Readings containing primary sources

HIST2134. The Third Reich through Documents, 1933-1945
Readings’ List
GUTMAN, I. (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, 1990.
LAQUEUR, W., The Holocaust Encyclopedia, 2001.
ROZETT, R. and S. Spector (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, 2000
SNYDER, L.L., Encyclopedia of the Third Reich, 1998.
TAYLOR, J. and W. Shaw, Dictionary of the Third Reich, 1997.
Readings containing primary sources
ADAMTHWAITE, A., The Making of the Second World War, 1979
BAYNES, N. H. (ed.), The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, 1922-1929, 2 vols., 1942
BONHOEFFER, D., No Rusty Swords: Letters, Lectures and Notes, 1928-1936 (= Collected
Works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Vol. 1), 1965
CHAMBERLAIN, N., In Search of Peace, 1939
DAWIDOWICZ, L.S. (ed.), A Holocaust Reader, 1976
DEGRAS, J. T. (ed.), Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy, 1917-1941, 1953
DELZELL, C. F., Mediterranean Fascism, 1919-1945, 1970
DOBROAZYCKI (ed.), The Chronicle of the Lodz Ghetto, 1941-1944, 1984
DOCUMENTS on British Foreign Policy, 1919-39
DOCUMENTS on German Foreign Policy, 1918-45
DOMARUS, M. (ed.), Hitler: Speeches and proclamations: The Chronicle of a Dictatorship, 4
EHRENBURG, I. and V. Grossman (eds.), The Black Book, 1981
FOREIGN Relations of the United States: 1900, etc. (FRUS)
GERMANY and the Second World War. Ed. by Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, 1990-.
GRAHAM, M.W., New Governments of Central Europe, 1924.
GRIFFIN, R. (ed.), Fascism, 1995
HAFFNER, S., Defying Hitler: A Memoir, 2002
HILBERG, R. (ed.), Documents of Destruction: Germany and Jewry, 1933-1945, 1971
HILBERG, R. (ed.), The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow, 1979
HITLER, A., Mein Kampf (My Struggle), 1939.
HOESS, R., Commandant in Auschwitz, 1959
JUNGE, T., Until the Final Hour: Hitler’s Last Secretary, 2004
KAES, A., M. Jay, and E. Dimendberg (ed.), The Weimar Republic Sourcebook, 1994.
KERTESZ, G.A., Documents in the Political History of the European Continent, 1815-1939,
KIRK, T., The Longman Companion to Nazi Germany, 1995 (includes Weimar Republic and
Rise of Nazism)
KLEE, E. et al., The Good Old Days: The Holocaust as Seen by its Perpetrators and Bystanders,
LANGER, H. J., The History of the Holocaust: A Chronology of Quotations, 1997
LATTIMER, J. K., Hitler and the Nazi Leaders – A Unique Insight into Evil, 1999
LAVER, J., Nazi Germany, 1933-1945, 1991
LENGYEL, O., Five Chimneys, 1995
LEVI, P., Surviving in Auschwitz, 1958
LIVINGSTONE, A., The Peace Ballot: The Official History, 1935.
LOCHNER, L.P. (ed.), The Goebbels Diaries, 1942-1943, 1948.
MANZ, B., A Mind in Prison: The Memoir of a Son and Soldier of the Third Reich, 2000.
METELMANN, H., A Hitler Youth: Growing up in Germany in the 1930s, 1997.
MEYER, W., Tomorrow will be better: Surviving Nazi Germany, 1999.
MILLER LANE, B. and L.J. Rupp (eds.), Nazi Ideology before 1933: A Documentation, 1978.
MOLTKE, Count H. von, A German of the Resistance, 1946.
MOSSE, G.L., Nazi Culture: Intellectual, Cultural and Social Life in the Third Reich: A
Documentary History, 1981.
MULLER, F., Eyewitness Auschwitz, 1979.
NEUBAUER, H. and T. Palmér, The Weimar Republic – Through the Lens of the Press, 2000
NOAKES, J. and G. Pridham (ed.), Nazism 1919-1945, 4 vols, 1983-1998
NOAKES, J. and G. Pridham (eds.), Nazism: A History in Documents and Eyewitness Accounts,
OVERY, R. J., The Inter-War Crisis, 1919-1939, 1994
OVERY, R. J., The Origins of the Second World War, 1998.
