From Emotional Trauma.” LA Times, “Predicting violent behavior: not guesswork, but far from certain.” AACAP in the News (many of these stories were picked up by additional outlets): Fox News article, “Discovery hit ‘American Guns’ canceled as Hollywood wrestles with links to gun violence.” ABC Fresno, Calif. Local news, “School psychologists help Valley students cope with shooting in Connecticut.” ABC News national, “How to Help Newtown, Conn., Shooting Victims' Families, Community.” And “Newtown School Shooting: Resources to Help Parents of Mentally Ill Children.” Portsmouth Patch, “School Leaders To Review Safety In Wake of Newtown Shooting.” Los Angeles Times, “Connecticut school shooting: Resources for parents.” Huffington Post, “The Tragedy in Newtown: A Renewed Call for Education.” AP article, “Predicting who’s at risk for violence isn’t easy.” Press Releases (Non-Newtown Related) AACAP Applauds the AMA on Recommending Further Research and Guidance on the Use of Atypical Antipsychotic Medication The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) applauds the American Medical Association (AMA) for adopting a report recommending the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) assist in developing guidance for physicians on the use of atypical antipsychotic medications in pediatric patients, and encouraging ongoing federally funded studies on long-term efficacy and safety. November 13, 2012 AACAP's 2012 Catcher in the Rye Humanitarian Award Given to Garen and Shari Staglin Shari and Garen Staglin are the recipients of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry's (AACAP) 2012 Catcher in the Rye Award. The award recognizes the Staglin's tireless efforts to end the stigma of mental illness. October 24, 2012 Document1 2/8/2016 9 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 Media Outreach Initiative – Pitched, Placed & Posted (October - present) (Non-Newtown Related) Benedetto Vitiello, M.D., spoke with a reporter for Reuters. The article, “Most Teens with Mental Disorders Not on Meds: Study,” was posted on December 3, 2012. Peter Szatmari, M.D., was interviewed by The Toronto Star. The article, “New Leader for Kids Mental Health Promises a ‘Listening Tour’,” appeared on December 3, 2012. Fred Volkmar, M.D., and Bryan King, M.D., spoke with a writer for The article, “Psychiatric Association Approves Changes to Diagnostic Manual,” appeared on December 3, 2012. Mark DeAntonio, M.D., was interviewed by a reporter from the LA Times. The article, “A Lifeline for Parents Concerned About a Child's Mental Health,” appeared on December 30, 2012. Consumer Issues Committee Chaired by Cathryn Galanter, M.D. The Committee continues with their efforts, having a very effective and productive post-annual meeting culminating in two new Facts for Families. Facts for Families Marijuana & Teens #106 Religion, Spiritualty & Your Mental Health Care #107 RESEARCH, TRAINING AND EDUCATION Staffed by Yoshie Davison, Liz Goggin, Cecilia Johnson, and Ashley Rutter The Mentorship Network The Network is linking medical students, residents, and early career psychiatrists in need of mentorship to AACAP members serving as mentors. About 175 AACAP members have signed up to serve as mentors. Jennifer Haak, M.D., Boris Lorberg, M.D., and Anita Kishore, M.D. of the Early Career Psychiatrist Committee manage the Mentorship Network with staff from the Research, Training, and Education department. Are you a mentor yet? We need more mentors. Sign up for the Mentorship Network at Awards Promotions for the 2013 awards cycle have begun, and all award opportunities for students, residents, and physicians are live on the AACAP website. Staff has developed marketing plans to increase the number of applications received for student, resident, and physician awards. NIAAA is renewing their commitment of $20,000 for the Educational Outreach Program for ten general and CAP residents to travel to the 2013 Annual Meeting, where they will attend programs focused on alcohol-related disorders and participate in the Mentorship Program. New this year, the NIDA-AACAP Resident Research Award in Substance Abuse and Addiction, supported by NIDA, offers up to $18,000 for two awardees for research support (including travel to the Annual Meeting in Orlando Florida, and travel to the NIDA Clinical Trials Network’s Steering Committee meeting on March 13-15, 2013) and up to $2,000 for a mentor stipend. The Substance Abuse and Addiction Committee solicited applications and served on the selection committee. AACAP Document1 2/8/2016 10 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 received five strong applications from general and child and adolescent psychiatry residents and awarded the following two awardees: Vivek Anand, M.D. – East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine Mentor: Catherine Martin, M.D. Kara Bagot, M.D. – Yale Child Study Center Mentor: Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, Ph.D. Product Development The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Medical Education (CAPME) Task Force, sponsored by the Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry (ADMSEP), partnered with AACAP members and staff to publish “Improving Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Education for Medical Students: An Inter-Organizational Collaborative Action Plan” in the November-December 2012 issue of Academic Psychiatry. The initiative is led by Geraldine Fox, M.D. MEETINGS AND CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION Staffed by Jill Zeigenfus Brafford, Quentin Bernhard III, Elizabeth Hughes, Audrey Kerr, Molly O’Neill and Brooke Schneider MEETINGS Component Meetings The Meetings Department arranged the operational logistics for two committee meetings from October 1 to December 31, 2012. This compares with three planned during the same time period last year. 2013 Psychopharmacology Update Institute Chaired by Gabrielle Carlson, M.D. The 2013 Psychopharmacology Update Institute in Washington, DC is entitled, The Impact of DSM-5 on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacological Treatments, and will be held January 25-26, 2013 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. In addition to the chair, confirmed speakers include: Adelaide Robb, M.D., Jean A. Frazier, M.D., Michael S. Scheeringa, M.D., M.P.H., Daniel Pine, M.D., John T. Walkup, M.D., Lawrence Scahill, Ph.D., and Joan Asarnow, Ph.D. Sherry Barron-Seabrook, M.D., will also present a lunchtime session about the new CPT codes. Registration for this meeting opened the first week in September 2012 and the brochures were mailed to AACAP members and non-members shortly thereafter. The Institute sold out on December 20 at 590 people. There are two exhibitors registered. Since this is the first time in recent history that the Institute will be in Washington, DC, it is an opportunity for more staff to interact with attendees. There will be several staffed tables at the Institute representing different AACAP departments including membership, development, the mentorship network, and maintenance of certification (MOC). Government Affairs is also organizing Hill visits for any attendees who can arrive early on Thursday to visit with their representatives. We expect between 30-40 members to participate. Document1 2/8/2016 11 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 2013 Douglas B. Hansen, M.D. Annual Review Course and Training Session for the Oral Exams The Annual Review Course is chaired by Cathryn Galanter, M.D. and Moira Rynn, M.D. The Review Course will be held March 13-16, 2013 at the Westin Jersey City Newport Hotel in Jersey City, NJ just outside of Manhattan. Confirmed speakers include: Angel Caraballo, M.D., Gabrielle A. Carlson, M.D., Christoph U. Correll, M.D., Judith Ann Crowell, M.D., Cathryn A. Galanter, M.D., Kareem Ghalib, M.D., Laurence