File - Flower Of Life Via Pleiades

The Magic of the Rainbow Grid
The Tree of Life is a roadmap to consciousness. We walk the Bridge to the Rainbow Grid to explore a
deeper understanding of higher realities. It is an interlaced super highway of Light. The Tree of Life has
eleven spheres, the eleventh sphere is a Knowledge Sphere. The reason we don’t see this sphere
depicted in the Tree of Life as often as we should is because humanity is learning humility with
The Adam and Eve story tells us that Adam picked the “apple” from the forbidden tree, it was actually
the eleventh sphere of Knowledge from the Tree of Life which created the the twelveth sphere, Human,
the Flesh, or the Key. Humanity is the seed of the Tree. The twelve spheres orbit around the Tree of
Life, like the twelve strands of DNA, spinning through the Flower of Life. The spheres represent the
molecular structure of Humanity. The Tree is constantly moving just like the atoms in our body, spinning
around with the vesica piscis and around the petals of the flower’s geometry, changing colours as the
consciousness in our Chakras evolve.
The Human, or the Flesh, plays a very important role in the Tree. We are Divine Beings, when the
prophets spoke of this in the time of Christ, they spoke of the Flesh and how holy and sacred the Temple
actually is, this is how the hologram of Jesus being sacrificed on the Tree of Life came to be. Words get
changed through time. Jesus was speaking of the Human on the Tree of Life. We are the seeds, the
Keys to Akasha, the Keys to the Earth Plane, or the doorways. Metatron showed me this system: the
Being took me to the grid. I was in awe of its beauty. Just above me was the Milky Way! He took me as
an eight year old child as we walked the Bridge and travelled to other realms, dimensions and other
planets, we were taking the spheres in our hands and feeling each one, it reminded me of one of those
giant pianos you can run across to play a tune, as each colour had a frequency of tone. Metatron then
took the Tree and placed it around my body. As it twirled and spun around me, moving up and down,
the Being said, “With great knowledge comes great responsibility, be discerning with the gifts”.
Let us, the Children of Light journey into the east, into the Central Sun, the golden rise of the Alpha.
Walk the Rainbow Grid with an open heart and pure intent for humanity, the Earth, and a universal ONE.
Take thy Father’s hand, as mother nurtures us, and enter the Sphere of Kether, the Crown, as above so
Note: “Ee-oh-el-kee” is Enochian for “Bringeth Forth”. It is spelled phonetically for ease of
Step 1- Move to the 1st Sphere (Kether), face east and speak, “Ee-oh-el-kee, Kether”.
Step 2- Move to the 2nd Sphere (Chokmah), face east and speak ,“Ee-oh-el-kee ,Chokmah”.
Step 3- Move to the 3rd Sphere (Binah), face east and speak ,“Ee-oh-el-kee ,Binah”.
Step 4- Move to the 4th Sphere, face east and speak, ,“Ee-oh-el-kee , Daath”.
Step 5- The Five Wanderers/Altar/Ceremony . Enter at Mercury with the Peace and Preparation
Walk around the Sphere clockwise slowly in silence, one with God and with peaceful thoughts of the
Earth, and humanity at large as your intention for the ceremony hightens. Finish back at Mercury
placing the Peace and Preparation Shield back on the ground.
Step 6- Start with Mercury, facing outwards (back to the table) and speak the Mantra, “Kodoish,
Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai T’sebayoth” (The Kodoish mantra is so strong that lower vibrations
cannot remain for any length of time in the presence of this vibration. The harmonic speed of light
activates special grids of the Brotherhood). Moving around the Pentagram clockwise increases the
distance between the planet and the sun. Move to Venus, again speaking the Mantra, then repeat
the Mantra at Mars, then again at Jupiter, and finally at Saturn, speaking the Mantra at each planet.
Step 7- Enter the Pentagram from the North. Move counter-clockwise and speak the Mantra
repeatedly within the centre of the Pentagram (moving into higher systems of creation) finishing
back at the Northern point.
Step 8- Altar set up- Enter from the North again to approach the Altar. Begin by lighting the candle
and offering the element of water (raise the element to head area) and speaking the Mantra. Move
to the West, lighting the candle and offering the element of Air ( Metal), the dagger (raise element
to the head area) while speaking the Mantra. Move to the South point, light the candle and offer
the element of Earth, the crystal or rock (raise element to the head area) and speak the Mantra.
