Name_______________________________________________________ Date_____________ Period______ PhET Density Simulation Student Sheet Visit: and open the simulation. Warm-Up Directions: Play and explore for 5 minutes to familiarize yourself with the application. Change the values, move the triangles to adjust the mass and volume, change the materials using the drop down menu, and select different blocks from the menu on the right. Activity 1: Practice Adjusting the Mass and Volume 1. Click the reset all button on the bottom right corner of the screen. 2. Choose Custom in the Blocks menu in the upper right corner of the screen. 3. Check the ‘My Block’ option in the material box. 4. Set the mass of your object to 4 kg by typing the number 4.00 in the white box. 5. Adjust the volume to 2.43 L by sliding the green volume triangle. 6. Read the density of the block by looking at the white box under the red triangle. What is the Density of My Block in kg/L? ________ Does the block sink or float in water?____________ Activity 2: Custom Section 1. Click the reset all button on the bottom right corner of the screen. 2. Use the drop down menu to change the material as you fill in Data Table 1 below. 3. Do not change the values for mass or volume and do not move the green triangles for this section! Activity 2 Data Table: Mass, Volume, and Density of Custom Section Materials Material Mass (kg) Volume (L) Density (kg/L) Does it sink or float in water? Styrofoam Wood Ice Brick Aluminum TEKS 6.12(B) Calculate density to identify an unknown substance 1 Name_______________________________________________________ Date_____________ Period______ Activity 3: Same Mass Section 1. Click the reset all button on the bottom right corner of the screen. 2. Choose Same Mass from the Blocks menu in the top right corner of the screen. The mass of each box is 5 kg for this section. The initial (starting) volume of water in the tub is 100.00 L. 3. Drop the blue box into the tub and find the final volume of the water. You will need to drag the box to the bottom if it floats in order to find the correct volume. Write the final volume of the water in your data table. 4. Find the volume of the box by displacement (see sample calculation below) and write this value in the data table. 5. Find the density of the box by dividing (see sample calculation below) and write your answer in the data table. 6. Does the box sink or float in water? Write your response in the data table. 7. Repeat these directions for the yellow, green, and red boxes to complete the Activity 3 Data Table. Activity 3 Data Table: Finding Volume by Displacement and Density of Materials Material Mass Final Initial Final Volume (L) Mass ÷ (kg) Volume Volume - Initial Volume (L) Volume = (L) (L) Volume of Box (L) Density (kg/L) Blue Box Yellow Box Green Box Red Box 5 kg 100.00 L 5 kg 100.00 L 5 kg 100.00 L 5 kg 100.00 L Sample Calculations for Volume of Blue Box: 105.00 L Final volume – 100.00 L –Initial volume 5.00 L Volume of Box Does it sink or float in water? Sample Calculations for Density of Blue Box: mass ÷ volume = Density 5.00 kg ÷ 5.00 L = 1.00 kg/L How did you calculate the volume of each box? __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How did you calculate the density of each box? ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What did you notice about the blue box when you dropped it in the water? ___________________________________ TEKS 6.12(B) Calculate density to identify an unknown substance 2 Name_______________________________________________________ Date_____________ Period______ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Activity 4: Same Volume Section 1. Click the reset all button on the bottom right corner of the screen. 2. Choose Same Volume from the Blocks menu in the top right corner of the screen. The volume of each box is 5.00 L for this section. 3. Read the mass in the bottom left corner of the blue box and record it in the data table. 4. Calculate the density of the blue box (see sample calculation below) and record it in the data table. 5. Drop the blue box into the water to determine if it sinks or floats and record your observation in the data table. 6. Repeat these directions for the yellow, green, and red boxes to complete the Activity 4 Data Table. Activity 4 Data Table: Finding Density of Materials with the Same Volume Material Mass (kg) Volume (L) Density Does it sink or (kg/L) float in water? Blue Yellow Green Red 5.00 L 5.00 L 5.00 L 5.00 L Sample Calculations for Density of Blue Box: mass ÷ volume = Density 6.00 kg ÷ 5.00 L = 1.20 kg/L Look at the densities of the boxes that sink in the water. How do these numbers compare to the densities of the boxes that float in the water? (Sentence Stem: The densities of the boxes that sink in water are greater than/less than…) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What must be true about the density of an object in order for it to sink? _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What must be true about the density of an object in order for it to sink? _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEKS 6.12(B) Calculate density to identify an unknown substance 3 Name_______________________________________________________ Date_____________ Period______ Activity 5: Same Density Section 1. Click the reset all button on the bottom right corner of the screen. 2. Choose Same Density from the Blocks menu in the top right corner of the screen. 