Club Name Description Grades Dates Meet Time k-2 ALP LeapLearning Enrichment Activities Program Project based learning where students will take what they have learned in the session and apply it by completing a project. Presentations will be made 4th Wednesday of the month. This session is open to all K-2 students, although our focus is students wanting expand their knowledge base and desire a more hands-on opportunity. Project based learning where students will take what they have learned in the session and apply it by completing a project. Presentations will be made 4th Wednesday of the month. This session is open to all 3-5 students, although our focus is students wanting expand their knowledge base and desire a more hands-on opportunity. An online opportunity for students to chat, go into breakout rooms to play chess, checkers, color, word searches, etc. and generally to socialize. Link on GCA Event Calendar The purpose of our club is to explore various foreign languages and cultures in a fun, social environment! Meetings are facilitated largely by students and it is highly encouraged that club members practice language skills with each other and to create slides to share with the group. This year, we are also planning face-to-face club outings in the Atlanta Metro area. Foreign Language Club members must: k-2 4th Wednesday of the month. 1:002:00PM 3-5 4th Wednesday of the month. 2:003:00PM 6-8 Every Thursday 12:301:30PM Shay Locke 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month 3:304:30pm Janelle DeCosta, (CONTACT) Ms. Carole Beacha, Megan Troutt 3-5th grade ALP Probe Lunch Bunch Middle School Foreign Language Club Attend online club meetings Have a working microphone Express an interest in learning about Contact Teacher via KMail foreign languages and cultures Equestrian Club 8th Grade Peer Leading Club Art Club National Honor Society No foreign language experience is required! A club where members can talk and share information about our favorite topic, horses! We will discuss and learn about the different breeds of horses, share photos and videos. We will also learn about the different styles of riding and showing. Students who own their own horse or ride a horse on a regular basis are welcome to share pictures and videos and talk about their horses. Students will make PowerPoint presentations and teach the other students about the different breeds of horses and different styles of riding. Students can share recipe ideas for homemade horse treats or horse related crafts. Other ideas welcome! We meet to learn and practice leadership skills, participate in a Presidential Trivia Contest, and are ambassadors for GCA. Some of the events we facilitate8th grade Honor Roll Assembly and Teacher/LC Appreciation Week, etc. We finish our year with an overnight trip to Blue Ridge Education Center in Toccoa, but you have to attend the meetings to be eligible. So join us!! Welcome to the Art club. During our time together we will take the first half of class to go over one of the OLS lessons. The second half we will demonstrate the activity that goes with that lesson. NHS is an honor bestowed upon deserving junior and senior students by the faculty of GCA. Students must have been enrolled for a period equivalent to one semester at Georgia Cyber Academy. ALL ages welcom e!! 2nd Wednesday every month 4:00PM Kari Ross 8th GRADE The fourth Thursday of each month 3:304:30PM Rosie Lowndes, Gentry Lowe 6-8 Grade Second Wednesday for 6th grade Fourth Wednesday for 7th grade 3:30PM Natalee West 9-12 Second Wednesday of the month 4-4:30 Leslie Clark HS Student Council Beta Club Film Appreciation Club Book Club Keep it Calm Club Members have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.75 on a 4.0 scale. The purpose of the Student Council of Georgia Cyber Academy is to: Represent and make decisions on behalf of the interests of the student body Help promote school spirit by encouraging and participating in school activities and functions Direct fundraising activities to fund social activities for high school students Initiate and develop a program of positive government that will promote student leadership Serve as an advisory group to the school administration, staff, and PTSO To promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among elementary and secondary school students. In this club, we will discuss and analyze classic films, current films, and film history. We will investigate and practice the skills of Film Criticism and Film Review. We will also discuss working in the film industry. We will play movie trivia games and take fun quizzes. This club is perfect for any high school student who loves film or who is interested in pursuing a degree in Filmmaking or a career in the Film Industry (CGI, music composition/production, wardrobe, make-up, Special FX, acting, etc.). Students read a book each month and meet twice a month to discuss it. Club hosted by the student council -that talk to students 9-12 meet bi-monthly on Mondays 12:30 9-12 9-12 Jill Wright and Veronica Blayton Russell Long, Kelley Ergle, Ashley Moller Meet the 3rd Thursday of each month 4-5PM To join the club, please follow the following Edmodo link: Then, set up a free account, and k-mail one of the club sponsors for the current group code. After you have joined Edmodo, you will receive further information on the monthly meeting location as well as having access to the club's quizzes, surveys, and ongoing conversations. 9-12 9-12 Meet twice per month: The first and third Wednesday of each month 12:30 Kate Potts Faith Club Aspiring Medical Professionals Club Peer Leading Club Gaming Club about positive ways to handle everyday challenges that teenagers face. This club provides students the opportunity to share their Christian faith together during a weekly meeting. The students prepare the material for each week, which includes praise and worship music, devotion, and prayer time. We meet on Mondays at noon in Mrs. Medley's classroom. Prepares students to enter into medical professions. This club came from the middle school and we have now started it in the high school. We work on our leadership skills, communicate thoughts about leadership and explore what it means to be an effective leader. At the end of the year, we will join with the middle school club for an overnight trip to the North GA mountains. Join us each 3rd Wednesday of the month for our high school Gaming Club! Discuss your favorite games with other gamers, and even see some videos of actual play! Use the link below to attend the Club. K-Mail Whitney Kelley in advance with any questions or suggestions. 9-12 Every Monday 12 Noon Angela Medley 9-12 Meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month 1212:45 Kimela Bryant 9-12 Meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month 4-5PM 9-12 Regular meeting days are the last Friday of each month 1PM Jessica Shuman and Christian Kraus 9-12 Meet the 4th Monday of each month 3:454:15 Kimela Bryant 9-12 Link to attend Gaming Club: Meliora Society Ambitions Mathematicians and Scientists leygca The Meliora Society is an academic fraternity/scholar society for GCA's highestachieving and most ambitious students and almost completely student-led with advisors and a faculty council there to support them any way we can. Prepares students to compete in math and science events and fairs.