Clouds Storyboard

Cloud photos: University of Illinois Cloud Catalog.
 Clouds are an important part of the weather. The water they bring is necessary to all forms of life.
 Clouds are made from water vapor and/or ice crystals.
 Some clouds we see are close to the ground, but others are higher than our mountains.
 Clouds have names. Cumulus clouds are puffy clouds. Stratus clouds are flat clouds. Cirrus clouds are
long and thin.
 Certain types of clouds often appear before a storm. A nimbus cloud is a dark rain cloud.
 Wind is air that is moving. It can move clouds and change their shape.
Turbo Squid
by ES3DStudios
Product ID: 312351
Users need to be able to walk around
“farm” and be able to look up and see sun
and clouds as well as “fly up” into the
clouds. Users should be able to navigate
through different kinds of clouds and click
on them.
Sun will talk and provide information.
Hi, I'm Sunny. My world is filled with clouds and air. Clouds are an
important part of earth's weather. The water they bring is necessary
to all forms of life. Clouds form when water evaporates from rivers,
ponds, oceans, and lakes. Clouds are a collection of very small drops
of water or tiny pieces of ice. The droplets and ice crystals are so
light they can float. Clouds come in many shapes and forms. Some
are high in the sky, while others are so low they touch the ground.
The type of clouds that form depends on how cold the air is and how
much water is in the air. Clouds move with the wind.
I have spent a long time looking at clouds and imagining what they
look like. Maybe you have done the same? Sometimes I think a cloud
looks like a bear! Sometimes like a face . . . or even a dog! It's a fun
game to play from the ground too.
Did you know that meteorologists can tell a lot about the weather by
looking at the clouds? Not only do different types of clouds look
different, but they are also located in different levels in the sky.
Some are high in the sky and some are low to the ground. Some are
white and fluffy and some are dark and gloomy. We can use clouds
to predict what kind of weather we will have. Meteorologists name
clouds by how high in the sky they form and by their appearance.
SUNNY: There are three main types of clouds. Click on the clouds for
more information about each one. Try to learn the names of the
different clouds, and the next time you look up into the sky, take
notice of what kinds of clouds you see. And if you try, you might be
able to guess what kind of weather they will bring. When you are
finished, try your hand at some of the activities.
These are Cirrus clouds. Cirrus means curl or tuft of hair and they
sort of look like strands of white hair high in the sky. They are so high
in the sky, they are actually made up of tiny pieces of ice. Even in the
summer, cirrus clouds are made of ice because it is cold high above
Earth. When we see cirrus clouds scattered high in a clear blue sky,
we can expect fair weather. They can sometimes be an early signal
that thickening clouds could bring light rain or snow within one or
two days.
These are Cumulus clouds. Cumulus actually means heap or pile.
They are the white, puffy clouds that look like piles of floating cotton
balls in the sky. Their constantly changing outlines are fun to watch
because they can take the shapes of almost anything, including
animals and faces. Because they are not as high as cirrus clouds, they
are mostly composed of water droplets, but they can also contain ice
crystals when temperatures are cold enough. If we see white and
puffy cumulus clouds, we can expect have fair weather for a while.
Sometimes cumulus clouds get dark gray and look like dark gray
cotton balls stacked up high. Heavy rain, snow, and hail can fall from
them. We can also see lightening and hear thunder from these
clouds. They are then called cumulonimbus clouds. Nimbus means
These are Stratus clouds. Stratus means stretched out or spread out.
Stratus clouds are made up of low layers of clouds that spread out to
cover the sky like a blanket. They are much wider than they are tall.
They are the lowest clouds in the sky. They can blot out the sun and
usually bring misty, gray days.
When stratus clouds turn dark gray and light rain falls from them,
they are called nimbostratus clouds. Usually, nimbostratus is a sign
of steady moderate to heavy precipitation, as opposed to the shorter
period of heavier precipitation released by a cumulonimbus cloud.
Nimbus means rain.
Mouse over clouds for names.
Click on clouds for more information.
Kids, look up and see if you can find images in the cumulus clouds.
What do you think they look like? Click 1-9 to see the different
Clicking 1-9 brings users to different
camera positions.
SUNNY: You are lost in the clouds and need to find
Developer Notes: When pass over "cloud" hear and
your way home. Zip through the sky collecting the
information about the cloud named at the top of the
screen. Use your arrow keys to fly through the clouds
and press the spacebar to collect the bit of
information. Once you have collected all the
information, you will be able to fly through the cloud
gate and zip closer to your destination. When you
have collected all the information you will be able to
go home.
read information. When correctly select information,
hear positive feedback "Great Job" or something
similar and information disappears from cloud--so user
knows which ones has collected. If try to leave through
gate before getting enough bits of information, hear
"Not so fast." When go through the gate, next level.
When finish final level, got through gate and back on
the ground at the farm. Sound button--turn sound on
and off.