Financial Learner Support Fund Policy 2015-16

Financial Learner Support Fund Policy 2015-16
The Learner Support Fund is an annual funding allocation through the Skills Funding Agency
(SFA) and Education Funding Agency (EFA) to Hull Training and Adult Education (HTAE). It is
used to provide financial help to learners whose access to, or completion of education might be
inhibited by lack of finance. When assessing and paying learners, the Service will follow equality
legislation, which means that they cannot discriminate against any learner, directly or indirectly
and is also subject to the public sector equality duty in Section 149(1) of the Equality Act 2010.
This policy sets out the principles HTAE adheres to in allocating Learning Support Funds to
Funds may only be used for the benefit of learners on EFA or SFA funded courses who
meet the eligibility criteria.
The fund will be open for applications from 1st July annually; application forms will be
available in paper format from all centre receptions and electronic format on the Service’s
website and Learners’ Zone.
Applications will be accepted from eligible learners from the opening date of the fund until
funds run out. However, applications will not be processed until a learner is fully enrolled.
Funding is not guaranteed by the acceptance of an application form.
There are three types of funding available:
16-19 Learners’ Bursary Scheme
o Vulnerable
o Discretionary
Free breakfast and lunches
Discretionary Support Fund 19+ Learners
o Hardship
o Childcare
24+ Advanced Learning Loan Bursary Fund
o Hardship
o Childcare
Appendix 1 Guidance for learners on the Bursary
p 9-10
Appendix 2 Application Form for 16-19 Bursary
p 11-14
Appendix 3 Guidance for 19+ Discretionary Learner Support (DLS)
p 15-17
Appendix 4 Application Form for 19+ DLS
p 18-20
Appendix 5 Application Form for 20+ Childcare
p 21-24
To be eligible to receive either of the 16-19 bursaries in the 2015/16 academic year, a learner
must be:
under 19 on 31st August of the year of application for a bursary
19+ with a Learning Difficulty Assessment (LDA) or and Education, Health and Care Plan
(ECHP) due to their high needs
enrolled on a course funded by the EFA (either directly or via a local authority);
eligible under the residency criteria of the EFA and SFA
studying for a minimum of 12 Guided Learning Hours per week.
on a Means-Tested Benefit or on a Low Income (an annual household income
below £30 000 including all benefits) or eligible for free school meals, evidenced by a P60,
Job Centre Plus letter, or a Tax credit award notice.
able to maintain an acceptable level of behaviour, performance and attendance in order to
receive their bursary.
The 16-19 Bursary Fund has two elements:
A Vulnerable Bursary of up to £1 200 a year depending on circumstances and benefits for
learners who are:
 aged 16-19 who are in care;(evidence required - letter from Local Authority)
 care leavers; (evidence required- letter from Local Authority)
 unaccompanied asylum seeker; (evidence required- letter from Local Authority)
 young people in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit in their own name;
(evidence required- letter from DWP)and
 disabled young people in receipt of both Employment Support Allowance or Universal
Credit and in receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments.
(evidence required- letter from DWP)
Learners will be eligible for a bursary of up to £1 200 if their course lasts for 30 weeks or more. If
the course lasts more than 10 weeks but less than 30 weeks, the bursary will be pro-rata to the
course length, weekly attendance and behaviour.
Additional travel subsidies will be made available when it is assessed that travel costs could
be a barrier to attendance. This could be in the form of a weekly bus pass.
Trips that are linked to curriculum of Service activities that include an overnight stay may
also be funded.
Free breakfast and lunches will be offered,
and a free NUS card after attendance of 6 weeks
Traineeship 16-19 Guaranteed Bursary
The maximum duration for a traineeship is six months (26 weeks) and therefore the maximum
value of a bursary for a on a traineeship is £1 040. This will be pro-rata to the course length and
weekly attendance.
Discretionary Bursaries awarded by the Service to young people in ways that best fit the needs
and circumstances of our learners. Bursary awards are targeted towards those young people who
face the greatest financial barriers to participation. Discretionary awards are made by the Service
to learners who meet the 16-19 Discretionary Bursary fund eligibility criteria.
Discretionary Bursary Fund Eligibility Criteria
The Service may make payments of up to £1 000 for full time learners to cover costs such as:
 travel;
 meals;
 books;
 stationery;
 attending interviews and open days.
The Service may consider other exceptional circumstances when assessing the need for financial
The Discretionary Bursary Offer
Those learners eligible for Discretionary 16-19 Bursary funding will:
receive £5 per day they attend provision.
be offered breakfast and lunch.
be offered a bus pass, but the cost will be deducted from the bursary or they can opt for the
entire bursary or a proportion of the bursary and a bus pass.
receive an NUS card after 6 weeks attendance.
receive a £50 payment after 6 weeks if their attendance, progress and behaviour has been
Conditions of Payment
Payments will depend on acceptable level of performance and attendance. Where
attendance or performance is unsatisfactory, payment can either be withheld or reclaimed.