L. Greenhill, M.D., Schuyler W. Henderson, M.D., M.P.H., Glenn Hirsch, M.D., David Kaufman, M.D., Alexander Kolevzon, M.D., Catherine Lord, Ph.D., Richard Mattison, M.D., Jeffrey Newcorn, M.D., Paul O’Keefe, D.O., Alan Ravitz, M.D., Moira Rynn, M.D., Glenn Saxe, M.D., Jess Shatkin, M.D., M.P.H., Jonathan Slater, M.D., Barbara Stanley, Ph.D., John T. Walkup, M.D., B. Timothy Walsh, M.D., J. Rebecca Weis, M.D., Deborah M. Weisbrot, M.D., and Timothy E. Wilens, M.D. Registration opened at the Annual Meeting and brochures were mailed to members and non-members in November. The course will feature two lunchtime roundtables; one focusing on board preparation and the other on Maintenance of Certification. As of December 31, 49 people were registered, which is ahead of previous years. CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION (CME) Lifelong Learning Committee Chaired by Sandra Sexson, M.D. and Andrew Russell, M.D. The Committee finalized the next module in the series, Module 9: Typical and Atypical Development in Childhood and Adolescence: Protective and Risk Factors, and Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists. It was approved by the ABPN, published in October, and was available at the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting Lifelong Learning Institute featured a review of Module 9 articles, and included the following speakers: David Brent, M.D., Gabrielle Carlson, M.D., Richard R. Pleak, M.D., Christopher Thomas, M.D., and John Walkup, M.D. Lifelong Learning Module Sales Lifelong Learning Module 6: Autism, Psychotic Disorders (Non-Affective), and Updates on Relevant Topics for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists expired for CME credit on October 1, 2012. A total of 1,176 modules and exams were sold over the 3 year lifespan of the module, and 727 CME certificates were issued. This is a 19% increase compared to total sales for Module 5. During the time period from October 1 – December 31, 659 Lifelong Learning Modules and exams were sold resulting in $83,038 in gross revenue. This is a 10% increase in modules and exams sold and a 22% increase in gross revenue from this time last year. Part of the increase in gross revenue is due to the $20 increase in the cost of the Modules. Appendix A contains a summary of modules sold to date. The new Module 9 is offered at a discount to members who pay their 2013 membership dues and order the module from October 2012 through January 31, 2013. To date, 544 modules have been sold with this promotion. Continuing Medical Education Committee Chaired by Jeff Bostic, M.D. and Tristan Gorrindo, M.D. AACAP is undergoing its ACCME reaccreditation this year. The reaccreditation report was submitted on April 11, and the televideo conference took place on November 9 and Drs. Bostic and Gorrindo participated in the conference, along with Bennett Leventhal, M.D., Heidi Fordi, CAE, Elizabeth Hughes, and Quentin Bernhard, III. The final decision from ACCME is expected in March 2013. Document1 2/8/2016 12 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 The CME Committee selected three Annual Meeting Institutes to participate in a self-assessment initiative. The Institutes selected for this initiative are: Institute 2: Bipolar Disorder in Youth: Modern Diagnostic and Treatment Approaches Institute 6: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in the 21st Century Institute 7: Autism Spectrum Disorders: Integrating Research and Clinical Treatment The attendees of these three Institutes received a pre-test, post-test, and 3-6 months after the Institute a follow-up test will be sent to gauge the change in their competence as a result of having attended the Institute. The Committee wrote test questions based on presenters’ slides and learning objectives. Committee members wrote CME questions for the following JAACAP issues: October: Behavioral Inhibition and Risk for Developing Social Anxiety Disorder: A Metaanalytic Study November: Early Behavioral Intervention Is Associated With Normalized Brain Activity in Young Children With Autism December: Mentalization-Based Treatment for Self-Harm in Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial Each year the CME Committee reviews the monitor reports from every Annual Meeting session to ensure that all presenters adhere to the AACAP disclosure guidelines. In instances where a presenter has been marked as not adhering to these guidelines the CME Committee co-chairs reach out to clarify these guidelines and to solicit a response from presenters ensuring that they now understand the disclosure guidelines and will follow them in any future presentations. Due to a more detailed monitor report form this year the number of presenters marked as not adhering to AACAP disclosure guidelines nearly tripled from years past. Due to this large increase the CME Committee is working with the Meetings Department and Confex to develop an automated system to handle the follow-up process required of all reported presenters. This new system will cut down on staff and committee time and should also make the entire process more efficient and accurate. DEVELOPMENT Staffed by Alan Mark Ezagui and Lindsay Brockman Strack Incoming Development Funds (October 1 – December 31): October 1 – December 31, 2012 $6,976 $38,370 $255 $31,555 $1,250 $500 $8,000 $21,240 $40,000 $25,000 $19,683 $192,829 Major Funds/Activities 60th Anniversary (60 Years. $60. 60%) (CFAK) Campaign for America’s Kids (CFAK) International Member Sponsor Elaine Schlosser Lewis Fund Endowment Fund Jerry M. Wiener Fund Karl Menninger Plenary – Ronald Filippi, M.D. Life Members Fund Noshpitz Cline History Lecture – David Cline Research Initiative – Lilly USA LLC Virginia Q. Anthony Fund TOTAL Document1 2/8/2016 13 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 The Development department processed $192,829 in donations and grants from individuals, foundations, and corporations in this time period, compared with $171,736 during the same time period in 2011. This is an increase of $21,093, or 12.3%. The 2012 year-end appeals for CFAK totaled $45,346 from 368 donors. In 2011, for the same period, donations were $40,561 from 341 donors. Thus, 2012 saw an increase of $4,785 in donations (11.8%) and of 27 donors (7.9%). Please see Appendix B for full year-to-date details. (NOTE: 2012 donations are still being received. The 2012 YTD donations in Appendix B are through January 4, 2013). AACAP’s Campaign for America’s Kids (CFAK) The Advocacy Day Outreach 2013 CFAK grant application, which was re-submitted, was reviewed by the Development Committee during its December conference call. The amount requested was $43,750, to support 50 parents/youth participants and 25 residents. Committee members agreed that the re-submitted application had improvements, but there was still concern of measurable outcomes. However, this project was thought to have significant merit and was supported by the group. The importance of advocacy and the potential role it could play was discussed in light of the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. Ultimately the Committee agreed that it would be valuable to fund the entire amount, combining the residual from 2011 ($5,080) and new funds from this year, for a total of 43,750. It is anticipated that the spring 2013 CFAK request for grant applications will be initiated in March 2013. As of November 30, the CFAK fund balance is $317,400. Virginia Q. Anthony (VQA) Fund As of December 31, the VQA Fund has raised $65,971 in contributions and pledges. Further analysis of these contributions: Total # of Donors: 143 # of AACAP Members: 135 # of Non-Members: 8 Spouses of Deceased AACAP Past Presidents: 3 Range of Donations: $20 - $10,000 Cedric and Joanette Egeli, of Egeli Studios (Annapolis, MD), who were commissioned to paint Ginger’s portrait, visited AACAP on November 17 and were introduced to Mrs. Anthony. The painting is expected to be completed in February. Elaine Schlosser Lewis Fund Previously, Owen Lewis, M.D. postponed the 13th Annual Elaine Schlosser Lewis (ESL) Awards Luncheon for 2012 to rethink the event’s setup and structure and focus on the 2013 event. Dr. Lewis and the Development team work closely on a strategy to contact past attendees and invites about 2012 donations. Document1 2/8/2016 14 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 As of December 31, we raised $31,555 from the three appeals, which is 10% less than the $35,100 raised at the 2011 luncheon. For 2012, ESL Fund raised $59,555. This compares to $43,500 in 2011, an increase of $16,055 or 36.9% over 2011. Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) The 2012 CFC ended December 15. We will see donations from the 2012 Campaign beginning in April or May 2013. Since 2008, AACAP donations received from the CFC have been: 2008: 2009: 2010: 2011: 2012: TOTAL: $3,871 $5,090 $3,963 $5,959 $4,071 $22,954 Since 2008, this represents approximately .05% of AACAP revenue. The Development Committee will recommend for 2014 that AACAP’s participation in the CFC be discontinued so time can be allocated to other fundraising initiatives with a higher ROI. AACAP is registered to participate in the 2013 CFC. Life Members Fund and Subcommittee Year-to-date Summary (January 1 - December 31, 2012): Seventy (70) Life Members donated the equivalent of their dues, totaling $29,151. As of November 30, the fund balance is $64,698. The December 5 eNewsletter received another high open rate with 37.88% unique viewers. It remained one of the highest open rates of all AACAP member emails in 2012. The eNewsletter included three Life Member Reports by Jackie Etemad, M.D., “AACAP Annual Meeting Memories”, Douglas A. Kramer, M.D., M.S., “Love at the Annual Meeting”, and Klaus Minde, M.D., “My life as a Child Psychiatrist.” It also included an introduction by John Schowalter, M.D. titled, “An Appeal from John Schowalter,” as well as an introduction to the Life Members 2012 Award Recipients and Annual Meeting photos. Highlights of the December Life Members Subcommittee meeting include: The dinner attendance increased by 30%, and it was the first ever Owl Appreciation Award, which was received by Ginger Anthony. The idea of a combined Life Members Corner with the Resident Resource Room was presented for the 2013 Annual Meeting in Orlando. As of December 31, there are 1,060 Life Members. Life Members now make up nearly 13% of AACAP membership. Research Initiative In 2012, AACAP received funding totaling $100,000 for its Research Initiative project, as follows: Eli Lilly $50,000 Shire $25,000 Pfizer $25,000 AACAP asked Eli Lilly and Company to increase its support of the Research Initiative in 2013 to $75,000. An email from Lilly in November 2012 confirmed its support at the $50,000 membership rate, Document1 2/8/2016 15 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 citing budget and market. $25,000 was received in December; the 2nd installment will be invoiced in June 2013. Development will approach its contacts at Shire and Pfizer, Mike Skoein and Elizabeth Pappadopulos, respectively in January 2013 to renew and increase its support of AACAP’s Research Initiative. AACAP will continue to identify companies to support this program and establish a plan for growth. AACAP Roundtable Discussion with Industry Representatives On January 31, 2013, AACAP will host the 13th annual Pharmaceutical Roundtable Discussion with Industry Representatives to discuss issues pertaining to sponsorship of AACAP’s medical meetings, awards, continuing medical education, and other activities. Bennett Leventhal, M.D., AACAP’s Meetings Manager and Neal Ryan, MD., AACAP’s Gifts and Endowments Committee Liaison, will attend this event that takes place at AACAPs Washington, D.C. office. 59th Annual Meeting Sponsors Pharmaceutical sponsorships in 2012 totaled $175,000. Sponsor Eli Lilly and Company Eli Lilly and Company Shire Pharmaceuticals Program International Reception Silver Level Gold Level Result $75,000 $50,000 $50,000 This is a decrease of $150,000, or 46% from 2011. The decrease is attributed to the following: 1) Bristol Meyer-Squibb ($20,000), Janssen, Inc. ($25,000), and Purdue Pharma ($50,000) did not renew their sponsorship in 2012. 2) Shire’s sponsorship decreased $50,000 in 2012. 3) Eli Lilly’s International Reception sponsorship decreased by $5,000 in 2012. Pharmaceutical sponsorship support of AACAP Annual Meetings has been in a range of $230,000 $325,000. Since 2006, revenue has been: $250,000 (2006), $245,000 (2007), $300,000 (2008), $315,000 (2009), $230,000 (2010), and $325,000 (2011). Thus, the $175,000 support in 2012 is the lowest total since 2006. And, there is no indication that this support will be increasing due to industry and market trends and increasing sentiment from AACAP members to reevaluate pharmaceutical support. A major objective for 2013 is to grow non-pharmaceutical revenue. Development will work with Meetings, Communications, and the Executive Office to create a 2013 Annual Meeting Sponsorship packet. Development will be asking Council and other key AACAP stakeholders to engage in this process, which includes identifying corporate contacts. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism (NIAAA) Development and Research submitted a letter of interest to NIAAA for 2013 initiatives in December. We asked them to consider funding the following three projects: 1) The NIAAA Educational Outreach Program (EOP) for Residents: $20,000 We requested they renew its support for this program in 2013. 2) NIAAA Summer Medical Student Fellowship: $25,000 Document1 2/8/2016 16 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 This was a new proposal. 3) NIAAA 60th Annual Meeting SUAAD Track Sponsorship: $25,000 This was also a new proposal. Total of our funding requests was for $70,000. Pink Freud T-Shirts The 2012 Pink Freud T-Shirts were sold onsite at the Annual Meeting. As in past years, all net revenue benefitted the Campaign for America’s Kids. Of the 200 shirts ordered, 119 were sold resulting in revenue of $4,760. There were 27 shirts given to Pink Freud Band members as “thank you” gifts, leaving 54 shirts available. These shirts and unsold 2011 t-shirts will be on sale during the 2013 Psychopharmacology Update Institute January 25-26. AACAP Catchers in the Rye Humanitarian Award A Humanitarian Award Subcommittee will be formed to develop a nomination and selection process for the AACAP 2013 Catchers in the Rye Humanitarian Award, which honors an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of children’s mental health. The 2013 Humanitarian Award’s call for nominations is currently online at All multi-channel mediums will be used to promote and market the 2013 award. The nominations deadline is February 28, 2013 with the recipient selection by April 2013. Development Committee Co-Chaired by Chris Kratochvil, M.D. and Harold Koplewicz, M.D. Harold Koplewicz, M.D. was appointed co-chair of the Development Committee. The Development Committee will focus on re-purposing the role of Development, and more specifically, how we will grow AACAP revenue. The Development Committee co-chairs, Chris Kratochvil, M.D. and Harold Koplewicz, M.D., will meet with Heidi Fordi and Alan Ezagui in January to address the items above and 2013 goals. A focus will be how to expand stakeholders and partners. Some ideas and strategies for 2013 and beyond include: 1) Re-energize the Campaign for America’s Kids 2) Focus on Member Individual Giving 3) Donor Retention Strategies 4) Donor Segmentation Strategies 5) Attract Non-Member (Individual & Corporate) Donor Support 6) Re-Scripting the AACAP Story 7) Implement a Bequest Program 8) Peer-to-Peer Fundraising 9) Due Diligence Interviews 10) Redesign the