The Curriculum Vitæ / Résumé of Peter Field, Freelance Translator from French to English specializing in Document Translation & Translation Editing FULL NAME, POSTAL ADDRESS AND CONTACT DETAILS: Mr. Peter Field, 69 Bridgefield Road, WHITSTABLE, Kent, CT5 2PH, United Kingdom. Telephone (land line): +441227-276823 Mobile: +447804-402318 Skype: peter.field4 E-mail: Professional Profiles Online: Linked-in: Proz: Operating System: Windows 8.1 Software employed: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Open Office C.A.T. tools employed: TRADOS Studio 2011, Omega-T ## PROFESSIONAL PROFILE: Mother Tongue: English Language Combination: French to English Specialisms: Arts & Humanities, Business, Official Documents, Journalism, Military, General Languages: English (mother tongue), fluent in French, conversant in German and Spanish Qualified to translate and edit at professional level from French to English (Institute of Linguists, Module IV Diploma, Letter of Credit) Familiarity with a wide range of language registers and styles as a result of extensive academic and professional studies combined with 11 years professional, freelance experience of translating texts from diverse French sources into an appropriate register of English; Fields translated: Arts and Humanities (biography, film, fine arts, short stories, novels, literary extracts, literary criticism, art criticism, academic essays, contemporary letters); Business (general financial, corporate literature, employee communications, invoices, e-mails, contracts); Tourism and Leisure; Web-page Translation / Editing; Marketing; Official Documents (birth, marriage, death and life certificates, university degrees / diplomas, equivalences); CVs / Résumés; Journalism (specialised, semi- specialised, general) Translation and/or editing work of a more general, multidisciplinary or semispecialised nature is also undertaken: Web-page Translation / Editing; Scientific material (pharmaceutical, agroindustrial, journalistic); Military EXAMPLES OF RECENTLY COMPLETED TRANSLATION AND / OR EDITING PROJECTS: Translation of contrat de travail de durée indéterminée (permanent work contract) Translation of Pyrotechnics glossary material Translation of court writ (acte d'huissier) Translation of Linguistics files for publication, relating to the uses of Corpora in language research Translation of CVs and / or covering letters (lettres de motivation) for various private clients Translation of a photographer’s personal commentary to accompany a series of photographs entered in a wildlife photography competition and of a thank-you letter to the competition organisers. Translation of a récipissé de dépôt and planning permission (permis de construire) documentation relating to a private client’s building project in Brittany, along with a formal letter from a French solicitor relating to the latter Translation of a speech for publication in a U.S. journal that was delivered by a French general on the subject of the past, present and possible future role of French nuclear arms Translation of a motor insurance certificate Translation of a secretarial diploma Translation of website copy concerning the biographical details of a celebrated French singer and stage artiste Translation of a promotional text drafted for a French chain store wishing to advertise its new, cosmetic skin care product on the English version of its Website Database and Web-site language editing (U.S. to British English) Translation of degrees, diplomas and masters equivalences for Frenchspeaking clients seeking to study at universities in the English-speaking world Translation of company internal communications pertaining to evolving business practice and the shaping of environmental policy in order to comply with Swiss law Translation of various e-mails for business clients Translation of documentation concerning the availability in regional France of subsidies and grants to help finance international, cinematographic coproductions Translation of an academic essay dealing with the socio-economic evolution of Tudor England Translation of book-project research material for a published biographer (fields: History of Art, Literature, Literary and Art Criticism, Biography) Translation of hand-written family letters (downloaded as JPEG images) dating from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, for a private client Translation of a company brochure detailing biological processes involved in the development and testing of a new range of fertilizers for the food production industry (fields: food production, agro-industry) Translation of a pharmaceutical monograph concerning the testing under laboratory conditions of a newly developed, three-ply packaging material designed to prevent pharmaceutically pure sodium chloride from absorbing moisture from the air and consequently caking; Translation of business texts (correspondence concerning cooperation between companies and employee communications pertaining to company takeover) Translation of tourist brochures Translation of an invoice detailing the sale of turkey poults by a farmer in Brittany to a client in the U.K. QUALIFICATIONS: Institute of Linguists (Final Dip.): French Module IV: Diploma, French-toEnglish translation and translation editing (Letter of Credit) French (B.A. Hons.): Part 1 Final Examination (language, linguistics, phonetics, explication de texte and literature), including baccalauréat and first-year-of-studies equivalences for entry to the Université de ClermontFerrand (Faculté de lettres, Lettres françaises, deuxième année) PROFESSIONAL REFEREES: Available on request ##