STOCK TAKING OF ACTIONS AND INITIATIVES FOR SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS Please fill one form for each initiative reported Name of the Initiative: Nutrition in Mountain Agro-Ecosystems o o Individual Collective Respondent Name: Gábor Surname: Figeczky Email: Organization: IFOAM – Organics International Position: advocacy manager Are you responding? o On behalf on the organization conducting the action/initiative o As a member of it o Because you know its existence Name of the leading organization: IFOAM – Organics International Type of organization: o National Authority (e.g. Government), o Local Authorities o Intergovernmental Organization o Civil Society o Non-governmental organizations o Primary food producers (e.g. farmers, smallholder farmers, pastoralists, fisherfolk) o Private Sector (e.g. manufacturer, retailers, industry association, private research, etc) o Research o Multistakeholder o Other: 1 Partners (the case being): Helvetas Intercooperation FiBL Year of the beginning of the action/ initiative: 2015 The case being, year of end: 2018 Geographical scope of the Initiative Indicate precisely Main Targeted Stage of Food Systems If appropriate, indicate precisely Local National Implementation of nutrition sensitive agriculture at the local level so that farmers - by applying agroecological practices processors and traders diversify and intensify production, improve postharvest management and promote a nutritious product range including for self-subsistence and for absorbing the diversified surplus production to respond to demand of sensitized consumers. Development of an environment conducive to nutrition sensitive agriculture at national level so that national policies and action plans support and stimulate diversified production and consumption. Regional Global Advocacy for nutrition sensitive agriculture at the global level so that the global nutrition discourse adopts agricultural diversification and innovation based on the agro-ecological approaches. Input or service provision Primary Production Processing Distribution Consumption Rural service providers that are involved in an action network stimulate Good agroecological practices – e.g. mixed cropping, Nfixing plants, Processing and post-harvest loss minimization – e.g. storage and home Improved access to markets – e.g. linkages with processing industries, Promotion of dietary diversity – e.g. food festivals, information campaigns on 2 awareness, diversification and market linkages through implementing local development plans (“microinterventions”). kitchen gardening, crop rotations, water saving and soil building techniques, nutrient flow improvements (e.g. P); processing methodology, food conservation; participatory guarantee systems, outlets; health benefits, curriculum related to school gardens. Main dimension(s) addressed (if several of them, please indicate order of priority) o Environment o Economic o Social o Governance Main issue(s) addressed (if several of them, please indicate order of priority) o Water o Soil o Land o Air o Climate change o Biodiversity (including genetic resources) o Specific ecosystems, if yes, please precise: Mountain agro-ecosystems o Food losses and waste o Energy o Pollution o Food consumption o Consumer behavior o Nutrition o Animal welfare o Fair Trade o Rural development o Land use rights o Gender issues 3 o Youth issues o Employment o Workers rights and safety o Vulnerable groups o Poverty alleviation o Other, please specify... Main instruments used (if several of them, please indicate order of priority) o Projects o Regulations o Policy dialogue o Capacity development o Research o Knowledge dissemination o Advocacy and awareness raising o Data collection and sharing o Training, extension o Consumer information o Voluntary standards, labels o Payment for environmental services o Other? If so, please specify: Description of the Initiative (in less than 10 lines), including, as appropriate elements on size and scale of the initiative: The NMA project is addressing poverty and malnutrition in Mountain Agro-ecosystems around the globe; promoting Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture for diversification of diets to combat stunting of children and malnutrition of adults, particularly of women; and facilitating the Replication and Scaling Up of well tested agro-ecological methods in regard to agricultural and marketing practices. Its activities are the following: Developing a platform for rural service providers` knowledge, tools, successful cases and social capital. Online/face to face facilitating, training, motivating, inspiring and coaching of rural service providers. National knowledge sharing to sensitize decision makers Global advocacy and knowledge sharing. 4 At the local level there are 4 types of micro-interventions: Good agro-ecological practices – e.g. mixed cropping, N-fixing plants, kitchen gardening, crop rotations, water saving and soil building techniques, nutrient flow improvements (e.g. P); Processing and post-harvest loss minimization – e.g. storage and home processing methodology, food conservation; Improved access to markets – e.g. linkages with processing industries, participatory guarantee systems, outlets; Promotion of dietary diversity – e.g. food festivals, information campaigns on health benefits, curriculum related to school gardens. At the national level the National Nutrition Knowledge Sharing campaigns – In order to promote most relevant NSI and innovations, NMA will develop with project partners dialogues and events at the national level. In this regard, the national intervention aim to influence both policy making and consumers’ perception about certain food/crops and practices, raising awareness for nutrient sensitive agricultural production practices and nutritionimproving consumption habits. Our main advocacy messages at the global level will be the following: • Evidence is available from successful projects based on the NMA approach for global organizations to put agro-ecology and smallholders higher on the nutrition agenda, • Initiatives as well as their enabling legal and policy environment need to take a cross-sectorial approach not only at the national, but at the global level, too, in order to speak with ‘one voice’ on nutrition, • Diversified and ecological mountain agriculture and consumption as promoted under NMA contributes to multiply donor investment related to nutrition and health, rural development (income, jobs) and environment. Results: Expected outcomes: • Implementation of nutrition sensitive agriculture at the local level: Farmers - by applying agro-ecological practices - processors and traders diversify and intensify production, improve post-harvest management and promote a nutritious product range including for self-subsistence and for absorbing the diversified surplus production to respond to demand of sensitized consumers. • Development of an environment conducive to nutrition sensitive agriculture at national level: National policies and action plans support and stimulate diversified production and consumption. • Advocacy for nutrition sensitive agriculture at the global level: The global nutrition discourse adopts agricultural diversification and innovation based on the NMA approach. References ( Literature, web site, reports, etc): To be developed. 5