3.2 (A) *What happened when __?*Why did __ go to __?*What information in this article is helpful in predicting what will happen next? 3.2 (B) *What happened when __?*Why did __ go to __?*Why is __ important?*What text evidence tells you that __?*How do you know from this information that __? 3.2 (C) *What did you think about __ at the beginning of the story? *What did you think about __ at the end of the story?*Did you change your mind about __ (a character) as you read the complete story?*Why did we read this selection? (prompts could include: for fun and enjoyment, to find about __) 3.4 (A) *If this word means __, what would this same word mean with (un-, dis-, etc.) in front of it?*If this word means __, what would this same word mean with (-ful, -less) at the end? 3.4 (B) *In paragraph __ of this story, what does the word __mean? *What clues helped you know the meaning of the word __?*In paragraph __ of this newspaper article, what clues help you know the meaning of __? 3.4 (C) *What is the opposite of __?*What word means the same as __? 3.4 (D) *Read this riddle and decide what the word __means.*Can you read this tongue twister several times and then decide what the word __means? 3.4 (E) *Which of the following lists of 4 words has the list in the correct alphabetical order? Kilgo's 3rd Grade Question Stems Aligned with Reading Comprehension Skills 3.5 (A) *What is this fable mostly about?*The theme of this story is –*What is the overall theme in this legend?*Which of the following is the best theme of this myth? 3.5 (B) *What was different about where the story took place in the two folktales?*How were the settings of these two myths alike? 3.6 (A) *What images in your mind are created by this poem?*What can you tell about this poem?*You can tell from this poem that —*Which type of poetry is the following poem?*What are the differences in these two poems?*How are the images created alike in these two poems? 3.7 (A) *What could you tell from what __ said to __? (conflict)*Why did __ express __?*Was __’s dialogue consistent with the overall plot? Why? or Why not? 3.8 (A) *What happened when __?*Before __ did __, what did he do?*What happened after __?*Why are paragraphs __ through __ important in this story?*Why is paragraph __ important in this story?*What event helps the reader predict what will happen next?*The reader can tell that __ will __ because __. 3.8 (B) *What can you tell about __ and __?*At the beginning of the story how does __ feel about __?*How did __'s feelings about __ change by the end of the story?*How does __ most likely feel at the end of the story?*What caused __ to change his mind about __?*Why are __ and __ such good friends?*Why did __ feel like __ did not like him/her? 3.8 (C) *Is the author of this story writing about a personal experience?*Did __ write this story from his experiences or someone else’s experiences?*Is the narrator in this story speaking from personal experience? 3.9 (A) *How is the point of view different in __ from __?*Which of the two reading selections is written from a first person point of view? 3.10 (A) *How did you feel when you read __?*Which words in this story made you feel like you could almost (smell, hear, see) __? 3.12 (A) *What was the topic of this article?*The topic of this information is –*The author wrote this article to – 3.13 (A) *What is __?*How does __ make __?*Where is __?*This article is mostly about __. *Which detail listed below is important to the main idea? 3.13 (B) *You can tell from this information that –*What information in the text tells the reader that __?*What information in this article tells the reader that __?*What can you tell about __? 3.13 (C) *You can tell that __ causes __ because –*__ happens because –*How did __ make __?*What was the effect of _?*What caused __?*How did __ become __? 3.13 (D) *How would you find __ in this information?*Which of the following would be helpful in finding information about __?*If you were looking for __, what text feature could you use? Were you correct in your prediction? 3.14 (A) *What does the author of this selection want you to think about __?*What does the author try to convince the reader to do? 3.15 (A) *What are the ingredients in this recipe?*What equipment do we need for this science experiment?*What is the first step in the directions for making __?*What do you do according to this recipe after __?*When making __, what is the last step to follow?*Complete this task by following these steps. 3.15 (B) *How does the map help the reader understand the problem faced by __?*What can you tell about __ from the graph?*According to the chart, you can tell that – 3.16 (A) *Compare advertisements for the same company in a newspaper and a magazine. How did the ad change from the paper to the magazine? 3.16 (B) *Did the music in this advertisement influence your thinking? How?*What did you like best about this advertisement?*How did this advertisement influence your thinking about __? 3.16 (C) *How is this message different in the web-based news article and the e-mail?*How is this message in the online news article like the e-mail message? Fig 19 (A) *Why do you think we read __?*How did this story make you feel?*What do you like best in __?*What did you learn from reading this article __?*Which of these two selections do you think you would enjoy reading the most? Fig 19 (B) *What happened when __ did __? (literal)*What did the author mean by this sentence: “__”? (interpretive)*Which way did __ express his anger the best? (evaluative)*Which of the following two sentences help you the most to understand the information? (evaluative) Fig 19 (C) *Reread to find out why __ is important. Fig 19 (D) *You can tell from the story that –*Which sentence in the story tells you that –*From this article the reader can tell that –*What information in this article supports the conclusion that __?*What can you conclude about __?*One conclusion that can be made about __ is – Fig 19 (E) *Summarize the four most important facts in this article.*Which is the most complete summary of this information?*Summarize the three most important facts in this information in the order these facts were presented. Fig 19 (F) *What is a major idea found in both selections?*An idea presented in both the article and the biography is –*The story and the article both present ideas about –*Why was __mentioned in both the newspaper article and the story with the journal?*What is a theme in both selections? 4.1 (A) Balance fiction/literature with informative/expository texts. 4.2 (A) *In paragraph __ of this story, what does the word __mean? *What is the root word for the word in paragraph __ that means __? 4.2 (B) *In paragraph __ of this story, what does the word __mean? *What clues helped you know the meaning of this word?*In paragraph __ of this newspaper article, what clues help you know the meaning of __? 