PROTOCOL of the 4th Inter-Sectoral Working Group Meeting on

of the 4th Inter-Sectoral Working Group Meeting
on issues of transboundary monitoring
and early geo hazards warning systems
April 12, 2013
The fourth meeting of the Intersectoral Working Group (IWG) "Early warning and alert of
climate risks to water resources in Syrdarya river basin" was held on April 12, 2013 in the
building of Kazgydromet.
Introductory Session
1. Registration of participants. 16 people attended the IWG meeting (list attached). The
Fourth IWG Meeting was held in accordance with the program’s agenda (program attached).
2. Greetings. The 4th IWG Meeting was opened by Mr. Bayedilov Konysbek
Eskendirovich, the Director of Almaty Branch of "Kazgidromet", who welcomed the participants
of the Meeting.
Experts from neighboring countries of Syrdarya Basin: Ms. Latifah Bulekbayeva
(Kyrgyzstan) and Mr. Gapparov Furqat (Uzbekistan) participated in the Fourth IWG Meeting.
Ms. Nicole Wegner, a specialized consultant of GIZ Program in Bishkek, gave a
welcoming speech for all he participants. Ms. Wegner on behalf of GIT welcomed the
participants of the 4th IWG Meetings and invited experts from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Ms.
Wegner explained that there was a slight change in the overall process of creating working
groups in Central Asian countries. The GIZ Program noted that the example of IWG work in
Kazakhstan showed a necessity of time before launching IWG. The 2012-2013 phase of the
program will be completed at the end of 2013 and the beginning of the second phase is planned
for 2014. Taking this fact into consideration, GIZ is planning to conduct a feasibility analysis of
work in these countries prior to establishing a cross-sectoral working groups (IWG) in
Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and, if possible, in Tajikistan, for better training, time and efforts saving
during the new phase of the Program for Geo hazards. The purpose of expert participation from
Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan at this meeting is to introduce them with methodological and
substantive work of the IWG in Kazakhstan and receive more information. In addition, the GIZ
Program is planning to hold a regional meeting in Almaty in the second half of October, 2013.
At the regional meeting in Almaty, the IWG of Kazakhstan will present the results of their work,
and experts from the Central Asian countries will present the results of the analysis on
possibilities of conducting the program in their countries. This will be the Central Asian platform
for discussing future initiatives on inter-sectoral exchange in the field of transboundary
monitoring and early geo hazards warning systems in Syrdarya river basin. Thus, GIZ is
planning to create a more solid basis and working format, which will be viable in the future. Ms.
Wegner asked the participants of the 4th IWG Meetings to plan the appropriate preparations for
the regional meeting and the next meeting of the IWG, which is scheduled for June 2013. Ms.
Wegner wished successful work of the 4th IWG meeting and noted she will participate in the
meeting as an attendee.
3. Introduction of the participants. Each participant of the Meeting introduced
him/herself. Representatives of the SE "Kazselezaschita" could not attend the meeting but
presented a report-information on "Problems in the Syrdarya Basin" on the next day.
4. Opening of the meeting, goals, and objectives. Moderator of the 4th Meeting, Ms. S.
Shivareva introduced the members of the IWG with the Meeting’s agenda (available on the
CAREC’s website).
5. Decisions of the third IWG meeting. Ms. S. Shivareva briefed the participants on the
implementation of decisions of the Third Meeting and about the work carried out by IWG
members between the third and fourth meetings. Materials of the 3-rd IWG Meeting posted on
the CAREC’s website under the Environmental Management Program. Ms. S. Shivareva
reminded about the main objective of the IWG work within the chosen theme - “Early warning
and alert of climate risks to water resources in Syrdarya river basin”.
Session 1. Information on "Early warning and alert of climate risks to water resources in
Syrarya river basin". Moderator of the Session 1 – Ms. S. Shivareva
6. "Review of flood situation in Syrdarya river basin in the 1st quarter of 2013".
Ms. S. Shivareva gave the floor to the IWG member, Ms. L. Nikiforova from
In her presentation, Ms. L. Nikiforova noted that Kazgidromet gets operational
information from the posts in Syrdarya river basin from neighboring countries: Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Also, forecast information is exchanged with Kyrgyzstan and
Uzbekistan. Kazgidromet produces the following forecasts: - water content of Syrdarya river
tributaries in Kazakhstan - Arys, Keles and other rivers of SKO; - dates of establishment and
destruction of ice cover on Syrdarya river. The presentation sounded out the problems of water
flow management of Syrdarya during winter floods related to difficulty of forecasting at the side
tributaries of Syrdarya in Uzbekistan; inflow to the Shardarinskoe water reservoir during
working cascade if upstream hydropower stations. Ms. L. Nikiforova noted that releases in
Shardarinskoe reservoir were large, and in December it was necessary to release water to
Koksaray, despite the protest of the MES. Currently, the water level in the reservoir is normal. In
2012-2013, all went well, water spills and flooding was avoided (presentation available on the
CAREC’s website). Ms. L. Nikiforovs noted that due to the correct forecast of Kazgydromet on
water availability in Syrdarya tributaries, terms of ice cover and exchange of operational
information with neighboring countries on the flow in Shardarinskoe reservoir during first
quarter of 2013, floods in the lower reaches of the Syrdarya were avoided.