Development Website Document1 2/8/2016 17 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 The most effective way to achieve new success is in the strength of relationships between AACAP and key stakeholders, constituents, and partners, both inside and outside of AACAP. We would like to foster these relationships as a teammate with the Executive Director, Council, and the Executive Committee. DEPARTMENT OF GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS & CLINICAL PRACTICE (DGA&CP) Staffed by Kristin Kroeger Ptakowski, Adriano Boccanelli, Liz DiLauro, Emma Jellen, Michael Linskey, and Jennifer Medicus GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Congressional Hearing on the Rising Rates of Autism On November 29 the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing on the rising rates of autism and the federal government’s response to the autism crisis. The hearing included testimony from government officials from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities. These officials were questioned on the federal government’s response to the autism crisis. The committee also heard from numerous patient advocacy groups whom promoted the idea that autism is linked to vaccinations. AACAP submitted a statement for the Congressional record saying there is not a causal relationship that is supported by science regarding vaccines and autism and that the limited funds for autism research must be used to support evidence based research. Advocacy and Collaboration Grants (* indicates first time applicant) AACAP received 11 applications for the 2013 Advocacy and Collaboration Grants, which provide $3,000 grants to Regional Organizations to engage in collaborative advocacy activities to improve children’s mental health care in their state or community. There are 10 grants available in 3103, supported by AACAP’s Abramson Fund. Applicants include: Arkansas*, Big Sky*, California, Louisiana, Maine*, Maryland, Nebraska*, New Jersey, Northern California*, and San Diego. Psychologist Prescribing Legislation – New Jersey The New Jersey legislature continues to consider legislation to grant psychologists prescription privileges, with A. 2419 passing out of the Assembly Regulated Professions Committee in December. Anna Vander Schraff, M.D. testified in the Regulated Professions Committee on behalf of the New Jersey Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, stressing collaborative care with primary care physicians as an alternative solution to increase access to mental health treatment. Staff is continuing to work with the New Jersey Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the New Jersey Psychiatric Association in efforts to stop the bill from progressing in 2013. AACAP Joins Amicus Brief on Florida Law Prohibiting Physician Counseling on Firearms In November, AACAP joined with the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychiatric Association, and other medical associations in an amicus brief in support of a court ruling to block a Florida law that limits a physician’s ability to talk with their patients about the presence of firearms in the home. The ruling blocking the law asserted that the law violated physicians’ First Amendment rights of free speech and noted that the law’s provisions “fail to provide any standard for practitioners to follow.” Florida Governor Rick Scott is appealing the court ruling in the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Document1 2/8/2016 18 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 New Advocacy Resources State Health Insurance Exchanges Toolkit: This toolkit provides information on the implementation of state health insurance exchanges and how child and adolescent psychiatrists can get involved in their state. State Advocacy Manual: This manual is intended to help AACAP members get involved in advocacy in their states and communities. Autism and Intellectual Disability Committee Chaired by Bryan King, M.D., and Jeremy Veenstra-Vander Weele, M.D. To address the lack of knowledge about the treatment of comorbid conditions in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, the committee formed a working group, led by Jeremy VeenstraVander Weele, M.D., to develop a policy statement urging the inclusion of this group in future research studies. The draft policy statement has been sent to the Research Committee and Ethics Committee for input and is currently being revised. The Committee has also formed a working group, led by Matthew Siegel, M.D., to develop Frequently Asked Questions documents on the changes related to autism in the DSM V. The working group is drafting two FAQ documents, one geared toward clinicians and one for families. Infant and Preschool Committee Chaired by Sheila Marcus, M.D. The Committee has formed a training working group that is developing a survey to assess current training in infant mental health in psychiatry training programs. The working group will use the data collected from the survey to develop recommendations to be incorporated into training programs. The survey will be finalized in January. Additionally, the Committee is actively working to increase the submissions related to infant mental health to the 2013 AACAP Annual Meeting. Small working groups are developing four proposals to be sponsored by the Committee. CLINICAL PRACTICE Quality Issues Committee Chaired by Oscar Bukstein, M.D. and Heather Walter, M.D. The Practice Parameter for the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Schizophrenia was approved by Council in October. The parameter on disaster-preparedness completed consensus group and will be sent to Council in January for review and approval. Parameters on tic disorders and cultural competency parameters are in consensus group through the end of January. The Practice Parameters on eating disorders and children in the welfare system were presented for member review at the Member Forum at the Annual Meeting and are also out for review by experts until the end of January. With the approval of increased funding, discussions have started within the committee on the new guideline process and the new position that will oversee much of the new guideline development method. Diversity and Culture (CDC) Committee Chaired by Andres Pumariega, M.D. and Cheryl Al-Mateen, M.D. The Committee hosted three caucuses at the Annual Meeting in San Francisco: Black Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Hispanic/Latino Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, and the new IMG caucus. Attendance averaged about 40 for the three caucuses. The Committee also met with non-committee members about the possibility of developing a caucus on women’s/girls’ issues and supporting the development of a new committee focusing on these issues. Document1 2/8/2016 19 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 Schools Committee Chaired by Sheryl Kataoka, M.D. and Shashank Joshi, M.D. The Committee has started reviewing the very outdated Corporal Punishment in Schools and hopes to have it updated for review soon. Corporal punishment in schools is still legal in almost 20 states and the statement will be used to help advocacy efforts in those states. The Committee co-sponsored the 2012 Special Program on Best Practices in School-Based Mental Health Systems of Care. Telepsychiatry Committee Chaired by Kathleen Myers, M.D. and Dehra Glueck, M.D. The Committee is still collecting data from a survey it developed for training directors and programs about the level of and funding of Telepsychiatry in US programs. The results will be used to help develop a curriculum. The Committee brainstormed at the Annual Meeting and is developing single page minimal standard guidelines to help members use telepsychiatry. Task Force on Health Information Technology Chaired by Barry Sarvet, M.D. The Task Force completed its web pages on helping members