


The Bohr model continues to be a helpful way to imagine the distribution of electrons and some of the behaviors of electrons, but Schrodinger set out to include more information about the orbitals and the dual wave-particle nature of the electron. His model is based on probability, because we cannot know where an electron is, but rather where it might be.

Schrodinger uses quantum numbers as coordinates to describe the size, shape and orientation in space of the orbitals. His model is known as the Quantum Mechanical

Model of the atom. The probable area of finding an electron is represented by an electron cloud in the shape of the orbital.

Each electron pair's probability is represented by an orbital cloud and these orbitals are all layered over one another to make the atom:

Discovery: 1926

Before Schrodinger

New Evidence: The electrons behave based on probability and can be thought of as a particle or a wave

Already Known:

After Schrodinger

The Bohr model shows electrons orbiting the nucleus

The atom contains neutrons, neutral particles with large mass in the nucleus.

Electrons have quantized distances from the nucleus.

Dense nucleus contains positive protons

The atom is 99.99% empty space

The atom has an overall neutral charge

Electrons are a sub atomic particle

The current model of the atom is known to have orbital clouds representing electrons probable locations.


The Story Of the Atom

A History of Changes in Atomic Theory using the Scientific Method


Many years ago, between 460BC and 370BC the Greek philosophers wondered what we were made of.

Leucippus and Democritus came up with the atomic theory, stating that "the universe is composed of two elements, the atoms and the void in which they exist and move."

Democritus' theory:

1. Matter is composed of empty space through which atoms move

2. Atoms are solid, homogeneous, indestructible & indivisible.

3. Different kinds of atoms have different sizes and shapes

4. The different sizes and shapes cause the different properties of matter

5. Changes in matter are due to changes in groupings of atoms, not because the atom it self changes.

Democritus thought we were all made of small solid particles that cannot be divided.

He said that these were called "atomos" meaning indivisible. Without any of the scientific tools, there was no evidence to back this up, but the term "atom" and the original thought of what an atom is came from Democritus.

At the same time Aristotle's theory was that all matter consists of 4 elements, fire, water, air & earth, and that the combination of these elements gives each material its qualities. This theory went on to influence the alchemists for about 2,000 years.


Niels Bohr

When Rutherford discovered the nucleus, it was known that a new model of the atom was needed. Bohr created his idea of the atomic model in 1915, and it can also be called the "planetary model" of the atom. The electrons orbit the nucleus like planets orbiting the sun. No actual image of this model can be "to scale" because if the atom was 2 football fields in diameter, the nucleus would be the size of a nickel. This means hat no model of the atom is actually to scale.

The key to the Bohr model is that the orbits are quantized, meaning they are at specific distances from the nucleus, with no orbitals (no electrons) in between. Each orbital has an energy level. If the electrons are in the lowest available orbital they are in the ground state, but they can move up to higher levels if they are excited by energy.

Each element has different distances between the nucleus and orbitals, giving that element specific properties.

You will study this more in depth when you find out more about electron configuration, but the organization of electrons into these "orbitals" is the key to many properties of each type of atom.

Bohr merged the ideas of Rutherford and Plank to build a model of the atom explaining the behavior of electrons

Before Bohr Discovery: 1915 After Bohr

New Evidence: Electrons have quantized

Rutherford's Model includes a central nucleus made of protons and electrons moving through empty space distances from the nucleus.

Already Known: Dense nucleus contains positive protons, The atom is 99.99% empty space, The atom has an overall neutral charge and electrons are a sub atomic particle

The Bohr model shows electrons orbiting around the nucleus at quantized levels



In 1803, John Dalton wanted to condense the information that was known about the atom. Through many quantitative experments, he was able to discover mass ratios of elements involved in reactions, leading to further development of the ideas that Democritus had two thousand years earlier.

He ended up with 5 statements that make up Dalton's atomic theory.


1. All matter is made of extremely tiny particles called atoms

2. All atoms of a given element are identical in mass and properties, and they are different from any other element

3. Atoms cannot be created, divided into smaller particles or destroyed.

4. Atoms combine in simple whole number ratios to form compounds

5. In chemical reactions, atoms are separated, combined or rearranged.

Although we have found some exceptions for the above rules in the last 200+ years (isotopes, nuclear reactions & subparticles), these are key ideas that were used as the foundation of modern chemistry.

Dalton considered the atom to be a sphere, and that the atom was the smallest possible particle.



For the next few thousand years many discoveries were made. Alchemy began around

300BC and continued until the 1700's when the science of chemistry began. The alchemists developed many of the tools we use for science today in order to pursue their dreams of finding one of two things:

One goal of the alchemists was to turn "base metals" the inexpensive metals, into gold.

The other goal was to find eternal life through creation of the "Philosophers stone" or the "elixir of life". Although neither of these tasks were possible, the experimentation of the alchemists lead its way into the science we now know as chemistry. Alchemists used experiment and observations to learn about the world around them.

