MINUTES OF THE 8TH NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT BINGU CONFERENCE CENTER, LILONGWE, ON 09TH APRIL, 2014. 1.0 Members Present NAME WeziKayira DESIGNATION ORG. PS OPC CELL. NO. 0999945892 FAX NO. - EMAIL ADDRESS wezikayira@yahoo.co.uk Jan Rijpma ARR UNDP - - ian.rijpma@undp.org Carol FloreSmoreczniah ARRCPD UNDP - - carol.flore@undp.org Ben Botolo PS EP&D 0999566944 - bbetolo2000@yahoo.com A.M. Kamperewera Director EAD 0888869446 - kamphatso1@gmail.com Y.M. Ntupanyama PS MECCM 0993839037 - yntupanyama@yahoo.co.uk S. Najira CEO EAD 0999895000 - shamiso_b@yahoo.com YonaKamphalle Director EP&D 0888893405 - ykamphale@yahoo.com J. Nkhokwe Director MET 0999911314 01822215 j.nkhokwe@yahoo.com M.B. Kanjaye Director MoWDI 0888853188 01773737 Modesta.banda@gmail.com C.Yonasi EI EAD 0888010627 - cyonasi@gmail.com M. Mmangisa Project Manager EP&D 0111926502 - Michael.mmangisa@undp.org MoxWestman Regional Adviser UNEP 09705652822 - Mox.westman@undp.org Charity M. Gambatula Economist MEPD 0993139604 - Charity01mphatso@gmail.com SiphoBilliat Principal MEPD 2991382843 01788247 siphobilliat@yahoo.com ThokozaniKapiza Economist Principal Mgt Officer Admin. Officer RamoshJiah Deputy Director DNPW 0888834220 - jiahutonga@gmail.com YoingSamanyika Chief EH Officer MoH 0999557170 - y_samanyika@yahoo.com Vida Kisyombe Agric. Officer AFOB 0882419035 - v.kisyombe@atdb.org Sarah McIvor Program Analyst UNDP 0994736277 - Sarah.mcivor@undp.org Jodie Vanyo EI MoECCM 0993164143 - jvanyo@utexas.ldy John Kerkering USFS 0996542832 - usfs.redd.malawi@gmail.com SothiniNyirenda Malawi REED Advisor Program Analyst UNDP 0888773869 - Sothini.nyirenda@undp.org Etta Mmangisa Program Analyst UNDP 0999950717 01773637 Etta.mmangisa@undp.org Francis Nkoka fnkoka@worldbank.org 0991218971 anand.babu@undp.org Benon Yassin CEO World Bank UNDP/ MEPD EAD 0999484423 AnandBabu DRM/CCA Specialist Advisor 0995416850 benyassin@gmail.com Evans Njewa PEO(P&P) EAD 0888853245 njewae@yahoo.com George Phiri EAD 0995611748 - George.phiri@fao.org John Mussa Tech. Contribution DCSRC MoAFS 0888876161 - mussajj@gmail.com Hannah Kasongo EO Environment EAD 0999118262 - hannahkasongo@yahoo.com GolivatiGomani EI EAD 0999383651 - ggomani87@yahoo.com DumisaniMoyo Program Analyst UNDP 0881156262 - Dumisani.moyo@undp.org Emmanuel C. Mkomwa EI EAD 0999307090 - nafemko@yahoo.co.uk Davie Chilonga Lands 0999264489 - chilongadev@yahoo.com Tourism 0999747037 - thokokapiza@gmail.com George Namasika CCO EAD 0888579557 - georgenamasika@gmail.com S. Gama ADF Forestry 0999441766 - stallafunsani@gmail.com WalusunguKayira Chief Economist MoLGRD 0999198913 - wukayira@yahoo.co.uk 2.0 Opening Remarks The meeting was chaired by the Principal Secretary for Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, Mr. Ben Botolo. The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 08:40 a.m. Participants made self introductions. 3.0 Adoption of agenda The meeting adopted the agenda without any amendments as attached. 4.0 Confirmation of Previous Minutes and Matters arising The minutes from the previous National Steering Committee on Climate Change (NSCCC) meeting were confirmed with the following Observations; Some names were omitted on the attendance list and it was resolved that each member should make sure that s/he writes his/her name on the attendance register. There was late circulation of minutes and it was resolved that minutes for the NSCCC meeting should be circulated after one week in order to give enough time for the members to read and comment on the minutes. On matters arising the following amendments were made: It was not possible to have the NSCCC meeting in November, 2013 as most members were attending the Conference of Parties (CoP) in Warsaw. It was agreed that the next NSCCC meeting will be held in August 2014 and the third meeting will be held between month-end of October or early November 2014 to let members take some issues discussed during the meeting to the CoP. It was agreed thatEnvironment and Natural Resources Management Programme (ENRM), National Climate Change Programme (NCCP), and the Poverty and Environment Initiative (PEI) should have joint meetings since their activities overlap. It was also agreed that activities for the Climate Change Fund will commence after the National Climate Change Investment Plan (NCCIP) launch on 25th April, 2014 at Sunbird Capital Hotel Marquee. It was also agreed that communities should be involved in the dissemination of messages through activities being implemented at National and District levels. 