Supporting Immunity Transfer Factors Dr McCausland It is our 1st line of defense against illness and disease. Seeks out invaders that attack our bodies constantly. Must be able to... recognize, respond, remember the invaders The Immune System What are these foreign invaders? Bacteria (Streptococci) Fungi (Moulds) Parasites (Worms) Viruses (Herpes, Flu, HIV) Foreign Matters (Pollens & Chemicals) Colds, flu & other contagious diseases are a consequence of immune system failure to RECOGNISE & ERADICATE these micro organisms. Cancer, diabetes, heart disease & chronic respiratory conditions can also be attributed to a dysfunctional immune system. 49: Dr H. Sherwood Lawrence made an amazing discovery while researching tuberculosis. He found that an ‘Immune Response’ could be transferred from a donor to a recipient by injecting the extracts from white blood cells. He called it ... ‘Transfer Factors’ Universal Donor Molecules Transfer Factors are found in all mammals & they are not species specific. The Transfer Factors from one mammal can transfer immunity to another mammal. Scientists discovered that Transfer Factors exist also in the Colostrum of all MAMMALS Breastfeeding mothers pass on their immunity to their babies. Transfer Factors equip the new cells with the data to recognize, respond & remember when a threat is encountered. Immunigizers Cows and Hens have Heroic Immune Systems US Patent #4,816,563 US Patent #6,468,534 Natural Killer (NK) Cells Our first-line of defence against: • Infectious diseases • Cancer NK Cell Testing Target Cell are Human Cancer Cells NK Cells recognize and attach to Targets Transfer Factor does not kill cancer cells Activated NK cells kill the cancer cells Independent Party Testing Blokhin Russian Oncology Research Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. “A study report antitumor & cytotoxic activity of mononuclear blood cells.” Authors M.V. Kiselevsky, E.O. Khalturina. Director Academician A. Vorobiev The Relation of NK Cell Activity and Health 3624 adults over 40 High NK cell activity lowest risk of cancer over an 11 year study period Low NK activity increased cancer risk associated with diet and lifestyle Lancet 2000 356:1795 The Balance in Transfer Factor All Aspects of Human Body Functions are Carefully Balanced • Body Temperature • Blood Sugar • Heart Rate • Immunity Transfer Factor Programming Immune Functionality's: INFORMATIONAL ENHANCER Z BALANCE Z TRANSFER FACTOR can enable your body’s natural ability to live a longer and healthier life. You can be less susceptible to seasonal colds and flu. You can be less sensitive to environmental allergens. Less subject to age related immune system degeneration Transfer Factor Formulas LIQUID TRANSFER FACTOR Planets only source of liquid Tri-Factor. Transfer factors from bovine colostrum and chicken egg yolk. Stimulates immune function, balances immune responses and programs immune memory. The most efficient immune modulator on earth (1,500 peer review studies). Other Ingredients: Acai Berry, Pomegranate, Blueberry, Elderberry, Apple, Lactoferrin, Purple grape For a healthier, better functioning immune system … Who can benefit form taking Transfer Factor ? Everyone!