2013 Application Submission

TGIF Mini-Grant Application Fall 2013
Total amount requested must be from $500-2,000. Submissions must be submitted in PDF or
Word format with minimum 12 pt. font and 1” margins and be no more than 5 pages in length.
Your application must be submitted by 5pm on October 7, 2013 OR November 18, 2013. Please
title your document “MG_ProjectName_YourLastName”.
Project title: Installing Recycling Bins in Clark Kerr Dorm Rooms
Total amount requested from TGIF: $1700
Amount Requested as: X Grant __Loan (Estimated payback period of loan in ___ months)
Sponsoring Organization/Fiscal Agent: Leonard Green, Facility Manager of Clark Kerr
This will be the entity that holds your grant funds and administers all financial transactions and
student intern hires. This entity must submit a Project Approval Form.
Project leader(s):
Eva Malis
Year & Major/
Title & Department
Freshman, Environmental Science, GETH
Jordan French
Year & Major/
Title & Department
Freshman, Engineering/Undeclared, GETH
Project Details:
Describe the overall goals of the project.
We aim to increase recycling in the residence halls, specifically Clark Kerr. We will use the grant
funds to purchase small recycling containers for the dormitories. By installing a recycling bin in
each room, we provide a mechanism by which residents can recycle. Recycling bins are a basic,
essential step to our campus-wide goal of Zero Waste by 2020. Our survey showed strong
support from residents for the installment of recycling bins in each room; we aim to meet these
demands for convenient sustainability. Currently, the few bins around campus are located an
inconvenient distance away from the dorm buildings. With bins in the rooms and more readily
available to residents, students will be encouraged to dispose of recyclables properly.
How will the project be implemented? Describe the steps.
Once we secure funds, we will order the bins from Rubbermaid and install them over winter
break while the rooms are empty. The installation process will be carried out by GETH members
and volunteers from Hall Association. We will then publicize our project and explain the
benefits to all residents in the Clark Kerr newsletter, providing information on how to properly
recycle and the benefits of recycling. We will ensure that residents know how to correctly use
the bins, and motivate them to do so.
Which aspects of campus sustainability will your project tackle? What are the quantitative
and/or qualitative sustainability metrics?
Our residence halls are missing an essential stepping-stone to sustainable waste management.
The lack of recycling bins in the dorms is an issue that has come up across multiple
environmental organizations and is a concern for many students. Our survey indicated that 95%
of residents in Clark Kerr support having recycling bins in the dorms. There are currently no
convenient means for residents to recycle, and installing bins is the first crucial step to making
recycling options accessible. The presence of recycling bins in the rooms would open up the
opportunity for students to recycle, a necessity for sustainability. This would encourage
recycling throughout the residence halls, satisfy our resident’s demands, and divert recyclables
from landfills, increasing campus sustainability.
How will you measure the sustainability and environmental benefits?
We will weigh the amounts of trash and recyclables currently being discarded per week the
installment of the bins, and then weigh the weekly amount of landfill waste and recyclables
accumulated afterwards. We will contact Cal Recycling and Refuse service for help gathering
this information. We will conduct a survey to measure resident’s satisfaction with the bins one
month after their installment.
What is your plan for publicizing your project? Do you have any specific outreach goals?
We will have our project announced in the Clark Kerr newsletter, and present it at the Global
Environmental Theme House project demonstration event in April. We will be sure to educate
residents about how to appropriately use the bins to dispose of waste and explain to them the
importance of proper recycling. By publicizing our project and spreading awareness, we aim to
motivate residents to use the bins and increase their efforts to recycle.
Project Approvals Needed: Leonard Green, Facility Manager of Clark Kerr
If your project team is partnering with other organizations, or departments, or needs
permission to undertake a specific project, please submit a completed Project Approval Form
for each named entity.
List all budget items for which funding is being requested under the appropriate category.
Include cost/item and total amount/item requested. Please be as detailed as possible.
Cost per
Equipment and Construction Costs
Recycling Bins
Publicity and Communication
Personnel and Wages
General Supplies and Other
If selected by TGIF, your project must be completed by December 12, 2014.
Please email completed abstracts to tgif_grants@berkeley.edu and put the name of your
project in the subject line. Please title your document “MG_ProjectName_YourLastName”.
Questions and comments may be directed to TGIF Coordinator, Katherine Walsh, at
tgif_info@berkeley.edu /510-643-2992.