5.0 Updates on the National Climate Change Programme (NCCP) The meeting was informed that Malawi Environment and Endowment Trust (MEET) succeeded as National Implementing Entity (NIE) for the Adaptation Fund under the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol and for MEET to succeed the Terms of References (ToR) were advertised in the papers and accreditation was done. The meeting was told that the Technical Committee (NTCCC) discussed the ToRs for the institutions and approved them before the bids were evaluated. It was agreed that United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) will help in building capacity for MEET before submission to the board. The presenter for NCCP was asked to number the slides and name the vernacular languages (in the presentation) to be translated. The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development considered Chichewa and Tumbuka as the main vernacular languages. On the production and dissemination of vulnerability maps it was agreed that there is need for coordination between the Department of Disaster Management (DoDMA) and the Department of Surveys since they are doing similar things. It was agreed that theSurveys Department should call for a stakeholders meeting to ensure that there are no overlaps. UNDP would ensurethat the production of vulnerable maps is well coordinated. Based on the NCCP presentation it was concluded that there is a lot of initiatives that have been made but there is little progress. Hence, Implementing Partners (IP) should accelerate their activities. The meeting was informed that Climate Proofing has been submitted to the GEF and will be rolled out this year. On the support for the development of a teacherresource book, the meeting was informed that the activity started with the development of the curriculum for primary schools. The meeting was informed that key messages on Climate Change have already been integrated in the curriculum. The meeting was informed that Climate Change thematic areas have been included into topicsthrough Domasi College of Education. 6.0 Updates on Environment and Natural Resources Management Programme (ENRM) The meeting was informed that the unfunded budget components are earmarked activities whose implementing partner has not been identified yet. The meeting was informed that the low delivery rate was a result of delays in opening an operating account with the Reserve Bank of Malawi. It was agreed that there is a need to streamline activities and focus should only be given to those activities whose funds have already been secured. It was agreed that the newly elected Members of Parliament were the ones to be targeted for the sensitization meeting for Parliamentary Committee. 7.0 It was agreed that Councillors should also be targeted for the dissemination of messages on ENRM. Update on the Poverty and Environment Initiative (PEI) The chair acknowledged the high delivery and hard-working spirit among the PEI Implementing Partners. The review of the Forestry Policy was reduced to priority areas. There was need to include the presentation on the PEI phase one closure in the folder so that members can familiarise themselves with what is involved. The meeting was informed that PEI phase one was being closed so that the project can move on to phase two. PEI phase two intends to use the same accounts that were used in phase one. The Accountant General already gave a go-ahead for the reuse of the accounts. The meeting was informed that currently the accounts are being cleared and balanced before the account can be used for the next phase. 