Validation Meeting for Project Initiation Document - PID

Validation Meeting for Project Initiation Document (PID)
“Securing Watershed Services through SLM in the Ruvu and Zigi catchments (Eastern Arc Region)”
29 November 2013
Names and Institution
1. Dr. C. M. Shayo – VPO – Chair
2. Mandisa Mashologu – UNDP (Co-Chair
3. Elizabeth Nkini – Ministry of Water
4. Prof Pius Yanda – IRA
5. Joseph Kigula – TFS/MNRT
6. John Kirecha – DAWASA
7. Bwijo Bwijo – UNDP
8. Vito Scuderi – UNDP
9. Nehemiah Murusuri – UNDP
10. Joseph Kihaule – VPO
11. Stanford Kway – PMO-RALG
12. George Kafumu – VPO
13. Zainabu Shabani – VPO
14. Shabaan Rashid Malipulla
15. Gertrude Lyatuu – UNDP
16. Clara Makenya – UNEP
17. Gemma Aliti – UNDP
Email address
18. Dr. Julius Ningu DoE – VPO –(away on mission)
19. Richard Muyungi – VPO (away on mission)
20. Riziki Shemdoe – ARU (on another meeting)
Opening and introductory remarks
Project overview
Agenda No.1: Opening remarks
The meeting was opened at 10.15 by the Chairperson, Dr. Constantine Shayo, representing the
Director of Environment, Vice President’s Office. In his opening remarks, he expressed appreciation
to the positive turn up of members from the various institutions. He was delighted to see the PIF
Securing Watershed services was finally approved considering the strict criteria by GEF and
emphasized the importance of addressing issues related to Sustainable Land Management and
conservation of water catchment areas.
Speaking at the opening session, the Co-Chair Ms. Mandisa Mashologu, UNDP Deputy Country
Director responsible for Programme explained that the meeting was expected to review the Project
Preparation Grant (PPG) document in terms of the following elements: i) relevance of the proposed
project ii) whether or not anticipated activities are realistic iii) funding and budget iv) sustainability
of project results v) management arrangements vi) project design
A round of self introductions by all members followed the opening remarks.
Agenda No.2: Project Overview
Eng. Elizabeth Nkini from the Ministry of water resources presented an overview of the project. In
her presentation, the following highlights were given:
 Project title is, Securing watershed services through Sustainable Land Management (SLM) in
the Ruvu and Zigi catchments
 The project falls under UNDAP outcomes 1 and 2
 The project aims at reducing effects of land degradation on ecosystem services through
application of SLM practices in Ruvu and Zigi catchments
 The Project Preparation Grant (PPG) will be used to gather detailed information required to
finalize the barrier-root-cause analysis for each of the two catchments
 Major activities during execution of PPG will include formulation of the full project
document, CEO endorsement request, Land Degradation Tracking Tool and filling up of the
Environmental and Social screening template
 Project key stakeholders at the national and sub national level were listed. Please see
annexure for complete list
 Due to financial constraints, an additional site of Katuma catchment in Rukwa region could
not be considered
 The total budget provided for the PPG in the document is USD 300,000 out of which
100,000 from GEF and 200,000 requested from UNDP.
Agenda No.3: Discussions
In discussions that followed, the following points were raised
 Studies during the PPG should make a critical review on the usefulness of existing land use plans
in some villages to determine whether these plans are making a difference or things have
remained the same.
 Land use boundaries are currently key sources of conflict between different land user groups
such as farmers and pastoralists because no provision of buffer land is given. Therefore,
improvements need to be made to provide for buffer land between different parcels of land
 PPG budget as presented may not be sufficient to cover issues that need attention, including
conducting baseline information – provision indicated is on lower side, UNDP is requested to
beef up this budget for meaningful data to be collected
 PPG duration of one year may be too short for the volume of work involved, particularly taking
into account the fact that start date is likely to be late January 2014
 While involvement of international consultants is highly appreciated, there is need to give
opportunities to local consultants so that they may experience professional growth
 Management arrangement should be articulated providing specific roles for each participating
player in project implementation. In addition, management arrangement should provide
favourable work conditions to project staff to minimize staff turnover.
Ways should be explored to involve the private sector in project implementation so as to ensure
sustainability of project results when donor funding draws to a close
Zigi River flows through Amani Nature Reserve. Therefore the Ministry of natural Resources and
Tourism should be added as a key stakeholder to this project
Agenda No.4: Way Forward
In response to questions from the Chair, LPAC members voted in affirmation to each of the following
1. Relevance of the proposed project
2. Whether or not anticipated activities are realistic
3. Funding and budget
4. Sustainability of project results
5. Management arrangements
6. Project design
Therefore, the PID was endorsed
Agenda No.5: AOB
It was suggested that whenever there was an opportunity for recruitment of local consultants, messages
should be sent out to potential people. Use of different existing networks may also be useful. These two
channels may contribute to ensure that potential consultants are not missed out.
Agenda No.6: Closure
The Chair closed the meeting at 11.45 by thanking participants for their productive participation
Constantine Shayo (VPO) Chair
Assistant Director – DOE
Mandisa Mashologu Co-chair
UNDP Deputy Country Director (P)