PERRY, M., M. Berg, and J. Krukones (eds.), Sources of Twentieth-Century Europe, 2000,
Chapter 4: An Era of Fascism, and Chapter 5: World War II.
PHILIPPS, D.M. Hitler and the Rise of the Nazis (= The Archive Series), 1968
POIS, R. (ed.), Selected Writings of Alfred Rosenberg, 1970
PRANGE, G.W. (ed.), Hitler’s Words (Speeches 1922-43), 1944
RAUSCHNING, H., Hitler Speaks: A Series of Conversations with Adolf Hitler on his Real
Aims, 1940
RÖHL, J.C.G., From Bismarck to Hitler, 1970.
SCHACHT, H., Account Settled, 1948.
SIMPSON, W., Hitler and Germany, 1991
SNYDER, L.L. (ed.), Hitler’s Third Reich: A Documentary History, 1981.
SOVIET Documents on Foreign Policy, 1917-41.
SPEER, A., Infiltration, 1981.
SPEER, A., Inside the Third Reich, 1997.
STACKELBERG, R. and S.A. Winkle (eds.), The Nazi Germany Sourcebook: An Anthology of
Texts, 2002.
STEINHOFF, J., Voices from the Third Reich: An Oral History, 1994.
TAYLOR, F. (ed.), The Goebbels Diaries, 1939-1941, 1982.
TREVOR-ROPER, H., Hitler’s Table Talk: Hitler’s Conversations recorded by Martin Bormann,
TREVOR-ROPER, H., Hitler's Table Talk, 1941-1944: His private conversations, 2000.
WEINBERG, G.L., Hitler’s Second Book: The Unpublished Sequel to Mein Kampf, 2003
WELCH, D., Modern European History, 1871-2000, 2nd ed. 1999, Chapter: Nazi Germany, and
Chapter: The approach to the Second World War.
WIEDER, J. and H. Graf von Einsiedel, Stalingrad: Memories and Reassessments, 2003.
WILLIAMSON, D.G., The Third Reich, 2002.
ZIENEF, G. A., Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi, 1942.
Secondary Sources
History is all about different interpretations of events. When preparing projects and seminars for
history coursework it is essential to form your own critical opinion of other’s arguments –
and then work out your own position. Because of this, no single ‘textbook’ is recommend
for this course. Nonetheless, you are expected to read intensively and regularly in order to
prepare properly for classes. You can rely on the following books for good background
information and thought provoking arguments. They are:
General Readings
BERGHAHN, V.R., Modern Germany: Society, Economy and Politics in the 20th century, 2nd
ed. 1987
BLACKBOURN, D., The Long Nineteenth Century: A History of Germany, 1780-1918, 1998
BOEHME, H., An Introduction to the Social and Economic History of Germany: Politics and
Economic Change in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, 1978.
BRAUN, H.J., The German Economy in the Twentieth Century. 1990
CARR, W., A History of Germany, 1815-1945, 4th ed. 1991.
CONRADT, D. P., The German Polity, 1996.
CRAIG, G.A., Germany, 1866-1945, 1978.
DAVIES, N., Europe: A History, 1996, pp. 897-1056.
DINE, P. J., A History of Germany, 1968.
FULBROOK, M., A Concise History of Germany, 1990.
FULBROOK, M., Germany, 1918-1990: The Divided Nation. 1991.
HAFFNER, S., The Ailing Empire: Germany from Bismarck to Hitler, 1991.
HIDEN, J., Germany and Europe, 1919-1939, 1993.
KITCHEN, M., A Military History of Germany, 1975.
KOLKEY, J.M., Germany on the March: A Reinterpretation of War and Domestic Politics Over
the Past Two Centuries, 1995.
MANN, G., The History of Germany since 1789. 1968.
OVERY, R. J., The Economic Development of Germany Since 1870, 1997.
PULZER, P., Germany 1870-1945: Politics, state formation, and war, 1997.
SCHULZE, H., Germany: A New History, 1998.
TAYLOR, A.J.P., The Course of German History, 1961.