Payment will also be subject to satisfactory behaviour in accordance with the Service’s
Learner Code of Conduct. Therefore any learner under a sanction within the Disciplinary
Procedure will not be eligible to receive payments.
The Service reserves the right to reclaim monies paid to learners where information given
on the application form is found to be false.
The Service reserves the right to reclaim monies paid to learners where the learner has
withdrawn before the end of the course.
General Information:
Where the learner turns 19 during their programme of study, they can continue to be
supported to the end of the academic year in which they turn 19, or to the end of the
programme of study, whichever is sooner.
Funds will not be awarded to learners if they received any form of funding during the
previous academic year and did not complete their course, unless they repay the funds
Hull Training and Adult Education Service (HTAE) recognises that the Discretionary Learning
Support Fund (DLSF) has an important role to play in removing barriers which some learners face
in accessing or completing their course. The Service aims to use the funds to make the maximum
impact on recruitment, retention, achievement and success rates.
The Discretionary Support (DLS) fund is aimed at supporting learners with a specific financial
hardship that prevents them from taking part in learning. Before making an award, the Service will
identify the learner’s specific financial hardship within the following areas:
19 or over and in financial hardship
20 or over with childcare issues
Learners funded through 24+Loans can get access to DLS through the dedicated 24+
Advanced Learning Loans Bursary Fund (see below for further details).
Priorities for Funding
Those in care or recently left care
Those on probation
Those eligible for fee remission because they are, or they are dependent upon someone
else, who is receiving a means tested benefit.
Learners aged 19-23 taking a first full level 2
Learners aged 19-23 taking a first full level 3
Learners on skills for life programmes
Learners with learning difficulties/disabilities
Disadvantaged learners
Those recently made redundant
Those with a total household income under £16 000 and up to £25 521 with dependent
children, where any funding will be on a sliding scale of need.
The fund is to support learners studying on Adult Skills Budget provision only. Applications can
be made at any time of the year. It will be distributed in an equitable and consistent way,
following the regulations issued by the SFA. A means tested assessment will be used in all
cases and awards given against set criteria. Learners who are eligible for support are not
automatically entitled to it and all support is subject to funds being available.
To be eligible for financial assistance learners must:
be an enrolled as a learner on a course funded by the SFA
be aged 19+ (or 20+ for childcare)
have been ‘ordinarily resident’ in the British Isles or European Economic Area (EEA)
for purposes other than education for the last three years
satisfy the residency criterion. This means having a British or Northern Ireland passport, or
o Having your passport endorsed to show you have the right of abode in the UK
o Having ‘settled status’ in the UK.
Full Funded and Part Funded Learner entitlement
 If you are being “fully funded” by the SFA for your programme of study, you may only apply
to DLS for support with childcare issues (if you are 20 plus), or transport
Learners who are paying something for their programme of study and are part funded by
SFA may apply for these categories, 19 and over in financial hardship, 20+ with childcare.
Learners whose needs would be better supported with the provision of learning support rather
than DLS will be advised accordingly.
Please seek advice if you are unsure from your tutor or Reception.
19+ Hardship Fund
The 19+ hardship funding is provided to support vulnerable and disadvantaged leraners
and to remove barriers to education or training.
Payments made through this fund are based on learners' needs and local circumstances.
The types of support offered include:
 Course related costs (including course trips, books and equipment, support with
domestic emergencies and emergency accommodation);
 Transport;
 Examination fees;
 Accreditation fees, professional membership fees and any fees or charges due to
external bodies;
 Registration fees.
If an asylum seeker is eligible for provision the Service may provide learner support in the
form of course-related books, equipment or a travel pass. No support will be provided in the
form of cash.
Financial Criteria for fee support
Household Income
£16 000 and under
£17 000 - £18 000
£18 001 - £19 000
£19 001 - £20 000
£20 001 - £21 000
£21 001 - £22 000
£22 001 – £23 000
£23,001 – £24,000
£24 001 – £25 521
Learner to pay reduced fee or discretionary fee les 100%, depending
upon dependents
Learner to pay reduced fee or discretionary fee less 90%, depending
upon dependents
Learner to pay reduced fee or discretionary fee less 80%, depending
upon dependents
Learner to pay reduced fee or discretionary fee less 70%, depending
upon dependents.
Learner to pay reduced fee or discretionary fee less 60%, depending
upon dependents
Learner to pay reduced fee or discretionary fee less 50%, depending
upon dependents
Learner to pay reduced fee or discretionary fee less 40%, depending
upon dependents
Learner to pay reduced fee or discretionary fee less 30%, depending
upon dependents.
Learner to pay reduced fee or discretionary fee less 20%, depending
upon dependents.