understand and use electronic medical records, which can be accessed here: There are additional products being developed for the site, including templates for progress notes. Council approved the Policy Statement on Confidentiality in Health Information technology in November and is currently online including the EMR page. Child Maltreatment and Violence Committee Chaired by Judith A. Cohen, M.D. and Jeanette Scheid, M.D. In response to the tragedy in Newtown, CT, the Committee discussed and sent to Council several recommendations for AACAP to consider enacting. These consisted of items that could be done immediately and those to be considered for the longer term, such as the development of strong policy statements. Healthcare, Access and Economics Committee (HCAE) Chaired by Tony Jackson, M.D. and Harsh Trivedi, M.D. The coding subcommittee of Drs. Ben Shain, David Berland and Sherry Barron-Seabrook created three webinars, a summary guide, an algorithm, and many other materials to help educate members on the CPT coding changes that will take effect January 2013. The webinars have been viewed over 24,000 times. They also hosted a live webinar to answer coding questions on December 18 with 40 participants. There will be another live webinar in January. AACAP staff has responded to over 150 questions about the coding changes via email and phone. CASII/ECSII 110 CASII manuals were sold for a total revenue of $2,855 25 ECSII manuals were sold for a total revenue of $800 JobSource 36 Job postings were published, including 5 on poster boards at the Annual Meeting, for a total income of $ 19,500 Document1 2/8/2016 20 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) Staffed by Colleen Dougherty, Tracy Hipps, Andrew Kennedy, and Joe Winkle Page views for the AACAP website during the period of 10/1/12 through 12/31/12 were increased compared to that time period in 2011. The Annual Meeting Registration Magazine was the most requested pages during this time. Oct 1, 2012 - Dec 31, 2012 1,464,228 3,421,705 Total Sessions Total Pageviews Oct 1, 2011 - Dec 31, 2011 1,389,253 3,081,967 The most popular search terms and phrases that people used to find our site along with the sessions attributed to those searches (10/1/12 – 12/31/12): Search Term/Phrase ODD Obesity Violence/Media Violence Bullying Sexual Abuse Reactive Attachment Suicide Conduct Schizophrenia Bipolar Sessions 40,665 11,565 11,284 9,664 7,200 5,082 4,868 4,402 4,144 1,601 Below are the top requested pages for 10/1/12-12/31/12 and a comparison to that same time frame last year. Top Requested Pages 2012 2012 Annual Meeting Reg Mag FFF - Obesity in Children and Teens ODD Guide – Resource Center Impact of Media Violence on Kids Talking to Kids/Community Violence Reimbursement for Practitioners FFF - Children with ODD Annual Meeting 2012 Homepage FFF - Bullying JAACAP Autism 1999 Document1 Pageviews 129,734 70,040 48,862 48,480 Top Requested Pages 2011 FFF - Children with ODD 2011 Annual Meeting Reg Mag FFF - Obesity in Children and Teens ODD Guide – Resource Center Pageviews 105,330 91,083 90,400 62,872 43,634 FFF - Children/Video Game Violence 42,813 34,255 33,949 30,177 26,446 25,906 Facts for Families Homepage FFF - Bullying FFF - Children and TV Violence FFF - Teens Alcohol and Drugs Impact of Media Violence on Kids 38,204 36,341 35,165 34,147 30,991 2/8/2016 21 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 Below are the monthly and total page views for each Resource Center for the months of 10/1/1212/31/12. Resource Centers October ADHD (launched 9/10) 2,016 Anxiety Disorders (launched 3/09) 2,250 Autism (launched 7/09) 1,031 (launched 7/09) 1,270 Child Abuse (launched 5/11) 581 Conduct Disorder (launched 4/09) 855 Depression (launched 9/08) 1,902 Disaster (launched 9/08) 433 ODD(launched 7/08) 7,993 Military Families(launched 7/10) 363 Substance Abuse (launched 9/11) 643 Resource Centers Total Page Views November December 1,936 1,579 2,197 1,826 1,113 859 1,269 1,123 662 530 948 803 1,439 1,136 807 3,110 7,141 6,869 510 381 711 573 Total Page Views 5,531 6,273 3,003 3,662 1,773 2,606 4,477 4,350 22,003 1,254 1,927 56,859 Below are the page views for the Members Only homepage for 10/1/12 - 12/31/12 along with the numbers from that same time period last year. Oct 1, 2012 - Dec 31, 2012 Oct 1, 2011 - Dec 31, 2011 6,900 7,738 Members Only Homepage In regards to the Sandy Hook School shooting and our response, below are the trackable statistics for the links addressing the shooting on the homepage. The content went live on 12/14/12 and is currently still there. Children and Firearms Children and Grief PTSD Understanding Violent Behavior in Kids Disaster and Trauma Resource Center Oct 1, 2012 - Dec 31, 2012 5,710 18,582 18,159 Oct 1, 2011 - Dec 31, 2011 2,303 7,077 15,171 20,660 17,472 4,350 1,288 Additional page view statistics for other pages of interest: Advocacy Homepage Students/Residents Homepage Document1 Oct 1, 2012 - Dec 31, 2012 Oct 1, 2011 - Dec 31, 2011 5,419 5,652 3,234 2/8/2016 22 2,109 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 Web Editorial Board (W.E.B.) The W.E.B. worked on several projects during the reporting period. Below are the main projects: Youth section: This section is now available on the website. The Community-Based Systems of Care Committee will continue to add content to this section. Members Only section: The new Members Only landing page is available online. Website reorganization: The W.E.B. continued to work with other committees to reorganize the website. JAACAP EDITORIAL OFFICE Staffed by Mary Billingsley, Hilary Flowers, and Kristine Pumphrey Editorial Board Transitions The following individuals were approved by the AACAP Council in July for appointment to the Editorial Board of JAACAP beginning January 1, 2013: Michael H. Bloch, M.D., M.D., Kelly N. Botteron, M.D., Melissa P. DelBello, M.D., M.S., Mary Margaret Gleason, M.D., and James J. McGough, M.D., M.S. as Editorial Board Members, and Schuyler W. Henderson, M.D., M.P.H., as Assistant Editor. Three members of the Editorial Board have been reappointed to their second (and final) three-year term, also beginning on January 1, 2013: Robert R. Althoff, M.D., Ph.D., Adrian Angold, M.D., and Joan L. Luby, M.D., M.P.H. The following individuals rotated off the Editorial Board on December 31, 2012: Neil W. Boris, M.D., David R. DeMaso, M.D., Gail A. Edelsohn, M.D., Mani N. Pavuluri, M.D., Ph.D., and Christopher K. Varley, M.D. Dr. Martin expresses his deep gratitude to the board members for their superb service to the Journal over the past years. JAACAP’s Spanish Edition Volumen 6, Número 3 The newest issue of JAACAP’s Spanish edition has been completed. The print edition of the issue is distributed to 3,500 child psychiatrists, pediatricians, and family physicians in Spain. The issue features cover artwork from the October 2012 issue of JAACAP and contains three selected Review and New Research articles. The online issue will be made freely available on following a two month embargo period. Podcasts of Author Interviews Each month JAACAP editors or contributing editors interview the author of a selected article. The author interviews are available via podcast at In the most recent podcast, Contributing Editor Argyris Stringaris, M.D., Ph.D., interviews Thomas M. Achenbach, Ph.D., on international mental health and cross-society application of clinical assessments and services. The current podcast appears on the home page of the Journal website and the podcast archive is freely available by selecting “Podcasts” in the top navigation bar. Article citations: 2012;51(12):1261-1272 and 2012;51(12):1273-1283. Online Journal CME Currently, online Journal CME is available for selected articles (one article per month) for the January 2012 – December 2012 issues and is offered free of charge through Elsevier. With this offering, over 