WILLIAMSON, D.G., Germany since 1815: A Nation Forged and Renewed, 2005.
Special Readings
ALLEN, W.S., The Nazi Seizure of Power: The Experience of a Single German Town, 19301935, 1966
ALY, G., Final Solution: Nazi Population Policy and the Murder of the European Jews, 1999
BANKIER, D., The Germans and the Final Solution: Public Opinion under Nazism, 1992
BARBER, J.D., The Book of Democracy, 1995
BARTOV, O. (ed.), The Holocaust: Origins, Implementation, Aftermath, 2000
BECKER, H. P., German Youth, 1976
BELL, P.M.H., The Origins of the Second World War in Europe, 1997
BESSEL, R. (ed.), Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: The Fascist Style of Rule, 1995.
BESSEL, R., Germany after the First World War, 1993.
BESSEL, R., Life in the Third Reich, 1987.
BOEMEKE, M.F. etc., The Treaty of Versailles: A Reassessment After 75 Years, 1998.
BOTWINICK, R.S., A History of the Holocaust: From Ideology to Annihilation, 2001
BRACHER, K., The German Dictatorship, 1971
BRAHAM, Randolph L. (ed.), The Vatican and the Holocaust: The Catholic Church and the
Jews During the Nazi Era, 2000
BREITMAN, R., German Socialism and Weimar Democracy, 1981.
BROSZAT, M., The Hitler State: The Foundation and Development of the Internal Structure of
the Third Reich, 1981
BROSZAT, Martin, Hitler and the Collapse of Weimar, 1987.
BRUSTEIN, William, The Logic of Evil: The Social Origins of the Nazi Party, 1925-1933, 1996
BULLOCK, Alan, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, 1972
BURLEIGH, M., Confronting the Nazi Past: New Debates on Modern German History, 1996.
BURLEIGH, M., Ethics and Extermination: Reflections on Nazi Genocide, 1997.
BURLEIGH, M., The Racial State: Germany 1933-1945, 1991.
BURLEIGH, M., The Third Reich: A New History, 2000.
BURRIN, P., Hitler and the Jews: The Genesis of the Holocaust, 1994.
CARLEY, M.J., 1939: The Alliance that Never was and the Coming of World War II, 1999.
CARR, W., Hitler: A Study in Personality and Politics, 1978.
CARSTEN, F.L. Reichswehr and Politics, 1918-1933. 1973.
CHILDERS, T., The Nazi Voter: The Social Foundations of Fascism in Germany, 1919-1933,
CLENDINNEN, I., Reading the Holocaust, 1999.
COHN-SHERLOCK, D., Understanding the Holocaust: An Introduction, 2000.
CREW, Nazism and German Society, 1933-1945, 1994
DAVISON, E., The Making of Hitler: The Birth and Rise of Nazism, 1997.
DAWIDOWICZ, L., The War Against the Jews, 1933-45, 1975.
DUELFFER, J., Nazi Germany, 1933-1945: Faith and Annihilation, 1996
FALTER, J.W., The First German Volkspartei: The Social Foundations of the NSDAP, in: K.
Rohe (ed.), Elections, Parties and Political Traditions, 1990.
FELDMAN, G.D. Allianz and the German Insurance Business, 1933-1945, 2001
FEST, J., Inside Hitler’s Bunker: The Last Days of the Third Reich, 2004.
FEST, J.C., Hitler, 1974.
FEST, J.C., The Face of the Third Reich, 1970.
FEST, J.C., The Final Verdict, 2002.
FEUCHTWANGER, E.J. From Weimar to Hitler: Germany, 1918-1933, 1995.
FINNEY, P. (ed.), The Origins of the Second World War, 1997.
FISCHER, Conan (ed.), The Rise of National Socialism and the Working Classes in Weimar
Germany, 1996
FISHER, Conan, The Rise of National Socialism and the Working Class in Weimar Germany
Providence, 1996
FLEMING, G., Hitler and the Final Solution, 1984.
FREI, N., National Socialist Rule in Germany: The Fuehrer State 1933-45, 1993.