20+ Childcare
20+ childcare funding provides targeted childcare support for learners who are at risk of not
starting learning, or not continuing learning, as a result of difficulty getting childcare.
The Service’s childcare provision will be the first option available to learners and when
this is not available alternative childcare provision may be supported if the following criteria
are met
o Childcare funding can only be provided to pay for childcare with a provider who is
registered with Ofsted. Amounts are dependent on individual need and arrangements
of learners and provider. Funding is paid directly to the childcare provider.
Eligible costs
Equipment/Materials/Protective clothing
Equipment necessary to complete the
course as agreed with the course tutor.
Up to a maximum of 100% of costs
Receipts must be shown
Awards will be calculated using the
cheapest form of transport.
Up to 100%.
Only in exceptional circumstances will taxi fares be
Tickets must be shown
(books compulsory for your course as
agreed with the tutor.)
Up to a maximum of £100.
Receipts must be shown
DBS check
For learners on courses where a DBS
check is a requirement.
A single award to cover DBS cost.
Educational visits
Visits which are part of a course as agreed
with the course tutor.
100% of cost up to a maximum of £200
Fees/Exam fees
For learners in the priority groups who are
not eligible for a Service fee remission.
50%-90% for those in the priority groups, dependent
upon the cost of the course and household income.
For a learner aged 20+ who is the main
carer of a child up to 11 years old and who
is not eligible for any Free Childcare
100% of cost of childcare whilst attending their course,
up to a maximum of £160 per child per week at an
Ofsted registered crèche.
Domestic Emergencies
Unexpected domestic emergencies which
impact on a learner’s ability to continue or
complete their course.
As negotiated.
1. Learners receive information about DLS funding through on-line leaflets or through tutors or at
2. Learners make an application for funding using a Discretionary Learning Support Fund
application form at any time during the year. (see Appendix 2)
3. The application will be tested against the set criteria, evidence will be checked and the
application discussed with the learner and the tutor as required. Proof of low income can be
4. If the learner is eligible the application will be processed.
5. The award will be paid in the most appropriate manner.
 Payments to childcare providers will be given directly to the provider.
 Payments for equipment will be given directly to the supplier.
 Payments directly to a learner will only be given on receipt of tickets/receipts.
The 24+ advanced learning loans bursary fund is aimed at helping vulnerable learners who are
being funded through a 24+ Learning Loan such as those with learning difficulties or disabilities,
parents who need help with childcare and ex-military personnel.
The 24+ advanced learning loans bursary is only available to those eligible learners who have had
a loan approved by the Student Loans Company. The Loans Bursary Fund will provide funding for
the following:
 Childcare
 DBS clearance
 Essential books
Learning Support such as:
 support for Additional Learning Support Workers
 necessary adjustments under the Equality Act
Learning support for learners with learning difficulties and disabilities (additional learning support)
will be available following assessment in line with existing Service policy for up to a value of
£2 000 per year. Support above this level will be available subject to a decision made by two
managers. This will include a financial decision based on whether the Service can afford
reasonable adjustments and the requirement of the Equality Act.
 learners should apply direct to Additional Learning Support for this element.
 The fund will be distributed by the Service and is not an entitlement.
Conditions of Payments
a) Payments will depend on attendance of at least 85%. Where attendance is unsatisfactory,
payment can either be withheld or reclaimed.
b) Payment will also be subject to satisfactory behaviour in accordance with the Service’s Learner
Code of Conduct. Therefore any learner under a sanction within the Disciplinary Procedure will
not be eligible to receive payments.
c) Awards must be claimed within 14 days of receipt of award letter, by returning acceptance form
and bank details.
d) The Service reserves the right to reclaim monies paid to learners where information given on
the application form is found to be false.
e) The Service reserves the right to reclaim monies paid to learners where the learner has
withdrawn before the end of the course.
General information on all Support Funds
Learners have the right to appeal a decision. This must be in writing to the Lead Manager within
21 days of receiving confirmation of an award or a rejection. The letter should set out the reasons
for the appeal which must prove that they have been wrongly assessed as falling outside the
eligibility criteria, plus any further evidence to support the Appeal. The decision of the Lead
Manager is final and will be given in writing within 14 days of the decision.
The fund will be audited annually within the Service’s annual audit.
5% of the annual fund from the Skills Funding Agency and Education Funding Agency will be
used by the Service for the administration of the fund.
This policy, together with the procedures and practice, will be reviewed at the end of each
academic year.
The operation of the Learner Support Fund is by the Learning Support Team.
The Learning Support Team’s remit in relation to the Learning Support Fund is to:
o Revise procedures in line with new regulations and identify good practice
o Propose approval of the criteria for awards for the Support Fund as allocated by the
o Monitor expenditure on a termly basis
o Track retention of learners claiming Learner Support Funding
o Set and monitor Service standards
o Review the Learner Support Fund policy annually
Appendix 1 Application Form for 16-19
Bursary Fund Application Form for the 2015 to 2016
academic year
This completed Application Form and evidence must be handed in within 4 weeks of your start
date. If the Application Form and evidence is presented later than that date, payments can only
be backdated up to 4 weeks.