4,100 CME certificates have been issued for JAACAP CME since the inception of the program, and about 93% of certificates issued for each activity are to AACAP members. Document1 2/8/2016 23 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 The Journal’s latest free online CME activity highlights the findings of Trudie I. Rossouw, M.R.C. Psych, and Peter Fonagy, Ph.D., F.B.A., as reported in “Mentalization-Based Treatment for Self-Harm in Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial” in the December issue. Article citation: 2012;51(12):1304-1313. Press Releases Online Press Releases are available for selected Journal articles. JAACAP press releases are composed by the Editorial Office and distributed through Elsevier. Members of the media can also access the press releases on the JAACAP website. JAACAP’s most recent press release highlighted the findings of Dr. Katie A. McLaughlin, Ph.D., and colleagues as reported in “Food Insecurity and Mental Disorders in a National Sample of U.S. Adolescents,” from the December issue. Annual Meeting Events Workshop 27: Submitting, Reviewing, and Getting Published, sponsored by the AACAP Committee on Medical Students and Residents, was held on Friday October 26th at 8:00am. JAACAP Editor-in-Chief Andrés Martin, M.D., M.P.H., was joined by Editorial Board member Brady G. Case, M.D. and incoming Assistant Editor Schuyler W. Henderson, M.D., M.P.H., in presenting strategies to increase the likelihood of having work accepted for publication, the components of effective peer and book reviews, and opportunities to get involved in scholarly publications, The workshop was evaluated highly by attendees and similar sessions may be proposed for 2013. On Friday, October 26th at 2:00pm an informal ‘Meet the Editor’ event was held at the Elsevier booth in the Exhibition Hall. Dr. Martin engaged in conversation with meeting attendees until the Exhibition Hall closed for the evening. GlaxoSmithKline/Keller et al. 2001 A recently concluded settlement between the United States government and pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) raised questions of potential scientific misconduct in an article published in JAACAP in 2001.1 The JAACAP Action Editors reviewed available information and consulted Michael E. Reed, attorney at law, and Josh Spieler, Publishing Director at Elsevier, among others. In keeping with guidelines created by the Committee for Publication Ethics (COPE; for handling instances of potential misconduct in scholarly publishing, the authors were formally asked to respond to issues raised by the GSK settlement. The editors evaluated the authors’ responses and preliminary information was shared with Council during the meeting on October 27th. The editors’ final decision was shared with the Executive Committee in December and will be discussed with Council during the call on January 22nd. Resolving this issue continues to be a top priority for the Journal. Reference: 1. Keller MB, Ryan ND, Strober M, et al. Efficacy of Paroxetine in the Treatment of Adolescent Major Depression: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2001;40(7):762-772. Document1 2/8/2016 24 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 COUNCIL AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DECISIONS Since the October 2011 Council meeting in Toronto, Canada, the following policy decisions have been made: Council February 27, 2012 Agreed to move forward with the Executive Director Search Committee with the option of choosing a search firm later if needed and agreed candidates would interview with the Executive Committee and would not need to formally present at a Council meeting. April 17, 2012 Approved the Juvenile Justice Reform Committee’s Policy Statement on Solitary Confinement of Juvenile Offenders June 12, 2012 Approved the Policy Statement on Medical Marijuana passed with 14 in favor and 0 opposed. The following Council members voted in favor: Steve Adelsheim, M.D., Wayne Batzer, M.D., Steve Cuffe, M.D., Deborah Deas, M.D., David DeMaso, M.D., Laurence L. Greenhill, M.D., Paramjit T. Joshi, M.D., Kathy Kelley, M.D., Louis J. Kraus, M.D., D. Richard Martini, M.D., Warren YK Ng, M.D., Melvin D. Oatis, M.D., Neal Ryan, M.D., and Margaret Stuber, M.D. Approved the Best Principles for Integration of Child Psychiatry into the Pediatric Health Home document passed with 13 in favor and 0 opposed. The following Council members votes in favor: Steve Adelsheim, M.D., Wayne Batzer, M.D., Steve Cuffe, M.D., Deborah Deas, M.D., Martin J. Drell, M.D., Paramjit T. Joshi, M.D., Kathy Kelley, M.D., Louis J. Kraus, M.D., D. Richard Martini, M.D., Warren YK Ng, M.D., Melvin D. Oatis, M.D., Neal Ryan, M.D., and Margaret Stuber, M.D. June 29, 2012 Agreed that current pharma funding levels to be reasonable both as a percentage of the Annual Meeting and as a percentage of overall budget. Council will review the overall pharma levels annually and inform the Gifts and Endowments Oversight Committee if Council determines funding levels need to be adjusted. Agreed to remove the four funds—Karl Menninger Plenary, the Lawrence A. Stone Plenary, the Douglas Hanson Annual Review Course, and the Stubblefield House of Delegates—to Board Restricted Funds from the temporarily restricted net assets schedule (as of December 31, 2011) and become board designated funds so as to ensure the fund continue to support these programs and receive allocations of investment income or loss. Voted to approve a second five-year term for Andres Martin, M.D. as JAACAP Editor. Agreed that there should be at minimum annual meetings between the Editor, the President, and the Executive Director. These meetings will be informed by regular discussions by Council concerning Document1 2/8/2016 25 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 JAACAP in addition to the existing regular Assembly and Council reports by the Editor. Voted to approve Heidi B. Fordi, CAE as the new AACAP Executive Director. She assumes her new position on September 1, 2012. Unanimously voted in the affirmative for the following three items: Have an all member referendum at the end of the year on the formation of a 501(c)6 to house an AACAP PAC. This referendum will include a clear description of the 501(c)6 and will inform members that they will have the option of opting out of the 501(c)6; Upon an affirmative membership referendum on the formation of a 501(c)6, to move all or part of the Dept. of Government Affairs to the 501(c)6; Upon an affirmative membership referendum on the formation of a 501(c)6, to initially fund the administration of the 501(c)6 with membership dues, while reserving the option to modify this in the future. October 24, 2012 Approved the following project support/decision matrix as guidelines for AACAP decision making for projects, coalitions, or collaborations with other organizations (AACAP mission statement serves as the foundation for the project support/decision matrix) Approved the President-Elect using his/her travel funds over a 3-year period with the same amount of funds. Recommended that the President create an expanded task force to review AACAP’s economic relationship with Pharma. The President agreed with the Council recommendation and will convene a new Task Force in 2013. Approved that starting with the next policy cycle (July 1, 2013 – June 30,2014) AACAP will pay the entire premium for the Regional Organizations’ Directors and Officers (D&O) Insurance. The total premium for RO Directors and Officers insurance is $22,800. Approved unanimously the proposed 2013 budget. Approved the Executive Committee decision regarding the special funds. The Abramson Fund will provide $30,000 for the 2013 Advocacy and Collaboration Grants. The Endowment Fund will provide $20,000 for the 2013 Educational Outreach Program (EOP) For Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Residents. Also, $10,000 