SE Tower membership statement

Synthetic Environment Tower of Excellence Community of Practice
Version 1.0
This Membership Statement (MS) is entered into this …... day of …… 20… between those
parties who have signed Schedule 1 to this MS (hereinafter referred to as a “Party” or
collectively as “Parties” as the case may be).
1. Background
The aim of the Synthetic Environment Tower of Excellence (SE Tower) is to develop
UK defence capability that underpins the use of Simulation and Synthetic
Environments (SEs). The uses include joint and coalition training; experimentation;
acquisition and evaluation. The SE Tower provides a mechanism to enable the
Ministry of Defence (MOD), industry and academia to work together on future areas of
research for mutual benefit.
For the purpose of this MS “MOD” shall mean the UK Ministry of Defence and its
agencies, “Industry” shall mean SE Tower Community of Practice (COP) Members
other than MOD including academia but excluding other UK Government Departments,
“SE Tower COP Members” or “Members” shall mean a party participating or intending
to participate in the ongoing activities of the SE Tower under the Organisation,
Management and Operational Processes herein defined.
The Parties now wish to enter into this MS, with the intention of creating and
sustaining an SE Tower Community of Practice (COP) which will facilitate co-operation
in support of the aims of the SE Tower.
The COP will benefit MOD by:
The COP will benefit Industry by providing a mechanism to:
Providing MOD with a better understanding of the external supplier technical
capability base.
Supporting more effective and coherent exploitation of simulation and SE
Building comparative advantage in SE use in defence and security.
Improve understanding of future defence challenges and customer needs.
Align Private Venture investments relevant to the development and
exploitation of Simulation and SEs for defence applications.
Build supplier teams and bring together organisations to conduct research.
Build capability through access to SE Tower knowledge base.
The COP shall exist for a period from ….. to ……. and thereafter may be extended for
12 month terms if it still supports the needs of MOD.
2. Membership
2.1 Membership of the SE Tower COP shall be open to all organisations which are
significantly active, or have the strategic intention to be significantly active, in the
Simulation and SE field, and are able to administer business with MOD.
2.2 This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, departments of the UK Government,
Industry at all supply chain levels, from Primes to Small or Medium Sized Enterprises
(SMEs), and other Research Organisations.
2.2 It is understood that given the secure nature of aspects of the MOD’s business, SE
Tower COP Members shall require appropriate security clearance for those aspects.
2.3 Applications for Membership shall take the form of the Capability Questionnaire at
Annex A. This questionnaire will provide applicants the opportunity to present evidence
that they meet the criteria set out in paragraph 2.1.
2.4 Applications for Membership will be accepted during an application window which will
open every six months.
2.5 The Dstl SE Tower Chair will consider applications, and offer successful applicants this
MS for signature.
2.6 Unsuccessful applicants will be offered feedback.
2.7 Applicants shall become SE Tower COP Members upon becoming Parties to this MS.
2.8 Membership will remain valid while Parties are signatories to this MS.
2.9 Membership shall cease upon the expiry of this MS.
Membership can be resigned by withdrawing from this MS. A Party can do so by
writing to the SE Tower Chair.
Membership shall be maintained by actively participating in the SE Tower COP as
set out in Sections 3, 4, 5 & 6. As long as Parties to this MS do so, they will be
offered the SE Tower MS for re-signature when the current agreements expire.
Membership of the COP does not confer any rights to work on MOD contracts.
The SE Tower Chair reserves the right to terminate the membership of any party by
giving immediate notice in writing.
3. COP Vision
3.1 One seamlessly integrated team of expertise underpinning the best exploitation of
Simulation and Synthetic Environments for UK defence and security purposes.
4. COP Mission
4.1 To increase the mutual understanding and co-operation between the MOD and supplier
base who work in the area of Simulation and SEs. To make the best use of limited UK
defence resources by encouraging and enabling Members to collaborate in research
and exploitation activities for UK defence purposes. To support the continued availability
and success of a Simulation and SEs supplier base in the UK.