Please complete the form and bring it together with your supporting evidence on your first
First name:
Age: (You must be 16, 17,18 (and
under 19) on 31st August 2015 to
Have you the right of abode and been resident in the UK for the
last 3 years?
Bursary Criteria
To qualify you must be aged 16 or over and under 19 on 31 August 2015 and meet the EFA’s
residency criteria. The bursary is paid to enable you to attend training with us and will only be paid
if your attendance, performance and behaviour meet the required standard. Time sheets must
also be completed to enable you to receive bursary payments.
Vulnerable Bursary Criteria
To qualify you must fall into one of the below categories and produce the required evidence as
Are you in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit? (evidence required Yes
Income Support or Universal Credit Statement Letter)
Care Leaver or currently looked after in care or unaccompanied asylum
seeker? (evidence required - letter from Local Authority)
Disabled in receipt of both Employment Support Allowance/Universal Credit
equivalent and Disability Living Allowance/Personal Independence Payments
(evidence required, financial statement showing both ESA + DLA/PIP)
Discretionary Bursary Criteria
Your household income is one of the criteria which will help us to assess your application. If your
TOTAL Household income exceeds £30,000 per annum including all benefits and working tax
credits; you will not be eligible for a Bursary payment.
Please tick to indicate what type of evidence you have provided. If you cannot provide evidence
then we cannot process your application for bursary payments.
Income Support/Universal
Full TCAN Notice
Credit (award letter)
Self employed earnings
Other benefits/pension
Wage slips for household
(official tax return)
(award letter)
Please list the names of the household members and relationship to :
Relationship to
The amount of financial assistance you will receive is dependent on your personal circumstances.
It is intended to help you with the costs of overcoming any financial barriers you may have when
attending learning
Using the table below, please tell us what you will need financial assistance for and how much
you believe you will need for each day in education.
This information is strictly confidential and will only be used for this assessment purpose.
How much will you
How many
Meals: Please  Breakfast  (and/or) Lunch 
Appropriate clothing to suit training and placement
Equipment ( books, stationery etc)
Any other
Free Meals
Free meals are targeted at disadvantaged s. For the purposes of eligibility for free meals,
‘disadvantage’ is defined by the s being in receipt of, or having parents who are in receipt of, one
or more of the following benefits?
 Income support based Jobseekers Allowance (ESA)
 support under part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
 the guarantee element of State Pension Credit
 Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual
gross income of no more than £16 190, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and
 Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 wks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.
 During the initial roll out of the benefit, Universal Credit
Are you claiming for a free meal? Yes 
No 
Learners who claim the ‘Free Meal’ element may still be eligible to claim the Discretionary
Please be aware that the Service can choose to pay Bursary Awards ‘in kind’ e.g. by purchasing any
equipment required or providing s with a bus ticket.
Please provide your bank details below, as printed on your bank card or statement. Bursary
payments will be paid directly into learner’s bank accounts only (by BACS). Please be aware that
Providers can choose to pay Bursary awards ‘in kind’ e.g. by purchasing any equipment required or
providing learners with a travel pass.
Account Name:
BIB Reference (Admin use):
Account Number:
Sort Code:
I declare that the information on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I have made this claim for Bursary payment, fully aware that any false statements can lead to
withdrawal/refusal of any financial support and may lead me open to prosecution.
I understand that if I refuse to provide information which may be relevant to my claim, the
application will not be accepted.
I understand that monies I receive under the Bursary Scheme will be paid on condition of
standards of attendance and behaviour, as explained in the Bursary Fund – Information for
I will attend regularly and complete the course for which my bursary is supporting me.
When changes to my household financial circumstances occur (which may result in changes to
my claim), I confirm will notify my institution immediately.
I understand that monies I receive under the Bursary Scheme have been awarded to provide
me with financial support to allow me to continue in education, and if I leave education all
financial support will stop.
I understand that I do not have an automatic entitlement to Bursary payments, and all
payments are based on the information I have provided.
I am clear that the Bursary payments I receive are to provide me with means to remain in
education and are to be used for items such as: books, equipment, travel costs, meals,
additional costs i.e. trips, miscellaneous course costs.
I understand I have the right to appeal if I disagree with the outcome of my Bursary Application.
This appeal should be made to my institution, but if I feel I have not been treated fairly, I can
follow the Complaints Procedure as explained during the Induction.
I confirm I have read the ‘Bursary Fund - Information for learners’ which was
given to me with this application.
