9-23-15 Deans & Chairs Meeting Minutes

Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts
Deans & Chairs Meeting
September 23, 2015
Dan Albergotti, Monica Bell, Amanda Brian, Dan Ennis, James Everett, Carol Osborne,
Julinna Oxley, Philip Powell, Easton Selby, Fred Wood
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Amanda Brian to approve the September 9, 2015 minutes and seconded by Easton
Selby. The motion passed unanimously.
Dean’s Updates
Conference - Dan asked the Chairs to mark their calendar for the 33rd Academic
Chairpersons Conference in Charleston, SC on February 3-5 (Wednesday thru Friday). Dan
encouraged all of the chairs to attend. A university van will be provided for transportation.
Any Chair wishing to drive their vehicle will not be reimbursed for mileage. More
information on the conference/registration will be provided when available.
Brochure - A copy of the COHFA brochure was distributed for review. The Chairs were
asked to submit edits to Judy by Thursday, October 1.
Dan announced that the Dean’s Office will support disciplinary specific events that a
department would like to participate in to promote their programs. The Admissions Office
will need to be informed of our activities.
Credit Banking – Dan explained that credit banking was originally designed to accumulate
12 points either to cash in for $1,000/12 points or to apply towards building a course release.
The policy is being revised. Going forward, accumulation of points will no longer be
permitted. Each semester faculty will be required to cash out their points for payment.
Accumulating points towards a course release will be removed from the policy. A Datatel
friendly program is being designed that will calculate the credit banking points earned each
semester for a faculty member.
Slots – The Dean distributed a prioritization list of continuing, replacements, and new slots.
Also included was a proposed list of three non-slotted staff positions. The Chairs reviewed
the credit hour production by department list for COHFA and the enrollment numbers by
major (as of September 22, 2015). The overall credit production for fall 2015 is healthy, but
we are down a small number of students from last year. The summary of average lecture
class size by department was also discussed. The number of full and part-time faculty for
the past three fall semesters was outlined and indicated that the number of full-time faculty
has not grown significantly. Enrollment growth is at net zero. The Dean requested each
Chair review the bullet points associated with each of their positions and make any changes
or additions to the justifications, as deemed necessary, and let him know as soon as possible.
Dan will review any submissions, revise the list, as appropriate, and present the final version
of the slot prioritization list to the Provost by Friday, October 2.
Core Seats - Dan distributed a chart prepared by Margaret Fain on Core seats offered for
spring 2016. Under each Core Goal, the chart outlined the difference between the seats being
offered for the spring compared to the projected need. The number of filled seats for spring
2015 were listed as a comparison. Without knowing the disciplinary distribution of what
courses students have taken, it is difficult data to work with. Dan indicated he plans to meet
with Margaret and review with her the proposal that COHFA plans to submit. He reminded
the Chairs to monitor with Steven whenever they add sections to fulfill a Core Goal in the
schedule. Other department Chairs should be kept in the loop as well.
Founders’ Day – Dan talked about comments made surrounding the poor showing of faculty
at the Founders’ Day celebration. Discussion commenced on a system for COHFA whereby
faculty are expected to participate in a designated number of events per year. The events
include Freshmen Convocation, Founders’ Day, Honors Convocation and the three
commencements. With the input from the Chairs, the Dean agreed that all faculty will be
expected to attend three robed events each year.
Reappointments – Language per the Faculty Manual was reviewed regarding
reappointments of Instructors, Senior Instructors, Teaching Lecturers and Senior Teaching
Lecturers. The Manual states that notification of non-reappointment in the second or
subsequent years of service must be given by the second Friday of December (second Friday
of April for second semester appointments). Notification of non-reappointment in the first
year of appointment must be given in writing by the first business day of March (first
business day of July for second semester appointments).
Human Resources requests
information on reappointments in April and this is past the deadline to handle things
according to the Faculty Manual. Chairs are asked to be mindful of the policy and to meet
with the Dean to discuss any concerns they have with reappointments. The decision for nonappointments needs to be done in person with the Dean, the Chair, and the faculty member.
In rare circumstances untenured assistant professors are not reappointed. To terminate the
appointment at the end of the first year, notification must be given in writing by the first
business day of March (first business day of July for second semester appointments). To
terminate during the second year of a probationary appointment, a notice of termination must
be given in writing by the second Friday of December (or the second Friday of April for
second semester appointments) for second year probationary appointments. Chairs should
always meet with the Dean in circumstances involving untenured assistant professors.
Lecturer Expectations – The lecturer expectations document for COHFA is posted on the
website. Departments may elaborate on the college document with their specific department
Associate Deans’ Updates
Carol Osborne
Carol thanked the Chairs for taking time to meet with her and Ellen Arnold. Suggestions
were discussed and revisions to the assessment document are due by October 1.
Friday, September 25, Carol is hosting a faculty development event in EHFA 164 at 3:00
followed by a reception at 4:00 in the Art Gallery. The topic of the session is Avoiding
Burnout – Strategies for Making the Most of Your Time.
Monica announced that Trey Gerrald will be visiting campus on Friday, September 25. He is
a graduate of Coastal and a rising star in film and television. He is excited about giving back
to the school.
Amanda Brian clarified that the COOL Incentive grant has a new form that is to be used for
COHFA online Core courses. It is a one page, simple form that requires a signature.
Easton Selby informed the Chairs that Elizabeth Keller has a solo exhibition of her work –
The Essence of Forms/Contemporary Ceramic Sculpture - from September 24 thru
November 14 at the Artspace 506 in North Myrtle Beach. The opening reception is
Thursday, September 24 from 6:00-9:00.
The moving of the Chauncey statue is scheduled for September 30 and the formal unveiling
will be at 4:00 on Friday, October 2.
Submitted by: Judy Davis