FREVERT, U., Women in German History: From Bourgeois Emancipation to Sexual Liberation,
FRITZSCHE, Peter. Rehearsals for Fascism: Populism and Political Mobilization in Weimar
Germany. 1990
FULBROOK, Mary, Germany, 1918-1990: The Divided Nation, 1991
FUYKSCHOT, C., Hunger in Holland: Life During the Nazi Occupation, …
GAY, P., Weimar Culture: The Outsider as Insider, 1981
GEARY, Dick, Hitler and Nazism, 1993
GELLATELY, R. and N. Stoltzfus (eds.), Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany, 2001.
GELLATELY, R., Backing Hitler: Consent and Coercion in Nazi Germany, 2001.
GEUTER, U., The Professionalization of Psychology in Nazi Germany, 1992.
GILBERT, M., Never Again: A History of the Holocaust, 2000.
GILLINGHAM, J., Industry and Politics in the Third Reich: Ruhr Coal, Hitler and Europe, 1985.
GLASER, H., The Cultural Roots of National Socialism, 1978
GODMAN, P., Hitler and the Vatican: The Secret Archives that Reveal the Complete Story of
the Nazis and the Vatican, 2004.
GOLDHAGEN, D.J., Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust, 1996.
GONEN, J.Y., The Roots of Nazi Psychology: Hitler’s Utopian Barbarism, 2000.
GRUNBERGER, R., A Social History of the Third Reich, 1971.
GUTMAN, Y. and M. Berenbaum (eds.), Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, 1994.
GUTTSMAN, W. L., The German Social Democratic Party, 1875-1933, 1981
HAMILTON, R. F., Who Voted for Hitler? 1982
HARDACH, K., The Political Economy of Germany in the Twentieth Century, 1980.
HARSCH, D., German Social Democracy and the Rise of Nazism, 1993
HASTE, Cate, Nazi Women, 2001.
HEIBER, H.,, The Weimar Republic, 1993
HILBERG, Paul, Perpetrators, Victims, Bystanders: The Jewish Catastrophe, 1933-1945, 1992.
HILDEBRAND, Klaus, The Third Reich, 1989.
HOFFMANN, Peter, The History of the German Resistance, 1933-1945, 1977.
JAMES, H., The German Slump: Politics and Economics, 1924-1936, 1986
JELAVICH, B., Modern Austria: Empire and Republic, 1800-1980, 1987.
JOHNSON, Eric A., Nazi Terror: The Gestapo, Jews and Ordinary Germans, 1999
JONES, L.E., German Liberalism and the Dissolution of the Weimar Party System, 1918-1933,
JOSHI, Vandana, Gender and Power in the Third Reich: Female Denouncers and the Gestapo
(1933-45), 2003
KAPLAN, M., Between Dignity and Despair: Jewish Life in Nazi Germany, 1998
KATER, M.H. The Nazi Party: A Social Profile of Members and Leaders, 1919-1945, 1983/85.
KAUDERS, A., German Politics and the Jews: Duesseldorf and Nuremberg, 1910-1933, 1996.
KEEGAN, J., The Second World War in the West, 1999
KERSHAW, I., Hitler 1889-1936: Hubris, 1998; Hitler 1937-1945: Nemesis, 1999
KERSHAW, I., The “Hitler Myth”: Image and Reality in the Third Reich. 1987
KERSHAW, I., The Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation. 1993/2000
KERSHAW, I. and M. Lewin (eds.), Stalinism and Nazism: Dictatorships in Comparison, 1997
KITCHEN, M., Nazi Germany at War, 1997
KNOPP, G., Hitler’s Children: The Indoctrination of Germany’s Youth, 2004
KNOPP, G., Hitler’s Hitmen, 2000
KOCH, H.W., The Hitler Youth: Origins and Development, 1922-1945, 2000
KOLB, E., The Weimar Republic, 1988.
KOONZ, C., Mothers in the Fatherland, 1987
KOONZ, C., The Nazi Conscience, 2003
KOONZ, C., Women in the Fatherland, 1973
LANDAU, R. S., Studying the Holocaust: Issues, Readings and Documents, 1998
LANDAU, R. S., The Nazi Holocaust, 1994
LAQUEUR, W., Weimar: A Cultural History, 1918-1933, 1980.