Applicant Signature:
Assessment and Approval 2015/16
Eligibility – please tick appropriate box ()
Free Meals
Those young people who receive income support/universal credit
Care Leavers or young people who are looked after children, or
unaccompanied asylum seekers
Disabled young people in receipt of both Employment Support
Allowance/Universal Credit equivalent and Disability Living
Young people facing financial barriers to participation in further
education. Agreed standards of behaviour and attendance
should be met.
Young people who qualify under the Guidance Rules and whose
household is in receipt of one of the benefits criteria listed.
Granted 
Assistance Requested
Breakfast 
(and/or) Lunch 
Free Meals – in accordance with meeting criteria listed on page 2
Date recorded on ILR :
Appropriate clothing to suit training and placement requirements
Equipment (books, stationery etc)
Any other
NOTE - Must fall within guide amounts
Guidance Notes on Bursaries for the Academic year 2015/16
Hull Training and Adult Education’s (HTAE) 16-19 Bursary Fund is designed to help and support
any learners who faces financial barriers to participation in education and training, such as costs
of transport, food or equipment.
The Bursary scheme is divided into two parts:
Guaranteed Bursary
This bursary is to the value £1 200 a year pro rata which is equivalent to £40 per week for 30
weeks for learners attending fulltime (5 days per week). Learners who attend on a part-time basis
will be paid a daily rate of £8 per day’s attendance.
It will be awarded to:
 aged 16-19 who are in care;(evidence required - letter from Local Authority)
 care leavers; (evidence required- letter from Local Authority)
 unaccompanied asylum seeker; (evidence required- letter from Local Authority)
 young people in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit in their own name;
(evidence required- letter from DWP)and
 disabled young people in receipt of both Employment Support Allowance or Universal
Credit and in receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments.
(evidence required- letter from DWP)
Discretionary Bursary
This bursary is available to learners not eligible for the full Guaranteed Bursary
In receipt of 1 or more of the following
 Income Support;
 Income related Job Seekers Allowance;
 Income related Employment & support allowance;
 Support under part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999;
 The guarantee element of State Pension Credit;
 Child tax credit (provided they are not entitled to Working tax credit) and have an annual
gross income of less than £16 190, as assessed by Her Majesty’s revenue & Customs;
 Working tax run on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for working tax credit.
Additionally, learners who do not meet the above criteria will be eligible for a discretionary
bursary if the household net income is less than £30 000 per annum including working tax
credits and all benefits.
Evidence is required in all instances
The level of support which Hull Training can offer is dependent on the total funding received from
the Funding Agency and the number of applications it receives. The level of funding may vary
during the academic year.
This is currently set at £1 000 a year, pro-rata which is equivalent to £25 per week for 30 weeks
for full time learners. Learners who attend on a part-time basis will be paid a daily rate pro rata.
Additional Help
Under exceptional circumstances learners who are not automatically eligible for an award can
also apply for help with one off course related expenses (proof of income or hardship will be asked
for). Applications for additional help will be considered on an individual basis and is dependent
upon available funds.
Payment Conditions
 All bursary payments will be directly linked to attendance, behaviour and performance.
 All bursary payments will be paid directly into a learner’s bank account or by cash for
smaller amounts. Vouchers may be given.
 Eligible learners must be under 19 on 31 August 2015 and enrolled on a non-fee paying full
time course.
Free Meals
In 2015-16, eligible learners will be provided with free meals (or vouchers where appropriate).
Eligibility will be assessed against the criteria used for the discretionary bursary.
Learners who received bursary in 2014-2015 must re-apply to continue receiving.
Guidance Notes on 19+ Discretionary Learning Support for the Academic
year 2015/16
The Discretionary Learner Support Fund can be used to help learners with the costs associated
with further education which may include childcare, transport, trips and other equipment. These
guidelines will help you fill in the form to apply for the Learner Support Fund. Please read them
before you start filling in the form.
How do I qualify for the Learner Support Fund?
You must be:  Aged 19+ or aged over 24 studying entry level, level 1 or level 2 (24+ learners studying
level 3 and over must apply for a 24+ loans bursary)
 Meet the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) residency eligibility criteria
And you or your family are receiving one of the following:
 Working Tax Credit
 Income Support
 Job Seekers Allowance (Income based)
 Employment Support Allowance (Income based)
 Housing Benefit
 Council Tax Reduction Scheme
 Universal Credit
Or are on a low income: Between 16 000 and £25 521
You cannot apply if you are:
 Studying on a Higher Education Course
 Studying a Community Learning course.
 Studying a ‘self funded’ course or course not funded by the SFA
Free Meals
Learners aged between 19 and 25 who are subject to a Learning Disability Assessment (LDA) or
Education Health and Care Plan (EHC) will be eligible if they or their parent/carer qualifies for one
of the following benefits:
 Income Support
Income based Jobseekers Allowance
Income related Employment and Support Allowance
Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax Credit) provided annual income, assessed by the
Inland Revenue does not exceed £16 190
Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Working Tax Credit run on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for WTC)
Universal Credit
Part 1: Learner Details
Please complete this section regarding your personal details. All applications must be completed
by the learner.
