Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts Deans and Chairs


Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts

Deans and Chairs Meeting

September 8, 2011

Present: Maria Bachman, Matthieu Chan Tsin, Dan Ennis, Jim Everett, Arne

Flaten, Eliza Glaze, Ken Martin, Carol Osborne, Nils Rauhut, Ken Rogers, Don Sloan and Holley Tankersley

Guest: Bryan Steros, Director for Philanthropy

1. Welcome and Approval of Minutes

Dan called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. A motion was made by Ken Rogers, and seconded by Matthieu Chan Tsin, to accept the minutes of the July 27, 2011, minutes as presented. Motion passed.

Dan introduced Bryan Steros, the Director of Philanthropy for our College. Bryan explained that his job is to work with departments on special initiatives and he also wants to raise money for students. Dan encouraged chairs to keep in contact with Bryan.

2. Dean’s Updates

Dan talked about information he received from a meeting with the Provost recently about bonuses. Dan reminded Chairs that recommendations for the bonuses are names that were given by department chairs to John

Beard, who then gave the list to the Provost. A letter should be sent by the

Provost to faculty receiving this bonus. The three percent raise that everyone receives should come in the September 15 th pay, and the ones who will receive a bonus should receive them on September 30 th . Holley explained what was talked about in Faculty and Senate regarding the new

salary plan, and she noted that the plan has not been approved and that the Senate could only vote to endorse the plan.

Workloads - Dan reported that the state is looking at loads for faculty across the state and also that the CHE board is looking at new performance based funding. He said the first move is to determine the productivity of various universities and that he completed such a worksheet requested by the Provost for our College. Dan expects CCU will benefit from any analysis done along these lines.

Travel update – Dan reported that he has the money ready for the two committees. He said that Chair travel will be handled through Dean’s office. Dan talked briefly about how money will be divided. A brief discussion was held about Lecturers requesting travel money. After the discussion, Dan stated that he would allocate separate monies to each

Chair, to be used at their discretion, for travel by Lecturers. Dan will email the parameters to the Chairs as soon as he works them out.

Sustained and Outstanding – Dan reported that the second follow-up meeting would be held the following day. He stated that he would like to put it out for faculty vote after that meeting.

3. Decade Project

Dan reviewed a copy of the schedule that he has up to now. He stated that he is trying to hit the print deadline and needs dates as soon as possible.

4. Associate Deans’ Updates

Holley reported that the Curriculum committees are up and running. Wes

Fondren is the chair of the Communication and Arts Committee, and Aneilya

Barnes is chair of the Humanities Committee. Holley also reminded Chairs that anyone can submit a proposal into the new online system (preferably the person teaching that course), but the Chair must look at it and is the one to approve

before it goes forward. Dan reminded Chairs to look at them closely before approving, checking for internal inconsistencies, spelling errors, poorly prepared material etc. A brief discussion ensued.

Carol discussed the graduation application process and reminded Chairs to make sure they do not include advising sheets with the application. She also asked them to make sure the evals are clean before sending them to the Dean’s Office.

If petitions are necessary, Chairs should make sure the correct form is sent through the system and just include a copy of the form with the application. Ken

Rogers talked about a student taking a course twice and that there is problem with it, but noted that David Yancey has been good about fixing problems on an individual basis. Carol noted that deadlines are moving up and that May graduation applications are being requested to be turned by November. She noted that it is just a request now, but will become permanent eventually. Holley also talked about some situations regarding minor applications and doubledipping.

Carol thanked Chairs who have made appointments with her and Ellen regarding

Assessment. She said they will both help as much as they can.

Dan noted that the Tenure and Promotion committees will be convening soon and ran through the list of members of the two committees.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:24 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura E. Barr

Administrative Coordinator
