A & P Unit Four – Maintenance of the Body Part 1 Unit 4

A & P Unit Four – Maintenance of the Body Part 1
Unit 4: Maintenance of the Body Part 1
During class we will…
Outside of class you should…
1. Vocab #7
1. Ch. 17 Terms
2. Set-up New Lab Groups
3. Start Ch. 17 Notes
1. Seating Chart – CHOOSE WISELY!!!
2. Finish Ch. 17 Notes
3. Start Blood Disorders Jigsaw
1. Vocab #7 Quiz
1. Ch. 18 Terms
2. Finish Blood Disorders Jigsaw
1. Vocab #8
1. Finish Heart Anatomy WS (color)
2. Start Ch. 18 Notes
3. Heart Anatomy WS
4. Heart Whiteboards
1. How Artificial Hearts Work (those of you at
*LSR #2
LSR #2 will be excused from this assignment)
2. Heart Whiteboards
1. Vocab #8 Quiz
1. Ch. 19 Terms
2. Finish Ch. 18 Notes
2. Heart Lab Practical Take-Home
4. Explain Heart Lab Practical
5. Heart Whiteboards (if time)
1. Heart Structure Quiz
1. Heart Lab Practical Take-Home
2. Ch. 19 Notes
1. Turn in Heart Lab Practical Take-Home
2. Sheep Heart Dissection w/In-class Practical
1. Cardiovascular System Quiz (Ch. 17-19)
1. Ch. 20 Terms
2. Vocab #9
2. Ch. 21 Terms
3. Ch. 20 Notes
1. Start Ch. 21 Notes
1. Immune System Packet
2. Immune System Packet
1. Vocab #9 Quiz
1. Immune System Packet (stamp and
*Awareness 2. Finish Ch. 21 Notes
answer @ lunch review on 2/26)
3. Immune System Packet
1. Lymphatic & Immune System Quiz
2. Public Health Survey
3. DVD: Typhoid Mary
1. Unit 4 Part 1 Exam
2. Unit 4 Celebration
HW Packet: Ch. 17 Terms, Ch. 18 Terms, Heart Anatomy WS, Ch. 19 Terms, Ch. 20 Terms, Ch. 21
Terms, Immune System Packet
Lunch Reviews: Tues. Feb 18, Wed. Feb 26, Fri. Feb 28
A & P Unit Four – Maintenance of the Body Part 1
Chapter 17 – Blood
1. Describe the composition and physical characteristics of whole blood. Explain why it is classified as
a connective tissue.
2. List eight functions of blood.
3. Discuss the composition and functions of plasma.
4. Describe the structure, function, and production of erythrocytes.
5. Describe the chemical makeup of hemoglobin.
6. Give examples of disorders caused by abnormalities of erythrocytes. Explain what goes wrong in
each disorder.
7. List the classes, structural characteristics, and functions of leukocytes.
8. Describe how leukocytes are produced.
9. Give examples of leukocyte disorders, and explain what goes wrong in each disorder.
10. Describe the process of hemostasis. List factors that limit clot formation and prevent undesirable
11. Give examples of hemostatic disorders. Indicate the cause of each condition.
12. Describe the ABO and Rh blood groups. Explain the basis of transfusion reactions.
13. Explain the diagnostic importance of blood testing.
14. Describe changes in the sites of blood production and in the type of hemoglobin produced after birth.
15. Name some blood disorders that become more common with age.
Chapter 17 Terms
1. hematocrit
2. plasma
3. erythrocytes
4. heme
5. globin
6. hematopoiesis
7. erythropoietin (EPO)
8. leukocytes
9. granulocytes
10. agranulocytes
11. platelets
12. hemostasis
13. agglutinogens
14. agglutinins
Chapter 17 Suggested Reading: pp. 634-656; 657
Chapter 18 – The Cardiovascular System: The Heart
1. Describe the size, shape, location, and orientation of the heart in the thorax.
2. Describe the structure and function of each of the three layers of the heart wall.
3. Describe the structure and functions of the four heart chambers. Name each chamber and provide
the name and general route of its greater associated vessels.
4. Trace the pathway of blood through the heart.
5. Name the heart valves and describe their location, functions, and mechanism of operation.
6. Briefly describe the events of cardiac muscle cell contraction.
7. Name the components of the conduction system of the heart, and trace the conduction pathway.
8. Draw a diagram of a normal electrocardiogram tracing. Name the individual waves and intervals,
and indicate what each represents.