Part 2: Learning Programme
Please confirm details of the course that you are studying and the year of study.
Part 3: Residential Status
Please state your residency status. To qualify for this fund you must meet residency criteria as set
out in the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) regulations 2014/2015.
Part 4: About the other people living in your home
Please use this section to confirm your living arrangements.
Part 5: Income
Please use this section to complete details of your household income. This section allows us to
assess your financial need for assistance.
*Please note your application may be returned if you do not provide evidence with your
Part 6: What do you need assistance with?
6a - Travel
 If you are studying a part time course, please confirm your travel costs as requested as we
may be able to offer a contribution towards the cost of this.
 If you are studying a full time course and living more than 3 miles from the Centre, we may
be able to buy you a travel pass for the whole year. Please ask for more details.
6b – Essential Books
 We will purchase essential books on your behalf
6c – Tuition & Exam Fees
 Learners who do not qualify for concession fees will be expected to pay a contribution. This
will depend on personal circumstances.
6d – Childcare
 You may be able to receive a contribution towards childcare costs. Please ensure you
complete the relevant childcare form.
Childcare providers must be Ofsted registered and a copy of their Ofsted certificate must
be supplied. We will also need a copy of the child’s birth certificate.
If you or your family are claiming the child care element of working tax credits, you may not
be eligible to claim childcare costs from the Learner Support Fund.
Students under 20 years of age requiring childcare:
If you are a young parent under 20 years old and want to study you can get childcare support from
Care to Learn. Care to Learn can help to pay for child care and travel costs.
Students aged under 20 must apply for a Care to Learn Grant.
Further information and application forms can be obtained by calling tel. 0800 121 8989 or visiting If you need assistance in filling in your application form, your
Learning Support Manager can help. The childcare provider you choose must be registered on
the Ofsted childcare register. Completed forms must be returned to the Learning Support
Manager for signing.
Part 7 – Statement of Support
Please use this section to state your reasons for applying. The information given will be taken into
account when processing your application. Please give us as much detail as possible and attach
any additional sheets if necessary.
Payment Details
Payment will be made either into your bank account or by cash for smaller amounts (at our
discretion). Vouchers may be given for bus passes. Childcare payments will be made directly to
the crèche.
Make sure your account can accept BACS Direct Credits. (Payment made directly into your bank
account) Sorry but we cannot pay into Post Office Card Accounts
Name of Account Holder:
Sort Code:
Account Number (8
Please make sure you have read the guidance notes before completing this form.
Household Income Limit - £25 521
Proof of gross taxable household income must be provided with your application. This must
be for the financial year ending April 2015 and only the following evidence is acceptable:
 Tax Credit Award Notice 15/16 which shows finalised income for 14/15 tax year
 P60 (s) – Proof of gross income for previous year
 Last 3 months or 12 weeks’ pay slips
 Self-assessment details for the most recent trading year end
 Means tested welfare benefits letter dated within 3 months of your application
 Pension statement
*Please only send photocopies of evidence as we are unable to return original documents*
Free Meals
Learners who are aged between 19 and 25 who are subject to a Learning Difficulty Assessment
(LDA) or EHC plan and who are in receipt of, or whose parents are in receipt of a qualifying benefit
will be eligible for a free meal for each day they attend their programme of study (full time learners
only). Please see the guidelines attached for qualifying benefits. Evidence of your award of the
benefit must be provided.
Part 1: Learner Details
Tel No
Email address
Are you in employment/self employed
Date of birth
If yes how many hours do you work per week?
Part 2: Course Information
Course Title
Start date
End date
Part 3: Residential Status
Have you been resident in the UK or EU for the whole of the 3 year period prior to
starting your course
□ Yes □ No If no, please provide details
Part 4: About the other people living in your home
□ My application for financial help is based on my income because I live alone
□ My application for financial help is based on my family’s income
□ Parent
□ Parents
□ Carers
□ supported housing
□ shared house
Part 5a: Income – to be completed by the applicant if living alone or by
parent(s)/guardian(s) if applicant lives at home
I am in receipt of Jobseekers/Employment & Support Allowance (income related)
I am in receipt of Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction Scheme
I am in receipt of Income Support
I am in receipt of Universal Credit
I am current employed
Part 5b:Financial Statement
Your parent(s)/guardian(s) income – Gross earned annual
income/self employed earnings
Your income – Gross earned annual income
Your Partner/spouse – please indicate monthly/annually
Maintenance payments – please indicate monthly/annually
Total household income £
If you are self employed and are unable to provide a tax credit award notice then we
will need additional information from your accountant
Part 6: What assistance are you applying to the Learner Support Fund for?
