PACIFIC COAST OBSTETRCAL AND GYNECOLOGICAL SOCIETY MINUTES Marcus Whitman Hotel & Conference Center FIRST ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2013 TOPIC I. Call to Order Tribute II. DISCUSSION/ CONCLUSION/ RECOMMENDATIONS A moment of silence was observed to commemorate the passing of Society Members; Charles Chambers and Leroy Caspersen The following minutes were approved as distributed. First Board of Director’s Meeting 2012 First Annual Business Meeting 2012 Second Annual Business Meeting 2012 Second Board of Director’s Meeting 2012 Interim Board of Director’s Meeting 2013 Minutes of the 2013 First Board of Director’s Meeting have been recorded. It will be transcribed and posted. IV. Report of the SecretaryTreasurer STATUS The 2013 PCOGS First Business Meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Laughead at 1:15 pm. Introduction Jeffrey Broberg (SF), Kathy Deasy (SD/AZ), Scott Deasy (SD/AZ), Tania Esakoff (LA), Jennifer Israel(LA), Melissa Larsen(LA), Kathy Nguyen-Walker(LA), Sarah Prager(LA), Caryl Reinsch (SD/AZ) William of 2012 Winter(P), Heidi Wittenberg(SF, and Thomas Zheng(SD/AZ). Elected Fellows III. Approval of minutes ACTION PLAN/ PERSON RESPONSIBLE Secretary-Treasurer Fung Lam presented the general report; John Enbom presided over the Seventy-ninth Annual meeting which was held at the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach, California (October 3- October 7, 2012). The arrangements committee was chaired by Art and Angela Segal (LA Caucus). Michael Nageotte served as Program chair, and Tom Powers as the A-V Chair. Newport Beach 2012 PROGRAM There were 23 presentations: 13 Society Guest Papers, and 3 Guest Lecturers. There were 7 Ted Adams Poster Synopses , and a Debate on “Current Fetal Heart Rate Issues.” No Frank Lynch Essay was selected this year. Pacific Coast Obstetrical and Gynecological Society -All Completed PCOGS 2013 First Annual Business Meeting Minutes 2 of 7` TOPIC ACTION PLAN/ PERSON RESPONSIBLE DISCUSSION/ CONCLUSION/ RECOMMENDATIONS STATUS NEWPORT BEACH, CA - 2012 MEETING ATTENDANCE Attendees Fellows Companions Retired Fellows Society Guests Caucus Guests Personal Guests Guests of Board 2012 Newport 207 96 61 7 12 11 6 14 2011 Sunriver 209 87 71 10 7 8 8 18 2010 Kohala, HI 229 95 89 10 4 11 6 14 2009 Torrey Pines 226 74 91 13 10 19 11 8 NEWPORT BEACH, CA - 2012 MEETING FINANCIAL SUPPORT Registration Fee Fellows & Guests $625 (2011-$575, 2010- $500, 2009- $485) {Historical $585} Companions-$395 Income $163,948 Expenses $170,233 (-$6,285) 2011 $158,060 Expenses $149,913 (+$8,147) 2010 $135,822 Expenses $167,166 (-$31,343) Industry Support $44,900 (2011- $38,400, 2010- $31,100 , 2009- $40,400) Registration Income $106,200 (2011- $105, 975 2010- $94,225 2009-$92,220) Meeting Revenue -$ 6,285, (2011 + $8,147, 2010 - $31,343 , 2009 -$6,050) PCOGS FINANCIAL STATUS – June 30, 2013 2010 2011 2012 B of A Checking CA $32,141 $103,188 $196,555 First Republic Bank CA 0 $10,000 B of A Max. Savings CA $101,367 $100,135 $113, 283 0.35% Umpqua Bank CD-A 1.70% $102,015 $102,783 $104,728 Umpqua Bank CD-B 1.45% $100,362 $121,924 $123,812 Wash. Fed CD-A 2.05% $129,480 $131,394 0 Wash. Fed CD-B 2.05% $103,588 0 0 First Republic CD-A .30% $25,000 First Republic CD-B 1.12% $25,000 TOTAL $568,925 $559,424 $598,378 Pacific Coast Obstetrical and Gynecological Society Completed 2013 $246,544 $135,147 $113,470 $106,508 0 0 0 $25,068 $25,305 $652,042 PCOGS 2013 First Annual Business Meeting Minutes 3 of 7` TOPIC DISCUSSION/ CONCLUSION/ RECOMMENDATIONS $49,267 prepaid in deposits for future meetings MEMORIAL FUNDS- Lynch, Adams, Kimball California Medical Assoc. Foundation Previously invested through Morgan Stanley ,Smith Barney Q-3, 13 Transferred to Wells Fargo Funds (Diversified Portfolio, @Lynch fund) American Century Asset $192,049 Domini Social Investment Trust $37, 503 JP Morgan Core Bond Fund 11,376 Yield 1.78% 3.93% 2.71% MEMORIAL FUNDS 2013 CONTRIBUTIONS Forty-four Fellows contributed $5750 ( 2012:$6,160, 2011:$5775, 2010:$6,832) in honor of 22 deceased members 2010 $2,579 $2,059 $2,194 Adams Lynch Kimball PCOGS MEMBERSHIP 2013 2009 2010 Total 277 273 Fellows 196 189 Ret. Fellows 71 71 Non-Res. Fellows 8 11 Honorary Fellows 2 2 2011 272 191 69 10 2 2011 $1,802 $2,024 $1,949 2012 275 196 67 9 3 2012 $1810 $1,730 $1,910 2013 $2,535 $1,920 $1,325 2013 287 196 71 9 4 Pacific Coast Obstetrical and Gynecological Society ACTION PLAN/ PERSON RESPONSIBLE STATUS PCOGS 2013 First Annual Business Meeting Minutes 4 of 7` TOPIC DISCUSSION/ CONCLUSION/ RECOMMENDATIONS PCOGS MEMBERSHIP BY CAUCUS 2013 F RF Total %Fellows (2012 %Fellows) (2011 %Fellows) LA P SD/AZ SF S 64 39 18 47 36 20 10 6 20 10 84 49 24 67 46 76% 79% 75% 70% 78% 74% 79% 75% 70% 74% 76% 79% 71% 69% 78% PCOGS MEMBERSHIP 2013-Change in Status Fellows Retired Deaths Semi-Retired Non-payment 2 2 24 4 We