Granite Bay High Boosters Association Deposits Instructions All money must be deposited into the GBHBA checking account at Tri Counties Bank in a timely manner o Located in Raley’s on Douglas next to Target – or other branches o Can get additional deposit slips from co-treasurer or use the ones at the bank o Each check must be endorsed with For Deposit only Tri Counties Bank Account # Granite Bay High Booster Association “Club Name” o Can order a deposit stamp from the co-treasurer o Must have the club name on each check. We receive a few returned checks each month and we need to be able to determine which club to subtract from. Returned checks cost your club $10 each o Complete the deposit slip in triplicate or make two copies of the deposit slip o Run an adding machine tape and submit to bank with larger deposits o Request two deposit receipts Submit a copy of the deposit to the Association within a few days of the deposit o Complete a Deposit Documentation Form 1. Insert name of club 2. Enter the date the deposit was made at the bank 3. Describe the source of the funds being deposited. Do not list each check, rather subtotal by type. For example, snack bar sales or equipment donations. 4. Refer to the budget returned to you from the Association. List the budget category that your deposit should be applied to. 5. List the amount deposited in each category 6. List the total amount of your deposit, including cash. This amount should match the amount on the bank deposit receipt. 7. Club treasurer must sign, print and date. We ask that deposit documentations be turned into the Association by the treasurer. o Complete the Cash Deposit Reconciliation any time cash is received Keep this form on hand at all events in which there are cash transactions One person must count the cash and record the amounts prior to leaving Rev. 7/1/2011 A second person must count the cash and confirm the amounts if the amount is more than $250. Recommend a second person regardless of amount Place cash and signed form in an envelope, seal and arrange for deposit 8. Date of event and date cash counted 9. Name of the event in which cash was collected 10. Breakdown of cash by denomination 11. Total of all cash being deposited. This amount should be included in the description and amounts on the top part of the form 12. Signature and printed name of first person counting cash 13. Signature and printed name of second person counting cash o Attach a bank deposit receipt o Attach copies of the checks or a detailed list of the checks o Submit: In the CFO deposit file located in the rolling bin, behind the counter of the school office Keep a copy of the packet submitted to the Association for your records Credit Card Deposits o Attach copy of the credit card machine receipt to a Deposit Documentation form o Complete Deposit Documentation form o Attach list of individual donors and amounts posted NOTES: o All money must be deposited, including ALL CASH. o Contact CFO if you need to set up a cash box starter fund o Do not keep cash to use for purchases, no petty cash fund o Cash reconciliation form must be filled out at the end of each event or sooner if appropriate o All income and all expenses must be accounted for, this can only be done if the money comes in and out of our bank account Be smart. Many booster clubs/youth organizations etc. have been in the news because of embezzling and/or misuse of funds. Do not do anything that could lead someone to believe you are not handling funds appropriately. Rev. 7/1/2011