The Management of Drug Related Incidents at Greenacre School

Issue No: 2
ID No: T&L-014
Reviewed: Jun 2014
1. The school does not condone the misuse or supply of drugs, on or off the school premises
(including alcohol, tobacco or volatile substances) including all out of school activities.
2. We aim to help our pupils by ensuring that they have an entitlement to drug education within
the curriculum. We take a pro-active role and believe that health education is an essential part
of the personal, social and health education of all pupils.
3. We believe our pastoral role in the welfare of our pupils is important and we will seek to
support them if they experience any drug related problems or concerns.
4. The school is committed to the health and safety of pupils and staff, and will take action to
safeguard their well-being.
5. Fundamental to our school’s values and practices is the principle of sharing the responsibility
for education with parents/carers, by keeping them informed and involved at all times.
6. Consultation, communication and co-operation are essential elements in the implementation of
this policy. This policy will be reviewed by Governors, representatives of the School Council’s
Curriculum Party, and be available to all staff in the school’s Staff Handbook.
7. Drug Education will be delivered by a team consisting of: The Lead PSHCE Teacher; School
Nurse and the Family Support Team and Post 16 Teachers with other professionals being
consulted as suggested by the Leadership Team.
8. The school is committed to ensuring that pupils vulnerable to drug misuse are identified and
receive appropriate support either within school or through referral to other services.
'A drug is any substance that alters the way in which a body functions'. Planet, M. - Drugs in
Perspective, Hodder and Stoughton 1987.
The term 'drugs' throughout this document refers to:
Legally used substances, e.g. tobacco, alcohol, volatile substances such as solvents and
Legally available medicines and anabolic steroids (prescribed and over the counter);
Illegally possessed, used and supplied substances, e.g. cannabis, LSD, tranquillisers and
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Issue No: 2
ID No: T&L-014
Reviewed: Jun 2014
Illegal substances which are controlled under The Misuse of Drugs Act, 1971, include:
Opiates such as heroin;
Stimulants such as cocaine, amphetamines and Ecstasy;
Tranquillisers such as Temazapam;
Hallucinogens such as LSD;
Cannabinoids such as cannabis.
Drug related incidents might include:
Staff/Pupils being found in possession of drugs;
Staff/Pupils suspected of being under the influence of drugs;
Staff/Pupils being found selling or dealing in drugs;
The finding of drug related materials on school premises;
Evidence to suggest that drugs are being sold on or near school premises;
Evidence to suggest that a member of staff is under the influence of drugs.
The Drug Management Team has responsibility for co-ordinating the school's response to drug
related incidents. The Headteacher will retain responsibility for deciding how to respond to
individual incidents. In the absence of the Headteacher, the Assistant Headteacher with
Deputising Function will assume this role.
The Drug Management Team consists of the Designated Safeguarding
Lead, a member of the School Health Team and the Lead Teacher for PHSCE.
On discovery of a drug related incident, or suspected drug related incident, by a member of staff
(teaching or non-teaching) an Incident Form must be completed on Behaviour Watch. The Drug
Management Team should be informed immediately and will take over responsibility for
management of the incident. The confiscated substances form (Appendix 1) should be completed
and passed immediately to the Drug Management Team for security purposes.
In all cases have a witness:
A member of school staff does have the power to search a child if it is known or suspected
that the child is in possession of an illegal substance, if specifically and directly permitted by
the Headteacher or Assistant Headteacher.
Persuade person to hand over voluntarily.
In such a situation the police (on reasonable grounds) and the child’s parents/carers must
be called.
If a substance or objects are discovered which are suspected of being harmful or illegal the
following procedures should be followed:
if possible, remove the suspected item(s) from the location, in the presence of a witness;
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Issue No: 2
ID No: T&L-014
Reviewed: Jun 2014
if needles or syringes are found, do not touch unless you are wearing rubber gloves;
never touch the metal part of the needle, place in a sharps container, wash and dry hands;
package each item separately with the date, time and place of finding noted on the
packaging, witnessed by a colleague;
the substance seized should be stored in the school safe until handed to police or
destroyed. Solvents should be stored appropriately;
the Headteacher can choose to arrange for the police to remove the substance or objects
from the premises or dispose of them in an appropriate way. If substances are disposed of
on school premises, details of when and how should be recorded.
Each drug related incident will be dealt with individually and the school recognises that a
variety of responses may be necessary to deal with incidents of a differing nature.
The school will carefully consider the implications of any action it might take, bearing in
mind the welfare of all pupils, parents, staff and the wider community.
The school’s response to an incident should reflect a balance of disciplinary measures and
support structures for the pupil.
Further information can be found in the Barnsley LA Document ‘Policy and Guidance on
Drug Education and the Management of Drug Incidents’ and in DfE “Drugs: Guidance for
To relate to sensitivity of working with children who may have drug using parents when
teaching the effects of drug abuse.
Pastoral support for children.
All staff at Greenacre continue to have access to CPD opportunities, including drugs
education through INSET.
The school continues to work closely with local Safer Neighbourhood Teams and Disabled
Children’s Team (Social Care) and will seek guidance and support on drug related matters
from such agencies.
Identification of children and young people who are vulnerable to drug misuse can come
from many avenues (including drug related incidents, Behaviour Watch, Pupil disclosure).
In the event of a young person being identified as such the school’s Drug Management
Team will work in conjunction with the Family Team and Senior Leadership Team to identify
the most appropriate provision and services for that individual.
Equality Monitoring
This statement demonstrates our commitment to ensure we give due regard to:
Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited
by the act
Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a
protected characteristic and people who do not share it
Foster good relations across all characteristics between
people who share a protected characteristic and people who
do not share it
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Issue No: 2
ID No: T&L-014
Reviewed: Jun 2014
Appendix 1
(These must be passed immediately to the Drug Management Team for security purposes)
NATURE OF SUBSTANCE …………………………………………………………….
SIGNATURE OF STAFF MEMBER …………………………………………………..
In the presence of
SIGNATURE OF WITNESS ………………………………………………………….
Returned to Pupil (legal substances only)
Date ………………….
Time ………………………..
Returned to Parents/Carers
Date …………………..
Time ………………………..
Signature of Parents/Carers .…………………………………..
Passed to Police …………………………………………………
(Name and number of Police Officer receiving substance)
Date ……………..
Time ……………………..
Other (please give details)
Has a letter been sent to Parents/Carers confirming substance given to external agency for
disposal and reasons for this? ………………………….
Any other action taken
Signed ……………………………………………
Drug Management Team
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