Say no to Constitution change and Boycott the

Say no to Constitution change and
Boycott the Referendum !
Target: All Aboriginal People & Our supporters of all cultures
Sponsored by: Sovereign People
In a public statement the Prime Minister says that Constitutional change will not include a
Boycott the Referendum on Constitutional change!
Many of our Aboriginal People are not on the electoral role and therefore the Referendum will not
have proper Aboriginal Representation.
Implementation on the Constitution provides no gains however the losses are great. The loss of our
'Land Rights'.
We lose our Right for a Treaty!
The Government plan to use the Constitutional Change against us. They gain and we lose on this
Take a stand for your kids generation and future generations now: Please sign up.
Don't let the Government take our rights of us!
We are the only indigenous race for a country under United Nations that don't have a Treaty:
The referendum will relinquish our Treaty Rights and Land rights and remove our Soverignty.
Many of our Aboriginal People are not on the electoral role and therefore the Referendum will not
have proper Aboriginal Representation.
Implementation on the Constitution provides no gains however the losses are great. The loss of our
'Land Rights'.
We lose our Right for a Treaty!
we signed "Say no to Constitution change and Boycott the Referendum !"
# 127
20:12, Sep 05, Susan Connors, Australia
Unless Aboriginal inclusion into the Constitution provides Aboriginal people a right for a treaty I will
not vote on it!!
# 126
19:41, Sep 05, Jade Russell, Australia
How can people of another culture and country have a voice when it's not about them?
# 125
19:28, Sep 05, Zoe Upton, Australia
This is outrages - we as the first Australians have been wanting a treaty for many years and if we
dont get it then that just means that we are in the same positition before the constitutional changes
- no point doing it!
# 124
19:09, Sep 05, Julie Russel, Australia
I do not and will not sign to the referendum ! I am not going to forfeit my rights as being Preeminent Sovereign. Together we stand to correct the wrongs of the past. I stand for our rights as
sovereign to this country.
# 123
02:58, Sep 05, david lander, Australia
not without Land you don't.
# 121
07:08, Sep 04, scott chisholm, Australia
Respect goes along way
# 120
07:05, Sep 04, Vivian Moore, Australia
I like being flora and fauna, take your system and go now.
# 119
05:57, Sep 04, susan rankin, Australia
An illegally occupying government does not have a legal constitution any way until they seek out the
formal written consent of the first nations peoples to that said occupation free of duress and any
undue influence.
# 117
15:59, Aug 14, mark reynolds, Australia
There is oly one place in the world you could possibly walk for days without seeing another person
or more importantly getting shot by some rebel army or standing on a land-mine. And you wish to
take that from us as well. Under the constitution we are the legitimate legislative voice of the
environment. I believe land rights was a divisive term coined by lawyers supposedly work for our
people’s cause. Meta speech at its best.
# 111
03:45, Jun 28, Malcolm McBain, Australia
you cannot gain title to anything by an illegal act : principle of english law. theft with violence is
illegal. the crown is illegal in this land. Constitutional recognition without sovereignty is a cop out.
# 108
17:46, Jun 24, debra bentley wilay, Australia
The Govt hid the Pacific Islanders Protection Act 1875 from the people which in No7 Saves the rights
of the Tribes & has no power over us... The British have never upheld a TReaty with natives yuet look at history of the world. I will not be sucked in with their lies & deceptions to gain power over
me and my people now or ever. JuLIAR =NO WAY!
# 107
18:21, Jun 23, Mishy Fuller, Australia
Gillard is not born on the soils of Our Land Our Mother, The Great Southern Land and has no right
posing as the PM of austr alien.
# 106
18:46, Jun 22, Melissa Taylor, Australia
A signed treaty is something that should have been done decades ago! Take pride in Aboriginal
Culture no matter what background you are - if you are Australian - THIS IS YOUR HISTORY!! YOUR
PEOPLE!!! It is our pride and joy! Show support! SIGNED TREATY NOW MS GILLARD!!!!!
# 104
07:34, Jun 18, jon dene, Australia
trying to sell a robbery of our rights as a favor to us poor people just to give more rights to the
mining companies for bigger holes in australia and fuller pockets for a few politicians.
# 103
23:52, Jun 11, Te Rina Popata, New Zealand
tautoko ana ahau !!
# 97
21:48, Jun 09, Bonnie Plain, Canada
Our opinions count and should be heard. Our future generations will carry on in a good way by
learning from the teachings and knowing the history. Nothing should change regarding treaty's
unless it's from each and every Aboriginal across Turtle Island! A chosen few does not speak for the
whole of Nations within Nations (period).
# 94
21:20, Jun 09, Name not displayed, Australia
# 92
21:04, Jun 09, Lori Woodward, Australia
I am sorry for my ancestors treatment of you, i truly am. I want to honour with my life and my
children's life forward for all generations after me your ancestors, and you original people and
culture of Australia. May the indigenous people of Australia be empowered, and take up your
birthright, and be blessed and prosperous. There is no reconciliation without first saying sorry, and I
humbly say sorry, for me and my ancestors to you, and thankyou that you share this land with me at
your choice. I pay my respect to you, and to all indigenous people of Australia.
# 89
06:20, Jun 09, Jeff Donovan, Australia
No longer will we be moved! I stand for prompt justice and ownership of what is legally ours!
# 87
04:00, Jun 09, lynette Hayes, Australia
Australia has a Black History
# 85
14:04, Jun 08, Vickie Roach, Australia
Always was, always will be... Aboriginal land!
# 84
05:51, Jun 08, Samantha Armstrong, Australia
Help the cause it's for our people and future generations!!
