Curriculum Committee Minutes 10_13_2015

Amended and Approved Nov. 17, 2015
(2 Amendments were brought forth by committee member Friedman and are contained in body of
minutes. Amendments appear in bold italics)
MINUTES OF 10.13.15
ATTENDANCE: Melissa Lane, Lisa Hopp, Ian Horn, Julie Winterhalder, Tracy Kelly, Brock Friedman, Mary
VanSlyck, Suzie Sias, Klaudia Tomlin, Trisha Shrode (U46 Liason), GUEST(S): Marc Hans (U46 Science
Coordinator), Annette Acevedo (U46 ELL Program Director), and eight other interested community
Call to order: 7:05 by Lisa Hopp, co-chair
Minutes of 09.15.15 were reviewed. Mary VanSlyck made motion to approve, second by Melissa Lane.
Motion carried.
Marc Hans, U46 Science Coordinator, presented committee with a draft of Parent Science Newsletter
and the Office of K-12 Science Communication Plan.
- there will be 3 issues of news (one with each of the school year’s 3 Science Units)
- Teachers would have ability to edit to customize to their class/community. For example, “Check out
exhibit at library!” and there is space for teacher contact
- Committee suggested adding District’s YouTube channel to communication plan and to create a
science powerpoint for schools to use on curriculum nights
- Melissa Lane shared example of teacher resource kits available at Gail Borden Library (available to all
district teachers)
- Mr Hans asked that any other ideas or comments about either document be emailed to him directly at
Annette Acevedo, U46 ELL Program Director, updated committee on implementation of Middle School
Dual Language Program in 2016-2017
- One Way Dual Language = class is made up of Spanish speaking English learners that are entitled to
services. Entering MS now
- Two Way Dual Language = class is made up of Spanish speaking English learners entitled to services
AND native English speakers committed to participating as an enrichment program. Will be entering MS
following year.
- Parents of Dual Language Program are asked to sign a Parent Compact to understand the program and
commit to supporting their student. In return, U46 is committed to offering Dual Language program
through 8th grade.
- Number of students currently in Dual Language (and used for enrollment projections in MS) = 843
(2015) - 1021 (2017)
- Based on enrollment numbers and with the goal of efficiency for staffing, Abbott, Ellis, Larsen & Teft
will be magnet locations for DL program
- Dr Acevedo stated that one of the rationales behind the Dual Language Program was to celebrate
children who speak Spanish
- MS class placement based on English Language Proficiency Scores
* all DL Students will have Spanish Language Arts and Social Studies in Spanish
* after that, students will have Math, Science, and English, but literacy scores will determine the level
of ELL support (Bilingual/ESL or General Ed teachers)
* Physical Ed, and electives will be English with General Ed Licensed teachers
- Communication Plan includes direct communication with DL parents and schools, meetings with
principals, ELL Quarterly News, ELL Monthly Meetings, ELL Parent Handbook, community-board advisory
- AFTER MS…. It is anticipated that students will either opt to continue with Heritage Spanish, AP
Spanish, or a third language. Students who successfully complete Dual Language Program will be
eligible for a Seal of Bi-literacy on HS diploma
- The U46 Dual Language Program was established in Spanish because 50% of our community speaks
Spanish. U46 is required by law to provide services to students that are eligible for services. Dual
Language in Spanish is an efficient manner to provide those required services plus offer an enrichment
program for others.
Questions and Concerns of Committee (to be followed up on)
- Concern that Bi-Lingual/ESL certified staffing needs will be met
- Concern that Gen Ed teachers will be displaced with little notice
- Concern that locations of DL Middle Schools have been sufficiently communicated to entire community
- Committee is very interested in following up on class placement. Knowing assessments are given later
in year, committee would like update on how the students fell into the three categories of sheltered
English instruction
- Concern that there is some degree of separation because of the nature of the program (students
isolated with only their classmates)
Other Business:
- Committee Members Lisa Hopp and Julie Winterhalder shared experiences and feedback they
gathered after attending the U46 Curriculum Fair earlier in October.
- Committee discussed the ever present need to improve communication to parents of their ability to
choose course sections and electives.
- Committee discussed the E&F Boundary Report, in its final stages at committee level, and how it
impacted the District’s availability to offer Full Day Kindergarten District-wide
Public Comment: There was no public comment outside DL questions
Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, Nov. 17. Room 240.
Topic - Full Day Kindergarten curriculum
* this is larger room, please feel free to invite guests!
Adjourn: Motion by Mary VanSlyck, second by Ian Horn. Motion passed