4.2 (C) *In this story, the word __ is in paragraph __; this word is to __ as __ is to __. 4.2 (D) Idiom: 1) an expression of a given language that is peculiar to itself grammatically or cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements, as “in keep tabs on”; 2) a specialized vocabulary used by a group; jargon; 3) a style or manner of expression peculiar to a given people. *Identify the idiom in this story. 4.2 (E) *Read the meanings for the word __below. Which meaning best fits the way __ is used in paragraph __?(Dictionary entry and 4 meanings given and students must use context clues to determine word meaning as used in the text selection.) 4.3 (A) *What was the overall message in this story?*What were the four most important events in this story? Write a summary with these four events. *Which of the following is the best summary of this story?*What caused __ to change his mind? (verb: explain)*In what way does the story help the reader to__? (verb-explain) 4.3 (B) *How are the adventures of __ and __ alike in the two stories?*What role did __ play in __ that __ did not play in __?*Compare how the main characters in __ and __ deceived everyone. Kilgo's 4th Grade Question Stems Aligned with Reading Comprehension Skills 4.4 (A) *You can tell from this poem that —*Which type of poetry is the following poem?*How do you know that this is a lyrical poem? 4.5 (A) *Describe why this play is an outstanding example of dramatic literature.*This play is an outstanding example of dramatic literature because –*Which element of dramatic literature is missing from this play? 4.6 (A) *What happened when __?*Before __ did __, what did he do?*What happened after __?*Why are paragraphs __ through __ important in this story?*Why is paragraph __ important in this story?*What event helps the reader predict what will happen next?*The reader can tell that __ will __ because __. 4.6 (B) *What can you tell about __ and __?*At the beginning of the story how does __ feel about __?*How did __'s feelings about __ change by the end of the story?*How does __ most likely feel at the end of the story?*What caused __ to change his mind about __?*Why are __ and __ such good friends?*Why did __ feel like __ did not like him/her? 4.6 (C) *Is the author of this story writing about a personal experience?*Did __ write this story from his experiences or someone else’s experiences?*Is the narrator in this story speaking from personal experience? 4.7 (A) *What do the characters in __ and __ have in common?*A similarity in events between the two selections is –*In what way are __’s experiences different in the story about his/her life than in the biography he/she wrote? 4.8 (A) Metaphor: A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that designates one thing is applied to another in an implicit comparison as in “All the world’s a stage.” (Shakespeare)Simile: A figure of speech in which two essentially unlike things are explicitly compared by means of like or as, as in “So are you to my thoughts as food to life.” (Shakespeare)*Why does the author describe __ as __?*Why did the author use the phrase “__”? 4.10 (A) *What was an implied purpose of this text selection?*What is the difference between the stated purpose of this selection and the implied purpose? 4.11 (A) *This article is mostly about –*What is the main idea of this information?*What are the four most important facts in this information? (Sorting important facts from unimportant facts leads to an accurate summary.)*Which of these is the most complete summary of this information? 4.11 (B) *Which of the following is a fact and not an opinion?*How can you be certain you have identified a fact correctly? 4.11 (C) *How is __ different from __ in this article? (comparison)*What was the effect of __? (cause and effect)*You can tell that __ causes __ because – (cause and effect)*What happened when __? (sequence) 4.11 (D) *How would you find __ in this information?*Which of the following would be helpful in finding information about __? 4.12 (A) *How does the author try to convince the reader to think about __?*What words does the author use to influence the reader to think as he/she does about __? 4.13 (A) *In conducting this science experiment, what do you do after __?*In conducting this science experiment, what do you do before __?*What equipment do we need for this science experiment?*When making __, what is the last step to follow?*Complete this task by following these steps. 4.13 (B) *What is a conclusion that can be made from the information in this graph?*What can you conclude about __from this chart?*How does the illustration included in this selection help the reader understand __? 4.14 (A) *How could this advertisement cause a person to get in serious trouble?*What is this advertisement trying to convince people to do that is bad for them?*What is this advertisement trying to convince people to do that is good for them? 4.14 (B) *Did the music in this advertisement influence your thinking? How?*What did you like best about this advertisement?*How did this advertisement influence your thinking about __? 4.14 (C) *Read this advertisement in the newspaper and develop it for television.*Watch this advertisement on television and explain how the message could be written for the Internet.*How could this message be presented on a television news program (online, etc.)?*How is this message different in the web-based news article and the e-mail?*How is this message in the online news article like the e-mail message? Fig 19 (A) *What was the author’s purpose in writing this article?*What is the most likely reason the author wrote this article?*You can tell that the author wrote this story toFig 19 (B) *What happened when __ did __? (literal)*What did the author mean by this sentence: “__”? (interpretive)*Which way did __ express his anger the best? (evaluative)*Which of the following two sentences help you the most to understand the information? (evaluative) Fig 19 (C) *Reread to find out why __ is important. Fig 19 (D) *According to the selection – (conclusion)*You can tell from the story that –*Which sentence in the story tells you that –*From this article the reader can tell that –*What information in this article supports the conclusion that __?*What can you conclude about __?*One conclusion that can be made about __ is – Fig 19 (E) *Summarize the four most important facts in this article.*Which is the most complete summary of this information?*Summarize the three most important facts in this information in the order these facts were presented. Fig 19 (F) *What is a major idea found in both selections?*An idea presented in both the article and the biography is –*The story and the article both present ideas about –*Why was __mentioned in both the newspaper article and the story with the journal?*What is a theme in both selections