Petition : Dorset Square – Removal of communal recycling bin

Cabinet Member Report
Decision Maker:
Cabinet Member for City Management, Transport and
31 March 2014
For General Release
Petition: Dorset Square – Removal of communal
recycling bin located at the north west corner of the
Dorset square.
Wards Affected:
Bryanston and Dorset Square
Key Decision:
Financial Summary:
There are no financial implications associated with this
Report of:
Strategic Director for City Management
Executive Summary
This report considers a petition submitted to the council on 2nd January 2014
entitled ‘Removal of recycling bin from the west side of Dorset Square“. The
petition reads:
“We, the people who live on and around Dorset Square (petition signed by 254
residents living in Dorset Square area), demand Westminster City Council to
remove the recycling bin located on the west side of Dorset Square. This bin is
not only unsightly but has become a very real health hazard to visitors of Dorset
The bin is a target for all forms of rubbish items, ranging for food waste to
mattresses and washing machines, it is totally surplus to requirements. The
discarded food around the bins has caused rat infestation in the garden. Hence
the committee of the Dorset Square Trust and the vast majority of those who
reside in the Dorset Square conservation area request the bin to be removed
without further delay.”
Previous correspondence has taken place between the Cabinet Member and
lead petitioners setting out the background to the situation, setting out relevant
considerations, and engaging constructively. Ward councillors have also been
involved on previous occasions in representing their residents’ views and seeking
to find a solution.
Officers would acknowledge that the recycling bin has been the site for the
dumping of general waste bags etc. on a number of occasions but do not believe
that removing the bin will end the dumping problem. The recycling bin was
originally installed in 2003 in response to this location being a regular dumping
spot for large numbers of household recycling bags.
The preferred solution is to install a household waste bin (‘Big Black Bin’) next to
the recycling bin for a trial period of 8 weeks. Should dumping continue even with
this waste bin in place however then officers would consider recommending the
complete removal of bins from Dorset Square.
The limited storage space available in many properties in this area means that
many residents are reluctant or unable to store waste between the scheduled
collection days and enforcement action is regularly taken against local residents
who dump waste. The ‘Big Black Bin’ approach has been successful in other
areas with similar property types; notably around Pimlico, Bayswater and
Paddington. It is also worth noting that in response to surveys such as the City
Survey, the provision of recycling facilities in this area is considered important.
That the Cabinet Member agrees to the trial installation of a household waste bin
(‘Big Black Bin’) for an eight week period to assess whether it addresses the
waste dumping issue.
If the initial eight week trial is unsuccessful and dumping continues, it is
recommended that both bins are considered for removal from this
location/relocation within the immediate Dorset Square vicinity.
Background and Reasons for Decision
The recycling bin was originally installed in 2003 in response to this location
being a regular dumping spot for large numbers of household recycling bags.
Monitoring data shows the bin is currently used by approximately 120 local
households each week.
The limited storage space available in many properties in this area means that
many residents are reluctant to store waste between the scheduled collection
days and enforcement action is regularly taken against local residents who dump
waste. Dumping incidents occur across the day and night-time however making it
unrealistic to comprehensively tackle this extensive problem only through
monitoring and enforcement action.
In similar circumstances across the city household waste bins (Big Black Bins)
paired with recycling bins have been found to be the most effective solution that
meets the requirements of local residents.
Between 17th Jan and 13th Feb 2014 an extensive education and enforcement
exercise was undertaken in the Dorset Square area. During that period
enforcement action was taken against six residents from Dorset Square and
three from Balcombe Street for the dumping of waste.
Financial Implications
The cost of the recommended option can be covered from within existing City
Management budgets.
Legal Implications
In accordance with Standing Order 8, and the relevant provisions relating to
executive decision-making under the Local Government Act 2000, petitions are
to be referred to the appropriate Chief Officer who shall, at the first convenient
opportunity, submit to the relevant Cabinet Member, in this case Councillor
Edward Argar as Cabinet Member for City Management, Transport &
Environment, a report on the receipt of the petition detailing either the action
taken or seeking instructions as to the action to be taken.
Ward Members have been consulted and Councillor Lewis is supportive of the
If you have any queries about this Report or wish to inspect any of the
Background Papers please contact: Phil Robson, Waste and Recycling Manager,
phone 020 7641 7026 email
NB: For individual Cabinet Member reports only
For completion by the Cabinet Member for City Management, Transport and
Declaration of Interest
I have <no interest to declare / to declare an interest> in respect of this report
Councillor Ed Argar, Cabinet Member for City Management, Transport and
State nature of interest if any …………………………………………………………..……
(N.B: If you have an interest you should seek advice as to whether it is appropriate to make a decision in
relation to this matter)
For the reasons set out above, I agree the recommendation(s) in the report entitled
Petition : Dorset Square – Removal of communal recycling bin located at the north
west corner of the Dorset square.
Signed ………………………………………………
Cabinet Member for City Management, Transport and Environment
Date …………………………………………………
If you have any additional comment which you would want actioned in connection with
your decision you should discuss this with the report author and then set out your
comment below before the report and this pro-forma is returned to the Secretariat for
Additional comment: …………………………………….……………………………………
If you do not wish to approve the recommendations, or wish to make an alternative
decision, it is important that you consult the report author, the Head of Legal and
Democratic Services, Chief Operating Officer and, if there are resources implications,
the Director of Human Resources (or their representatives) so that (1) you can be made
aware of any further relevant considerations that you should take into account before
making the decision and (2) your reasons for the decision can be properly identified and
recorded, as required by law.
Note to Cabinet Member: Your decision will now be published and copied to the
Members of the relevant Policy & Scrutiny Committee. If the decision falls within the
criteria for call-in, it will not be implemented until five working days have elapsed from
publication to allow the Policy and Scrutiny Committee to decide whether it wishes to
call the matter in.
Other Implications
Resources Implications
All additional activities associated with the recommendation can be funded within
existing resources.
Business Plan Implications
No implications.
Risk Management Implications
No implications.
Health and Wellbeing Impact Assessment including Health and Safety
No implications.
Crime and Disorder Implications
The measures in this report are not expected to have any implications under the
Crime and Disorder Act 1998.
Impact on the Environment
The recommended option seeks to maximize the recycling of waste by local
residents and encourage the appropriate disposal of residual waste to support
achievement of the targets set out in the Council’s Municipal Waste Management
Strategy as required by the Mayor of London.
Equalities Implications
No implications.
Staffing Implications
No implications.
Human Rights Implications
No implications.
Energy Measure Implications
No implications.
Communications Implications
The local warden will communicate with the local residents and businesses once a
decision is made.