Cumulus Clouds

Evaporation – the process by which water molecules in
liquid water escape into the air as water vapor.
Condensation – The process of water vapor turning into
liquid water.
Dew point- The temperature at which condensation
Scientists classify clouds into three main types based on
their shape: Cirrus, cumulus, and stratus.
Cirrus Clouds- Have feathery “hooked” tales called mare
tails occasionally. Cirocumulus clouds look like the scales
of a fish, so called a “mackerel sky”.
Cumulus Clouds- Cumulus clouds that are not very tall
usually indicate fair weather. These clouds are common
on sunny days and known as “fair weather cumulus”.
Towering clouds with flat tops are called cumulonimbus
clouds and often produce thunderstorms. Nimbus means
Stratus Clouds- As stratus clouds thicken, they may
produce drizzle, rain, or snow. They are then called
Nimbostratus clouds.