IB STYLEE QUESTIONS POPULATION & CHANGE Explain the differences in [births | natural increase | mortality | fertility | life expectancy] in two contrasting geographical locations. [5 marks] Describe the population pyramid for Niger for 2010. [4 Marks] Describe the population pyramid for Australia for 2010. [4 Marks] Compare the population structure shown in the year 2010 demographic pyramids. [4 Marks] Demographic structure can be used to demonstrate stages of development. Explain how the population pyramids show that Australia is more developed than Niger. [6 Marks] With reference to the population change shown between Niger 2010 and Niger 2050, what considerations will need to be made in the provision of services and employment between 2010 and 2050? [6 Marks] With reference to the population change shown between Australia 2010 and Australia 2050, what considerations will need to be made in the provision of services and employment between 2010 and 2050? [6 Marks] UN Projection: Changes in Fertility Rates 1950 – 2000 and future projections 2000 – 2050 1. Describe the differences between the High, Medium and Low projections of Fertility rate. [3 marks] 2. Define population momentum. [2 marks] 3. Discuss the problems that population momentum could cause in any country with similar projected fertility rates (to that in the graph above) in the immediate and long term future. [10 marks] Examine the impacts of youthful or ageing populations. [10 Marks] “Government attempts to control population growth are ineffective.” Discuss this statement. [15 Marks] Referring to a specific example, describe the positive | negative impacts that national (internal) migrations have at their origins | destinations. [6 Marks] "Migrations within a county's borders have greater negative impacts at their origin than their destination.' Discuss this statement. [15 Marks] Referring to a specific example, describe the positive | negative impacts that a international migration has had at it's origins | destinations. [6 Marks] "Gender inequality exists to some extent, in many areas of society, in all countries of the world" Geographically examine this statement. [15 Marks] DISPARITIES IN WEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT Explain how debt relief and aid may reduce disparities. [5 Marks] Explain how trade and remittances may reduce disparities. [5 Marks] Explain how trade and access to markets may reduce disparities. [5 Marks] PATTERNS IN ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND SUSTAINABILITY Describe the energy balance between solar and long wave radiation in the atmospheric systems [5 marks] Explain the changes in the balance between solar and long wave radiation due to external forcings. [5 marks] Explain the changes in solar and long wave radiation due to changes in the albedo of the atmosphere. [5 marks] Explain the factors affecting access to safe drinking water. [ Marks 5] PATTERNS IN RESOURCE CONUMPTION should be specifically located. Include well drawn, large, relevant maps, sketches, tables and diagrams as often as applicable. 1. Diagram A shows the actual crude birth and death rates for an unspecified country from 1949 to 2000. Diagram B shows changes in the fertility rate for 1950 to 2000 and three future projections for 2000 to 2050. Diagram A Actual Crude Birth and Death Rates for an unspecified country 1949 2000 50 45 40 35 30 CBR and 25 CDR (per 1000) 20 15 10 3 M04/320/HS(1) 2000 1997 1994 1991 Diagram B: UN Projection 1988 1985 1982 1979 1976 1973 1970 1967 1964 1961 1955 1952 1949 (Question0 1 continued) 1958 5 Changes in Fertility Rates 1950 2000Crude and future 2000 2050 Crude Birth Rate Death projections Rate 7 (This question continues on the following page) 6 5 224-022 Children 4 per woman 3 2 1 High (a) (b) (c) (d) Medium 2050 2045 2040 2035 2030 2025 2020 2015 2010 2005 2000 1995 1990 1985 1980 1975 1970 1965 1960 1955 1950 0 Low State the year when the rate of population growth is greatest, and then calculate the rate and explain briefly how this was done. [3 marks] Explain why the highest birth rate does not coincide with the highest fertility rate. [2 marks] Describe and explain the pattern of population growth that results from the mortality and fertility rates of the country shown in the diagrams. [10 marks] Discuss the problems that any country with similar projected fertility rates could face in the immediate and long term future. [10 marks] 3. The diagram shows the pressure placed on the environment by people in 1995 for selected countries. The impact is measured by the WWF1 in consumption units. Consumption pressure per person Consumption pressure of whole country pressure units population × pressure units 0.85 2.74 0.47 2.35 1.53 0.79 0.88 1.52 0.78 2.35 1.70 1.58 0.95 1.52 1.43 1.92 2.35 0.99 0.95 China United States India Japan Russian Fed. Indonesia Brazil Germany Pakistan S. Korea Italy France Mexico Thailand UK Spain Canada Philippines Iran 1040 m 723 m 443 m 294 m 225 m 167 m 142 m 124 m 110 m 106 m 97 m 92 m 92 m 88 m 83 m 76 m 69 m 67 m 65 m 1 unit = world average consumption Consumption units are based on the global consumption patterns of grain, fish, wood, fresh water, energy and land. [Source: Living Planet Report 1998, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 1 ] (a) (b) (c) (d) 224-022 Describe the pattern of consumption pressure per person shown in the diagram. [3 marks] Briefly explain why there is no correlation between the two sets of data shown in the diagram (consumption pressure per person and consumption pressure of the whole country). [3 marks] With reference to one resource of your choice, describe and explain the recent changes in its pattern of production and consumption. (Any period within the past 50 years would be acceptable.) [7 marks] Explain the concept of development and then assess the impact of development on resource exploitation and the environment at a global scale. [12 marks]