Guided Reading Activity 16-4 Recalling Facts 1. in camps 2. They fired with greater accuracy 3. fear, hunger, or sickness 4. to allow his hungry men to feed off Maryland crops 5. They became teachers, office workers, salesclerks, and government workers. They worked in factories and managed farms 6. They rolled bandages, wove blankets, made ammunition, collected supplies, raised money, and served as spies and nurses 7. Confederate spies 8. Women were too delicate; it was male work; and it was improper for women to tend unknown men’s bodies 9. Northerners who favored negotiating with the Confederacy 10. April 1862 11. by hiring a substitute or by owning 20 or more slaves 12. march 1863 13. buy hiring a substitute or by paying the government $300 14.They were opposed to the draft and to fighting to free African Americans 15. borrowing money, increasing taxes, printing paper money 16. 1861 17. Its economy boomed 18. The war was fought mainly in the South, so much of the South was ruined 19. Many deserted because of worries about their families