LAQUEUR, W., Young Germany: A History of the German Youth Movement, 1984.
LAYTON, G., Germany: The Third Reich, 1933-45, 2nd ed. 2000.
LEDERER, I.J. (ed.), The Versailles Settlement: Was It Foredoomed to Failure? 1960.
LEE, S.J., Hitler and Nazi Germany, 1998.
LEE, S.J., The Weimar Republic, 1998
LEITZ, C. (ed.), The Third Reich: The Essential Reading, 1999.
LEITZ, C. and H.J. (eds.), The Third Reich: The Essential Readings, 1999.
LEITZ, C., Nazi Foreign Policy, 1933-1941: The Road to Global War, 2004.
LEWIS, B.R., Hitler Youth: The Hitlerjugend in War and Peace, 1933-1945, 2000.
LEWIS, D., The Man Who Invented Hitler: The Making of the Führer, 2003.
LIFTON, R.J., The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide, 1986.
LUKACS, J., The Hitler of History, 1997.
MARRUS, M R. (ed.), The Nazi Holocaust: Jewish Resistance to the Holocaust, 1989.
MARRUS, M. R., The Origins of the Holocaust, 1989.
MARRUS, M.R., The “Final Solution”: The Implementation of Mass Murder, 1989.
MASON, T., Nazism, Fascism and the Working Class, 1995.
Mc DONOUGH, F., Hitler and Nazi Germany, 1999.
Mc KENZIE, J.R.P., Weimar Germany, 1919-1933, 1971
McCLOSKEY, B., George Grosz and the Communist Party: Art and Radicalism in Crisis, 1918
to 1936, 1997
McDONOUGH, F., Hitler and Nazi Germany, 1999.
McKENZIE, J.R.P., Weimar Germany, 1918-1933, 1971.
MESSENGER, C., Hitler’s Gladiator: The Life and Wars of Panzer Army Commander Sepp
Dietrich, 2001
MITCHAM, S. W., Why Hitler? The Genesis of the Nazi Reich, 1996
MITCHELL, O.C., Hitler’s Nazi State: The Years of Dictatorial Rule, 1934-1945, 1988.
MOMMSEN, H., The Rise and Fall of Weimar Democracy, 1989.
MORRISON, J. G., Ravensbrück: Everyday Life in a Women’s Concentration Camp, 19391945, 2000
MOSSE, G.L., The Crisis of German Ideology: Intellectual Origins of the Third Reich. 1981.
NICHOLLS, A.J., Weimar and the Rise of Hitler, 1979.
NICHOLLS, D., Adolf Hitler: A Biographical Companion, 2000.
NICOSIA, F.R. and L. Stokes (eds.), Germans Against Nazism: Nonconformity, Opposition and
the Resistance in the Third Reich, 1990.
O’NEILL, Robert J., The Nazi Army and the Nazi Party, 1933-1939, 1966
ORLOW, D., A History of the Nazi Party, 1933-45, 1973
OWINGS, A., Frauen: German Women Recall the Third Reich, 1993
PANAYI, P., Weimar and Nazi Germany: Continuities and Discontinuities, 2001.
PASSMORE, K., Fascism: A Very Short Introduction. 2002
PETROPOULOS, J., Art as Politics in the Third Reich, 1996
PFRENGLE, H.O. and W.D. Jones, Forget that you have been Hitler Soldiers: A Youth’s
Service to the Reich, 2001
PINE, Lisa, Nazi Family Policy, 1933-1945, 1997
PROCTOR, R., Racial Hygiene: Medicine Under the Nazis, 1988.
PULZER, P., Jews and the German State: The Political History of a Minority, 1848-1933, 1992.
RAYNER, E. and R. Stapley, Debunking History: 151 Popular Myths Exploded, 2002.
READ, A., The Devil’s Disciples: Hitler’s Inner Circle, 2003
REDLICH, F. C., Hitler: Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet, 2000
REES, L., The Nazis: A Warning from History, 1997
RICHIE, A., Faust’s Metropolis: A History of Berlin, 1999.