Questions related to the presentation:
1. Ms. G. Bekturova: "Why does MES object to release water to Koksaray? What are the
volumes of Shardarinskoe reservoir and Koksaray? "
2. Mr. I. Petrakov: "There is a draft of hydraulic structures construction for release of
water during extreme years in the old bed of Syrdarya".
3. Mr. A. Tahirov: "Are waters of Koksarai designed for watering of agricultural lands?
How much water will be released to the delta lakes?"
4. Mr. A. Zaurbek "How do you forecast water release? Are you getting the data from
Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, or calculate forecasts yourselves? "
5. Ms. S. Shivareva: "It can be concluded that reliable forecasts from neighboring
countries allow reducing risks of floods. It should be noted that Ms. L. Nikiforova, as a member
of the IWG, was active in making forecasts and constantly informed parent organizations, such
as the Ministry of Emergency Situations, on current situation with regard to threat of flooding".
7. Information on river flow model. The Moderator of the Session 1 explained to
participants that the IWG member Mr V. Salnikov, Department of Geography at the KNU,
during ad-hoc working meeting of the IWG proposed to listen to a presentation on the new
method of modeling and possibilities of its application in work of geo hazards in Syrdarya river
basin. Ms. Shivareva gave the floor to Ms. A. Asylbekova for presenting "A new method for
modeling the river flow". The Model that uses satellite imagery makes it possible to draft: erosivity of slopes; - develop digital landscape model; - forecast floods; - make models of river
basins. The model is constantly updated with new data, which makes it possible to monitor the
situation over the years (presentation available on the CAREC’s website).
The presenter was asked the following questions:
1. Ms. S. Shivareva: "Have you used this model for rivers in Kazakhstan?"
2. Ms. L. Nikiforova: "How accurate are the data, and how detailed is the forecast on
3. Ms. S. Shivareva: "Is it possible to use lower-resolution images for creating a model?"
4. Ms. S. Shivareva: "Can you jointly with Kazgidromet work on developing a model for
Syrdarya river?”
Comment of Ms. Shivareva on presentation made by Ms. A. Asylbekova: "Methods of
modeling of river flow is very interesting for determining geo hazards, in particular, forecasting
of floods in Syrdarya river basin.
7. Ms. Z. Dyusebaeva from the Center for promotion of sustainable development
provided information on training "Tools for adaptation to climate change" to be held in Almaty
or Bishkek in June 2013. It is planned to provide training on this model. Presence of experts
from the National Hydrometeorological Services is desirable.
8. "Recommendations for development of lake systems monitoring". In accordance
with the decision of the 3rd Meeting of IWG, IWG members Sorokina T., Tairova A. and I.
Vitkovskaya were requested to prepare appropriate recommendations, which were presented by
Ms. Vitkovskaia and Mr. Tairov (presentation on the website of CAREC). Recommendations
provided the reasons of lake systems change, effectiveness of space information for regular
monitoring and geo-hazards to lake systems. Mr. Tahirov noted that despite information from
space monitoring, it is necessarily to conduct ground monitoring, especially with regard to
quantity and condition of dikes and dams built without the consent and permission of the water
inspection. The recommendations were taken into account when completing the registry of
Comment of Ms. S. Shivareva: These recommendations should be revised taking into
account the suggestions, reflecting the expected result and performers.
9. Discussion of proposals to the State Program "Management of Water Resources
in Kazakhstan" with a focus on Syrdarya Basin.
There were two presentations.
A member of the IWG, Mr. A. Zaurbek, presented his analysis of sections of the State
program in terms of sustainable water use and water allocation under conditions of climate
change and presented his proposals on corrections to the Program for the entire territory of
Kazakhstan, including Syrdarya river basin. The speaker gave his suggestions for future work of
the IWG. These are, in particular, the choice of hydrological stations for emerging water
resources on the territory of neighboring states and creation of map for regulation of water
balance in the basin of Syrdarya river.