3. Read the mass in the bottom left corner of the blue box and record it in the data table. 4. Drop the blue box into the tub and find the final volume of the water. You will need to drag the box to the bottom if it floats in order to find the correct volume. Write the final volume of the water in your data table. 5. Find the volume of the box by displacement (see sample calculation below) and write this value in the data table. 6. Find the density of the box by dividing (see sample calculation below) and write your answer in the data table. 7. Does the box sink or float in water? Write your response in the data table. 8. Repeat these directions for the yellow, green, and red boxes to complete the Activity 4 Data Table. Activity 5 Data Table: Finding Density of Substances using Mass and Volume Material Mass (kg) Final Initial Density Does it sink or Volume (L) Volume (L) (kg/L) float in water? Blue Yellow Green Red 100.00 L 100.00 L 100.00 L 100.00 L Sample Calculations for Volume of Blue Box: 103.75 L Final volume – 100.00 L – Initial volume 3.75 L Volume of Box Sample Calculations for Density of Blue Box: mass ÷ volume = Density 3.00 kg ÷ 3.75 L = 0.80 kg/L Which two boxes float? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain why both of these boxes float even though they are different sizes. ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEKS 6.12(B) Calculate density to identify an unknown substance 4 Name_______________________________________________________ Date_____________ Period______ Activity 6: Mystery Section 1. Click the reset all button on the bottom right corner of the screen. 2. Choose Mystery from the Blocks menu in the top right corner of the screen. 3. Pick up Box B (the blue box) and put it on the scale. Record the mass of Box B in the data table. 4. Drop the blue box into the tub and find the final volume of the water. You will need to drag the box to the bottom if it floats in order to find the correct volume. Write the final volume of the water in your data table. 5. Find the volume of the box by displacement (see sample calculation below) and write this value in the data table. 6. Does the box sink or float in water? Write your response in the data table. 7. Click the Show Table button in the top right corner of the screen. 8. Compare the density you calculated for box B to the densities of the known substances in the table. Find the name of the material that matches the density you calculated. Write the identity of B in the data table. Activity 6 Data Table: Identifying Unknown Substances by Density Material Mass Final Initial Density Does it sink or What is the identity (kg) Volume (L) Volume (L) (kg/L) float in water? of the substance? A B C D E 100.00 L 100.00 L 100.00 L 100.00 L 100.00 L Sample Calculations for Volume of Blue Box: 101.00 L Final volume –100.00 L – Initial volume 1.00 L Volume of Box Sample Calculations for Density of Blue Box: mass ÷ volume = Density 0.64 kg ÷ 1.00 L = 0.64 kg/L How did you calculate the density of each mystery box? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How did you determine the identity of the mystery substances? ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEKS 6.12(B) Calculate density to identify an unknown substance 5 Name_______________________________________________________ Date_____________ Period______ Activity 7: Extension 1. Click the reset all button on the bottom right corner of the screen. 2. Choose Custom in the Blocks menu in the upper right corner of the screen. 3. Check the ‘My Block’ option in the material box. 4. Use the green arrows to change the mass and volume of the block to solve the problems below. Density Practice: 1. Move the mass rider to the 10.00 kg position and leave the volume rider in the 5.00 L position. What is the density of the substance? Use the formula to calculate the density and check your answer on the computer. What is the identity of the substance? Density = mass ÷ volume Density = 10.00 kg ÷ 5.00 L Density = ________ kg/L The substance is __________________________ 2. Move the mass rider to a new position and leave the volume rider in the 5.00 L position. What new mass did you choose? What is the density of the substance? Use the formula to calculate the density and check your answer on the computer. What is the identity of the substance? Density = mass ÷ volume Density = __________kg ÷ 5.00 L Density = __________kg/L My new mass = _________kg The substance is ______________________ 3. Move the mass rider back to 2.00kg. Move the volume rider to a new position. What new volume did you choose? What is the density of the substance? Use the formula to calculate the density and check your answer on the computer. What is the identity of the substance? Density = mass ÷ volume Density = __________kg ÷ 5.00 L Density = __________kg/L My new volume = _________L The substance is ______________________ 4. Move the mass and volume riders to new positions. What new mass did you choose? What new volume did you choose? What is the density of the substance? Use the formula to calculate the density and check your answer on the computer. What is the identity of the substance? Density = mass ÷ volume Density = __________kg ÷ __________ L Density = __________ kg/L My new mass = _________kg My new volume = __________ L The substance is ______________________ TEKS 6.12(B) Calculate density to identify an unknown substance 6