□ Travel
How will you travel to your
We can only fund public
Tuition and Exam Fees (please read the attached guidelines regarding payment
of fees)
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
Essential Books
Essential Materials/Resources
Childcare (if you wish to apply for childcare funding, you will need to complete
the Childcare application form).
Part 7: Statement of support – please use the space below to give any further
information to support your application.
Declaration: By signing in the box below
You confirm that:
The information in this application is true and accurate
You have not applied for help towards any general living costs
Your household income is less than £25 521
You understand that:
Completing this application form does not automatically mean that you will receive learning
support funds, as this is a discretionary fund.
 If your attendance is less than 85% and/or reports from your tutor are not satisfactory,
financial support my be withdrawn
 If your application for financial assistance is unsuccessful or successful in part, you will be
liable for all outstanding fees/costs related to your course.
 The information on this form may be shared, on a need to know basis with other
departments within the service.
 You must inform the Learning Support Manager of any changes of address or contact
 If you withdraw from your course you must inform the Learning Support Manager
and you will be required to repay the full amount of any award received.
 You will be subject to the Hull City Councils debt collection procedure if you do not make
satisfactory arrangements to repay any awards you have received, if you withdraw from
your course,
Data Protection: Fair Processing Notice
The information you have given on this form will be used by HTAE in connection with your
application to the Learner Support Fund and its subsequent administration. Limited personal
information will be process by a third party on behalf of HTAE for the purposes of managing the
distribution of funds. HTAE may be obliged to share your personal information with certain
agencies or organisations subject to their own fair processing notices.
Today’s date
Print your name
Applications are processed in the order that they are received, and will start to be processed from
July 2015. Please note that at busy times this can take up to 15-20 working days. You will
receive notification of your award and you will be contacted if we require any further information, of
if anything is missing.
Please return the completed form to
Learning Support Manager
Hull Training and Adult Education
Endeavour Learning and Skills
Fountain Road
Hull HU2 9PH
Date approved
Date rejected
Letter sent
Letter sent
24+ LOANS BURSARY FUND 2015/2016
Please make sure you have read the guidance notes before completing this form.
Learners Aged 24 and over and studying at level 3 and above on the 31st August 2015
Household Income Limit - £25 251
Proof of gross taxable household income must be provided with your application. This must be for
the financial year ending April 2015 and only the following evidence is acceptable:
 Tax Credit Award Notice 15/16 which shows finalised income for 14/15 tax year
 P60 (s) – Proof of gross income for previous year
 Last 3 months or 12 weeks’ pay slips
 Self-assessment details for the most recent trading year end
 Means tested welfare benefits letter dated within 3 months of your application
 Pension statement
*Please only send photocopies of evidence as we are unable to return original documents*
Part 1: Learner Details
Email address
Are you in employment/self employed
Tel No
Date of birth
If yes how many hours do you work per week?
Part 2: Course Information
Course Title
Start date
End date
Part 3: Residential Status
Have you been resident in the UK or EU for the whole of the 3 year period prior to
starting your course
□ Yes □ No
If no, please provide details
Part 4: About the other people living in your home
□ My application for financial help is based on my income because I live alone
□ My application for financial help is based on my family’s income
□ Parent
□ Parents
□ Carers
□ spouse/partner
□ supported housing
□ shared house
Part 5a: Income – to be completed by the applicant if living alone or by
parent(s)/guardian(s) if applicant lives at home
I am in receipt of Jobseekers/Employment & Support Allowance (income related)
I am in receipt of Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction Scheme
I am in receipt of Income Support
I am in receipt of Universal Credit
I am current employed
Part 5b:Financial Statement
Your parent(s)/guardian(s) income – Gross earned annual
income/self employed earnings
Your income – Gross earned annual income
Your Partner/spouse – please indicate monthly/annually
Maintenance payments – please indicate monthly/annually
Total household income £
If you are self employed and are unable to provide a tax credit award notice then we
will need additional information from your accountant
Part 6: What assistance are you applying to the Learner Support Fund for?
will you travel to your
We can only fund public
□ Travel How
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
Essential Books
Essential Materials/Resources
Childcare (if you wish to apply for childcare funding, you will need to complete
the Childcare application form).
Part 7: statement of support – please use the space below to give any further
information to support your application.
Declaration: By signing in the box below
You confirm that:
 The information in this application is true and accurate.
 You are in receipt of a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan
 Your household income is less than £25 251
You understand that:
 Completing this document does not automatically mean that you will receive the 24+ Loans
Bursary Fund. It may well be subject to change in the light of the new government
 If your attendance is less than 85% and/or reports from your tutor are not satisfactory,
financial support my be withdrawn
 If your application for financial assistance is unsuccessful or successful in part, you will be
liable for all outstanding fees/costs related to your course.
 The information on this form may be shared, on a need to know basis with other
departments within the service.
 You must inform the Learning Support Manager of any changes of address or contact
 If you withdraw from your course you must inform the Learning Support Manager
and you will be required to repay the full amount of any reward received.
