21st CCLC STEM Spotlight (Word)

21ST Century Community Learning Centers
Students attend STEM Saturday in 21st CCLC
Importance of STEM
STEM (Science.Technology.Engineering.Math) Saturday held on Saturday,
In our advancing world,
tomorrow’s workforce will
demand increased
knowledge in STEM
subjects. In our 21st CCLC
sites in Schuylkill County,
we seek to enhance
learning opportunities for
students while inspiring
them to become
passionate about the
September 29th, 2012 and Saturday, November 3rd, 2012 at Penn State Schuylkill
welcomed 21st CCLC students from across Schuylkill County to explore and
discover several scientific areas. For the day, our students were placed into
groups designated by four notable scientists: Marie Curie, Albert Einstein,
Leonardo Da Vinci, and Sir Isaac Newton.
Participating in six “STEM Stations”, students rotated through six STEM related
areas. Students first studied astronomy in the Starlab mobile planetarium. Next,
they learned about the effects of liquid nitrogen by international gas and
chemical manufacturer, Air Products. Later, they attended physics in motion
demonstrations by Penn State physics professor, Dr. Michael Gallis, and they
investigated animal science through the study of egg protein by Penn State
Extension animal science professor, Dr. Gregory Martin. Students also competed
in both “STEM” Jeopardy and a math challenge.
The Schuylkill 21st CCLC
Afterschool Program inspires children to learn, keeps them safe, and helps
working families.
About 21st CCLC: Currently held in 14 sites throughout Schuylkill County, the 21st CCLC
Afterschool Program provides students from grades 5-12 the opportunity to expand
their learning beyond regular school hours. Provided by the Schuylkill Intermediate
Unit through a federal grant, the after school programs offer students additional
instruction in the areas of academics, arts and culture, technology, life skills, and
recreation. For more information: http://schuylkillcountyafterschool.wikispaces.com/
“When students excel in
math and science, they
help America compete for
the jobs and industries of
the future.”- President
Barack Obama