E2966 Environmental Codes of Practice for Construction 25 January 2012 - IAARD How to use the COP The following specifications must be included in both the bidding documents and construction contracts under Sustainable Management of Agricultural Research and Technology Dissemination (SMARTD) Project. The specifications will become contractual obligations for Contractors and can be enforced by IAARD. Environmental Duties of Contractor Compliance with all relevant legislative requirements in Indonesia; Implement the project for the duration of the construction period; Undertake monitoring of the effectiveness of the implementation of the project and keep records; Report the monitoring records to SMARTD Project office; Employ and train suitably qualified staff to take responsibility for the project; Comply with the Chance Find Procedures for Physical Cultural Resources; and Stop construction activities upon receiving instructions from the SMARTD Project Office, and propose and carry out corrective actions and implement alternative construction method, if required, in order to minimize the environmental impacts. Prohibitions Cutting of trees for any reason outside the approved construction area; Disturbance to anything with architectural or historical value; Indiscriminate disposal of rubbish or construction wastes or rubble; Spillage of potential pollutants, such as petroleum products; and Burning of wastes and/or cleared vegetation. Dust Use water as often as required to dampen dusty areas during windy conditions. Noise Construction activities shall be scheduled in daytime only (8 am to 6 pm). Any work that must be carried out after hours shall be notified to the community at least one week in advance. Waste Management Establish and enforce daily site clean-up procedures, including maintenance of adequate storage, recycling and disposal facilities for litter, solid waste, soil and construction debris. All solid waste that cannot be recycled shall be transported by an approved waste handler, disposed of offsite at an approved / licensed disposal site. 1 Waste oil and other hazardous wastes (including contaminated soil and oil spills) shall be stored under cover and separated from other wastes. They shall be removed by a licensed transporter to a licensed disposal facility. Once the job is completed, all construction -generated debris should be removed from the site. Worker Health and Safety The contractor will comply with all Indonesian regulations and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for worker exposure to the project. All staff will be provided with suitable personal protective equipment (ie hard hats and high visibility clothing). Clearing of New Sites Land clearance should only begin once all LARAP procedures have been completed; Before clearing of vegetation, ensure that all litter and non-organic material is removed from the area to be cleared; Stockpile and protect topsoil for reuse in site rehabilitation; The application of chemicals for vegetation clearing shall be avoided. Erosion and Sediment Management Disturb as little ground area as possible and stabilize that area as quickly as possible. Direct storm water around the work site using temporary drains. Install sediment control structures where needed to slow or redirect runoff and trap sediment until vegetation is established. Sediment control structures include sediment catchment basins, straw bales, brush fences, and fabric silt fences; and In areas where construction activities have been completed and where no further disturbance would take place, re-vegetation should commence as soon as possible. Re-Vegetation and Site Restoration The construction site and surrounds shall be landscaped and any necessary remedial works shall be undertaken without delay, to the satisfaction of ICAERD. 2 3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING PROGRAM Environmental Management Plan Pre-Construction Environmenta l or social impact Pre-Construction Mitigation Actions Costs Responsible Start End General / all impacts The Environmental Codes of Practice for Construction (COP) will Minor, included in SMARTD be included in the Contractors specification. tendering costs Team Tender preparat ion Award of construct ion tender. General / all impacts All Indonesian laws and regulations relating to the environment Minor, included in Construction will be followed during the construction phase. construction contractor contract Tender preparat ion End of construct ion 4 Construction Environment or social impact Vegetation removal Construction Mitigation Actions Costs The area of vegetation removal will be minimised. Minor, included in All vegetation will be removed mechanically or manually – no construction herbicides will be used. contract Responsible Start End Construction Contractor In the beginning of construction After completion of construction Construction Contractor In the beginning of construction In the beginning of construction In the beginning of construction After completion of construction After completion of construction After completion of construction Materials of value will be offered to the community. All other vegetation will be disposed at a composting facility or a landfill approved by local government authorities. Accidental Find of Culturally Significant Artefacts Dust Noise On discovery of a potential artefact, all construction activity works Minor, shall be suspended and the Chance Find Procedures invoked. included in construction contract The construction site will be sprinkled with water, especially Minor, during dry and windy conditions. Included in construction contract Construction activities will be performed only during normal No cost working hours (from 8 a.m. till 5 p.m.). If construction activities have to be performed before or after the specified time limits, the local community must be notified about it at least one week in advance. 5 Construction Contractor Construction Contractor Environment or social impact Construction Mitigation Actions Costs On arrival at site, and prior to installation, the contractor will confirm that the equipment meets the standard for noise emissions as stated in the tender documents. Minor, Included in Operation Cost Toxic, hazardous Hazardous material will be manage by contractor through Minor, wastes (B3) Indonesia hazardous regulation. Included in The history data will be recorded and saved. construction contract Construction All construction workers will have site inductions by contractor on Minor, worker health health and safety. Included in and safety construction contract All workers will be provided with hard hats and covered boots. Included in construction contract 6 Responsible Start End Contractor Prior to equipment installation Prior to equipment installation Construction Contractor In the beginning of construction In the beginning of construction In the beginning of construction After completion of construction After completion of construction After completion of construction Construction Contractor Contractor References 1. SNI Earthquake Pedoman Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa untuk Rumah dan Gedung (SNI 1726-2002-F, Badan Standarisasi Nasional) 2. SNI Load Pedoman Perencanaan Pembebanan unruk Rumah dan Gedung (SNI 1727-1989-F) 3. SNI Load Tata Cara Perhitungan Struktur Beton untuk Bangunan Gedung (SK SNI T-15-1991-03) Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Beton untuk Bangunan Gedung (SNI 03-2847-202. Badan Standarisasi Nasional) 4. SNI Steel Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Baja untuk Bangunan Gedung (SNI 03-1729-2002, Badan Standarisasi Nasional) 5. IMB Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Nomor: 24/PRT/M/2007 tanggal 9 Agustus 2007 tentang: Pedoman Teknis izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB). Direktorat Cipta Karya, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum. 6. Baku mutu air limbah B3 diatur dalam PP No. 85 tahun 1999. 7. SNI 06-2508-1991 Metode Pengujian Kadar Pestisida Klor Organik dalam Air dengan Alat Kromatograf Gas. 8. SNI 06-2509-1991 Metode Pengujian Kadar Pestisida Karbamat dalam Air dengan Alat Kromatograf Gas. 9. SNI 06-2510-1991 Metode Pengujian Kadar Pestisida Fosfat Organik dalam Air dengan Alat Kromatograf Gas. 10. SNI 19-2454-2002. Tata Cara Pengelolaan Teknik Sampah Perkotaan 11. UU No 23 tahun 1997. Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup. 12. K3 Konstruksi Bangunan UU No. 13/2003 : Ketenagakerjaan UU No. 1/1970 : Keselamatan Kerja UU No. 18/1999 : Jasa Konstruksi SKB Menaker & PU No.174/104/86-K3 Konstruksi Permenaker No. 5/1996 – SMK3 Inst Menaker No 01/1992 Ttg Pemeriksaan Unit Organisasi K3 Standard: 1. PUBI 2. SII 3. ASTM 4. ACI 5. AISC 6. JIS 8. UBC Persyaratan Umum Bahan Bangunan Indonesia Standar Industri Indonesia American Society for Testing and Materials American Concrete Institute American Institute of Steel Construction Japanese Industrial Standard Uniform Building Code 1997 Additional References: 1. ACI Commentary Building Code and Commentary – ACI 318-83/86/89 2. Note on ACI Note ACI 318-83/89 7