Hiring Process Flow Chart - University of Minnesota Duluth

Hiring Process Flow Chart For Civil Service/Bargaining Unit Positions
Requisition Stage
Requisition is created, routed through the employment system for review and
approval, and posted on the web.
o Hiring Authorities need to be mindful of entering the correct position management
number. This may need to be generated for a newly created position.
o Hiring Authority submits requisition to Department Head for review and approval.
o Department Head submits to Dean/VP for review and approval.
o Dean/VP submits to HR Pro.
o HR Pro reviews requisition to ensure that the qualifications and job duties are
appropriate for the job code. HR Pro then enters the appropriate language
pertaining to AFSCME and Teamster union represented positions, as well as
standard language that is required for all postings. This language pertains to equal
opportunity, disability resources, the UMD smoking ban, and includes a statement
encouraging veterans to apply. HR Pro submits to HR Comp.
o HR Comp reviews and forwards to Employment Team (UMD HR+EO)
o Employment Team will make corrections if necessary and approve and post the
requisition to the Employment System.
HR will send a UMD Biz announcement for all posted Civil Service bargaining and nonbargaining unit positions.
Application Stage
Applicants are able to apply via the online employment system until 11:59 PM on the
closing date.
o For AFSCME and Civil Service positions, HR screens applications to ensure that they
meet the essential qualifications before forwarding to the Hiring Authority of each
respective position. Teamster applications are forwarded to Hiring Authorities
based on seniority.
Review of Applications
Hiring committee will review applications and determine which applicants they would
like to interview.
o As applicants are eliminated from considerations, the Hiring Authority must update
the applicant statuses in the employment system to the appropriate status based
on the predetermined and approved selection criteria.
o Justification for non-selection of internal candidates and candidates from
underrepresented groups must be approved by email to Mary Cameron.
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Hiring Process Flow Chart For Civil Service/Bargaining Unit Positions
Interview Stage
Departments follow the instructions on the hiring checklist and update applicant
statuses for those that have been invited to interview.
o Hiring checklists may be found below:
 http://www.d.umn.edu/umdhr/Policies/hiring/
Hiring Certification Process
Successful Candidate has been identified.
o Hiring departments must obtain an Employment Application Release Form from the
candidate. This grants the department permission to verify education and
employment history.
o Complete the hiring certification form.
 Guidelines for verification of degrees may be found at the following link:
 http://www.d.umn.edu/umdhr/Policies/hiring/faqconts.htm
 Verify all employment, dating back seven calendar years, that was listed on the
 For current UMD employees, some degrees and work information may have
been verified previously. Upon request, HR may view the applicant’s personnel
file to see what information on the current application has been verified.
 Once all work and education history is verified, document each item on the
application that required verification on page two of the Hiring Certification.
This includes items that have been previously verified, as indicated by HR, and
education verifications.
 Once complete, the Hiring Authority signs the second lines under the
corresponding sections on the first page of the Hiring Certification.
 The supervisor and Department Head of the position must sign at the bottom
of the first page of the Hiring Certification.
 Hiring Certification is given to HR for approval, along with the Employment
Application Release Form and a copy of the candidate’s application.
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Hiring Process Flow Chart For Civil Service/Bargaining Unit Positions
Completing Hiring Process
HR will ensure that all necessary items on the application have been verified and
contact the Hiring Authority to approve their making of an offer contingent upon the
passing of a background check. Employees who have had a background check within
the past year are excluded.
o Background check documents may be found here:
 http://www.d.umn.edu/umdhr/Policies/hiring/background/
o The Hiring Certification will be kept in the applicant’s personnel file.
o If offer is accepted, the Hiring Authority changes all active applicant statuses in the
Employment System.
 Hiring department will then notify HR to close out the requisition.
o Complete the documents listed in Step 5 of the Checklist to Complete Hiring
Process and forward the necessary documents to HR. The Checklist may be found
 http://www.d.umn.edu/umdhr/Policies/hiring/06a.htm
o For hires that are receiving University of Minnesota benefits for the first time,
hiring departments must submit a New Employee Orientation request, per Step 6
of the Checklist to Complete Hiring Process.
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