ROBERTS, S., The House that Hitler Built, 1937
ROBERTSON, E.M., Hitler’s Pre-War Policy and Military Plans, 1933-39, 1963
ROHE, K. (ed.), Elections, Parties and Political Traditions: Social Foundations of German
Parties and Party Systems, 1867-1987, 1990.
SALKELD, A., A Portrait of Leni Riefenstahl, 1997
SCHEELE, G., The Weimar Republic: Overture to the Third Reich, 1946.
SCHOENBAUM, D., Hitler’s Social Revolution, …
SEATON, A., The Russo-German War, 1941-45, 1971
SELIGMAN, M. et al., Daily Life in Hitler’s Germany, 2004
SHIRER, W. L., The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, 1959.
SIMPSON, W., Hitler and Germany, 1991
SMELSER, R.M., (ed.), Learning about the Holocaust: A Student’s Guide, 2001
SPAYD, P.A., Bayerlein: From Afrikakorps to Panzer Lehr: The Life of Rommel’s Chief-ofStaff, Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein, 2003
SPIELVOGEL, J., Hitler and Nazi Germany: A History, 1988
STACHURA, P.D., Nazi Youth in the Weimar Republic, 1975.
STACHURA, P. D., The German Youth Movement, 1900-1945: An Interpretative and
Documentary History, 1981
STACKELBERG, R., Hitler’s Germany: Origins, Interpretations, Legacies. 1999.
STALCUP, B.(ed.), Adolf Hitler, 2000.
STEPHENSON, J., The Nazi Organization of Women, 1981.
STEPHENSON, J., Women in Nazi Germany, 2001.
STERN, F., The Politics of Cultural Despair: A Study in the Rise of the Germanic Ideology,
STERN, J.P., The Führer and the People, 1975.
STOLTZFUS, N., Resistance of the Heart: Intermarriage and the Rossenstrasse Protest Nazi
Germany, 1996.
STONE, N., Hitler, 1980.
TAL, U., Religion, Politics and Ideology in the Third Reich, 2004.
TAYLOR, S., The Rise of Hitler: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany, 1918-1933,
TRUNK, I., Judenrat: The Jewish Councils in Eastern Europe under Nazi Occupation, 1972.
TURNER, H. A., Hitler’s Thirty Days to Power: January 1933, 1996.
VINCENT, C.P., A Historical Dictionary of Germany’s Weimar Republic, 1918-1933, 1997.
WAITE, R.G.L., Kaiser and Führer: A Comparative Study of Personality and Politics, 1998
WATT, D. C., How War Came: The Immediate Origins of the Second World War, 1938-1939,
WEINBERG, G. L. The Foreign Policy of Hitler’s Germany. Vol. I: Diplomatic Revolution in
Europe, 1933-36, Vol. 2: Starting World War II, 1937-1939 …., 1980/83…
WEINREICH, M.: Hitler’s Professors: The Part of the Scholarship in Germany’s Crimes Against
the Jewish People, 1999
WEISS, J., The Politics of Hate: Anti-Semitism, History, and the Holocaust in Modern Europe,
WELCH, D., Hitler: Profile of a Dictator, 1998.
WELCH, D., The Third Reich: Politics and Propaganda, 1993
WEPMAN, Dennis, Adolf Hitler, 1990
WIEDER, J. and H. Graf von Einsiedel, Stalingrad: Memories and Reassessment, 2003
WILLIAMSON, D.G., The Third Reich, 2002
WILT, A. F., Nazi Germany, 1994
WINKLER, H.A., ‘Choosing the Lesser Evil: The German Social Democrats and the fall of the
Weimar Republic’, in: Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 25, No. 2/3, May-June
1990, pp. 205-227.
YAHIL, L., The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, 1987.
OVERY, R.J., ‘The Four-Year-Plan’, in: T. Gourvish (ed.), European Yearbook of Business
History, Vol. 3, 2000, pp. 87-106.
SCHNEIDER, A.H., ‘State-Owned Enterprises: Hitler’s Willing Servants? The Decision-Making
Structures of VIAG (Vereinigte Industrieunternehmungen AG) and RKA (Deutsche
Rentenbank-Kreditanstalt)’, in: T. Gourvish (ed.), European Yearbook of Business
History, Vol. 3, 2000, pp. 107-24.