SLO Social Emotional Learning & CCEE

Wisconsin Student/School Learning Objective Example
After reviewing data and identifying the student population for whom the SLO will apply, create a Student/School
Learning Objective. Submit the SLO Plan to your evaluator prior to the Planning Session.
Subject Area/Grade Level
Special Education, grades 6-8.
Baseline Data and Rationale: (Why did you choose this objective? What evidence can you provide related to your current student population’s baseline
abilities as it relates to this goal?)
Communication skills are critical to successful experiences both in educational environments and in future employment settings. Students with disabilities
accumulated 776 minor behavioral incidents during the 2013-14 school year. The majority of these are due to insubordination and negative
communication with staff and other students. This results in significant lost instructional time; consequently, 92% of the students have below grade level
academic skills.
Following is baseline data for teacher rating of communication skills of Common Core Essential Elements (CCEE) 6.1b and CCEE 6.6 with both peers and
adults in academic classrooms.
Average Rating : CCEE 6.1b
Average Rating: CCEE 6.6
Learning Content and Grade Level: (What appropriate standards relate to this goal?)
Common Core Essential Elements Speaking & Listening Standards: 6.1b: With guidance and support from adults and peers, follow simple, agreedupon rules for discussions and contribute information. 6.6: Use formal and informal language as appropriate to the communication partner and situation.
Social Emotional Learning Standard #3: Social Competence: Establish and maintain positive relationships by respecting others, practicing social
skills, and making responsible choices while recognizing civic responsibility. At the 6-8th grade level, Social Skills: Build and maintain positive
relationships through effective communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution.
Student Population: (Who are you going to include in this objective? Indicated in the rationale above?)
Collaborative Goal for the 6-member Cross Categorical Teacher Team: All students in grades 6-8 at Toki Middle School identified with Emotional or
Behavioral Disabiities.
Targeted Growth: (What is your goal for student growth?)
The targeted growth goal is to increase by a factor of 1.5 times the number of academic classroom experiences with peers and adults that are
characterized by positive communication interactions.
Interval: (How long will you focus on this objective?)
1 Academic year.
Assessment/Evidence Source(s): (What assessments and/or evidence sources will you use for ongoing measurement of student progress toward your
The Direct Behavior Rating scale will be used to assess this goal. The scale is a 10 -point scale rated by classroom teachers on each of three
communication behaviors: 1) Student followed basic rules of communication during instruction as defined in your classroom. 2) Student
used formal and informal language appropriate to peers and adults in a classroom setting. Teachers will rate each student on 1 randomly
chosen day per week. The scale is a research-based method of assessing student growth on observable behaviors.
SLO Goal Statement: (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Results-based, and Time-bound)
By June, 2015 students with EBD will increase from an average rating of 5.2 on CCEE 6.1b to an average rating of 7.8 and will increase the
average rating from 4.3 to 6.5 on CCEE 6.6.
Instructional/Leadership Strategies and Support: (What methods or interventions will you use to support this objective?)
Team collaboration with other special education teachers.
Student services period that will include observation and feedback to students regarding social communication in the classroom.
Lost at School book discussion.
Professional development with Katy Conley in collaborative problem solving.
Specific interventions: