Concept of Binary digits

Class 2:
 Teach the concept of binary digits
 Introduction to ALICE Programming-Basic concepts through AliceIntroduction to use 3 D environment tool
 Teach looping structures
Time Allotment:
 2 hours,Cards with numbers and dots to represent the bits.
Materials Needed:
 10 laptops, same number of robots
Concept:How computers transfer data?”Concept of Binary digits”
 Representation of data in computers
 This document gives details about how we can teach students about the
binary digits and how can the data is sent as bits.
 This video gives a demonstration for the concept of BITS.Second video
teaches students how to convert numbers into binary digits and the third one
shows how data is send from sender to receiver.
Teaching/Learning Strategies:
 Demonstrate through a game how data travels from sender to receiver
Activities: Treasure Island Activity
 See
 Reiterate the concept of binary number representation
 This activity is very similar to the activity described in the pdf listed above.
Additionally, we would like to give the students practice on the concept of
binary digits taught in the class before. The island labeling cards will be
replaced with volunteers who will “say” in binary the island that the path the
visitor requested goes to. The volunteer will say “boops” and “beeps”
(representing zeros and ones, respectively) to dictate in binary a number, in
which the visitor will associate with an island name.
 Beforehand, tables or desks will be placed around the room, and each one
will be labeled with an island name. “Maps” will be printed with these
names, except the paths from the island will be missing. Each map will also
contain a table of base-10 numbers with a corresponding island name to each
number. The teacher will possess a map with all paths already labeled. Also,
a notecard with a 4-element table will be placed at each island for
volunteers. The table will depict what number to say in binary when a visitor
to the island requests a path.
 Volunteers will be asked for and their duties will be explained.
 Students will be explained their task to find the path to Treasure Island. The
maps with the missing paths will be handed out to all the students. The
students can only receive directions by requesting the A-path (“boop”) or the
B-path (“beep”). The volunteer will then “say” back a number, which will
correspond to an island to visit next. The student will have to write down
this binary number and convert it to a base-10 number in order to see which
island it corresponds to in the table on their map. The first one to find the
correct path to Treasure Island gets a small prize! (as well as all of the
GOAL: Introduction to ALICE
The files containing the activities are named ALICEINTRO.