9. Name some abnormalities that can be detected on an ECG tracing.
10. Describe normal heart sounds, and explain how heart murmurs differ.
11. Name and explain the effects of various factors regulating stroke volume and heart rate.
12. Explain the role of the autonomic nervous system in regulating cardiac output.
Chapter 18 Terms
A & P Unit Four – Maintenance of the Body Part 1
1. mediastinum
2. myocardium
3. pulmonary circuit
4. systemic circuit
5. coronary circulation
6. functional syncytium
7. automaticity
8. electrocardiogram
9. heart murmurs
10. cardiac output
11. stroke volume
12. cardiac reserve
Chapter 18 Suggested Reading: pp. 661-687
Chapter 19 – The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels
1. Describe the three layers that typically for the wall of a blood vessel, and state the function of each.
2. Define vasoconstriction and vasodilation.
3. Compare and contrast the structure and function of three types of arteries.
4. Describe the structure and function of a capillary bed.
5. Describe the structure and function of veins, and explain how veins differ from arteries.
6. Define blood flow, blood pressure, and resistance, and explain the relationships between these
7. List and explain the factors that influence blood pressure, and describe how blood pressure is
8. Define hypertension. Describe its manifestations and consequences.
9. Explain how blood flow is regulated in the body in general.
10. Outline factors involved in capillary dynamics, and explain the significance of each.
11. What is arteriosclerosis? Atheromas?
12. How are atheromas formed?
13. What are some risk factors for developing atheromas?
14. How can arteriosclerosis be treated and/or prevented?
Chapter 19 Terms
1. lumen
2. vasodilation
3. vasoconstriction
4. elastic arteries
5. muscular arteries
6. precapillary sphincter
7. blood flow
8. blood pressure
9. systolic pressure
10. diastolic pressure
11. vital signs
12. hypertension
13. hydrostatic pressure
14. colloid osmotic pressure
Chapter 19 Suggested Reading: pp. 694-720 (skip 716); 702-703
Chapter 20 – The Lymphatic System and Lymphoid Organs
1. List the functions of the lymphatic system.
2. Describe the structure and distribution of lymphatic vessels.
3. Describe the basic structure and cellular population of lymphoid tissue. Differentiate between
diffuse and follicular lymphoid tissue.
4. Describe the general location and functions of lymph nodes.
5. Name and describe the other lymphoid organs of the body.
Chapter 20 Terms
1. lymphatic vessels
2. lymph
4. lymphoid tissue
5. lymph node
A & P Unit Four – Maintenance of the Body Part 1
3. lymphocytes
6. lymphoid organs
Chapter 20 Suggested Reading: pp. 753-761
Chapter 21 – The Immune System: Innate & Adaptive Body Defenses
1. Describe surface membrane barriers and their protective functions.
2. Explain the importance of phagocytosis and natural killer (NK) cells in innate body defense.
3. Describe the inflammatory process. Identify several inflammatory chemicals and indicate their
specific roles.
4. Name the body’s antimicrobial substances and describe their function.
5. Explain how fever helps protect the body.
6. Define antigen and describe how antigens affect the adaptive defenses.
7. Define complete antigen, hapten, and antigenic determinant.
8. Compare and contrast the origin, maturation process, and general function of B and T lymphocytes.
9. Define immunocompetence and self-tolerance, and describe their development in B and T cells.
10. Name several antigen-presenting cells (APC) and describe their roles in adaptive defenses.
11. Define humoral immunity.
12. Describe the process of clonal selection of a B cell.
13. Recount the roles of plasma cells and memory cells in humoral immunity.
14. Compare and contrast active and passive humoral immunity.
15. Describe the structure of an antibody monomer, and name the five classes of antibodies.
16. Explain the function(s) of antibodies.
17. Define cell-mediated immunity and describe the process of activation and clonal selection of T
18. Describe T cell functions in the body.
19. Give examples of immune deficiency diseases and of hypersensitivity states.
20. Cite factors involved in autoimmune disease.
21. Indicate the tests ordered before an organ transplant is done, and methods used to prevent transplant
22. Describe changes in immunity that occur with aging.
23. Briefly describe the role of the nervous system in regulating the immune response.
Chapter 21 Terms
1. innate (nonspecific) defense system
2. adaptive (specific) defense system
3. pathogens
4. mast cells
5. antibody-mediated (humoral) immunity
6. cellular (cell-mediated) immunity
7. major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
8. positive selection
9. negative selection
10. antigen-presenting cells (APCs)
11. immunoglobulins
12. cytokines
Chapter 21 Suggested Reading: pp. 767-792, 795-799; 792-795, 799