will be given for the 2013 National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day and $8,000 will be given for the 2013 Child Mental Health Summit. Approved by majority vote the recommendation of the Development Committee for the 2013 Summer Medical Student Fellowship Program. This program will be funded with $44,210. Document1 2/8/2016 26 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 Agreed it is not necessary to send a referendum to the membership regarding setting up a 501(c)(6)/ PAC. Executive Committee December 10, 2011 Agreed to appoint a task force to continue dialogue with APBN regarding new maintenance of certification requirements, particularly performance in practice. Agreed that Paramjit Joshi, M.D. would chair the Pharmaceutical Task Force with these members: Neal Ryan, M.D., Sourav Sengupta, M.D., Ruth Gerson, M.D. (Jerry M. Wiener Resident Member of Council). The Task Force will report to Council during the June 2012 meeting. January 13, 2012 Agreed that the Executive Director Search Committee would consist of: 2 Past Presidents—Drs. Richard Sarles (chair) and Marilyn Benoit; 1 Past Assembly Chair – John Dunne; 1 current Resident Member of Council—Dr. Ruth Gerson; and 1 At-Large Member – Christopher Kratochvil. Agreed the mid-year Lifelong Learning Institute would not be continued after 2012. Agreed to form the College Student Mental Health Committee that will focus on mental health services provided in the college setting. Agreed that a member of the Executive Committee would personally call all members that donate $250 or more. Agreed that, over the next two years, AACAP would focus its effort in APA’s Council on Children, Adolescents, and Families and would “step out” of the APA Assembly then re-evaluate after two years. Approved the continuation of the black and hispanic/latino caucuses during the Annual Meeting, plus the addition of one more caucus starting at the 2012 Annual Meeting. The choice of the new caucus is up to the Diversity and Culture Committee March 15, 2012 Agreed that the Cancro Award can be given every other year with a $2,000 honorarium. Agreed to continue its Sponsorship of National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day but at the reduced level of $5,000. May 11, 2012 Agreed that accounting of pharma income should highlight that our pharma income statement does not include revenue from the Journal. August 14, 2012 Informed on August 4 that Wayne Batzer, M.D. resigned as a member of AACAP stating, “The Academy is clearly reliant on continued pharmaceutical industry funding and I am no longer able to accept this.” Document1 2/8/2016 27 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 September 24, 2012 Agreed the President-Executive Director’s (PED) Report will be created quarterly in conjunction with Council meetings: January, April, June, and October. Agreed the Program Committee Chair would report at the Assembly and Council meetings each October. December 13, 2012 Agreed that the updated version of the Project Support/Decision Matrix will be included in the AACAP Staff Handbook and in the new officers’ orientation process. Agreed not to co-sponsor the 7th Congress of Asian Psychiatry and Allied Health Professionals and 12th Biennial Conference of the Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Approved moving forward with software development of the CASII that will facilitate the dissemination of the instrument and collaborating with Concordia in Florida. Document1 2/8/2016 28 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 COUNCIL MEMBERS' ACTIVITIES Martin J. Drell, M.D. —President; Ex-Officio on all components; Financial Planning Committee member; Psychotherapy Committee member; Gift and Endowment Oversight Committee member Paramjit T. Joshi, M.D.—President-Elect; Ex-Officio on all components; Task Force on Pharma; Back to Project Future Committee member David R. DeMaso, M.D.—Secretary; Bylaws Committee member; Ex-Officio on the Bylaws Committee, Membership Committee, and Ethics Committee; Committee on Collaboration with Medical Professions member Steven P. Cuffe, M.D.—Treasurer; Financial Planning Committee member; Ex-officio on Grants Oversight Committee; Ex-officio on Gifts and Endowment Oversight Committee Louis J. Kraus, M.D.—Assembly Chair; Juvenile Justice Reform Committee co-chair; AMA delegate Laurence Lee Greenhill, M.D.—AACAP Immediate Past President; Nominating Committee chair, Development Committee Member Steven Adelsheim, M.D.—Councilor-at-Large; Telepsychiatry Committee member Mark Borer, M.D.—Assembly Secretary-Treasurer; Bylaws Committee member Steven J. Cozza, M.D.—Councilor-at-Large; Disaster and Trauma Issues Committee co-chair Deborah Deas, M.D.—Councilor-at-Large; Ad Hoc Committee on Editorship and Publications member Joan Luby, M.D.—Councilor-at-Large; Research Committee member Warren Y.K. Ng, M.D.—Assembly Vice Chair; Regional Organization Infrastructure Task Force chair; Bylaws Committee co-chair; Political Action Committee (PAC) Task Force member Neal Ryan, M.D.—Councilor-at-Large; Task Force on Pharma member; Back to Project Future Subcommittee chair; Gifts and Endowments Committee Liaison for Pharmaceutical Funding and Annual Meeting Support Jennifer S. Saul, M.D.—Assembly Representative to Council; Complementary and Integrative Committee co-chair; Membership Committee member; Electronic Medical Records Task Force member Sourav Sengupta, M.D. —Jerry M. Wiener Resident Member of Council; Committee on Medical Students and Residents member; Training and Education Committee member; Family Committee member; Task Force on Pharma member Margaret L. Stuber, M.D.—Councilor-at-Large; Physically Ill Child Committee member; Religion and Spirituality Committee member Harsh K. Trivedi, M.D.—Assembly Rep. to Council; Healthcare Access and Economics Committee co-chair Marika Wrzosek, M.D.—John E. Schowalter, M.D. Resident Member of Council; Committee on Medical Students and Residents resident Document1 2/8/2016 29 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 AACAP Staff 3615 Wisconsin Avenue, NW,TITLES Washington, DCE-MAIL 20016-3007, (202) 966-7300, (800) 333-7636, Fax: (202) 966-2891 DEPARTMENT AND ADDRESSES EXT. EXECUTIVE Heidi B. Fordi Earl Magee Genifer Goldsmith Executive Director, AACAP Administrator, Executive Office Coordinator, COMMUNICATIONS AND MEMBER SERVICES Rob Grant Caitlyn Camacho Nicole Creek Nelson Tejada Vacant Director, Communication & Member Svcs., Communication & Marketing Coordinator, Member Services Coordinator, Membership Asst. & Asst. Registrar, Member Services Supervisor 102 115 116 Goldsmith 119 154 134 131 111 FINANCE Larry Burner Naomi Franklin Lynda Jones Comptroller, Accounting Assistant, Assistant Controller, 129 122 110 GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS AND CLINICAL PRACTICES Kristin Kroeger Ptakowski Adriano Boccanelli Liz DiLauro Emma Jellen Michael Linskey Jennifer Medicus Sr. Deputy Exec. Dir./Dir, DGA. & Clin. Practice, Clinical Practice Manager, Asst. Dir. of Grassroots Advocacy, Policy Coordinator, Asst. Director. of Govt. Affairs, Assistant Director of Clinical Practice, 108 133 107 128 126 137 IT Director, Database Manager, Help Desk/ Network Technician, WebMaster, 159 141 158 118 Director of Meetings & CME, CME Coordinator, Asst. Dir. of Education and Recertification, Meetings Coordinator, Asst. Director, Meetings & Exhibits Manager , Meetings Coordinator, 101 139 106 155 104 156 Deputy Director of Development, Development Coordinator 130 140 IT Colleen Dougherty Tracy Hipps Andrew Kennedy Joe Winkle MEETINGS & CME Jill Zeigenfus Quentin Bernhard III Elizabeth Hughes Audrey Kerr Molly O’Neill Brooke Schneider DEVELOPMENT Alan Mark Ezagui Vacant OPERATIONS/HUMAN RESOURCE Maureen DuBois Danielle Jackson Director of HR/Operations, Operations Coordinator/Receptionist, 125 