SYLFF Pre-Application Orientation, 2014

USD One Million
Follow up: SYLFF Plus Programmes: SRA,SYLFF prize,
SYLFF Leadership, Voices
Source: Nippon Foundation
Administered by : Tokyo Foundation
First Indian University
44 countries 69 institutions
 Each
year 3-4 fellowships are given
 29 fellowships given till date
 Highest valued fellowship in India
 Governed by the SYLFF Steering Committee
 Fellows are guided by SYLFF Mentors
 Office
Course work participation by fellows
Regional Forum
Exchange Visits
Social Outreach Programmes
Joyashree Roy
Project Director
JU-SYLFF Programme
FAQ + FOC (frequently observed confusion)
Enthusiasm because of the opportunity
But lack of orientation/training
Essay? Report? What topic? How to select the topic?
Taught mind
Research mind
Some time-tested special techniques to be followed
To ask questions, contradict, provide new explanation,
analysis, views, and directions…..
How to Write a Convincing
SYLFF (Research) Proposal
 To
address the Mission/Objective of the SYLFF
 This
 This
is an Interactive Session
Research Orientation Session is about
asking insightful questions
 Thinking
 Unending
 Questioning
 Do
our existing realities
we accept them as they are and live in
complacence? Or, do we start questioning
To encourage independent research projects
To identify and understand social problems
Thinking within and going beyond disciplinary
To nurture Leadership qualities: vision, innovation,
proactive thought processes
Problem solving attitude
Good peer-reviewed publishable analysis
The purpose of research is to answer “a” question.
“A question” that is interesting
Not to collect information without “a question”
1. Identify a problem
2. Ask a clear question
3. Limit the scope of the research
4. Say what is known and not known about the problem
5. Identify the skills and information needed to answer the question
6. Select the methods needed to collect & analyse the
7. Explain the kind of results expected and how they will be presented
8. Specify the timeline of research
 [Interactive]
 [Show
multi-disciplinary elements]
Some examples
Violence against women
Confusion around Economic system’s functioning
Growing Social conflicts
Inequality in growing affluence
Growing environmental problems
Rights vs. Access to basic services
Governance: Democracy
Interaction with JU-SYLFF fellows to discuss their
research questions
Choose only one question that deserves special
Will be interesting to larger audience
Will produce results that will be new
This is essentially what drives the goal of research;
the hypothesis needs to be tested…
Environment induced migration
Investment situation? What is in it for West Bengal?
Migrants and cultural identity: Punjab and Bengal
Globalisation and changing retail supply chain in India and
Access to Health services : Prevention vs. cure
Globalisation and Indian youths
Literature review
Only relevant ones
• Relevant literature
• Show what is said
• Identify gaps
• Show your proposed contribution
Interactive sessions to discuss some examples
• Decide the goal of study
• Decide the objective of the study
Subject skill, methodology
Types of information needed:
Research Design: Quantitative, Qualitative,
Ethnographic, Archival
Source of information
New skills needed/training required?
Discussion with existing SYLFF Fellows to learn from
their experience
Policy implication
Prescriptive vs implicative
Expected result
Possible user
Contribution to the existing literature
Deliverable: Journal/ Paper
Make a chart
To follow work with rigorous discipline
To show value addition at each step
To focus on the scope of the research
Monthly/quarterly/biannual/annual review of research
To guarantee a timely completion of research work
year 1
Literature survey
Objective firming up
Analytical Framework
Information collection
Year 2
Year 3
General Writing Tips
Writing to Inform -- Writing to Persuade
Appeals to the Goal of your readers!
This means you have to know about SYLFF (look up JUSYLFF website/ contact existing fellows/ get in touch
with the program assistant) as much as you can.
You can find out more at
 Think
about your readers before and
while you are writing
You need to identify their interest by:
 finding out the SYLFF Focus
 finding out SYLFF Priorities
You can find this information by visiting JUSYLFF website, other SYLFF websites, TKFD
website, talking to Project Director, and the
SYLFF Fellows
 Make
your writing as easy to read as you
• use simple words
• use short, direct sentences
• use short paragraphs
• use sub-heads
• use bullets
Put points positively -- avoid negatives
Write as briefly as you can
Re-read and edit your work
 Projects
can have a theoretical or an
applied orientation
Projects can be Desk Studies (e.g. modelling work,
case studies), or On-Site Activities.
Interactive Session– Discussions with
SYLFF Fellows
Social Change?
Contemporary or allied to contemporary issues?
Tradition ?
Sustainability of developmental (economic, political,
social, cultural….) process in general?
Multidisciplinary approach? E.g. past Fellows’ work
Try the colon trick:
A colon makes a title short, snappy, easy to say
Some examples are:
Impact of Coastal Inundation: Case of Sagar Island
Small and Medium Enterprises in India:An Analysis
of Funding Risks, Risk Mitigants and Sustainable
 Inter-state
River Water Disputes in India:
Institutions and Mechanisms
 Performing the Political: Left Culture in West
 Negotiating Informality: Changing Face of the
Footpaths in Kolkata, 1975 – 2005
 Coffee House to Barista: A Study of Cultural
 Un-gendering Sports:Towards a Revaluation of the
Female Athletes in India
Offer a moderate, realistic timeline
within which you can deliver the
promised outputs and thereby contribute
to the existing literature.
Use each day from today to write the proposal
Sleep on draft, then re-read, and edit it
Think, think and think…
Write, read, re-write, re-read…
Make final revisions
Get approvals from peers
Fill up form with immense care
Keep to the deadline and submit the Application Form
on time
Publication in International and National Journals.
Presentations at Seminars
Winning Erasmus Mundus, Fulbright Scholarships, etc.
Chance to conduct advanced research in Mexico,
Canada, Australia, Japan, US, Egypt, Netherlands,
England, Sri Lanka, etc.
Representations in the Global SYLFF Council
 Any
questions, please?
Researcher/Potential Researcher has an
infinitely long list of questions…