Move to the East point, lighting the candle and incense, offering the element of Fire and speak the
Step 9- Located at the East point of the table pick up the 11 Rainbow Grid Shields and move through
each sheet slowly until one of these shields stand out to you. Put the rest of the shields back. This is
the 5th element of Ether or universe. Take the chosen shield and walk to the North element (water)
and speak the Mantra staring at the shield and projecting the image, with your mind, to the centre
of the table. Next, move to the West, South and East, projecting the chosen image to the centre of
the table at each location. From the final position (East) place the shield in the centre of the table,
light the candle and say the Mantra for the fifth element.
Step 10- Located at the East point, pick up the next 4 Rainbow Grid Shields and slowly move through
each shield, holding your intention for the ceremony in your mind. Begin with the Kodoish Shield 6.6.6
(The numerical sequence of the Holy Grid, 666 is used to identify you with Earths vibration). The next
shield is Invoking the Order of Michael (the seats in the Order of Michael will send the Elohim Lords to
assist in creation of the Lower Heavens). The next shield is the Garment of Light (the Garment acts as a
highly evolved Merkabah that surrounds the human vessel while travelling through the Higher Aspects
of Humanity, the Higher Kingdoms of Heaven). The next shield is Urim and Thummin Harmonics and
Structure (connection of crystal grid consciousness , within us and deep in the earth, which bridges us to
the Merkabah of Light. Acting as a homing beacon to the Divine Energy Templates). Put the shields
Step 11- Located at the East point pick up the next 8 Rainbow Grid Shields and slowly move through
each shield while holding your intention for the ceremony, in your mind, becomes stronger. Begin with
the Kodoish Shield 9.9.9 (this shield indicates you have picked up a merkabah vibration and you are
receptive to whatever instruction is at hand). Move to the next shield and invoke the Order of Enoch
(the Christ Grid, or the Cosmic Lattice, is offered to higher forces of Light and those involved in the
uplifting of Humanity. The seats in this Order harvest our collective manifestations of the Divine in the
material world and present them to God). Move to the next shield, The Template of Light Alignment
(opening all seven centres to work in perfect harmony. When this is achieved we can connect to the 8th
Charkra, the Template of Light. Achieving this will move Humanity from our limitations of self and
desires to only serving God, manifesting Divine). Move to the next shield, Grids Nine and Ten (the Ninth
and Tenth Chakra Grids aligning to the Eighth Charkra Template. The completion of the grid forms the
Tree of Life, which can bring us the knowledge of Akasha and all the information from previous
civilizations). Move to the next shield, Merkabah/Earths Planetary Grid (moving the stagnant energy
held in our bodies and in the Earth. We are connected with the Earth, so as the Earth’s vibration raises,
so does Humanity’s). Move to the next shield, Merkabah/The Light Body Vehicle of Ascension (the
Charoit, the Four-wheeled or winged system of travel. Also known as our Divine Light Vehicle used for
transportation between Worlds). Move to the next shield, Harmonic Grid Frequency Hook up (the hook
up of the spiritual forces of Merkabah and the physical thresholds. This is the connection to the
harmonic grids and the Merkabah which has the ability to “speak” through light consciousness. This
shield allows our vehicle to encompass a tone/colour of a specific grid for travelling within that grid).
Move to the next shield, B’nai Elohim, The Angelic Grid (the B’nai Elohim open the Gates of Light. Some
Angelic Beings may choose this system to come into the Lower Heavens to do the work of God). Place
the last 8 shields back on the ground infront of the East point and speak your intention (the word is very
powerful). It is best to speak in the now and be direct and precise with your wording (you now have the
angelic portals open and have the attention of the higher forces of light so manifestation can happen
quickly and events in your life will move around suddenly to accommodate your intention, you can use
grace and ease in your intention). Some write their intentions ahead of time and read off their sheets.
Some may not be comfortable speaking in a group, so the intention can be read silently to yourself.
After your intention is read/spoken, take a step back, raise your arms to the Heavens and release in
Step 12- Located at the East point pick up the next 11 Rainbow Grid Shields and slowly move through
each shield. Begin with the Torah Or Assimilation shield (the Torah Or represents a group of entities
that share the same motivation or one common interest, which is revealing the scriptures of God to
Humanity. As we are currently shifting into the Aquarian Age we are connecting to our Divine Oversoul).
