Scholars Day 2015 Brookdale Community College Scholars Day has several purposes: To showcase research, including methodologies and conclusions To share innovative ideas, concepts and works To expand our knowledge base beyond the traditional classroom To provide an opportunity to socialize with members of the campus community outside of one's own department. We are currently seeking proposals from faculty, administrators, and staff to be considered for this year’s program. We would like to encourage submissions and proposals from departments, divisions and disciplines across the entire college, as well as those who have received BIG grants within the last two years. Faculty, administrators and staff who have received professional development funding are strongly encouraged to submit a proposal. When and Where is Scholars Day 2015? Events will be held in the Student Life Center and Larrison Hall on Thursday May 14, 2015 from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm, in lieu of the traditional year-end Faculty Day. How Can I Participate? Present a session Chair a panel session (this involves recruiting, coordinating, and introducing presenters) Serve as a member of a panel session Facilitate a round table discussion (You select a topic of your choice which serves as the basis for an “open forum” discussion for persons who attend the session) Attend one of the many sessions offered throughout the day to support your peers and learn something new and exciting. Guidelines for Participants: PRESENTATION FORMAT: Presentations may include, but are not limited to, traditional academic conference-style essays, research paper presentations, panel discussions, poster sessions, demonstrations, debates, round table discussions, and artistic performances. TIME ALLOTMENT: Sessions will consist of a 30-35 minute presentation, with additional time for questions. Sessions will be scheduled in one of three 45-minute time slots. If possible, presentations will be grouped according to theme/topic. SUBMISSION INFORMATION/DEADLINE: Submit a proposal of your work (i.e. research paper, demonstration, performance, etc.). Submissions must be returned by April 1, 2015 to either David Wiseman (Psychology Department X2150) or Bill DeVoe (Testing Center X1973). All submissions are restricted to full-time Brookdale employees. Actual presentations are also restricted to full-time college employees. (One exception: a part-time employee who has been sponsored by a full-time employee may present. In such cases, the full-time employee must submit the application, explicitly indicating on the application that he/she is sponsoring the named part-time employee) SCHOLARS DAY 2015 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Please complete the following form and submit to David Wiseman, Psychology Department or Bill DeVoe, Testing Center Name(s): Department/Division: Check one: Faculty Administrator Staff Phone/Email: PRESENTATION INFORMATION Title of Presentation: Type of Presentation: Single Presentation Poster Presentation Panel Presentation Performance Leading A Round Table Discussion Other (please specify) Your Preference for the Time of Your Presentation Please check the box regarding the time period you most prefer to present (we will try to accommodate stated preferences). Time Period 1 (9:45am – 10:30 am) Time Period 2 (10:45-11:30am) Time Period 3 (11:45am-12:30pm) Any Period is fine *Are you Willing To Present in Multiple Sessions* Yes of No (Please Circle) Technology Requirements Computer Projector Overhead Projector TV / DVD player Other (please specify) Check here if you do NOT want your presentation to be videorecorded Please provide an abstract of no more than 150 words describing your presentation or activity. (NOTE: If your submission is accepted, this abstract will appear in the written program COMPLETELY unaltered from what you provide below.) Who is the audience for your presentation? (Check all that apply) Faculty Administrators Staff Keywords Presentations will be grouped by topic as much as possible. To facilitate this process, please identify one or more keywords associated with your submission. (For example: technology, pedagogy, motivating students, etc.) For Panel Presentations: Excluding the primary presenter (coordinator), how many additional presenters will there be for this presentation? _____ Name Department/Division/Office Updated: 2/3/2015 Phone/Email