8.0 Organization and Governance Structure of the NCCP The meeting agreed that Parliamentary Committee and Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Management (MoECCM) should be linked by dotted line and this should also apply to the GoM-Donor Working Group and NSCCC since they only provide advisory and not executive roles. The meeting agreed that MoECCM should be directly linked to the Cabinet Committee as an executive arm. 9.0 Update on REDD+ A question was posed as to the necessity of standardizing national land cover and land use (LULC) standards by the Government of Malawi. It was noted that the standardization of LULC categories and definitions was critical to the REDD+ and other natural resource management activities in the country. Without a standardized LULC scheme, Malawi has no definition of a forest and without a definition of a forest there is no clear figure on the amount of forest remaining in the country, the deforestation rate, and the transitions between forest land and other land use types (e.g., agriculture, urban, etc.). Malawi will not be able to join the World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) as the program’s grant mechanism has closed. Final country applications to the FCPF were due by June 2013, a date by which the Malawi REDD+ Program was not able to submit a full application. The Malawi REDD+ Program is presently investigating the possibility of participating in FCPF as an “observer” country, although such a membership class is not yet offered by the FCPF. A clarification on the difference between deforestation and degradation was given as follows: o Deforestation was defined as the removal of forest to the extent that forest land (as a land use category) transitions to another land use category (e.g., agriculture, barren land, grassland, etc.).Degradation was defined as the reduction in the quality of the forest to the extent that forest land remains forest land, yet the forests capacity to sequester carbon and provide other ecosystem services (e.g., biodiversity, water provision, etc.) has been compromised. . A question was posed as to the relationship between the Carbon Unit – a Department of Forestry effort supported by the World Bank – and the Carbon Registry – an activity detailed in the Malawi REDD+ Program workplan. It was indicated that the efforts are complementary and would be harmonized as much as possible. It was noted that a core purpose of a national REDD+ strategy is to provide a clear and detailed list of actions by which drivers of deforestation and degradation could be addressed and, in the process, mitigated. As such, a definitive understanding of these drivers is requisite to a national strategy. Malawi has a wealth of qualitative information related to drivers, but no definitive quantitative data (e.g., charcoal/fuelwood collection is responsible for x-ha of deforestation per year and that equates to y-tonnes of CO2).Without such quantitative data, actionableand informed mitigation strategies cannot be devised or monitored for their effectiveness. On REDD+ governance, the meeting was informed that for continuation and progress the Chair and Co-Chairs of the REDD+ Expert Group are individuals, not organizations, although one comes from the Government of Malawi while the other comes from the remaining sectors (e.g., academia, civil society, media, and private sector). o The meeting agreed that when developing the inventory of drivers of forest degradation and deforestation the expert should consult widely, especially by involving feeders who appear in the work plan. Several participants noted that a study focused on the “sustainability of charcoal/fuelwood” has already been done by UNDP. It was noted that the Malawi REDD+ Program workplan is not conducting the same analysis; rather, it has called for an analysis to determine the horizon date for charcoal/fuelwood, or the date (and all the attendant data) by which fuelwood resources will be exhausted. 10.0 Way Forward There is need to provide feedback on possible the overlap of hazard maps between Surveys and DoDMA. There is need to provide a concise financial absorption report with tangible milestones. There is need for the NTCCC to make suggestions on the existing TORS for the committee in order to provide a clear mandate for the forum considering that Climate Change portfolio has tremendously grown. There is need to convene a Government Working Group in June 2014. There is need to include councillors in the dissemination of messages on ENRM. The next NSCCC will be held in August 2014. It was agreed that the Donor Working Group should be included as part of planned activities for next quarter. 12.0 Closing The Chairperson thanked all members for their participation. Meeting was then adjourned. BEN BOTOLO CHAIRPERSON ALOYSIUS KAMPEREWERA SECRETARY