Experiential Learning Requirement Checklist

Experiential Learning Requirement Checklist
Starting thinking early! Think about internships/group projects you may be interested in
doing that will help you gain new skills.
Conduct internship searches. The Academics Office sends weekly emails including internship
postings to help you in your search. You are more than welcome to reach out to companies
directly if you want to coordinate a group project or other internship experience.
Apply! You will most likely need to apply to a few different positions. For summer internships,
applications usually are available starting in January/February.
Secure an internship or group project.
Complete cover sheet and written proposal. The cover sheet and proposal guidelines are all
available on the Freshwater 980 D2L site. You will need to get approval signatures on your
cover sheet from: 1) your site supervisor, 2) your faculty advisor, 3) Dr. Michael Carvan.
Upload finished cover sheet and written proposal to D2L. Preferably this will happen before
you start you internship/project. You all have access to this D2L site at all time
Start your internship or project! Make the most of this experience!
Complete and submit your mid-term self-evaluation. Upload to D2L.
Have your site supervisor complete mid-term and final evaluations. Upload to D2L.
Write your final report. This includes a 1 page “abstract” to highlight your skills, knowledge,
and experiences gained during your internship and during your time at SFS. This should be a
snap shot of you that may be useful during future job searches and interviews. Upload to D2L.
Create final presentation and presentation flyer. Upload presentation to D2L. Schedule a
presentation date to Lindsay (lgfrost@uwm.edu). Give your presentation!
Complete Freshwater 980 for a total of 3 credits. This may happen at a variety of times
depending on when you start/finish your internship or project. Note that you can take 1 credit
at a time if needed, for a total of 3 credits (you must be enrolled in at least 1 credit of
coursework in the semester which you plan to graduate. Plan accordingly.). You will not
receive a grade for 980 until you have completed and submitted all required components.
Attend monthly 980 internship meetings. You are required to attend these whenever you are
in an internship and also while you are enrolled in 980. Part of your grade is based on