continue to maintain just over a two year reserve balance and the Society continues to be relevant to members and guests with good attendance and participation at our annual scientific meetings. V. Report of the Assistant Secretary VI. Report of the Historian President Laughead presented the Assistant Secretary Report for David Lagrew : the Transactions from 2001 through 2011 are complete and posted on the PCOGS website. The 2012 Transactions will be complete and posted in early 2014. The website has been functioning well and functions include; registration and payment by credit card, dues payment, posting of all meeting minutes and caucus minutes. Programming to allow residents/fellows to register without providing a credit card number was researched. The cost for programming was estimated at $500. It was decided to handle the 7 residents'/fellows' registrations and payments by check manually off-line. Only two Society member registrations were paid by check. Historian Martha Goetsch : announced that the "dropdown" for the “Historian’s Corner” has been installed on the website. Historical content in development include; chronicling the intergenerational members of the Society (e.g. Stirling Pillsbury, elected 1952 was father of S. Gainer Pillsbury, elected in 1979), chronicling the contributions of early founding Society members such as Alice Maxwell. Ed Hill, George Winch, Emmett Lamb and Roger Hoag are providing resources. A trip to the UCSF archives is planned. Linda Eckert, Editor of the Scientific Proceedings reported that; VII. Report of the Editor of 32 manuscripts were presented at the 2012 PCOGS annual meeting. Of these, 11 were submitted to the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AJOG). Scientific -8 were fellows, 3 were Society Guests and there were no Ted Adams Scholarship Recipient submissions. Proceedings Pacific Coast Obstetrical and Gynecological Society ACTION PLAN/ PERSON RESPONSIBLE STATUS In Progress PCOGS 2013 First Annual Business Meeting Minutes 5 of 7` TOPIC DISCUSSION/ CONCLUSION/ RECOMMENDATIONS In 2012, 3 of 11 (27%) of Society submissions were accepted. Submissions and acceptances to other journals fell from 9 in 2011 to 4 in 2012. To date, 2 of the 4 papers submitted to another journal have been accepted. This brings the total number of accepted papers from the 2012 meeting to 4. Overall, 4 of the 32 presentations from the 2012 Scientific Meeting, or 12%, have been accepted for publication or published. Formal discussants were asked to omit slides from their oral presentations for the second year. This was the second year that we introduced the "timeline" for mentorship at the caucus breakfasts. We had our second breakfast meeting for current Caucus Guests that occurs on Saturday mornings in the Fall Annual meeting which will review the process for Society admission. This year, nine authors requested pre-review. The competition for publication in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology is intense. In order to allow time for a thoughtful review, the pre-review request deadline is August 15th. This year, all complied with this deadline. Each caucus has identified a process for statistical support. No statistical support was requested this year. Additionally, this is the second year we have completed using the Guided Mentoring Timeline for both the Mentor and the potential Society Guest. VIII. Report of the Industry Liaison Chair Bob Israel, Industry Liaison Chair: at the time of this report and we have received payments from 18 exhibitors , 2 CME grants and one non-CME grant for a total of $38,000. IX. New Business PCOGS Investing Bylaws and Policy. Past- President John Enbom noted that our current policy restricts the deposit of our operating funds to FDIC insured institutions. Investment of our reserve funds are limited to; -FDIC guaranteed Certificates of Deposit -US Government Treasury Bills or Note (24 months or less) -Federal Home Management Corporation Notes (US Government backed) discounted terms of 24 months. Current interest rates for these investments are in the range of 30 basis points (.30%). (eg. $300 per annum return on a $100,000 investment). Our Memorial Funds have been managed by the California Medical Association Foundation with Smith Barney and more recently with Wells Fargo, The Board has been happy with the investment management methods of the CMAF. The Board is considering investing a portion of the Society reserve funds in assets such as bonds, mutual funds and securities. Discussion from the floor- Society members were supportive of the possible change and recommended; -One to two years’ operating funds be held in reserve and invested in fixed-income assets. Pacific Coast Obstetrical and Gynecological Society ACTION PLAN/ PERSON RESPONSIBLE STATUS PCOGS 2013 First Annual Business Meeting Minutes 6 of 7` TOPIC