WinShape Camps for Communities 2014 Skills Offered Archery

WinShape Camps for Communities 2014 Skills Offered
Fast Food
Flag Football*
Girl World
Leaders in Training
Man Land
Musical Theatre
Secret Ops
Wacky Science
Yard Games
**This skill is outside
**This skill could be inside or outside depending on location
Additional Descriptions
Learn how to shoot a bow and arrow! From how to aim, to your stance, we will teach you everything you need
to be a top shot.
Do you dream of being in the NBA one day? Throughout the week you will learn the basics and fundamentals
to prepare for the NBA Finals on Chick-fil-A Family Fun Day.
Help lead your team to victory. In Cheerleading, you will learn how to be a WinShape All Star by preparing for
the half-time show during a sports skill.
Make all kinds of creations and projects with your talents. Using glue, paper, glitter and more you will learn how
to be a master of all things crafty.
From salsa to western, hip-hop to Broadway, if you like to move, Dance is for you. Spend the week learning
four different dance styles while practicing for the final recital on Chick-fil-A Family Fun Day.
Fast Food
This isn’t drive thru food. We take basic ingredients to make some of the most creative dishes you can dream
of. If you are a chef or just like to eat, Fast Food will be a treat.
Flag Football*
Calling all football fans to WinShape Camps! From throwing a tight spiral to the perfect touchdown dance, you
will learn everything you need to know in order to play your best during the Super Bowl.
Girl World
Girl World is a fun skill where girls get to be girly! They will dress like princesses all week and learn how to be
strong women. No boys allowed!
Floor, beam, and vault. You will be able to learn all of these elements each day of Gymnastics.
Our staff and volunteers will be there if you fall and to help you prepare for your show at the Olympics.
Learn all there is to know about the rules, positions and techniques of Lacrosse!
Leaders in Training (LIT)
Learn Hot to lead others and solve problems with our camp leaders! Alpine [5th-6thgrade] campers only.
Man Land
A mixture of adventure, games, challenges and discussions on how to grow up to be great men.
No girls allowed!
Musical Theatre
Learn more about the acting, singing, and putting on productions as youprepare for an incredible performance
at the end of camp!
Learn how to combine the skills of photograph y, videography, and writing to get the word out about WinShape
Camps all over the community.
Spend the week creating art on canvases of all kinds and with all kinds of paint. Each day you will create a new
piece of artwork to display at in the Art Gallery. (Don’t worry, all the paint is washable.)
Secret Ops
Sneak around camp. Serve people. Do secret missions. In Secret Ops you spend the week discovering how to
serve others while keeping it all secret. Join us and become a secret agent in Secret Ops.
The most popular sport in the world has come to WinShape Camps. No matter your skill or experience you will
learn and have a great time in Soccer as you prepare for the World Cup on Chick-fil-A Family Fun Day.
Wacky Science
We create crazy concoctions, try all kinds of experiments, and sometimes cause minor explosions. If you like
science and being wacky, this could be for you. We promise it is all done in a safe environment.
Yard Games*
We have taken all your favorite games that can be played in the yard and put a special WinShape spin on
them. Enjoy games like disc golf, croquet, and all kinds of other games.