 You will be subject to the Hull City Councils debt collection procedure if you do not make
satisfactory arrangements to repay any awards you have received, if you withdraw from
your course,
Data Protection: Fair Processing Notice
The information you have given on this form will be used by HTAE in connection with your
application to the Learner Support Fund and its subsequent administration. Limited personal
information will be process by a third party on behalf of HTAE for the purposes of managing the
distribution of funds. HTAE may be obliged to share your personal information with certain
agencies or organisations subject to their own fair processing notices.
Today’s date
Print your name
Applications are processed in the order that they are received, and will start to be processed from
July 2015. Please note that at busy times this can take up to 15-20 working days. You will
receive notification of your award and you will be contacted if we require any further information, of
if anything is missing.
Date approved
Date rejected
Letter sent
Letter sent
2015 - 2016
Incomplete or unsigned forms will not be processed – you will also need to complete a
Learner Support Fund or 24+ Loans Bursary application form.
Part 1: Learner Details
Tel No
Email address
Are you in employment/self employed
If yes how many hours do you work per week?
Date of birth
Part 2: About your Partner
Do you live with a partner? (A partner is defined as someone you are married
to/have a civil partnership with or live with as though you are married to/have
a civil partnership with them)
Yes/ No
If yes is your partner in employment/self employed
How many hours a week does your partner work?
I live independently
Part 3: About Your Course
Course Title
Wednesday Thursday
Number of
course hours
Part 4: Your Child’s Details
Please provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate with this application
Name of Child
Date of Birth
Name of
Have you applied for the Early Year’s Grant vouchers? Yes/No – Please delete as necessary.
Entitlement to the Early Years Grant must be taken or its value will be deducted from any financial
support received to help with childcare costs.
Are you claiming the childcare element of Working Tax Credit? Yes/No – Please delete as
If yes how much are you receiving pa? .......................
(Please supply a copy of your Working Tax Credit Award Notice confirming this award)
Part 5: Supporting Information
Please use the space below to give any further information in support of your application.
For example, if you live with a partner and it would be unreasonable for them to look after your
child(ren) please tell us why?
Learner Support Fund Conditions
 Please note that the service does not pay a retainer for the Summer Holiday.
 You may be asked to pay a contribution towards to your childcare costs
 All payments are based on your attendance and progress at service and funding will be
withdrawn if this is not satisfactory. You must achieve 85% attendance or above to receive
continuous funding.
 If the service withdraws the funding you will be responsible for payment of any
outstanding accounts.
 If you are claiming the childcare element of working tax credit you may not be eligible for
any further help.
 Declaration: By signing below
You confirm that:
The information on this form is – to the best of your knowledge – correct and true.
You have Parental Responsibility for the children named on this form and that your
partner (if you have one) is not able to care for them.
You are not on a Work based learning scheme (apprenticeship)
You understand that:
Completing this document does not automatically mean that you will receive the
Learning Support Fund. It may well be subject to change in the light of the new
government directives.
If your attendance is less than 85% and/or reports from your tutor are not satisfactory,
financial support may be withdrawn.
If your application for financial assistance is unsuccessful or successful in part, you will be
liable for all outstanding fees/costs related to your course.
The information on this form may be shared, on a need to know basis with other
departments in the service.
You must inform the Learner Support Manager of any changes of address or contact
If you withdraw from your course you must inform the Learner Support Manager and
you will be required to repay the full amount of any award received.
You will be subject to the Hull City Council debt collection procedure if you do not make
satisfactory arrangements to repay any awards you have received, if you withdraw from
your course.
Data Protection: Fair Processing Notice
The information you have given on this form will be used by the service in connection with your
application to the Learner Support Fund and its subsequent administration. Limited personal
information will be processed by a third party on behalf of the service for the purposes of
managing the distribution of funds. The service may be obliged to share your personal information
with certain agencies or organisations subject to their own fair processing notices.
Signature: ___________________________________________________
Please print your name_________________________________________
Today’s date: ________________________________
Please return this form to:
Learning Support Manager
Hull Training and Adult Education
Endeavour Learning & Skills Centre
Fountain Road
Hull HU2 9PH
Date approved
Date rejected
Letter sent
Letter sent
Part 6: Childcare Provider Details
Please complete and return to
Learning Support Manager
Hull Training and Adult Education
Endeavour Learning & Skills Centre
Fountain Road
Hull HU2 9PH
Company Name:
Post code:
Daytime Telephone Number:
Ofsted Registration Number
(please enclose a copy of the
Certificate with this form)
Details of the children that you have been asked to care for:
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
I confirm that I am providing childcare for the above child/children on the following
days per week. We will only pay for the days the learner attends
Wednesday Thursday
Number of
hours in
your care
Total cost per day
Weekly total
Less Early Years Grant
Total Cost