In the 18th century we began to practice modern chemistry. One main difference was that Chemistry was quantitative, meaning that everything was measured and could be studied that way. Alchemy was primarily

Qualitative, looking merely at the physical outcome and physical properties, without significant measurement.

Realizing that "air" was made of "gasses" was a huge turning point, because it meant that Aristotle was wrong about air being an element itself. The ability to measure everything that went into and out of an experiment was a significant change in science, leading to the Quantitative science of chemistry, where the temperature and mass of all substances was recorded during reactions.

You will learn about some of the key chemists in the transition from Alchemy to

Chemistry throughout the school year. Robert Boyle objected to the Aristotelian elements. Antoine Lavoisier began "the chemical revolution" with his law of conservation of Mass, stating that no matter can be created or destroyed. It is then, in 1773, that Chemistry was truly born.

Robert Boyle Antoine Lavoisier


James Chadwick

Chadwick worked in Rutherford's lab, where they bombarded all kinds of things with alpha particles, studying the atomic nuclei.

He set up an experiment where he shot alpha particles at beryllium foil, which caused an uncharged radiation to be emitted. This radiation hit the wax, which bumped the protons off of the wax.

Using charges he was able to discover that the radiation from the beryllium was not charged, however it had mass. This was the discovery of a neutral particle with mass that Chadwick called the neutron.

Chadwick worked with Hans Geiger (of the Geiger counter) until he was imprisoned in Germany during WWI, then moved to America and eventually went on to be part of the Manhattan project, developing the world's first atomic weapons.

Before Chadwick Discovery: 1932

After Chadwick

The Bohr model

The Bohr model shows electrons orbiting around the nucleus at quantized levels

New Evidence:

The atom contains neutral particles with large mass in the nucleus. These are called neutrons.

Already Known:

Electrons have quantized distances from the nucleus.

Dense nucleus contains positive protons

The atom is 99.99% empty space

The atom has an overall neutral charge

Electrons are a sub atomic particle now shows electrons orbiting around the nucleus, which is made of postive protons and neutral neutrons.


JJ. Thompson

Scientists like to study the unknown. If you have ever been shocked when you touched a friend or a piece of metal and wondered what just happened, you are not unlike JJ Thompson and other early scientists who decided to study this phenomenon.

What they did was take a glass tube and pump most of the air out of it. They then passed electricity through the tube. They found that the electricity formed rays from the cathode to the anode across the tube, giving it the name Cathode Ray Tube or CRT.

JJ Thompson made 3 hypotheses based on his observations of the cathode rays:


Cathode rays are charged particles (which he called "corpuscles").


These corpuscles are constituents of the atom.


These corpuscles are the only constituents of the atom.

Ultimately his experimentation proved the first two hypothesis, and disproved the third. By the end of the

1800's they had found that these "rays" were actually a stream of negatively charged particles.

In the 1890's JJ Thompson decided to find out how much mass each particle had when compared to it's charge. The amazing thing was that JJ Thompson found out that the mass of one of these particles was smaller than the Hydrogen atom... but at the time it was thought that the Hydrogen atom was the smallest possible particle!

This meant that this particle, called the electron, was smaller than an atom, and was part of what made up an atom. JJ Thompson had disproved Dalton and found that Atoms were divisible into smaller subatomic particles, because the electron was one of them!


New Evidence: Electrons are a sub atomic particle

Already known: The atom has an overall neutral charge

After JJ Thompson


Ernest Rutherford

Rutherford wanted to find out what happens when you pass alpha particles (emitted from a radioactive source) were passed through an atom. Because gold could be made very very thin without breaking, he decided a very thin piece of gold foil would be the perfect way to do his experiment. If the radioactive source was in a small box with one hole, the alpha particles would make a stream.

Rutherford thought the atom looked like JJ Thompson's plumb pudding model, and so he thought that most of these positive alpha particles would go right through, but some would pass close enough to electrons for them to shift their path slightly.

When he began his experiment and some of the particles bounced backwards he said "it is like shooting a missile at a piece of paper and having it bounce back at you" because the actual results were so unexpected. The alpha particle was very large and the only way for it to bounce back is if there was something with greater density inside the atom.

Based on these findings, the atom could not look like JJ Thompson had modeled it.

Rutherford considered the data in order to come up with a new atomic model. The only way this could have happened is if there was a tiny dense region he called the nucleus in the center of the atom. He concluded it contained all of the positive charge and most of its mass. He said that the positively charged particles in the nucleus were protons. The rest of the atom, about 99.999% of its volume, was empty space!

Before Rutherford: Discoveries 1911-1920 After Rutherford:

New Evidence: Dense nucleus contains positive protons

The atom is 99.99% empty space in a positive sphere.

Already known: The atom has an overall neutral charge and electrons are a sub atomic particle

Plumb Pudding Model: Atoms are made of negative electrons

Rutherford's Model includes a central nucleus made of protons and electrons moving through empty space