Move to the next shield, Kodoish 12.12.12. (this is the vibration of consciousness transportation). Move
to the next shield, Invoking The Order Of Melchizedek (these are the Angelic Messangers who are
preparing the Earth for the Council of Light. This will usher in the New Earth; the Shekinah Universe.
This will be the final preparation to unite all with a new consciousness of Universal Intelligence). Move
to the next shield,The Path Of Crystal Points (energizing all crystals in the body , the Third Eye, and the
whole crystalline grid of the planet. It stretches out to the Path of the Universal Template and the
Merkabah). Move to the next shield, Ze’on Particles/Activation of Teleportation ( these particles act as a
protection to keep the mind intact when merging with other consciousness, as well as providing access
to a higher functioning energy field). Move to the next shield, Subtle Body Vehicle of Light (five Body
Vehicles of Light. This Shield will assist in drawing up all Five Bodies through the Crown Chakra
becoming One with the Eternal Light. When the Eighth Chakra is open we have a universal connection).
Move to the next shield,The Point of Ascension/The Day of Yom Or (a day of graduation or
transformation for those who have focused all their energies on the great work of Salvation). Move to
the next shield, Seraphim (Angelic Beings of Light that use the higher mind of multidimensional coding
to take on forms of planetary creation, local universal levels of creation, and the superuniverse level of
creation. They are the Gate Keepers, or Guardians). Move to the next shield, Gate of the Guardian (the
Seraphim Guards who preserve and protect the All, the universal gates to all the levels of creation).
Move to the next shield, Threshold of the Great White Brotherhood (this organization is constantly
transmitting wisdom to us from higher levels of intelligence by surveying the lower planetary worlds).
Move to the next shield, The Shekinah Rainbow (this is a Divine Presence, the feminine aspect of the
God Head. BE who you are in the Eternal Now of the Shekinah Rainbow. The presence of our physical
body is the prism of our Spirit/Higher Self. When we are present in the 3rd Dimension all aspects of Self,
Soul, and Spirit merge as One; this is the catalyst of the Shekinah Rainbow. This will begin the flow of
Unconditional Love).
Step 13- Located at the East point pick up the Peace and Preparation shield and, starting from the water
element (North Location), give your thoughts acceptance and gratitude knowing your ceremony is
complete while projecting the image of Peace and Preperation, with your mind, to the North element of
Water. Next, move to the East, South and West, projecting the Peace and Preparation shield with
thoughts of gratitide, knowing your ceremony is complete, to each location. Place the shield back on
the ground.
Step 14- Move to the 5th Sphere, face east and speak, ,“Ee-oh-el-kee , Chesed”.
Step 15- Move to the 6th Sphere, face east and speak, ,“Ee-oh-el-kee , Geburah”.
Step 16- Move to the 7th Sphere, face east and speak, ,“Ee-oh-el-kee ,Tiphareth”.
Step 17- Move to the 8th Sphere, face east and speak, ,“Ee-oh-el-kee , Netzach”.
Step 18- Move to the 9th Sphere, face east and speak, ,“Ee-oh-el-kee , Hod”.
Step 19- Move to the 10th Sphere, face east and speak, ,“Ee-oh-el-kee , Yesod”.
Step 20- Move to the 11th Sphere, face east and speak, ,“Ee-oh-el-kee , Malkuth”.
Step 21 - Blow out all of the candles and incense so the altar is ready for the next ceremony, or
individual, if you are doing a group session.
The Five Wanderers
Mercury,Venus,Mars,Jupiter and Saturn, 5 bright stars that moved differently. They moved at
different speeds from the stars and each other, following their own paths through the sky these stars
were large enough to be noticed throught the night sky. Two of these stars in the sky moved rapidy
(with a different position every couple of days) while others moved slowly ,taking several months or
even a year to change position. Often these wandering stars even moved backwards for days before
continnuing their forward wandering. we know this backward movement as a retrigrade motion.
The Five wandering stars were named Planets ,Greek astronomers employed the term asteres planetai,
or Planets "wandering stars", to describe those starlike lights in the heavens that moved over the course
of the year . It seems these planets were showing us to move outside our solar system , to wander the
universse in a unique way that may seem different to some, and discover new systems of knowlwdge,
or even wander our own Star the Earth and discover the riches and truths in our own roots right where
we stand.