Supplement Discrete choices, such as tourism destination choices, have been of interest to researchers from a variety of disciplines (psychology, marketing, outdoor recreation, etc.) for many years. For this reason, probabilistic models based on the principle of utility maximization have been developed to model choices made by individuals from a set of mutually exclusive alternatives. However, since the true utilities derived from the different alternatives are not observable, they are considered to be random variables and hence the probability of an alternative being chosen is defined as the probability of it having the greatest utility of all the available alternatives in the choice set (Ben-Akiva and Lerman, 1985). Different approaches to the well-known random utility model, such as the conditional or the nested logit model, have been used to model destination choice decisions in different contexts (Train, 2003). A generalization of the standard logit model, known as the random parameter logit (RPL), has become very common in this kind of analysis, mainly because it enables researchers to account for the heterogeneous preferences of tourists within a discrete choice framework, while also allowing for the representation of different correlation patterns among non-independent alternatives (McFadden and Train, 2000; Nicolau and Mas, 2005). Following McFadden (1974), the utility Uni that tourist n derives from choosing to visit destination i on a given occasion, when a choice set i =1,...,I exists, is assumed to take the form of the conditional indirect utility function which, following a linear specification, can be expressed as: U ni n xni ni [1] where βn’xni is the non-stochastic portion of the indirect utility received during the choice occasion if destination i is visited. Therefore, xni are observed attributes characterizing the alternatives available to tourists and βn is the vector of estimated coefficients for tourist n representing his tastes. Finally, the error term εni captures the variation in preferences among tourists in the population. As the individual is assumed to visit the destination yielding the greatest utility, the probability πni of him choosing the i-th alternative is: 1 ( ) p ni = Pr bn¢ x ni + eni > bn¢ x nj + enj "j ¹ i [2] In addition, as it is usually assumed that the error term εni follows an independent and identically distributed extreme value type-I distribution, the probability of destination i being chosen in equation (2) can be expressed as (McFadden, 1978; Train, 2003): ¢ p ni = e bn x ni I åe b ¢ n x nj [3] j =1 As βn is unknown to the researcher, a probability function for the coefficient vector has to be specified and the parameters of such distribution have to be estimated. In this way, by assuming that the coefficients of the explanatory variables vary randomly among tourists, the model accounts for preference heterogeneity regarding the variables included with random coefficients. At this point, although more complex distributions can be used, it is quite common to specify it as a normal β~N(b,W) with parameters b and W (Revelt and Train, 1998; McFadden and Train, 2000). Whichever distribution is used, the choice probability of tourist n visiting province i becomes the integral of expression (3). Consequently: æ ç b¢ x ç e n ni p ni = ò ç I b¢ x çç å e n nj è j =1 ö ÷ ÷ ÷ f (b )db ÷÷ ø [4] Finally, the log-likelihood function for a given value of the parameter vector β takes the form: N I LL (b ) = åå y ni log p ni (b ) n=1 i=1 2 [5] where N represents the number of tourists in the sample, πni(β) are the choice probabilities from equation (4) and yni equals one when the n-th tourist chooses province i and 0 otherwise. As the solution to expression (5) involves the evaluation of a multiple-dimensional integral that does not have a closed-form, the estimation of such a model requires the use of simulation methods like a simulated maximum likelihood estimation (Bhat, 1998; Revelt and Train, 1998). Once the model has been estimated, the recovered parameter vector β can be used to simulate the destination choice probabilities in equation (3). In this way, this kind of discrete choice analysis is not only useful in explaining tourists’ observed decisions, but also in evaluating the effects in the future of hypothetical changes in the explanatory variables. Then, using data for future temperature scenarios, the impact of climate change on tourism allocations can be investigated. References Ben-Akiva, M., and Lerman, S.R. (1985). Discrete choice analysis: theory and application to travel demand. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Bhat, C.R. (1998). Accommodating variations in responsiveness to level-ofservice measures in travel mode choice modeling. Transportation Research Part A, 32(7):495-507. Nicolau, J.L., and Más, F.J. (2005). Stochastic modeling. A three-stage tourist choice process. Annals of Tourism Research 32(1):49-69. McFadden, D. (1974). The Measurement of Urban Travel Demand. Journal of Public Economics, 3:303-328. McFadden, D. (1978). Modelling the choice of residential location. In McFadden, D., et al. (Eds.) Spatial Interaction Theory and Planning Models. NorthHolland Publishing, Amsterdam, pp. 75-96. McFadden, D., and Train, K.E. (2000). Mixed MNL Models for Discrete Response. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 15(5): 447-470. Revelt, D., and Train, K. (1998). Mixed Logit with Repeated Choices: Households' Choices of Appliance Efficiency Level. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 80(4):647-657. Train, K.E. (2003). Discrete choice methods with simulation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 3