6th Grade Career Awareness Syllabus

6th Grade Career Awareness Syllabus
Creekland Middle School
Course Description:
Kelly Spell, M. Ed.
The goal of this course is to promote essential skills and knowledge students need to develop a
positive self-concept. This course will provide students with opportunities to identify interests,
abilities, aptitudes, values, and personality traits as they relate to career planning. Also,
students will develop a keen understanding of the value and benefit of work and be able to
differentiate between jobs and careers.
In this course, middle school students will experience a variety of activities that promote selfawareness, self-management skills, leadership, teamwork, career exploration, and educational
planning related to students’ future educational and career plans. At the conclusion of this
course, students will be able to analyze personal characteristics and apply these characteristics in
the career planning process.
Supplies Needed: The CMS Student Agenda, paper, and pencil or pen are needed for Career Awareness.
Expectations: Students must follow the classroom rules listed below as well as those established by both Creekland
Middle School and the Cherokee County School District.
 Bring your agenda to class each day
 Respect others
 Listen and follow directions
 Speak at appropriate times
 Complete all required assignments
Course Format:
Each class will be taught with a variety of teaching strategies that are designed to give students the
opportunity to discover and discuss real world applications in the areas of work and careers.
Make-Up Policy: Students will be responsible for all assignment(s) missed while absent. Students will need to discuss
with the teacher what assignment(s) need(s) to be completed.
Grading Percentages:
Daily Grades
Career Cruising Tasks
Final Exam
Please sign and return this form.
Parent Signature
Student Signature
Student Name (Printed)
Parent E-mail Address
At the end of the quarter, we will be watching the Disney Pixar movie “Monsters University.” This film incorporates many
examples of the topics discussed in Career Awareness. Though this is considered a “kid” movie, it is rated PG and therefore
your permission is needed in order for your child to participate. Please initial as to whether or not your student may watch
“Monsters University.”
__________ YES, my student may watch “Monsters University” at the end of the quarter.
__________ NO, my student MAY NOT watch “Monsters University” at the end of the quarter.