Mr. I. Petrakov presented the presentation of Mr. A. Tverdovsky, the head of advanced
engineering sector of the Institute of "Giprovodhoz", on "Water Resources of Kazakhstan and
their use" and minutes of discussion of the State program "Management of Water Resources of
Kazakhstan", as well as issues of water conservation in Kazakhstan, held on April 11, 2013 in
the Club of the Institute of Political Solutions with participation of experts and representatives of
the Committee of Water Resources of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Experts noted
many weaknesses of the Program, in particular, the lack of accurate data in terms of available
water reserves in Kazakhstan. There was a discussion on National action plan to the State water
management Program. Mr. I. Petrakov noted the need for establishing the Information center for
information on water resources processing. He also noted that it is necessary to enforce articles
of the Water Code.
Comment of Ms. Bekturova: "The program of water management in Kazakhstan - it is a
very important document and it is necessary to participate in its discussion and amendments.
However, it should be noted that members of the IWG discuss water issues, dedicating
significant amount of time and attention to the issues of water allocation and water use, and
forget about the main goals and objectives of the IWG work - early warning and alert of climate
risks to water resources in the Syrdarya Basin".
10. Summing up the session 1. The Moderator of the Session 1, Ms. S. Shivareva, noted
that during Session 1 participants got introduced and discussed the results and decisions the
Third Meeting on geo-hazards monitoring (reports of Ms. Nikiforova, Mr. Tairov, Ms.
Vitkovskaya), as well as problems of water availability in Syrdarya (Zaurbek and Petrakova).
Ms. Shivareva asked the IWG members to submit their presentations for posting on CAREC’s
website, as well as for publication in Kazgydromet journal. The results of the 4th IWG Meeting
were summarized and participants were provided with a draft of Decision of IWG meeting for
comments and suggestions. The decision will be finalized and posted on the website of CAREC.
Session 2: "The situation analysis and discussion of the registry of problems".
Moderator - Rustam Arstanov.
11. Analysis of the risks register, filling the registry, dicussion. The Moderator of the
Session 2, Mr. R. Arstanov, once again highlighted the importance of identifying the problems
and risks associated with climate change and adaptation of different sectors of the economy and
the population, especially in the countries of Central Asia (CA). There are new challenges, and
all countries are already doing a great job in this regard. He then presented a map diagram of the
Syrdarya river basin to the members of the IWG with information on reservoirs and posts
gauging. IWG work in the period between the third and fourth meetings was discussed and the
results of filling the registry of problems were presented. It was noted that, unfortunately, due to
the low activity of the IWG members, they did not complete work on the Registry. An interactive
work of IWG members on explaining the principles of filling the Register was conducted. The
participants of the Meeting reaffirmed their willingness to work through the Register and
complete the work by the 5th Meeting of the IWG.
12. Discussion of the vision and future challenges of IWG. Ms. Bekturova asked the
IWG members to work closely on issues introduced in the Register and fill out the entire table.
13. Closing the meeting, approval of decisions and recommendations of the 4th IWG
Meeting. Ms. Shivareva summed up the results of the 4th IWG meeting and expressed gratitude
to GIZ and personally to Ms. N. Wegner for organizing the Meeting, as well as to representatives
of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, and all the participants of the 4th IWG Meeting for their hard
work. Attention was given to representatives of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan with regard to the
choice of the IWG theme "Early warning and alert of climate risks to water resources in
Syrdarya river basin”. The IWG members offered this theme at the first meeting as a regional
theme for the countries located in the basin of Syrdarya river: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. However, geo-hazards for each country have a different significance. For
this purpose, the IWG in Kazakhstan is working to establishing a Risks Register.
Decision of the 4th IWG Meeting was approved and attached to this protocol. The next
IWG Meeting is scheduled for June 7, 2013.
The work of the Fourth IWG Meeting was completed.
Chairman of the Meeting
S. Shivareva
Secretary of the session
G. Bekturova
List of participants of the 4th IWG Meeting, April 12, 2013
The Program of the Fourth Inter-sectoral working group meetings in the field of
transboundary monitoring and early geo-hazards warning systems.
Registry of problems.
Presentation of Ms. L. Nikiforova, "Kazgydromet", "Winter flood on Syrdarya
river 2012-2013".
Presentation of Ms. A. Asylbekova, KNU, "Using space monitoring for modeling
river flow".
Presentation of Ms. I. Vitkovskaya, Mr. A. Tairov, Ms. T. Sorokina
"Recommendations for developing lake systems monitoring".
Presentation of Mr. A. Zaurbek "Governmental water resources management
program in the Republic of Kazakhstan".
Map-scheme of Syrdarya river Basin.
Decisions of the fourth IWG meeting.