5. Goals
Having due regard to any rights or restrictions in relation to information sharing, the
COP has the following specific goals:
Share the outputs of SE Tower research amongst Members.
Share MODs vision and challenges amongst Members.
Share Best Practice and expertise amongst Members.
Provide networking opportunities for Members.
Provide secondment opportunities for MOD staff, and engage in reciprocal
secondment opportunities.
Share outputs of SE Tower activities at Conferences.
These goals will be achieved by initiatives including but not limited to:
Biannual Information Exchange Events (IEEs), including briefings, workshops
and networking opportunities.
Access to a library of research output hosted on an online Shared Working
Environment (SWE).
Developing shared resources to support best practice, for example stories of
experiences, tools, and ways of addressing recurring problems.
Interacting with other Members online, offline and at SE Tower Events.
6. Principles
6.1 This MS records the intention of the Parties to adhere to the spirit and standards of the
co-operative process, and to support the SE Tower COP Vision and Mission.
6.2 Whilst it is intended that the scope, principles and operation of the SE Tower COP will
be generally as described herein, this does not restrict any of the Parties from exploring
and developing alternative approaches as they may see fit.
6.3 The Parties hereto agree to work together in good faith in pursuance of the aims of this
MS from …. to …. Should any Party wish to withdraw from this MS it may do so by
writing to the SE Tower Chair.
6.4 Members of the COP commit to:
Playing an active part in the COP and proactively working towards its Vision
and Mission;
Participating in and providing a technical contribution to COP activities;
Supporting the COP goals;
Building trusting relationships and working collaboratively with other COP
6.5 Each Party will self-finance the time and costs of its activities associated with the SE
Tower COP.
6.6 Operation of the SE Tower COP is on a without precedent basis. It does not include any
government procurement activity.
6.7 Nothing in this MS shall lead to the imposition of constraints on the MOD’s ability to
achieve value for money in its procurement of any SE product, interface, component or
service which arises from any activity undertaken under the terms of this MS.
7. Intellectual Property
7.1 It is not anticipated that the activities of the SE Tower COP will generate new Intellectual
Property. Ownership and user rights in Intellectual Property generated under a MOD
contract will be covered under the relevant contract.
Annex A – Capability Questionnaire
Organisations applying for SE Tower Membership are requested to provide the following
For all organisations
A1. Organisation Name
A2. Organisation Address
A3. Technical Point of Contact (POC) Name
A4. Technical POC Address, Phone number & Email
A5. Business POC Name (Optional)
A6. Business POC Address, Phone number & Email (Optional)
A7. Organisation Size
A8. Type of Organisation (Academia/SME/Prime/Group)
A9. Number of staff engaged in science and engineering in UK
A10. Current Markets
A11. Defence Sectors of Interest
A12. Existing or Anticipated Supply Role
A13. Nature of Development Work Undertaken
A14. Security Clearances Held
A15. Product Portfolio
A16. Capabilities in Support of Product
For an organisation already active in the Simulation and Synthetic Environment
field. In less than 1000 words, provide evidence that:
B1. The organisation has technical competence in the use of Simulation and
Synthetic Environments, for defence or non-defence applications.
B2. The organisation invests in and conducts research and development into the
use of Simulation and Synthetic Environments, for defence or non-defence
B3. The organisation exploits research and development and uses Simulation and
Synthetic Environments, for defence or non-defence applications.
For an organisation not already active in the Simulation and Synthetic
Environment field. In less than 2000 words, provide evidence that:
C1. The organisation has the intention (corporate plan) to invest in and develop
technical competence in the use of Simulation and Synthetic Environments, for
defence or non-defence applications.
For all organisations. In less than 1000 words, provide evidence that:
D1. The organisation delivers research or technology successfully via working
collaboratively across industry and / or academia, including previous engagement
with the SE Tower.
D2. The organisation engages with end users.
D3. The organisation engages in international collaboration for the purposes of
research and development.
D4. The organisation contributes to national and international professional
bodies, including contributions to conferences, workshops and standards