Date: December 11, 2009 , 2009 2:00 p.m. MINUTES 2009-10 UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COUNCIL November 13, 2009 The 2009-10 University Curriculum Council met at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, November 13, 2009, in Northrup Hall 316. Professor Andrew Kania, Chair, called the meeting to order. SUMMARY OF AGENDA ITEMS PROPOSED TO THE UCC: Consent Agenda Items: Art and Art History Delete ARTH 3347 (Art of the Eighteenth Century); delete ARTH 3350 (Neo-Classicism to Realism); revise the title and description of ARTH 3351 (old title: Impressionism and PostImpressionism; new title: Nineteenth-Century Art: Romanticism to Impressionism (c. 18001900); revise the title and description of ARTH 3360 (old title: Twentieth-Century Art; new title: Twentieth-Century Art: Cubism to Conceptualism (c. 1900-1970); revise the title and description to ARTH 3363 (old title: Twentieth-Century American Art; new title: Contemparary Art and Culture since 1945); create ARTH 3357 (History of Photography) and add this course to Understanding the Arts and Literature: Visual Arts, Music, Performance, and Aesthetic Production in the Common Curriculum. Cognitive Science Revise the requirements for the minor in Cognitive Science in the Courses of Study Bulletin. Economics Revise the requirements for the major in Economics in the COSB. Engineering Science Revise prerequisites for ENGR 3321 (Signals and Systems), ENGR 3355 (Control Systems I), ENGR 4366 (Unit Operations), and ENGR 4375 (Structural Dynamics); revise the requirements for the major in Engineering Science in the COSB. Environmental Studies Revise the requirements for the minor in Environmental Studies. Mathematics Revise the number and description of MATH 3336 (Differential Equations and Linear Algebra) (new number: MATH 3316); revise prerequisites for MATH 3338 (Mathematical Modeling), MATH 3351 (Numerical Analysis I), MATH 3357 (Partial Differential Equations), and MATH 3359 (Difference Equations); revise the description of MATH 3366 (Differential Equations). 1 Physics and Astronomy Revise prerequisites for PHYS 3335 (Electromagnetic Fields) and PHYS 3336 (Advanced Theoretical Physics). Religion Create RELI 3381 (Native American Religions) and add this course to Understanding Cultural Heritage: Traditions Indigenous to Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australia, and Oceania in the Common Curriculum. Sociology and Anthropology Revise the title, the number, and the description of ANTH 3364 (new number: ANTH 3464) (old title: Economic Anthropology; new title: Morality in the Marketplace). Discussion Agenda Items: Advising and Registration Committee Revise the requirements for “The Major” (p. 42) in the COSB. University Curriculum Council Revise “Credit from Other Institutions and by Examination” (pp. 24-27) and “Residency Requirement” (pp. 44-45) in the COSB. ATTENDING Associate Vice President Duane Coltharp (Academic Affairs), Professor Andrew Kania (Philosophy), Professor Kevin Livingstone (Biology), Professor Carlos Ardavín (Modern Languages and Literatures), Professor David Crockett (Political Science), Professor Jessica Hollenbeck (Chemistry), Professor Kate Lopez (Business Administration), Professor Linda McNeil (Music), Professor Kevin Nickels (Engineering Science), Professor David Rando (English), Professor Bea Caraway (Library), Fred Rodriguez (Registrar), Chantal Van Esch (Student). APPROVAL OF AGENDA The Council voted without dissent to approve the Agenda. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Council voted without dissent to approve the Minutes of October 30, 2009. REPORT OF THE CHAIR Professor Kania reported that there will be a joint meeting of the UCC and the Faculty Senate to discuss the relationship between teaching loads and the curriculum. 2 REPORTS FROM THE STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE UCC Commission on Graduate Studies There was no report. Committee for the Assessment of the Common Curriculum There was no report. First-Year Seminar Steering Committee There was no report. Interdisciplinary Second Major Committee There was no report. ACTION ITEMS Advising and Registration Committee The Council voted without dissent to recommend to the faculty as a Discussion Agenda item the revision of the requirements for “The Major” (p. 42) in the COSB. Art and Art History The Council voted with dissent to recommend to the faculty as Consent Agenda items the deletion of ARTH 3347 (Art of the Eighteenth Century); the deletion of ARTH 3350 (NeoClassicism to Realism); the revision of the title and description of ARTH 3351 (old title: Impressionism and Post-Impressionism; new title: Nineteenth-Century Art: Romanticism to Impressionism (c. 1800-1900); the revision of the title and description of ARTH 3360 (old title: Twentieth-Century Art; new title: Twentieth-Century Art: Cubism to Conceptualism (c. 19001970); the revision of the title and description of ARTH 3363 (old title: Twentieth-Century American Art; new title: Contemporary Art and Culture since 1945); and the creation of ARTH 3357 (History of Photography) and the addition of this course to Understanding the Arts and Literature: Visual Arts, Music, Performance, and Aesthetic Production in the Common Curriculum. Cognitive Science The Council voted without dissent to recommend to the faculty as a Consent Agenda item the revision of the requirements for the minor in Cognitive Science in the COSB. Economics The Council voted without dissent to recommend to the faculty as a Consent Agenda item the revision of the requirements for the major in Economics in the COSB. Engineering Science The Council voted without dissent to recommend to the faculty as Consent Agenda items the revision of the prerequisites for ENGR 3321 (Signals and Systems), ENGR 3355 (Control 3 Systems I), ENGR 4366 (Unit Operations), and ENGR 4375 (Structural Dynamics); and the revision of the requirements for the major in Engineering Science in the COSB. Environmental Studies The Council voted without dissent to recommend to the faculty as a Consent Agenda item the revision of the requirements for the minor in Environmental Studies. Mathematics The Council voted without dissent to recommend to the faculty as Consent Agenda items the revision of the number and description of MATH 3336 (Differential Equations and Linear Algebra) (new number: MATH 3316); the revision of prerequisites for MATH 3338 (Mathematical Modeling), MATH 3351 (Numerical Analysis I), MATH 3357 (Partial Differential Equations), and MATH 3359 (Difference Equations); and the revision of the description of MATH 3366 (Differential Equations). Physics and Astronomy The Council voted without dissent to recommend to the faculty as Consent Agenda items the revision of prerequisites for PHYS 3335 (Electromagnetic Fields) and PHYS 3336 (Advanced Theoretical Physics). Religion The Council voted without dissent to recommend to the faculty as Consent Agenda items the creation of RELI 3381 (Native American Religions) and the addition of this course to Understanding Cultural Heritage: Traditions Indigenous to Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australia, and Oceania in the Common Curriculum. Sociology and Anthropology The Council considered the proposal to revise the title, the number, and the description of ANTH 3364 (new number: ANTH 3464) (old title: Economic Anthropology; new title: Morality in the Marketplace). A motion was made and seconded to postpone the proposal. The motion failed (4 aye, 5 nay). The Council voted (4 aye, 3 nay, 2 abstentions) to recommend to the faculty as a Consent Agenda item the revision of the title, the number, and the description of ANTH 3364 (new number: ANTH 3464) (old title: Economic Anthropology; new title: Morality in the Marketplace). University Curriculum Council The Council considered the proposal to revise “Credit from Other Institutions and by Examination” (pp. 24-27) and “Residency Requirement” (pp. 44-45) in the COSB. A motion was made and seconded to postpone the proposal. 4 OLD BUSINESS Senior Experience There was no report. Internship Policy There was no report. Transfer Credit There was no report. OTHER A motion was made and seconded to create an ad hoc committee to work with the Faculty Senate in determining the appropriate definition of a credit hour. The motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:56 p.m. Respectfully submitted, CONSENT AND DISCUSSION AGENDA ITEMS PROPOSED TO THE FACULTY Consent Agenda Items: Art and Art History Delete ARTH 3347 (Art of the Eighteenth Century); delete ARTH 3350 (Neo-Classicism to Realism); revise the title and description of ARTH 3351 (old title: Impressionism and PostImpressionism; new title: Nineteenth-Century Art: Romanticism to Impressionism (c. 18001900); revise the title and description of ARTH 3360 (old title: Twentieth-Century Art; new title: Twentieth-Century Art: Cubism to Conceptualism (c. 1900-1970); revise the title and description to ARTH 3363 (old title: Twentieth-Century American Art; new title: Contemporary Art and Culture since 1945); create ARTH 3357 (History of Photography) and add this course to Understanding the Arts and Literature: Visual Arts, Music, Performance, and Aesthetic Production in the Common Curriculum. Cognitive Science Revise the requirements for the minor in Cognitive Science in the Courses of Study Bulletin. Economics Revise the requirements for the major in Economics in the COSB. 5 Engineering Science Revise prerequisites for ENGR 3321 (Signals and Systems), ENGR 3355 (Control Systems I), ENGR 4366 (Unit Operations), and ENGR 4375 (Structural Dynamics); revise the requirements for the major in Engineering Science in the COSB. Environmental Studies Revise the requirements for the minor in Environmental Studies. Mathematics Revise the number and description of MATH 3336 (Differential Equations and Linear Algebra) (new number: MATH 3316); revise prerequisites for MATH 3338 (Mathematical Modeling), MATH 3351 (Numerical Analysis I), MATH 3357 (Partial Differential Equations), and Math 3359 (Difference Equations); revise the description of MATH 3366 (Differential Equations). Physics and Astronomy Revise prerequisites for PHYS 3335 (Electromagnetic Fields) and PHYS 3336 (Advanced Theoretical Physics). Religion Create RELI 3381 (Native American Religions) and add this course to Understanding Cultural Heritage: Traditions Indigenous to Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australia, and Oceania in the Common Curriculum. Sociology and Anthropology Revise the title, the number, and the description of ANTH 3364 (new number: ANTH 3464) (old title: Economic Anthropology; new title: Morality in the Marketplace). Discussion Agenda Items: Advising and Registration Committee Revise the requirements for the “The Major” (p. 42) in the COSB. Discussion Agenda items are presented to the faculty as motions from the Council for deliberation and vote at a meeting of the Academic Faculty Assembly. These items will these proposals should be circulated in writing at least seven days prior to the meeting. Other amendments or substitute motions to a circulated proposal will be in order if their effect is to lessen the degree of change from the present status as compared with the effect of the circulated proposal. Amendments to a previously circulated amendment will be in order if their effect is to lessen the degree of change from the original proposal as compared with the effect of the circulated amendment. (cf., Faculty and Contract Staff Handbook, 2B) 6