
To write a 4-5 page research paper
To use at least three different types of sources: one from internet,
another from periodical, and third from a book.
To use MLA format in citing sources and preparing a Works Cited page
To revise your first draft and to work for logical sequencing, smooth
transitions and sentence variety.
To follow a systematic, step-by-step approach to writing this paper. In
other words, not to leave it to the last minute and try to do all the work
in a very short amount of time. Writing a research paper does not have
to be a harrowing and stressful experience. You will have several
deadlines to meet along the way so as to help prevent last minute panic.
Topic: Your chosen topic must relate in some way to the novel, The Great
Gatsby and the 1920’s (aka: The Jazz Age/The Roaring 20’s) If not on the list
below, topics must be approved by the teacher.
Possible topics to explore:
After WWI immigrants began pouring into the US, changing the cultural makeup of the
US. This research will focus on the hardships and discrimination faced by immigrants.
What factors were behind this discrimination in the US in the 1920’s?
The 1920’s was a leisurely period in history and people began spending more time
playing and observing sports. Who were the major contributors to this “Golden age” of
sports and what influence, if any, did they have on future athletes and the sports they
The 1920’s brought with it many new freedoms. One such freedom was the freedom of
transportation. How did the invention of the automobile in the 1920’s change the world
and what positive and negative influences has it had on society?
With the 1920’s came a new era of music: jazz. What were the influences behind this
new musical genre and how has it influenced modern musicians of today?
Although the 1920’s is associated with the development of many new freedoms, it was a
time of restrictions as well. Examine the 18th amendment and prohibition in the 1920’s.
What was the reasoning and who were the key supporters behind a ‘dry’ United States?
How did the 18th amendment change the United States?
Ironically the 1920’s, an extremely luxurious time period, lead to the Great Depression
and, ultimately, the worst financial fallout in history. Contrast the lavish wealth
experienced in the 1920’s with the decade of poverty that followed, as well as discussing
the factors that contributed to The Great Depression.
Women first received the right to vote in the 1920's. Examine the women's suffrage
movement and the people and factors contributing to it. Besides enabling women to vote,
how has this movement affected women for future generations?
Library Research Skills (Meet in library with Mrs. Braddock)___________
Paper topic must be chosen and approved by teacher by this
Rough outline due____________________
Library Research days/writing days__________________
Formal Outline due & Bibliography page due with at least three
different sources: internet, periodical and book.__________________
Research paper due with Rubric attached______________________
 Research papers will be handed back after you hand in final exam.
*Fill in the blanks with dates for your class as you get your calendars for
this unit.