Year 10 Joy Biology Feedback for lab report – Effect of temperature on DNA extraction from a banana Criteria B: Inquiring and designing i. ii. iii. iv. - Explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigatin No background information descibing why we may want to do this experiment – context Why is this subject relevant to us? Formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning Many said DNA being extracted – but didn’t mention from what in their aim/title/hypothesis More correct scientific reasoning in the hypothesis – WHY do you think you will get the results you have predicted? Explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how data will be collected Variables more detail – amounts, sizes How will you control the control variables How will you manipulate the independent variable How will you measure the dependent variable No mention of how to collect data Design scientific investigations No risk assessments Methods must be very detailed Many unfinished methods – ALL steps must be included in detail Quantities of equipment Describe how the DNA is actually measured Should be able to give this to someone and they can go and do the experiment without asking questions Should refer to variables Criteria C: Processing and evaluating i. ii. iii. Present collected and transformed data Table must be correct OR graph must be correct Title, axes labels on graph Line graph – with curved line (should look like an unhappy smile) Units included on axes Table needs to be very clear what you are recording Interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning Include units from your table Very little scientific reasoning used to try to explain results WHY did you get the results that you did? Evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation iv. v. - Must mention your hypothesis – do your results agree or disagree? Why? Must include results from your experiment to back it up What could your hypothesis be re-written as? Evaluate the validity of the method Not many mentioned variables – did this make method fair? Not many mentionined if method was fair What did or didn’t make the method valid Explain improvements or extensions to the method Only a few included this What went wrong in the experiment How did that affect the results? What could be done to improve your results Why would that make it better? Back up scientifically Other Very few bibliographies/references No in text citation Not enough references You need to do more research – and then show me your understanding in the text – back up your points with scientific information, and tell me where you learnt that information. Overall presentation – not good! - Underline or make subheadings bold Leave spaces between each part Make sure whole table is on one page List method using numbers Put variables into a table Make sure units are on table/graph Make sure all labels in table are on one line (words are not split over two lines) Put risk assessment into a table Put improvements for method into a table Check spelling, grammar and sentence formation