Grid Drawing Rubric

Art 10
Grid Drawing: Charcoal Portrait
4- Above Average
3- Average
1- Poor
The artist is proficient in
demonstrating tonal
variations. The final piece
demonstrates an expert use of
a full tonal scale. The artist is
able to show light, shading,
and/or reflections with
outstanding accuracy.
The final piece is extremely
detailed throughout the entire
piece. The artist was able to
expertly portray texture and
detail in their piece. The
portrait is easily recognizable
and comparable to the
reference used.
The artist is well practiced
in demonstrating tonal
variations. The final piece
demonstrates an above
average use of a full tonal
scale. The artist is able to
show light, shading, and/or
reflections accurately.
The final piece is very
detailed in most areas. The
artist was able to
proficiently portray
texture and detail in their
piece. The portrait is
recognizable and
comparable to the
reference used.
The artist demonstrated
mediocre colour and tone in
their piece. The final piece
demonstrates an acceptable
use of a full tonal scale. The
artist is able to show light,
shading, and/or reflections
fairly accurate.
The final piece shows some
detail in certain areas. The
artist was able to portray
some texture and detail in
their piece. The portrait is
somewhat recognizable and
comparable to the reference
The final piece lacks
tonal variations. The
artist is not able to
show correct lighting,
shading, and/or
The artist expertly created a
successful and dynamic
composition that is interesting
to the viewer. There is no
paper showing unless
intentional. All grid squares
are even and to scale. There
are no empty or overfilled
The artist created a
successful and dynamic
composition that is
interesting to the viewer.
There is very little paper
showing unless intentional.
Most of the grid squares
are even and to scale.
There are barely any
empty or overfilled spaces.
The artist created a
mediocre composition.
There is some paper
showing that is not
intentional. The paper may
not be used to its full
potential. Some of the grid
squares are uneven and
distorted. There are some
empty or overfilled spaces.
There are no unintentional
smudges, fingerprints, rips,
etc. The viewer is not able to
see any grid lines. Student
included their name on their
There are barely any
unintentional smudges,
fingerprints, rips, etc. The
viewer can see little of the
grid that was used. Student
included their name on
their work.
There are minor
unintentional smudges,
fingerprints, rips, etc. The
viewer can see some of the
grid that was used. Student
included their name on
their work.
The final piece has
differentiations in
tone, but not a full
tonal scale. The artist
is not able to fully
show correct lighting,
shading, and/or
The final piece is
lacking in detail
overall. The artist
portrayed little
texture or detail in
their piece. The
portrait is hard to
recognize and has
major differences
compared to the
reference used.
The artist created a
poor composition.
There is a lot of paper
showing that is not
intentional. There is a
lot empty or
overfilled space. The
paper is not used to
its full potential. Most
of the grid squares
are uneven and
There are noticeable
fingerprints, rips, etc.
The viewer can see
most of the grid that
was used. Student
did not include their
name on their work
Detail/ Texture
The final piece has
little to no detail or
textures drawn. The
portrait is
unrecognizable and
does not look like the
reference used.
The paper has not
been utilized to its
full potential. The
majority of the page
is empty and is
lacking colour/detail
ect. The image is
extremely distorted.
The piece is
incomplete or
unresolved. The
viewer can see the
entire grid that was
used. There are
fingerprints, and rips
that take away from
the piece. No name
on the work.