100 RESEARCH, TRAINING AND EDUCATION Yoshie Davison Liz Goggin Cecilia Johnson Ashley Partner Dir. of Research, Training & Educ., Research Program Manager, Research & Training Coordinator, Training & Education Manager, 113 114 157 117 Managing Editor, Assistant Managing Editor, Editorial Coordinator, 105 153 112 JAACAP Mary Billingsley Kristine Pumphrey Hilary Flowers Document1 2/8/2016 30 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 VISION (adopted by staff October 6, 1998, updated August 2009) Our vision is that AACAP make a resounding difference in promoting healthy development and in improving the diagnosis and treatment for all children with mental illnesses; and that all child and adolescent psychiatrists belong and contribute to AACAP, and utilize AACAP’s strength in the furtherance of its mission. Our vision for children and adolescents is that: The factors that contribute to mental illnesses are eliminated in children and adolescents; Systems of care are delivered in a developmentally appropriate way with cultural sensitivity; Parents have the tools and resources to make informed decisions in their child’s best interest; Policies and programs nourish resiliency, diminish risk factors, and strengthen protective factors; Access is available to a comprehensive continuum of care based on each child’s individual needs, allowing for a full range of treatment options and services provided by child and adolescent psychiatrists. All forms of child abuse are eliminated. Our vision for child and adolescent psychiatrists is that: They are recognized and utilized to the full extent of their expertise; Services are delivered according to the highest moral and ethical standards and according to professional codes and values; The number of child and adolescent psychiatrists is sufficient to respond to the needs of children, adolescents, and their families; Services are compensated appropriately; Robust resources exist to ensure optimal training and continuing education; Diversity and multiculturalism are encouraged within the field. Our vision for the AACAP is that we: Provide opportunities for the profession of child and adolescent psychiatry to grow and prosper by educating, nurturing, and mentoring new generations; Collaborate with other medical, professional, and consumer organizations to enhance the well-being of children; Educate the public about child and adolescent psychiatry and the ways in which child and adolescent psychiatrists help children overcome mental illnesses, and encourage parents and caregivers to take action if they suspect their child has a mental illness; Promote research and the continued expansion of the scientific base of child and adolescent psychiatry; Foster a community for child and adolescent psychiatrists to exchange ideas and collaborate to advance the field of child and adolescent psychiatry. Our vision is that AACAP is indispensible to child and adolescent psychiatrists as the primary resource for education, practice needs, and the latest research in the field. Document1 2/8/2016 31 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 Appendix A: History of Lifelong Learning Module Sales Module 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Document1 Names 2005 Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Violence and Homicide Eating Disorders, Feeding/Elimination Disorders, and Substance-related Disorders 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total $12,998 $18,335 $11,720 $43,053 83 modules 116 modules 75 modules 274 modules $47,990 $16,745 $10,680 $6,660 $82,075 485 modules 114 modules 69 modules 40 modules 708 modules $49,260 $21,080 $9,202 $6,922 $86,464 490 modules 140 modules 65 modules 45 modules 740 modules $44,180 $26,988 $11,512 $15,364 $98,044 448 modules 197 modules 73 modules 91 modules 809 modules $63,328 $32,312 $30,304 $15,780 $141,724 529 modules 205 modules 150 modules 102 modules 986 modules $51,984 $53,164 $28,200 $13,200 $146,548 518 modules 395 modules 179 modules 84 modules 1,176 modules $60,436 $43,538 $28,200 $132,174 605 modules 295 modules 175 modules 1,075 modules $50,740 $57,584 $108,324 495 modules 455 modules 950 modules $64,698 $64,698 544 modules 544 modules Anxiety Disorders, Trauma (NonAbuse/Neglect Related), Selective Mutism Schools, Forensics, Community Systems of Care, Consultative Issues, Ethics, Culture, and Public Policy/Advocacy Mood Disorders, OCD, Suicide, Tourette’s Disorder Autism, Psychotic Disorders (NonAffective) Neuroscience, Pediatric and Neurologic Consultative Issues, Bereavement, Death and Dying, Deaf, and Medical/ Psychiatric Interface (Factitious Disorders, Sleep Disorders, Somatoform Disorder) Modalities of Non-Pharmacological Treatment and Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Typical and Atypical Development in Childhood and Adolescence: Protective and Risk Factors, and Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists $60,988 $84,340 $87,660 $106,178 $102,730 $159,268 $138,258 $163,682 $903,104 568 modules 720 modules 732 modules 831 modules 841 modules 1,241 modules 1,071 modules 1,258 modules 7,262 modules 2/8/2016 32 Report to the Council, January 22, 2013 Development Appendix B Development Revenue 2009 1/1-12/31 2010 1/1-12/31 2011 1/1-12/31 2012 YTD 1/1-12/31 $0 $60,186 $0 $0 Annual Meeting Sponsorship and Educational Support from Pharmaceutical Industry $225,000 $150,000 $245,000 $100,000 Annual Meeting International Reception Sponsorship from Pharmaceutical Industry $90,000 $80,000 $80,000 $75,000 Campaign For America’s Kids (CFAK) - Individual Giving Inclusive of the 2012 CFAK Fundraiser ($38,650) Inclusive of 2012 Honoraria Donations ($4,550) $49,181 $93,256 $67,745 $60,748.18 Campaign for America’s Kids – Foundation giving (Lilly Foundation grant) $35,000 $0 $0 $0 Mary Crosby Congressional Fellow $10,325 $4,369 $23,130 $3,395 Educational Outreach Program for General Psychiatry Residents—Lilly $50,000 $50,000 $61,662 $50,000 Educational Outreach Program – NIAAA N/A N/A N/A $20,000 Educational Outreach Program for CAP Residents—Shire N/A N/A N/A $20,000 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $600 $50,200 $3,357 $2,500 $500 $43,750 $5,098 $2,500 $2,500 $761 $43,200 $6,291 $2,500 $2,500 $1,300 $59,555 $900 $2,500 $0 $100,000 $0 Fund/Activity ADHD Online Resource Center (grant from the Lasdon Foundation) Endowed Dues 2009 - Sushma Jani, M.D. | Jennifer Davis, M.D. Endowment Fund Elaine Schlosser Lewis Fund (ESL) General/Other Support Grove Foundation Grove School Douglas B. Hansen, M.D. Annual Review Course January Psychopharmacology Online CME or Support Klingenstein Foundation - Medical Student Evaluation, Klingenstein Award, and General Operating Support Life Members Fund Karl Menninger Plenary - Ron Filippi NIDA Support for Annual Meeting Online CME Programs Noshpitz Cline History Lecture ● David Cline, M.D. 2012 pledge of $50,000 Philips Fund for Prevention Pilot Research Awards sponsored by Lilly, USA Virginia Q. Anthony Fund Psychotherapy Psychodynamic Research Project – Herbert Ouida Foundation Rieger Foundation – Rieger Awards Research Initiative from Pharmaceutical Companies Lawrence A. Stone, M.D. Plenary Robert L. Stubblefield Resident Member to the AMA House of Delegates Ryan Licht Sang Bipolar Foundation - Quest for the Test Award Jerry M. Wiener, M.D. Resident Member to Council Fund TOTAL Document1 2/8/2016 33 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 $29,000 $28,500 $16,000 $13,775 $5,000 $47,312 $31,250 $31,710 $7,500 $63,025 $150,000 $49,499 $7,500 $49,997 $0 $35,031 $8,000 $25,000 $0 $50,000 $0 $96,000 $1,000 $96,000 $0 $114,000 $0 $96,000 N/A N/A N/A $65,971 $2,500 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $125,000 $0 $17,000 $19,000 $0 $15,000 $75,000 $100,000 $17,000 $0 $0 $10,000 $75,000 $0 $0 $0 $6,750 $15,000 $75,000 $0 $0 $0 $750 $943,000 $1,077,394 $974,035 $780,150