DISCUSSION/ CONCLUSION/ RECOMMENDATIONS -Investments should be diversified over time, risk and amount. -Other organizations such as ACOG and SMFM have adopted similar investment policies. Any change would require a policy amendment in the Society Bylaws and approval by the general membership. The following changes were presented to the general membership for discussion. Section 5. Investment Advisory Committee. An Investment Committee of three Fellows who are not members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board. The Investment Committee shall advise the Board and report the status of any investment accounts quarterly to the Board of Directors and at each Board of Director Meetings Meeting and to the membership at the First Business Meeting at of each Annual Scientific Meeting. The Investment Committee Members shall serve staggered three year terms and shall not be eligible for reappointment. Society reserves may be deposited in FDIC guaranteed Certificates of Deposit or through the financial institution’s investment services in (1) US Government Treasury Bills or Notes (24 months or less) and/or (2) Federal Home Management Corporation Notes (US Government backed) discounted terms of 24 months, mutual funds, securities, or bonds The Society shall not invest in securities, derivatives, real property, or joint ventures. Should the Society receive gifts in the form of securities, derivatives, or real property that do not fall within the above definitions the gift shall be sold under the direction of the Board of Directors, with consultation if deemed necessary, and retained as cash, certificates of…………… certificates of deposit, Treasury Bills or Notes, Federal Home Management Notes, or invested in securities or bonds. Any funds invested by PCOGS that do not fall under the protection of the FDIC or other government backed programs shall be approved by the Board of Directors. At least one year of operating funds including average meeting costs and general expenditures (averaged over the previous three years) shall be held in bank accounts, CDs, Treasury Bills or Notes, or other government backed accounts The Board shall approve a financial advisor who shall manage the invested funds in a balanced portfolio of multiple stocks, bonds, or funds with the goal of exceeding inflation while attempting to minimize downside loss risk. Members of the Investment Committee or Board of Directors shall not have an undisclosed direct or indirect financial interest in the investment advisor As per PCOGS Bylaws Article VI, Section 5 and Investment Committee of three Fellows who are not members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board. The Investment Committee shall advise the Board and report the status of any investment accounts to the Pacific Coast Obstetrical and Gynecological Society ACTION PLAN/ PERSON RESPONSIBLE STATUS PCOGS 2013 First Annual Business Meeting Minutes 7 of 7` TOPIC DISCUSSION/ CONCLUSION/ RECOMMENDATIONS Board quarterly and to the Membership at the First Business Meeting at each Annual Scientific Meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer shall provide the Investment Advisory Committee with monthly statements on all invested funds. Voting on the policy and bylaw changes was deferred to the Second Annual Business Meeting. Secretary- Treasurer Lam and President Laughead presented the following propsed changes. Parliamentary authority Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, Current Edition shall be the official rules under which the business of the Society is conducted Standing rule change CME Coordinator. The President shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, a Continuing Medical Education (CME) Coordinator. The Continuing Medical Education (CME) Coordinator shall serve a term not to exceed three (3) years. It shall be the CME Coordinator’s responsibility to assist the Program Chair and the Program Committee in the process of completing the paperwork necessary to obtain CME accreditation. The Continuing Medical Education (CME) Coordinator shall also serve as a liaison to the accrediting agency and attend workshops and meetings as necessary to facilitate and maintain compliance with CME requirements Voting on the policy and bylaw changes was deferred to the Second Annual Business Meeting XI. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 pm by President Laughead. The Second Business Meeting will be on Saturday, October 5, 2013 from 12:30 – 1:30pm The Second Board of Director’s Meeting will be on Saturday, October 5, 2012 from 1:30 – 4pm Respectfully submitted, Fung Lam, M.D. _____________________________________________ Fung Lam, M.D. Secretary-Treasurer recorded 10/3/13 Revised 2/16/14 _________________________________________ Date Pacific Coast Obstetrical and Gynecological Society ACTION PLAN/ PERSON RESPONSIBLE STATUS