# 82
20:36, Jun 07, Ashlee Murray, Australia
Pay the rent.
# 80
05:47, Jun 07, Chelle D, Australia
Hope u realise what u are doing to the Aboriginals! Don't you dare discriminate on them or let them
down!!!!! Pollies you need to get a reality check!
# 77
16:27, Jun 06, janawirri forrest, Netherlands
The queen of England should withdraw her claims of sovereignty over Australia , cause its invalid as
there are traditional sovereign people still livin on the land ... and they will not cede thier sovereign
rights to country nor will thier decendents!.
# 76
06:05, Jun 06, Gionni Di Gravio, Australia
This Land and its Aboriginal people did not suddenly come into being when a European ‘discovered’
it 1770, and neither did they both become someone else’s possession once pen hit paper on a map
and acquired it for the Crown. A Treaty is long overdue, and this historical 'wrong' needs to be
rectified. We will be a better people for it.
Treaty Now - Aboriginal Land, Always was and Always will be!
# 71
05:10, Jun 05, Shanelle Scott, Australia
Why have a mine at a most beautiful place, thats justgoing to destroy it. 'NO MINES AT THE
# 64
07:54, Jun 04, racquel austin -abdullah, Australia
# 63
05:07, Jun 02, sylvie tsatsaronis, Australia
# 62
22:24, Jun 01, Miranda Austin, Australia
# 61
16:34, Jun 01, Ed Laurson, CO
# 60
14:37, Jun 01, Vicki Kable, Australia
# 59
09:18, Jun 01, Brouss Chambers, Australia
Greed breeds mean deeds, and these deeds are no exception. This government will pass but our
people will always be true to this Land.
# 57
21:21, May 31, Deanna Moore, Australia
Yes I'd like the Kimberley to stay the way it is
# 56
21:05, May 31, Leonie Chester, Australia
Stop the Land Grab. Treaty Now!
I believe the Government is using sly strategies to prevent Aboriginal People the right to a Treaty!.
07:28, May 31, Lara Pullin, Australia
Sovereignty never ceded - in my grandparents and my parents names I have promised to honour
their heritage, our lands deserve respect and custodianship, we have survived and our culture is the
oldest living continuous culture on earth - that proudly informs every modern Australians sense of
self and collective identity.
# 48
06:38, May 31, danielle kane, Australia
# 47
06:17, May 31, Susan Acres, United Kingdom
I am an ex-pat from Perth who's been living in London for 21 years. Im ashamed that so many of my
white fellow citizens dont stand up for Aboriginal rights, epecially those of my generation who I hope
are less racist and more open minded. C'mon guys, show you care for the original inhabitants and
true caretakers of Australia!
# 46
05:43, May 31, Name not displayed, Australia
# 44
04:41, May 31, Gail Yorkshire-Selby, Australia
Citizenship to this land we don't need because we was already here. We are part of flora and forna
of this land before western society got here. Because of this we should not have to subscribe to
Native Title because this was given to us by our elders and ancestors. The responsibility to look after
the land was handed down to us. White people have no rights to this. There is No Government that
can tell us different. This is our Birth Right.
# 43
04:33, May 31, Angelina Saule, Russian Federation
Soverignty should be acknowledged!
There has to be a better way than this.
# 37
22:35, May 30, louise pitman, Australia
# 36
22:08, May 30, Kristy McGrady, Australia
# 35
20:11, May 30, Patti Brown OFFLINE FOR AWHILE, WV
# 34
18:42, May 30, Susan Chalcroft, Australia
The PM seems to be making all the rules without seeking ideas from outside the European
Government system. It is starting off wrong already.
The Australian Government has not, and never will, have sovereign rights over Australia. Our country
was taken by massacre and force, no treaty has been signed. We demand our soverignty to be
acknowledged by the Australian government and the world by means of a sovereign treaty.
# 26
13:18, May 30, susan knight, Australia
# 25
13:16, May 30, tiana timbery-thornton, Australia
# 24
13:02, May 30, jaimia jaimia, Australia
Hold on to Land Rights! Commit yourself to Soverignty.
# 23
12:51, May 30, Cheryl Kaulfuss, Australia
Australia's shame - only Commonwealth country without a treaty with it's First Nations' peoples!
10:50, May 30, Geoff Guest, Australia
# 17
10:47, May 30, graham jennings, Australia
# 16
04:28, May 30, Vicki Grieves, Australia
Best idea for a long time........
04:18, May 29, Bill C, Germany
# 10
01:31, May 29, Sandra Kelly, Australia
If the Native Americans and New Zealand Maories can have a treaty, what's the problem here? It's
not like it led to Indigeous peoples taking over their countries or anything - or even that they finally
got justice and full rights. So what are you afraid of?
22:44, May 28, Eleanor Gilbert, Australia
Sovereign Treaty(ies) under international law can enshrine Aboriginal rights.
21:47, May 28, moya barton, Australia
I have always believed there was & is a hidden agenda here. Why not make it fair & just!!!!!
21:10, May 28, jenny dunne, Australia
Treaty First for first people ... the gubb's have had a good run ... time to give us mob our turn for
20:54, May 28, Jennifer Coe, Australia
20:42, May 28, Nioka Coe, Australia
19:11, May 28, Melissa Williams, Australia
17:57, May 28, Steven Porter, Australia
Treaty yeah treaty now treaty yeah treaty now
17:35, May 28, Frank Roozendaal, Netherlands
17:14, May 28, Alice Haines, Australia
I believe the Government is using sly strategies to prevent Aboriginal People the right to a Treaty!